“Looks like you’re heading out, too,” she said, trying, but not succeeding, to hide her surprise.
“There’s a Margarita out there with my name on it,” Nick said. “Dak and some of the single guys from his office are heading over to a country-western bar, and he invited me along.”
Dak Martin was a younger friend of Nick’s from the neighborhood. He was a handsome single guy and was known as a bit of a player, Aubrie knew.
“Hey, just remember you’re not a single guy,” she said with some irritation before she realized the hypocrisy of her comment.
Nick picked up on what he considered the stupidity of her comment immediately. He waggled both eyebrows at his wife. She winced in return as she realized she never considered the possibility that her husband wouldn’t just stay home and wait for her to return. Nick knew he wouldn’t ever cheat on his wife. Aubrie pretty much knew that, too, but at that exact moment, considering what she was doing, she wouldn’t have made book on it.
Aubrie only worried about the possibility of her husband having sex with another woman for a few minutes. She finished getting ready for her evening out, knowing that the possibility—no, probability—of her having sex with another man was almost 100 percent. She purred inwardly. So far her plan was working out rather nicely.
Her plan worked out very nicely on this night as she did the first double-team of her life. The two 30-something men DPed the highly-aroused woman for most of the night, marveling at how well the MILF did with two cocks for what she claimed was the first time.
“Damn you’re a hot bitch, Aubrie,” said the man fucking her doggy while she deep-throated the second man.
“Oommphhh! Mammmkkk!” Aubrie replied with a large dick in her mouth before the two men high-fived each other over her body.
Aubrie took six loads of cum in various holes on her body before she cleaned up and left Michael Welker’s apartment a little after 2. She was both elated and fatigued and she knew that this experience, too, would wind up in one or more of her books down the line.
Assuming that his wife would again spend the night out, Nick still left the outside and living room lights on, just in case she did come home, but he went to bed about 1 in the guest bedroom as he now did on nights she went out. She knew Nick was home because his car was in the garage, but the fact that he wasn’t waiting up for her greatly pissed her off. She knew it wasn’t rational, but still she felt that a loving husband would be up to check to see if his wife was okay.
Aubrie’s sense of entitlement only grew stronger with each sexual encounter. She failed to realize that the strong emotional connection she once shared with Nick was barely a fraction of what it was. Nick, on the other hand, was completely cognizant of the fact that he and his wife were now little more than roommates, acquaintances as it were without benefits. He wondered often how Aubrie could not see the direction their marriage was moving.
To a point, Nick had come to grips with his wife’s behavior and was able to modulate his anger. He tried to treat her with the respect he wished she had for him, and tried to keep the snide remarks out of his conversations with her… in other words, be the same nice guy to Aubrie that he was with everyone else. The only problem with that, however, was that his wife took his nice guy persona for acceptance of her behavior.
“Aren’t you the least bit interested in what I do when I go out?” she asked him one night while they were eating dinner.
He dropped his fork onto his plate in shock, and then swallowed his mouthful of food.
“Seriously?” he inquired. “Why the fuck would I want to hear about you and other men?”
“According to a lot of what I’ve read, a lot of men really get off on hearing about what their wives do with other men. Some even like to watch. I figured maybe if I tell you, we could… sort of share my experiences. That might be fun and bring us closer,” Aubrie said.
“That wouldn’t be fun for me… and most assuredly wouldn’t bring us closer,” Nick stated flatly. “I don’t know what you’ve been reading, but I don’t think it’s accurate. I don’t think I’m unusual in my disdain for what you are doing.”
Aubrie looked like she wanted to argue, but apparently thought better of it and didn’t fire off a comeback. The rest of the meal was eaten in silence. She wasn’t convinced her husband was telling her the truth, and was more than a little annoyed with his attitude.
Aubrie was still annoyed with Nick the next day while she was writing in her office, which might have been the impetus for what happened when an Amazon truck showed up at the Lance house mid-morning. Feeling a little randy and noticing that the delivery man was a good bit north of handsome, Aubrie wasted little time practically dragging the tall, dark and handsome cliché into the master bedroom, where she proceeded to fuck his eyeballs out, coming three times before the man exploded hard inside her.
“Fuck you, Nick. I don’t need to take shit from you. I can still get any man I want,” she thought to herself as the unnamed driver roared out his climax.
“That was wonderful, but I’ve got to get moving so I can make up some time on the route,” the driver said as he practically jumped up out of bed and got dressed immediately after coming. “Can we do this again the next time I’ve got a delivery? Hell, I’d send you a package myself just so we can do it again.”
Aubrie tweaked both of her hard nipples as the driver watched intently. She saw the man re-adjust his cock in his pants.
“Of course, sweetie,” she cooed. “You can give me your package anytime you have a delivery.”
Needless to say, Nick wasn’t very happy when he looked through the home video that night. He knew the marriage was over, but this just seemed to be over the top disrespect. Surely she wouldn’t be surprised when she was served divorce papers.
Nick would have lost money had he bet on his wife not being surprised. She seemed to be in shock when he got home from work after she was served the following Monday at the Lance home.
“How could you do this? It’s only been a month. You said you’d try,” she whined pitifully when Nick entered the home to see his wife sitting at the kitchen table with the divorce papers scattered about.
“What world are you living in, Aubrie? I never said I’d give you any time to try this. I told you I didn’t think I could handle this… and I can’t. Plus, you told me you’d be discreet. I don’t consider you bringing guys home to fuck in our bed discreet,” Nick hissed.
Aubrie didn’t miss the fact that Nick somehow knew about her fucking two men in the couple’s marital bed. That surprise pulled her up short and blunted her argument against the divorce. She sat quietly crying.
“You know I never wanted this,” Nick said. “You forced me to go along with this… because I loved you. But I can’t do this. I still love you, sort of, but I can’t brook this disrespect… and apparent lack of love for me. You keep telling me you love me, but then you keep sticking the knife into my body. This is all about you, babe.”