A Damaged Teen Slut (Ch.5) by ILikeMyStories

“Hmm?” She turns her head from the screen briefly. “No.” She shakes her head back to face the television.

“Just asking. I don’t know. You seem a bit anxious today is all.” Ray says, desperately wanting to know more and more about his daughter ever since he’s been back.

“I’m fine.” She replies.

“I win!” Danny gleefully exclaims, smiling back to Emmy. She reciprocates.

Ray shifts on the couch, looking down. “If you ever want to talk about any-”

“Oh yeah, I’m going to my friend’s for a little bit at nine.” Emmy interrupts him.

Ray looks to her as she gets up, a look of disappointment on his face. “I thought it would be me, you, and your brother tonight.”

“I’ll be back by ten. Then we can watch that scary movie Danny wants us to watch.” She collects her bag. “I definitely don’t want to miss him pissing his pants.” She smirks down to her brother, and he scowls back.

“OK…” Ray sighs in a defeated tone.

Emmy heads back to the bathroom to get ready. Staring into the mirror, she takes a deep breath before carefully doing her make up. She puts on a little subtle blush, curls her long lashes, puts the usual black eyeliner and shadow on, fading as it approaches her plucked eyebrows. She carefully puts on some light pink sparkly lip gloss, thinking about her lips being on some stranger’s cock soon. She does up her hair, brushing it, and making it just right, still sporting the same style since her makeover a week prior. She teases it up on the top to give her soft, black hair a bigger look. Her side swept bangs float over the right side of her pretty face. Emmy strips out of her night wear and puts on her dark grey low-rise skinny jeans, so tight she has to slowly shimmy them up her long thin legs. The studded belt squeezes her waist, making her firm, small, tight teenage butt pop. She adjusts her black padded bra, making sure her breasts look their best. She slips on a tight white t-shirt, just barely covering her midriff. She continues fidgeting into the mirror, vainly making everything perfect. When she’s done she takes one final deep breath as she stares into the mirror, the adrenaline pumping through her as she thinks about what’s going to happen. She’s cautiously excited. After spraying a bit of perfume on herself, Emmy exits the bathroom.

“You’re just too good.” Ray says to Danny as he sits next to him on the floor, having lost again. Emmy walks past, heading to the door to put on her black high-heel suede boots. Ray looks over to her, noticing how dolled up she is. “Need a ride?”

“Nope.” She replies as she finishes putting on her boots, which cover her calves. “I’m getting picked up.”

“Here, take this.” Ray says as he gets up and fishes out his wallet.


“Just take it, in case you need it.” He says as he hands her a twenty dollar bill.

“Thanks.” She forces a slight smile as she takes it, feeling a bit of guilt as she knows he doesn’t earn much and because of what she’s leaving to do. Emmy puts on her tight black leather jacket, zipping it up. The white fur collar surrounds her neck. Her hands go behind her neck to move her hair out from the jacket, it flows down her petite backside. “Bye.” She looks back at Ray, reaching to open the door.

“Wait!” Ray says as he walks back to the couch. “Almost forgot your phone.” He says as he hands it to her.

“Oops.” She forces a giggle. Ray curiously looks at her, again noting how distracted and anxious she seems today.

“Hurry back so we can get the movie started.” Danny shouts.

“I will.” Emmy looks at him. She heads for the door.

“Call me if you need anything.” Ray hurriedly says as she leaves hastily.

“Yeah, bye.” Emmy barely turns her head back as she continues walking away. The door shuts and Ray sighs. Out of curiosity he steps to the side and peeks through the blinds of his second-floor window. He sees Emmy walking away from the building, but taking a left down the sidewalk. A confused and concerned look dons his face as he remembers her saying she was getting picked up.

“Hey, uh…” Ray begins as he turns around. “I gotta go get something out of my car. I’ll be right back, all right?” He says to Danny before promptly leaving. He rushes down the stairs and jogs to the sidewalk, looking in the direction that Emmy left. He sees her walking toward the convenience store down the street. There’s a feeling he just can’t shake so he keeps looking.

Emmy walks to where she’s supposed to be picked up. She stands patiently with her arms folded. Finally she sees a minivan pull up to the convenience store. Her heart thumps, her blood runs cold with adrenaline, her mind races with doubt. She gulps and takes a deep breath before feeling compelled to approach the vehicle. She looks in cautiously, seeing an adult male figure in the driver’s seat. He looks back, then waves her in. Her small hand rests on the handle for a brief moment before she finally opens it and gets in. Down the street, Ray continues to observe. He thinks that it must be her friend, but why not get picked up at Ray’s building? He shakes it off and decides he’s just being overly watchful. He heads back to his apartment.

“Hey.” Emmy says as she settles into the stranger’s car, trying to mask her fretful tone.

“You look even better in person. Wow.” The man smiles as he looks over to her.

“Thanks.” She gives him a flirtatious smile. He wears a baseball cap which obscures his face. He looks like a normal forty-year-old dad, of average stature. He wears a zip-up hooded sweatshirt and jeans.

“Gettin’ cold out there, huh?” He asks casually as he begins to drive off.

“Yeah…” Emmy says quietly, playing with her hair and fixing it up a bit, perhaps out of nervousness. She shuts her eyes for a moment and takes a deep breath, her stomach shaking from the butterflies as she gazes out the window. “Nice car.” She remarks, breaking the tension.

“Oh, thanks… Yeah, it’s the latest model. Good vehicle.” He replies, looking ahead. “So, uhh… I have a place we can go to where no one will catch us.” He adds casually. He, too, is nervous and anxious about the situation. The car stops at a light. His left hand makes it down to his crotch as he leans back into the seat.

“Mhm…” Emmy responds, then notices what he’s doing. She subtly bites her lip.

“You’re so fuckin’ hot.” He says in a horny, breathy tone as his right hand leaves the wheel to stroke the back of her head, near her neck. Emmy arches into his stroking, moaning faintly. She looks up at him submissively, breathing heavier as she feels her pussy tingle. His hand now gropes her chest, slowly moving down to her crotch and thigh. He rubs her over her jeans slowly. Her head moves back against the seat, she squirms against his touch. They’re interrupted by a car horn. He swiftly takes his hand away and back to the wheel. “Oops.” He chuckles as he notices the green light. Emmy giggles. She’s turned on by his assertiveness. Her hand goes to his crotch, rubbing his semi-erect bulge. He looks over to her with a brief aroused look, his mouth open.

“I’m so turned on right now.” Emmy purrs in a very horny tone as she feels his crotch while her other hand rubs her pussy over her jeans. Suddenly she’s reminded of when Mr. Butler jerked her head down to his crotch last week and how oddly turned on that made her. She shifts in the seat, her head going down to his lap. His right hand moves out of the way to allow it.

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