How I Became a Lesbian Slave by Laffalot

The first hint that she gave me was, and I am not making this up “It’s all relative, baby.” When I asked her what she meant by it, she smiled and said that it would all be crystal clear when Dave left.

The next day she had another clue for me “Sixteen”, another clue that left me wondering. Was she just making this shit up to get me going or was she serious. It seemed crazy but it was intriguing just the same.

I got one more clue just this morning about an hour before Dave left. I was online and got an email from Emma with just one word ‘Nephew’. There was no subject, just the one word down below. What was I to make of this? I haven’t really had much time to think about it because I’ve been focusing on helping Dave finish packing.

What does Emma have in store for me this week? Only time will tell. Maybe, if I still have any strength left after the week is over, I’ll write about my escapades and publish it all. Of course I’ll have to get permission from my beautiful mistress Emma first, and she’ll have to read it first to make sure that she is okay with it.

I often ask myself, as I lie awake in bed at night with only my thoughts to keep me company, – would I have invited Emma over that day that I met her, if I had known then what was going to happen? – and although I feel guilty about what I have been doing, my only answer to myself is –

The End???

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