A Damaged Teen Slut (Ch.5) by ILikeMyStories

The main door opens behind them. “Back off.” A stern voice interrupts. Gabriel and his friend look back, so does Emmy.

“Thought you said you didn’t have a boyfriend, chica?” Gabriel asks as he takes his arm off her.

“I’m her father, so fuck off. She’s not interested.” Ray gets closer. He heard the chatter from his window, and saw Emmy being visibly uncomfortable as he approached the main door.

“Yo, relax, esé. She ain’t your little girl anymore.” Gabriel says boldly, staring back at Ray.

Emmy backs up, her heart pounding. Ray steps to the younger man. “I’m not your esé, motherfucker. Keep walkin’.” He retorts confidently, pointing toward the sidewalk.

“Yo, watch who you’re talkin’ to, puto.” Gabriel becomes visibly enraged, approaching Ray.

“Try me. I’ll break your fuckin’ jaw.” Ray responds in equal measure. This kind of confrontation isn’t new to Ray given his criminal past. That was a long time ago but he can still be tough. He would do anything to protect his children. The two men are about to come to blows as Emmy watches, frightened.

“Yo, chill. Chill. Come on, man.” Gabriel’s friend comes between them, putting his arm in front of him. “Come on, let’s just go. It’s not worth it.”

Gabriel and Ray stare into each others eyes for a moment. “You’re lucky, puto.” Gabriel says as he backs off, pointing at Ray.

“Dad, let’s go inside. Please.” Emmy meekly suggests, her voice trembling a bit as she approaches her father. Ray shakes his head as he watches them leave.

“You OK?” He relaxes as he looks down at Emmy.

“I’m fine.” Emmy sighs.

“Fuckin’ creeps. I’m sorry that happened, Em. Come on.” He says as his right hand rests on her back, leading her to the door. He opens it for her, looking back one final time at the two young hispanic men as they walk away.

Emmy and Ray enter his apartment. “What was that?” Danny asks curiously, having heard the commotion.

“Nothing.” Ray shrugs it off casually as Emmy unzips her leather jacket. She takes a deep breath and exhales in relief, reflecting in her mind about what just happened. It’s been an eventful thirty minutes since she left. Ray looks at her as she stares off in deep contemplation, a bit worried about her. “So, uh, let’s start up that movie.” He says to Danny. Emmy leaves to get back into her nightwear. Inside the bathroom she touches herself again, thinking about what she did. She also thinks about Gabriel’s aggressiveness, he scared her but it also turned her on. Emmy shakes it off and tells herself to forget about everything for now.

While watching the movie, Ray looks over at his two children and feels content. He’s finally getting his family back and getting to make up for the years he was gone. He looks at Emmy, and Danny between them on the couch, thinking about how grown up she is now. During the scary scenes of the movie he loves that Danny takes comfort in the security of his big sister’s shoulder. And he feels proud of Emmy for being a good sibling to him. He thinks about how she seems to have been a surrogate mother to him the past handful of years. A smile comes across his face. The movie comes to an end. Ray looks over to the other side of the couch, noticing Danny has fallen asleep on Emmy’s shoulder. He smiles, Emmy smiles back. They quietly laugh.

“Danny.” She shrugs her right shoulder. He wakes up. “Come on, let’s go to bed.” They both get up. Emmy leads him to Ray’s bedroom, they’re taking his bed while he sleeps on the couch. “Good night.” Emmy says as she turns to leave.

“You’re not going to bed now?” Danny asks.

“No… Why, are you scared from the movie?” She smirks back at him.

“No.” He replies indignantly.

“Yeah you are.” She continues to tease. “It’s only a movie, dummy.” Emmy says in an empathetic tone as she approaches him. “I’ll be back soon, OK?” She says softly down to him before tucking him in.

Emmy rejoins her father. “Beer?” He asks up to her as she enters the room.

“I thought you didn’t drink…” Emmy says in a somewhat agitated and disappointed tone.

“Nothing wrong with a few beers here and there. It’s not like I’m doing drugs or anything.” He says casually as he gets up.

“But I’m not old enough…”

“Doesn’t matter. You’re mature. Just don’t tell Chris the cop.” He says with conviction. Emmy smiles a little, feeling good about being treated as an adult for once. Ray comes back with two bottles and hands her one after opening it for her. They watch television for a few moments in awkward silence. “So, uh… You know, you’re a really good sister, Em.”

“What do you mean?” Emmy asks after drinking.

“Oh, nothing. Just been noticing how good you are with him. I’m proud of you.” He looks over at her.

“Thanks… I guess.” She responds. “We’re close. I look out for him.”

“I know. And he loves you for it, I can tell.” Ray continues. “I know it was hard when I left, especially with your mother being the way she is…”

“We stuck by each other closely I guess.” Emmy looks down. “He’s still very, I don’t know… Kid-like sometimes. Like he doesn’t act his age.”

“Nah…” Ray shrugs it off. “He’ll be fine.”

They continue talking while drinking, the television acting as background noise. “Listen, uh, about earlier…” Ray begins, breaking another brief moment of silence. “I didn’t want you to see me like that. That’s not who I am. Not anymore.” He says in a remorseful tone.

“It’s OK.” Emmy replies back to him.

“You’ll understand some day when you have kids of your own. Especially if you have a daughter. There’s a lot of predatory guys out there, Em.” He frankly states.

“I know.” Emmy nods slightly. She knows all too well.

“So, uh, anyway…” Ray begins, thinking about questioning her about getting picked up down the street rather than getting picked up at his place earlier. “My boss at work needs a new babysitter. I told him I’d ask you.” He decides not to inquire. “Said he’d pay you good.”

“Um… OK, when?” Emmy asks curiously. In her mind she feels a bit guilty knowing she’s been prostituting herself and her dad has gotten her a babysitting job.

“Wednesday. I’ll give him your number.” He replies.

“OK.” Emmy finishes drinking her beer. “I think I’m gonna go to bed.” She yawns and stretches her arms up in the air.

“Oh yeah, wait a second. I almost forgot.” Ray says excitedly before rising from the couch. He walks over to his jacket and fishes in the pocket. Emmy looks on curiously, feeling a bit disappointed as she notices the empty bottles of beer on the table. He sits back down with a small jewelry box in his hand. Emmy looks a bit anxious and uncomfortable. Even if they’ve gotten closer recently she’s still damaged from his absence all those years. “Don’t worry, I’m not proposing.” He chuckles. Emmy smiles slightly. “Here, it’s a gift.” He hands it to her. Emmy opens it. “It’s, uh, it’s just a little something.”

“Dad… You really shouldn’t have.” Emmy says as she holds the silver necklace and looks at it.

“I can afford it, don’t worry.” He assures her, hoping she’ll like it.

“I love it, dad. Thanks.” She smiles, tilting her head up to him. She puts it on around her neck.

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