Demon Graveyard by The Midnight Shade

She didn’t know what it was but she could feel something wiggling inside of her pussy, it felt so good, she couldn’t help but let the orgasm overwhelm her.

“Ugh! GOD! Uh!” she cried squeezing her eyes shut throwing her head back in pure delight. Her pussy was so soaking wet that it barely hurt anymore. The tongue was so sensitive against her soft flesh. She quivered in how weird it felt, but she couldn’t deny the feelings. Her juices squirted all around its long hard phallus.

One of its large hands grabbed her ass one of its long pudgy finger with long black fingernails dipped into her asshole, it pressed through her tight little sphincter gauging her reaction of a scream, the cry of pain quickly turned into a moan of pleasure. The demon gave a deep gurtle laugh. Its lust only matched by its hunger lifted her and slammed her back down on its member faster and harder. Sasha screamed in pleasure.

Both of them were insatiable at this point as it just slammed her body down harder and faster, Sasha just wanted to keep on feeling the pleasure as her moans turned to slurs in an attempt to catch her breath. It she gave a vicious roar as she felt it explode inside of her. It dropped her with an evil grin.

“Which one of my fallen was the one who found the girl?”

One of the foul fallen walked forward.

Sasha looked, it was indeed the one who found her.

“Bring her to the torture chambers and do anything you wish to her. But I want to feast upon her flesh when you bring her out.”

“Wait!” Sasha cried out, her mind coming out from pleasure filled experience at the threat of torture and consumption, “I can get you to leave this place! To go to the surface again.”

“No” was the simple reply, “The last fifteen said the same thing.

They could not remember when they walked through those barriers. You will have no more luck then they, we have given up our hope on the matter of escape.”

The fallen roared grabbing her by the hair it started to drag her away. She screamed in protest and grabbed her captor’s hands. All of the fallen jumped around and roared at the one. She was led through the room and to a rock doorway. It kicked the stone door open rushing in it dragged her to a stone slab.

It began to slap steel cuffs chained to the stone slab to her. First her wrists, then her ankle laying her on her stomach. Tears fell from her cheeks not wanting to die. She winced, feeling its cold claws at her back slowly sliding down her bare flesh. Her eyes scanned around.

She needed anything, she honestly couldn’t remember what she did to make sure she could make her way back, she knew it, but honestly couldn’t remember what it was, the demon was right, her memory had been taken as soon as she went through the light. She peered past the slowly closing door seeing her clothes that were torn to shreds. She saw a color that didn’t belong there at all, cyan and silver, it was a yarn spool.


The door came to a close.

“Wait! Wait!” she cried, “I really do know how to get out of here.

Please if you help me get out I’ll show you too.”

“How?” It queried with its unsettling voice.

“I have a way of getting out, but you have to promise not to kill me after we escape.” Silence lingered,

“Deal.” Was its singular response.

She felt the cold steel keep on going down her back and go over the sweaty flesh of her ass, her body glistened in it.

“I thought you weren’t going to hurt me?” she said beginning to breath hard.

“I am still going to have MY fun with you girly.” It said snarling,

It hopped on top of the slab, she gave a small gasp feeling its member slip and slide between her large round ass cheeks.

Hers eyes went buggy in fear. It suddenly jerked its dick down shoving it into her asshole as she offered a violent scream and thrashed around feeling the hard long dick slide in slow and hard. She could feel the bladed hand grasp her soft wet ass cheeks hard and squeeze them together around its phallus. It gave a low pleasurable growl. It pulled out and went back in slowly catching speed. The young Japanese woman grunted trying to take the large member.

She gave low grunted moans still feeling pain but nowhere close to what she felt with the demon. She lifted her pelvis giving the fallen a better angle and loosen her own asshole. It worked quite a bit she was actually enjoying the feeling now as she moaned back. It fell forward a bit, she felt its steel blades grasp each side of her jaw ramming her ass whispering to her, all three mouths on its head whispered something different.

One whispered one of how it was going to fuck her till the end of time, another about how it was going to bite her little pussy off and eat her out for real, the other saying all the sexual tortures it was going to inflict the next one worse then the last by ten… All of them turned her on immensely. It then occurred to her.

Death was sexy.

She liked it when it whispered these things of doom to her. She felt its torsos teeth scratching at her back.

Its tongue had ventured around her body and was licking her deep in her pussy. She gave a scratching moan that was a heavy orgasm. The monster started slamming harder and harder, slapping her ass very hard leaving bright red lines on her ass cheeks but didn’t pierce the skin. It roared as it jazzed in her tight little asshole. She giggled a little.

“Wow, your dick feels so good rammed up my fucking asshole.” It began to slowly take it out.

She shivered sensually feeling it leave her ass ever so slowly.

A moment of silence went by. She closed her eyes with a little smile and then opened her eyes to see its horrid face in front of hers.

“Now!” all of its mouths said, “How do we get out?”

“I want my meal soon.” The demon lord said resting a hand on his top chin.

The stone door busted open as they sprinted out together. The Demon lord narrowed his eyes in anger as the fallen began to gather around and give chase.

None of the fallen had expected this, never had a single fallen ever went against the word of the master. They were outraged. Sasha and the fallen sprinted through the door of darkness.

“Hold!” the demon said standing, speaking to all of the fallen that had gone in. “I will lead this assault.” They all gasped in surprise. The demon lord had not taken to the tunnels in search for a long time. It was rare indeed.

He charged like a bat from hell through the large door and barely saw as they went down one of the hundred of tunnels lined up.

Asmazok went forth. For an hour this chase led, and Asmazok saw that they had reached a dead end. He kept going forward as the two talked between each other.

“A dead end? What a surprise!” the great demon lord said with a vile and cruel laugh.

Sasha shook her head, “No Asmazok, not a dead end.” She said pulling the lever.

The ceiling shifted over as the cool still air of the decaying dead filled the stuffy ancient air.

Asmazok gawked in amazement. “The surface.”

“I told you demon lord, I told you I knew. And so did this brave fallen, he knew the truth in my words.”

“This is a great treat, and if I am to lead a campaign in this world or leave in it as a secret danger I need lieutenants, smart ones. You both shall be them.

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