She Won’t Be Ignored Any Longer by uk_writer_53

“I’m not usually this forward.” looking directly into my eyes he held my gaze, “But I find you extremely attractive and would love to have lunch with you. If you have time that is?”

Surprised at his boldness I was left speechless for a moment when the cute stranger propositioned me. If he had seen my wedding band, he hadn’t mentioned it. I could feel my pulse start to race while my heart began to hammer against my ribs and I knew my cheeks had gone an even deeper shade of crimson.

Struggling to resist the urge to accept, I eventually managed to stammer out a response “Err… I… I… umm… I really… I shouldn’t… I… I’m married.”

“Obviously.” He held up my left hand and studied the gold band on my ring finger for a moment.

“But it’s just lunch.” Charles continued winningly, “We both have to eat and it would be nice to enjoy a meal with such attractive and pleasant company.”

“Well, I… err… I suppose… that… umm… as you say… that it’s just a lunch.” hesitantly I accepted his invitation knowing I should really refuse him.

“Wonderful.” He swallowed the last drops of his own drink and stood to join me, “Shall we go?”

Flattered by his interest I felt any opposition I had being overwhelmed and, nervously gave in to his persistence. Taking his arm, I allowed myself to be led from the coffee shop towards a small bistro a short way along the street.

I knew it was wrong and I should say no but I had spent so much time alone in the last few months, while my husband had been busy working, that I couldn’t help but enjoy the attention that this handsome young man was giving me.

Opening the door to the restaurant he let me enter first and before I could even fully reflect on what I was doing I found myself sitting opposite Charles at a table perusing the menu.

“Perhaps you would like some wine?” he interrupted my browsing momentarily.

“Oh err… yes, yes thank you. That would be lovely. Just the one glass of white please.”

Calling over the waiter he gave him our order for drinks before turning his own thoughts to the menu.

“If you like seafood I hear the calamari is very good here.” He informed me indicating that he knew about the bistro prior to today.

“That sounds perfect.” agreeing with his suggestion I put the card down and looked across at my lunch companion.

“In that case I’ll join you.” Charles smiled at me disarmingly and gave our order to the waiter when he returned with our drinks.

“So, what are your plans for the rest of the day Jessica? After the shopping that is.” casually taking a sip from his glass he enquired as to what else I would be doing.

I lifted my own drink to my lips, remembering my thoughts about the day as I took a moment to frame my answer. Any hesitation I had in replying was partly due to my wondering what his intentions might be and partly due to the effect he was having on me.

Eventually, I decided to be honest “I was intending to have my hair and nails done later. Then after that I thought I might get dressed up and head out on the town and have some fun.”

“Without your husband I presume.”

I didn’t answer leaving him to make whatever assumptions he wanted to.

“Anywhere special?” he continued probingly after a brief silence between us.

I smiled, slowly starting to recover my composure, “I’m not sure at the moment. Maybe one of the big hotels. I understand they have music in a few of the bars.”

Just then our food arrived at the table putting a stop, albeit temporarily, to our conversation.

“You know this calamari really is very, very good” I confirmed after my first couple of mouthfuls, “You’ve obviously been here before.”

“It is, it’s absolutely delicious.” Charles agreed with my assessment, “And guilty as charged I’m afraid.”

I laughed and we continued to discuss the bistro and the excellent quality of the food for the next few minutes as we ate. Finally finishing my lunch, I put down my knife and fork and picked up my wine to take another mouthful.

“I really should be going soon. I have shopping to finish before my hair and nail appointment.”

“That’s a great pity.” He frowned, “Is there any way I can persuade you to change your plans?”

“Oh… err… n… no sorry… I… I need to get my hair done.” I could feel myself starting to panic.

This wasn’t how I had planned my day to go. Being ambushed half way through it wasn’t something I intended to happen. I wanted to pamper myself, make myself glamorous and get dressed up before going out on the town. But now I found myself trying to resist the charms of a stranger, someone who clearly wanted more than just a lunch companion.

“Are you sure? Your hair looks lovely as it is.” Smiling as he spoke, I could feel my pulse starting to race again, my mind filled with thoughts of how he and I might spend the afternoon.

“I… umm…. I… err… I can’t stay… I have to… to go.”

“My loss.” Charles grinned keeping the charm turned on, “Well, I’ll look out for you later. There aren’t many upmarket hotels in town that boast decent music. If I were you, I’d try The Marlborough?”

“Thanks for the suggestion.”

I quickly finished the remainder of my wine and thanked him, offering to pay half the bill, which he immediately rejected.

“It’s on me. As a recompense for your company.”

“Thank you.” I graciously surrendered as I stood up and readied myself to go.

Charles immediately followed suit and I found myself standing directly in front of him. “Perhaps I’ll see you later Jessica.”

I leant up and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

“Maybe.” Taking a step back I smiled suggestively and picked up my bags before leaving.

Walking out of the bistro I didn’t look back. I could almost hear the thudding of my heart as I fought the urge to turn around and spend the afternoon with Charles. I had a plan and I intended to stick to it, to satisfy my own needs not someone else’s.

Standing outside on the street I took a deep breath, looking both ways along the pavement, before heading towards one of my favourite stores; Victoria’s Secrets.

Whenever I shop there, I feel I could literally spend hours browsing through the lingerie. Today though I didn’t have time. Searching through the racks I was rewarded when I found a 3-piece underwear set that I fell in love with; the emerald green satin material was trimmed with black lace and the suspender belt had 8 straps instead of the normal 4.

Purchasing it along with several pairs of stockings I hurried out to finish the remainder of my shopping.

Shoes were the last thing on my list and it took three stores before I found a pair that took my fancy. With a 3″ silver spike heel and an unusual double ankle strap the black stilettos were exactly right and after buying them I even had a few minutes to spare as I headed to the beauticians for my afternoon appointment.

For the next couple of hours, I relaxed in the chair as I had my hair styled. After cutting and washing it the hairdresser put it up into a soft bun with lots of long tendrils teased loose to hang around my neck and shoulders. I also had my fingernails done while I was there. The beautician gluing on new false ones and lacquering them in a shiny black with silver stars.

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