Dead Stick 11 by pars001

Finally I was almost finished with this, strangely enough, had seemed to lift a huge weight off of me. “I take it that none of this will go beyond these walls.” Here I looked straight at Gena. “I mean it Gena if any of this gets out I won’t be able to keep you and the others alive, I was serious about what I said, everything I am teaching you guys is important if they won’t listen then they won’t live.” Her wide tear stained eyes and face nodded yes vigorously.

“That was the main reason I wanted her to stay here, though I have risen fourteen levels, I’m still not sure if I can kill him.” Here I took a deep breath, “He is after all my brother and has to be stopped at all costs. This time I won’t stop ’til he is destroyed. At least if I die you and your son can finish him.”

“My god son, why haven’t you asked for help before now?” Tom asked.

“I already owe your family more than I can ever repay, I also realize that I am welcome here. I don’t like to involve others if I don’t have to, it’s what got my only partner killed, and I couldn’t do that to this family not after what they have done for me.” I said hanging my head I really wanted to go before I had the whole room in tears. “I have to go I have decided that Gena can stay if she continues to show the control she has, but Gena if you can’t keep your emotions in check then I will have to send you home. Remember what I said about smothering your emotions with positive thoughts it works far better than trying to turn them off.

Tom’s mouth dropped open, emotions? Sitting still a moment he thought back to when Johnathon had lost control. Shaking his head in disbelief it was so simple he’d never seen it! Hmmm he thought I should try it sometime though most of his emotions were already buried. “Alright Tyrome, we need to maintain as much as a sense of her being a normal mage child as we can.” As Tom was shaking my hand he whispered to me, “You don’t owe us anything we did, what we did was because you were accepted into the family, you are more of a brother that Johnathon never had.”

My eyes went wide; they had accepted me as part of their family? No wonder I felt more at home here than anywhere else in either world. I was still standing there with a surprised look on my face, this was news to me. Though it made me feel hundreds of times better I still felt I had a debt to them, Evelyn had pulled me from the abyss, Johnathon had helped me by giving me a focal point to succeed in school, the gifts had been very small payments for those things, but this completely floored me.

Tom opened a portal and again shook my hand thanking me then I stepped through back into my office. I sunk into my chair this day was getting stranger and stranger. Looking at the clock I still had time to raise my levels though I hoped that this time I wasn’t out as long as last time. Locking up I flashed out and appeared by my building. Starting toward my building I felt another nearby. A scowl on my face, I waited this was a different energy than usual.

“I don’t know who you are but you only have a few seconds before I end you.” I yelled into the almost dark alley way.

“I am surprised you don’t recognize a friend,” A familiar voice said.

“Gregor? What in the hell are you doing here? I thought you and Trina were working on your second child!” I told him.

“We were but we consider this to be almost as important, you are the closest my brother has to an older brother. You think we would forget all that you had done?” Came Trina’s voice from further back in the darkness.

Damn what the hell was going on? The whole damn family was dropping by! “Look I don’t want you to get involved though it may come to that soon. Please let me handle it for now.” Gregor just smiled then nodded as I felt him move away. Shaking my head I knew Gregor that stubborn ass! He’d never leave now but he’d damn sure to convince me otherwise.

Entering my apartment Cloe greeted me with a smile; after I ate I sat and once again started in on the intense concentration. As I closed my eyes Cloe was also sitting with her back to me. I went into the exercises feeling the stress start then fade again as before. I had decided I was going to pull out before I got that tired again as I had before. I was finally on the edge feeling the slight drain to my energy, yup I thought, time to pull out. Opening my eyes I saw that several hours had passed, Cloe was asleep with her head on my lap. Trying to flex without waking her up I could feel at least three more levels of power in me, good! I was almost ready to meet Cedric!

Smiling I looked down at her and her backside, I cringed as I thought my sister was going to comment. When she didn’t, I smiled, and reached out to run a hand over Cloe’s ass oh yeah I had been right, this was definitely a prime ass, tight and delightful to touch.

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