Fucking Mia Matsumiya by WannaBherdaddy

After a moment, Stan shot another load, which to his surprise and pleasure, Mia gulped down easily, a light moan from her lips vibrating his cock just slightly as his sperm slid quickly down her throat. She opened her eyes and looked up at Stan, but he couldn’t read the expression on her face. She knew him now, far more intimately than she might ever have wanted to, but could easily give a full description of him to the police. Stan didn’t have it in him to do any harm to her, no matter what he had told her earlier, and he sensed she knew it. She said nothing however as he pulled out of her mouth. She watched him passively as he grabbed some toilet paper and wiped his cock, then stuffed it back in his pants. She watched but said nothing as he got dressed, opened the stall door, and left. As he did though he glanced back, and the last thing he saw before the stall door closed behind him was Mia slowly pulling up her tube-top…

A few months passed. Stan went about his daily routine, going to work, hanging with friends, doing other things, all in a secret fear that one day he’d get a knock on his apartment door and he’d open it to find the police waiting. But they never came. Never.

It’s a cliche that criminals always return to the scene of their crime, but after four months, Stan couldn’t help it; Mia Matsumiya’s band was performing at the Blackstone Bar and Grill again, and he just had to see her…even if she spotted him in the middle of her set and screamed for someone to grab him and hold him until the police came. You’re a fucking idiot, he thought to himself all the way down to the bar, and as he took his seat at the back of the crowd, waiting for the band to come onstage.

They finally came on, and Stan found he still couldn’t stand the music. But when he looked at Mia, the old familiar hard on came back with a vengeance, even bolder than ever before. She took center stage for her solo, wearing the very same clothes she had on the night he had his way with her, with one exception…

Her black tube-top now rode up partway on her stomach, revealing the most beautiful little baby bump Stan had ever seen in his life.

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