The Weekend by greenhornet73

We made our way upstairs to our room with our stuff, still wearing only our swimming shorts. We hooked on the Nintendo Switch and we started playing our new favorite game, Super Smash Bros, a classic. I sat on the floor, he sat up on my bed. I won the first two rounds easily, I sure liked to win.

“How about we make things interesting?” he said again in that weird tone. The same one he had used earlier. At first I thought it was a mocking tone; he had surely seen my boner and wanted to mock me for it. But now I realized it was more of an inviting tone. Inviting me to what exactly?

He pulled out from his bag a bottle of tequila. Well, shit. “A shot everytime someone loses” I thought, sure why not? We started the match and much to my surprise I was severely defeated by him.

“Well we got a winner!” he exclaimed bringing the bottle towards me “You gotta drink it straight from the bottle! 5 seconds!”

And so I did. I gulped down the hot burning liquid for 5 seconds. Man, it tasted like hell. I was determined to beat him the next round, and so I did earning him his 5 seconds worth of alcohol. And I beat him again, another 5 seconds of precious Tequila. Then it was my turn to lose and get more Tequila. And so it went for another five rounds.

“Okay, I can’t drink any more of this thing” he exclaimed after his last shot “Let’s bet something else”

“Tomorrow’s pizza’s on the loser?” I suggested lazily, the alcohol causing me to glaze over. I knew my gaming skills were going to be compromised in this state.

“How about something cooler?” he said with the same weird tone. What’s going on today with him?

“Meaning?” I asked.

“Meaning something cooler, something we wouldn’t normally do” he said as he got down the bed and sat next to me “We have a whole weekend ahead for ourselves, we are going to graduate soon, I say we should do something different, something crazy”

He stretched his legs next to mine, his leg hair was barely touching my own. It was an oddly erotic moment, I could feel the tension in the room growing, it was sending sparks coming off from my leg. I could basically feel my leg vibrating in the spot where he was touching me. My heart started beating really fast. I’m amazed I didn’t start touching his leg right there; he would have probably punched the shit out of me. What was going on? More importantly, what is going to happen? “I sense a proposal coming up…” I said curiously.

“Well for starters, how about… the loser…has to get naked…?” he suggested with a playful tone.

“Naked? For real?” the whole suggestion startled me. Did he want to see me naked? Did I want to see him naked? If I was being honest, yes I did. Ever since the wrestling incident I started looking at him differently, there was a kind of magnetism between them; something that just clicked that day. And the alcohol didn’t help. A lot of thoughts were rushing by my head. Should we do this? Should I let whatever this is continue? What if he is playing me? What if this is just some weird joke?

“Yes, the loser has to get all naked” he answered as a matter of fact “We are friends, it’s no biggie”

“We’ve never seen each other naked before” I pointed out.

“We won’t” he said smugly “We won’t be seeing each other, I’ll be seeing you naked because you will be the one to lose”

His comment hit me right in my ego. What the hell? I’m gonna beat his ass. “You are on. Hit it”

We started our match. I chose Link, he was my favorite and most useful character. He chose Kirby. This should be an easy match. It wasn’t. The alcohol was dulling my senses and Daniel was clearly putting on an effort to win. We both tied, it was sudden match. A crazy, all-out brawl to decide who’d be the winner. We both were pressing the buttons like crazy, trying to beat the other, making sure to get the other one naked, I was so close, I just needed to get his character flying off-

“Ha!” Daniel exclaimed as my character was sent flying off to his untimely defeat. An awkward silence settled between us. I had lost; I now had to pay off my debt. I started to get nervous. Was I really going to pull through with this?

“You know, sudden match, that’s basically a tie” said Daniel slowly “In my point of view, a tie is a tie. We both lost, we both get naked. It’s only fair”

He turned his eyes towards mine and we both stared at each other. My heart was going way too fast, he must surely hear it thumping! It was ringing in my own ears.

“Well technically, you won, fair and square”

“Sudden match is a tie” he said standing up “As much as I would love to have you all naked for myself, I have to admit we both lost”

What did that comment mean? “As much as I would love to have you all naked for myself” He was again using the same inviting tone he had used earlier. I stood up to face him. We were both staring at each other. I couldn’t keep my eyes off his, they were sparkling like little emeralds in that mischievous way of his.

He flashed me that smile of his and put his thumbs inside of his shorts and started to peel them off. I watched it happen in slow motion inside my head. It was one of the most beautiful sights I’ve ever experienced, really. I swear I will never forget the feeling of watching his shorts go down, slowly revealing a clearer skin than it was on his upper body. The long hairy trail of his abs growing larger as it expanded on a bush of light, brown hair encircling Daniel’s uncut manhood. His shorts fell down to the ground and I was able to fully appreciate his nudity. I was taking in the way his leg hair grew thicker all the way to his hairy thighs, and right in the middle that long, soft-looking cock. It was just there, as if saying “Come, reach, touch me” And boy, I felt the strongest urge to do so.

Daniel stepped out of his shorts and kicked them to the corner. He stared at me, waiting for me to do the same. Fair is far, he got naked and he didn’t even lose the bet. I would have to get naked too. Yet my body betrayed me, just the thought of exposing myself to Daniel got my dick awake. I sensed an arousal like none I had before, and in the matter of seconds my shorts were tenting furiously.

“Shit!” I muttered as I turned my back to Daniel “Hold on! I’m going to get some water” I moved two paces away of him, not knowing what to do. He surely knows now that I’ve been getting hard for him all day long, there was no hiding right now.

“Alex” he said softly “It’s okay” I heard him approaching me “You have a cramp, I …uhm… I think I also have one” He put a hand on my shoulder and I turned to face him. My eyes instinctively traveled down his body, and I saw much to my surprise that Daniel’s formerly soft tool was now in fact transforming into a 8 inch, red, hot monster. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Here was Daniel, naked as the day he was born, but not only naked, he was also hard as hell. “You see? My cramp”

“That is a nice looking cramp” I replied, I couldn’t take my eyes off it. And Daniel couldn’t take his eyes off my face.

“Should we see who is cramping harder?” he got down on his knees, face straight in my crotch. His hands starting undoing the lace of my shorts. I knew what he was going to do, most importantly I wanted him to do it, I ached for it. He started pulling down my shorts and down they went, my dick springing free in front of Daniel’s face. And so he stared at me in my own naked glory. I had a 7 inch, cut dick sprouting from a bed of black curly hair. He stared at my face and ran my body with his eyes. He slowly lifted his hand and put it on my thigh. A slow groan escaped my lips, he raised his eyes to watch my face. His hand slowly traveled upwards, sending tingling sensation wherever he touched me, like a fire growing from a torch. His hand soon reached my hard dick, his fingers tracing a line over it.

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