The Chauffeur (#31) Red Door part 2 by PABLO DIABLO

I’m thinking about the notebook of Bob’s that I was reading and decided to take it to the Hawk with me. I step out of the bedroom and into Dakota’s bedroom.

“Hey, let’s just take the cars, no need for a limo,” I tell her. She stands up and comes over to me and kisses me, before she turns and wiggles her cute ass at me.

I head back to the bedroom and put on some clean clothes for work. Jill is almost ready, only needs to put on a dress and shoes.

Once I’m ready, I grab my cell, my wallet, my keys and about $1000 out of the safe.

“Let’s go!” I say.

I head to the living room. I pick up the book of Bob’s that I was reading. Mom reminded me that she had furniture coming to the house today and she was going to stay around.

I asked Jennifer if I could ride with her. Her face dropped. She told me that she didn’t have a nice car and she would be embarrassed to drive me to work. I asked what kind of car she had. She told me she had a 2007 VW beetle that has 240,000 miles but mechanically it was sound.

“Then why don’t you want me to ride in your car,” I ask.

“C’mon David, you don’t need to ride around in some old clunker,” she tells me.

“But you just said it was mechanically sound, that doesn’t sound like a clunker to me,” I said smiling to her.

She just shook her head, clearly, she was embarrassed. I see another car purchase in my future.

We’re all assembled. I still request to ride with Jennifer. She finally gives in and walks me out to her car. It’s sort of cute, it’s light blue. She opens the passenger door from inside as the outside handle doesn’t work. I see right away what she’s talking about. The seat I’m supposed to sit in has a big strip of duct tape holding an obvious tear in the seat. I tell her to hold on for a moment and run to catch up with Jill. I ask for a check, which she gives me. I kiss her and head back out to Jennifer.

Once back at Jennifer’s car, I get in and tell her to head to work. She reaches over and rolls my window down as her car has no AC. All the other cars head out, Jennifer’s poor old tired VW just motors along. As we near downtown, I ask, “Did you ever think of trading this car in?”

“Yeah, way back several years ago. I dated this used car sales guy who kept trying to push me into a different car. He kept telling me that this one was a piece of crap. I looked at some Fords, some Chevys, and even a high mileage Volvo. I couldn’t really afford anything, which was disappointing because I had my eye on a Chevy Impala.

I saw a Chevy dealership ahead of me. “Turn in here,” I directed.

“OH, C’mon David We’re late for work, we can talk about this at lunch,” she tells me.

“Jennifer, please turn in here,” I say with a bit more emphasis. She makes the turn into the dealership.

“Hey, we’re just looking, OK?” I ask.

“Alright,” she says.

We get out of the car. A nice young lady named Naomi comes over to us, hands us her card and says to just yell at her if we need any help. She didn’t want to pester us, but she would be available to answer any questions when we had some.

I thought, this was wonderful, let us walk around and make some decisions before we ask questions.

Jennifer went right to this gorgeous emerald green impala. It was a LS model. 3.6 Liter engine. The MSRP was $29,250. I asked Naomi to let us take a test drive. Jennifer begins to politely decline. I told her to give Naomi her license. I gave her mine as well. Naomi took them to their security guy who ran them through a machine making a copy. This also made the keys to the car available.

Naomi got in the car and pulled it around to where we stood. She got out of the car and asked who was going to do the driving. I pointed to Jennifer. We all got in and after we were all buckled in, she gave the keys to Jennifer.

We went about three miles down the road, made a U-turn and headed back to the dealership. Jennifer smiled the whole time.

“Um, Naomi we need your best deal, we have to be at work, so we don’t have the time to go back and forth. When we get back to the dealership, talk to your manager, look at Jennifer’s VW that we’ll be trading in, but we want your best offer so we can either buy it or head down the road,” I tell her.

When we pull in, I ask Jennifer for her VW keys. She reluctantly gives them to me. I hand them to Naomi, and we head inside the dealership showroom.

“You’re not going to try and recruit this one to our playgroup, are you?” Jennifer says.

“Probably not, didn’t you see the wedding ring?” I ask.

“OH, no I didn’t. Guess that puts an end to that huh?” She says.

“Well, maybe, maybe not. But there’s no need to try and recruit her,” I say to Jennifer.

I slide over and put my arm around her.

“So, how goes it with your locksmith guy?” I ask.

“He’s fun. He’s good in bed and he kisses really well,” she tells me.

“Well, I’ll take your word for it on the kissing,” I say laughing.

“So, you’re telling me you want to try him out in bed then?” she says laughing.

“Um, no. I’ll leave that to you. What did he think about all the debauchery going on inside the house?” I ask.

“Oh, he loved it. I saw him eyeballing a couple of the ladies, like Amy and Dakota. But he was a real gentleman,” she tells me.

“Yeah, who doesn’t eyeball those two,” I say. Jennifer agrees.

Naomi comes over with a contract all filled out. I look at the bottom. It said $21,000 out the door price. I pulled out the check that Jill had given me and wrote it up and signed it. I handed it to Naomi and asked when we could drive the Impala off the lot. She assured me the Impala would be ready in less than a half hour.

Jennifer and I went out to the VW and retrieved all her personal belongings. Naomi gave us a couple of small plastic bags to move them to the new car. I asked if she really needed all that stuff, she shrugged her shoulders and kept 5 or 6 things and threw everything else away. She came over to me and hugged me tightly. I put my arms around her, kissed her passionately. We were still kissing when Naomi came back into the little office and told us that the new car was ready. She handed Jennifer two sets of keys. Jennifer ran to the new car, I just walked along watching my beautiful Real-estate person get in her new car smiling from ear to ear.

I got in, buckled up and off we went to the Hawk.

I called Jill letting her know that Jennifer and I were on the way, she told me she had a surprise for me when I get to the Hawk.

Jennifer was as happy as a kid on Christmas morning. She was weaving in and out through traffic. When she got to the Hawk, she pulled into the parking garage. She had to go around and around before she found a spot on the 6th floor of the garage.

When we were parked, I got out and before I could take more than a couple of steps, Jennifer monkey climbed me, pushing me back against her new car. I just smiled as she molested my face with her kisses.

“Jennifer, Jennifer, yes, yes I love you too. But we must head up to go do some work, you can molest me tonight if you want,” I say smiling to an obviously horny and very happy Jennifer.

We take the elevator down to the 2nd floor only to take it across to the building and up to the top floor. The security guy said hello to me.

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