High School Revisted by BSoD

High School Revisted by BSoD

You can go back home. , High School Revisited


Top secret

These files have been declassified as of

10 10 2010



There is a new paper that was been brought to our attention It was invented by the Doctor XXXXXX

Affiliated with Unit XXXXXXX of the British high command. We are searching for a test subject to try it’s potentials on.

Agent XXXXXXXXX has been assigned to this case His mission is to test the XXXXXXXX paper and ink to ascertain their usefulness in the real world environment.

I think I’ll break in here and take over telling the story in my own words No more blacked out words.

There are something’s I can’t tell you, but you’re smart and should be able too fill in the blanks

I had only been with the agency a few years, And was still pretty green when one day in late summer of 1978 I was called to my chiefs office.

“Agent ______ come in, sit down.”

“I know that you are young and haven’t had an assignment on your own. But today is your lucky day. Some one young and with boyish good looks is what this assignment calls for. You see we are sending you back to high school undercover.

The high school that you attended has contacted us stating that you never graduated.”


“It’s all right I know that you did we have all of your original papers. The school says that there was some sort of clerical error and they can’t find any records of you ever fulfilling all of your requirements.

But this works out perfectly for us. You see this sheet of paper and these pens this is what we want you to take back to high school.”

I looked at them in disbelief

“What does some pens and paper have to do with the agency?”

“The paper is coated with a mixture of chemicals the person who handles the paper absorbs them through they fingers. Then when they read what is written on the paper they interpret it as too what they want it too say.

Now the pens , they have special ink in them the green ink has the similar properties as the paper what is written appears to the reader to be what agrees with them. On the other hand the blue ink , it has almost the opposite effect on the reader . The reader see the true intent of the author . An example a person may end a letter with “good luck and wave a nice day.” but what he was really thinking was

“ your a stupid twit and I hope you die!”

Now the person who receives the letter would read what the author was really was thinking.

I think you can see how useful these could be in our line of work.”


Tuesday September 5th 1978 I decided to ride my bike to school for the first day. The motorcycle parking area was still in the same place as it had been 10 years earlier. I pulled in and parked under the big oak tree just as I had many years ago. Just sitting there with both feet on the ground and looking around.

There weren’t as many bikes as years before now that there was a student car parking lot.

All the bikes that were there were rice burners now, not like what it had been years ago I remember there were kids with Triumphs, BSA Nortons, Vincent black shadow, BMW, Indians, Zundapp and of cores my Harley Davidson. Yeah there were the Japanese bikes back then too mainly Hondas with a few Yamahas and others.

As I sat there a few of the guys came over to look at my bike

“What is it ?”

“How old is that thing?”

“That thing must be awfully slow.”

“you new around here?”

I answered “ It’s a 1941 Harley 80 cid ULH and it’s fast enough for me.

Yeah I just moved here .”

“I bet I can do something with this old thing you guy’s can’t do.” I boasted.

“O K What can you do with that old hog?”

With that I moved the shifter all the way down and let the clutch out and backed up about 50 feet and said

“Do that”

“Aeah man that’s cool.”

“Way to go.”

“All right.”


Walking in the front doors I noticed how many good looking girls there were, this could be interesting a few were checking me out I could sense.

One of the guys I had met when I parked my bike

His name was Dave and he introduced me to a bunch of the kids.

My first class was English and she was in it. She seemed to be the leader of a clique of five girls. They all sat together in the middle of the room.

The teacher introduced her self to the class and then had each student stand and gave their name.

Now I know the names of some of the girls. Next the teacher had us all write a short essay on what we had done for summer vacation. Well this seamed like a good time to try out the paper.

The rest of the day went about the same. Each time I wrote on the special paper and passed it in.

The next day every assignment I got back was marked with an A or A+ Boy that paper was gonna make doing home work easy.

Things’ were going pretty good I made friend with a few of the guys. And found out some stuff about Linda, She was head of the cheerleaders and was going out with one of the football players. His name was Brad and they called him the bruiser. Let’s just say he was a BIG BOY.

Linda seemed to always be looking my way and that gave me a idea, Taking a fresh sheet of paper I wrote a note to her. I dropped it in her locker when she wasn’t looking.

At the end of the day just as I was getting on my bike Linda came running out and stopped me

“ I would love to go out with you on Saturday night”

” I told Brad that I needed a little time to my self”
I had to think fast My note didn’t say anything about going out together, it didn’t say much at all this was all her mind, that what she wanted .


I picked her up Saturday night around 7pm We went to the local golden arches for burgers and fries.
Linda asked where we were going to go to?
“I thought we could actually go out to the lake and watch the submarine races on a warm night like tonight it can be fun.”
“They have submarine in the lake and they race them I never know that?”
“ Yeah they been doing it for years funny that you haven’t head about it before now.”

My other vehicle was a 1977 Dodge custom street van named Emerald city, It was painted metal flake emerald green with murals of the Wizard of oz on the sides and back. On the inside it was all art deco strait out of the 1930s

We pulled in to a spot that I used to frequent many years ago it was at the top end of a pasture that descended down to the water edge giving a nice view up the lake. This wasn’t a spot that was frequented by parker. It was kinda of my secret place and I was glad it was still there.
We sat and looked out over the water for a while

“ I don’t see any sub yet .” Linda said
“we’ are early they don’t start until later, how about we go in back and wait?”

Settling on the bed I opened the cabinet and asked
“What would you like to listen to?” pointing at the tapes. Linda examined my music collection for a minute or so and then picked out one and handed to me.
“Lets start with this.”
“Boston, Don’t look back yeah I like that too.”
I commented as I stuffed the tape it the 8 track player
I reached into the icebox and withdrew a bottle of Ripple unscrewed the cap and handed it to Linda.
“you are 18 right?”
She took a swig from the bottle
“Boy that s stuff good, yeah 18 sounds about right.”
(the drinking age was 18 at the time in that state also the age of consent was 16. )


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