The Chauffeur (#31) Red Door part 2 by PABLO DIABLO

Belinda was giving Marcus a blowjob. I wasn’t going to interrupt.

Diane and John were in the kitchen, with Diane sitting on John’s lap. I wasn’t sure but it appeared as if his cock was in Diane as she was rocking back and forth on his lap.

Jill and Sharon were also in the TV room. As Jill saw me, she got up and headed over to me.

“Hey, where’s Allison?” I asked.

“Working. A couple of her actresses and some guy showed up at the back door and she took them over to the studio,” she told me.

I kissed Jill and headed out back to the studio. I knocked. I heard a “Come In”. I twisted the knob and went inside. I found two girls dressed in Catholic school girl uniforms complete with Mary jane shoes, white socks and plaid skirts. Their blouses were already off them. There was a guy wearing what looked like an outfit of that of a ‘Father’ or priest. He was busy fucking each of the student’s mouths with his enormous cock.

He pulled out of the one that had her mouth around his cock, and he shot his load all over her face. He says to her, “There my child, you have been blessed with my holy spirit,” I thought to myself, ‘Damn, I thought they stopped this corny ing’ but apparently not.

Allison calls for a break. The school girls take a towel and clean themselves up. The priest also cleans his cock off with a towel.

Allison comes bouncing over to me with an envelope.

“Here sir, here’s my rent,” she tells me.

“Darling, I told you that there was no hurry,” I said to her.

“David, I’m a person of my word, I wanted to make you believe that I’m a good investment,” she says.

“I know you’re a good investment, otherwise you wouldn’t be here,” I say to her.

“Bobby and Sammy are making breakfast. Would you like to bring your workers inside and feed them?” I ask.

“Um, would that be OK?”

“Darling, I wouldn’t have made the offer if it wasn’t,” I tell her.

“Uh everyone, if you’re hungry, my landlord is offering everyone breakfast,” She says to the three.

All three look at each other and shrug their shoulders saying yes. Allison kisses me. I try to warn them that my house has lots of naked people having sex. Allison assures them that the house is not another porn studio, that’s just how things go in my house. The two Catholic girls smile. The priest really doesn’t show any emotion.

Allison turns off the lights and the cameras and we all head over to the main house. I whisper in Allison’s ear that she has a new submissive sister, the new girl BJ. Allison squeals with delight hugging me and kissing me.

As the Catholic girls enter the house, John again becomes the dutiful host. I see one of the girls squeeze his big cock. In my head, I already compared the priest to John, John wins hands down.

Allison wants to sit outside and dangle her feet in the pool. I tell her to go get some food, which she does and comes back outside. She sits down and puts her feet in the pool water. I do the same thing, thinking how nice and refreshing the pool feels.

“David, do you even know how much I love being around you?” She asks.

“Um, yeah, I think I do. You know that you are my favorite submissive, right?” I ask.

“Yes. You’ve told me that a bunch of times and it makes my heart flutter each time you tell me. I said something to your girl Dakota the other day and I’m not sure how I feel about it now,” she says.

“You mean about me getting you pregnant,” I say.


I lean over and kiss her hard and passionately, “Darling, whatever you choose to do is fine with me. You initially had told me that you didn’t want children just yet. The you wavered on that, and now it seems as if you are still debating the issue,” I say to her.

“Well, as usual you read me perfectly,” she says.

“No, having a child is a big life change. There’s no need to prove your love for me by having my baby. When you decide the time is right, then we’ll discuss it. Until then, no worries life will just go on,” I say to her.

She smiles and kisses me.

“Daddy, how did I get so lucky to have you in my life?” she asks.

“Well, if I remember you came with Tulip Productions,” I say smiling at her. She playfully slaps my shoulder before putting her arms around my neck and just hugging me.

“David, I love you, more than any man that I’ve ever loved. You make my heart go pitter-patter every time I see you,” she says to me.

We kiss. We kiss for quite a while.

When we break from the kiss, I urge her to eat. She begins to eat her eggs and toast. I get up, take her hand and lead her inside. I see several people around the porn three chatting. The porn twins apparently know the new three as they are smiling and chatting. I tell Allison that there’s another set of twins inside, Kim and Kay that did a porn with some Rocco guy while they were in college. Apparently, he wants them to do another one, but they are hesitant. I suggest that she go chat with them and see which way the wind blows, so to speak.

Allison follows me around the house, much like a puppy dog. Only she wants me to fuck her silly.

It dawns on me that it is Monday and we need to assemble to head down to the Hawk. I make an announcement that we need to end the party, for now so many of us can head to work. I see Donna, Paula, Jennifer, Diane, Jill, Dakota, Kim and Kay all head to bathrooms.

About that time, I hear a knock at our front door. BJ heads over to the door, opens it and squeals with delight. I must stare at the ebony figure at the door hugging BJ. I could swear that it was Tina. They resemblance is so uncanny. John leans into me and asks,” Is that Tina?”

“No, it’s BJ’s friend Danielle, but she sure does look like Tina, doesn’t she?” I ask.

“Yep, she sure does,” he agrees.

BJ brings her friend right over to me. I think for a moment, wow what a first impression, virtually everyone naked.

“David, this is my best friend in the whole world. This is Danielle. She likes to be called Danni. Isn’t she beautiful?” BJ says.

“Hello Danni. BJ didn’t do you justice, you are gorgeous. I heard about your loser ex-boyfriend. I hope you will enjoy things here, as you can see by the number of people who are half dressed, including BJ we are casual here. However, we all head to work, which is what all the ladies are getting ready for right now,” I tell her.

“What do you do for a living?” I ask.

“Well, I got downsized last week. I worked as a receptionist, but the company that I worked for let 15 of us go on Friday and finding out my boyfriend was cheating on me on Saturday made the weekend pretty sucky,” she said to me.

“Well, BJ will show you where to get ready, you’re going to join us for work. I have a position just for you,” I tell her. I lean in and kiss her forehead. BJ takes her by the hand, picks up her suitcase and off they head to get ready for work. I head down the hallway to my bedroom. Jill is sitting at her makeup table. I head into the bathroom to shower and get ready.

It only takes me a few minutes to shower and shampoo. When I step out, I dry off and head into the bedroom. I notice that my phone was plugged into a charger and that Jill’s phone was at 100%. Don’t want another repeat of needing a phone and none are charged.

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