Lisa (Jessica) – Chapter 3 – Beginning to learn by JadenL

“Angus,” Riley interrupted, “I think this is something we need to address with Jim.” Angus turned to look at Riley. He was trying very, very hard to control his anger. Jim moved forward, next to Jessica.

“I admit it wasn’t the best idea …” Jim began, “but guys, she’s so damn bored. I thought that was part of the agreement, that she’d have a little more freedom, and fun.”

As Jim spoke, Jessica slipped her free hand into his. He was always there for her. He always did what he could to protect her.

Riley blinked. What the hell … Jessica’s stance hadn’t changed. She stood, head lowered between Angus and Jimmy, but she had taken Jimmy’s hand. And Jimmy had the nerve to stand there and talk to them as if Jessica seeking out physical contact was the most natural thing in the world .

Riley felt anger rising. Damn Jimmy, he was always sticking up for Jessica, always looking like the good guy! Funny how he never seemed to be at the receiving end of one of Jessica’s escape attempts. If he were, maybe he wouldn’t be so quick to defend her!

“That’s cute Jessica.” Riley said. “Maybe you’d like to hold Angus’ hand while you go back to the house. I think you’ve had enough freedom for today.”

Jessica dropped Jim’s hand, but not before Angus saw her holding it. He didn’t know what to feel first, angry or jealous. He let go of her arm and held out his hand, mentally daring her not to take it. Jessica reached out and wrapped her fingers around his pinky.

“Hand, Jessica,” Angus said in his gruff tone, “if he’d wanted you to hold my little finger, he would have said so. Take my hand!”

“Angus,” Riley interrupted, “remember what we talked about this morning.”

“Right,” Angus replied and thought it was funny that Riley would want him to go easy on Jessica. By the expression on his face, Angus could tell Riley wanted to have a private moment or two with her also. “My hand Jessica!” He said, trying to soften his voice. Jessica took his hand in hers. ‘Well, what do you know?’ he thought to himself. She’d obeyed without the application of brute force or bloodshed. Angus felt his blood pressure coming down. He led the way to the house.

As they walked Jessica realized that for the first time that she could ever recall, Angus was actually walking with her, not dragging her. And somehow, she had not been beaten, as she most assuredly would have been any other time. Her mind raced. What had changed?

She knew there was still a good chance Angus would beat her once they got to the house, but out of the corner of her eye she could see the way he was walking. His free hand hung loose at his side, his steps were regular, not driven into the ground. His torso was upright, not leaning in the direction that they were going. This was not his angry stance, there were none of the usual tell-tale signs she recognized just before he dragged her to his room, threw her on the bed and used his belt to administer what he considered to be ‘little reminders’.

Even Riley had been surreally calm. Riley had said he wanted eye contact, verbal responses, and kisses. Was that all it would take to make them happy? To get them to leave her alone? She would try, she’d have to try, to do what Riley had said. For the first time since coming to this God forsaken place, she had been happy, excited, free. She wanted it again.

“Sit down,” Angus said when they’d entered the house and stood before the sofa. His voice had been gruff, but not angry. She forced her eyes to meet his.

“Okay,” she replied, intending to say it clearly, but only managing a whisper, and sat down.

Angus stood over Jessica, looking down at her bent head. He couldn’t help but feel as though she were planning something, yet, she’d looked at him, actually looked at him, and even said something that he hadn’t had to pry out of her. He was confused.

Jessica pulled her legs up onto the sofa, wrapped her arms around them and began to rock.

Coddle was the word Riley had used, just like they’d done with Sam. Somehow Angus doubted that a pat on the head and a doggy treat would do it for Jessica. He sat down beside her.

She grew still for a moment, and then began rocking again.

Hesitantly he placed his arm around Jessica’s shoulders. If she head butted him, bit him, jabbed him with her elbow, or stomped on his foot … he was going to make her pay. He pulled Jessica to his chest, and she went with no resistance. He held her like that, moments passed before he began to relax. He became aware of the scent of her shampoo. He’d rested his chin on the top of her head. The fragrance was amazing. It intermingled with Jessica’s own scent, and Angus began to feel a strange mix of emotions. Fantasy. Well, in his fantasy, he’d try and comfort her after having the fright of falling off a horse, and she’d show her appreciation by kissing him … without him having to demand she do so. And not just a peck either, a real kiss.

Just how was he supposed to make her into his fantasy, as Riley had commanded? The only way he knew how, hadn’t worked up till then. He thought about Jim. Jim coddled Jessica all the time, and seemed to get results. In his mind’s eye he could see past situations in which Jim would lean in to Jessica and say “it’s okay”. Angus glanced at the front door. The others didn’t seem to be coming. Christ, this was going to be the death of him! He took a deep breath and mumbled, “It’s okay.” Jessica didn’t react. She certainly didn’t kiss him. Oh well, he’d tried, he could tell Riley that.

As they sat there, Angus became aware of the soft mound of her left breast against him. His reaction was instantaneous. He wanted her, right then, right there, but when he brought his left hand to her breast, Jessica tensed. Warning bells went off in her head … why had she gotten so close to him? She pressed her hand onto his chest as if prepared to use it to push herself away from him. Angus dropped his hand from her breast in frustration. This was not what his fantasy Jessica would do! He sat wondering what to do next, what Riley would consider acceptable given the circumstances, and suddenly Jessica relaxed against him again. Relief flooded over her, and her mind went back to replaying her ride on Ebony.

Angus got the message loud and clear, but he wasn’t sure it was something he wanted to hear. This wasn’t the time or place anyway, but he really wanted her. He wasn’t used to letting Jessica dictate anything to him, particularly when, where, or how he could have her. He threw his head back against the sofa. Damn it, this didn’t need to be so complicated.

As soon as Jessica was out of hearing range Riley grabbed Jimmy by the front of his shirt.

“Jim, you dumb bastard, get your head out of your ass and start being responsible will you! How could you have possibly thought that letting Jessica ride an untamed horse was a good idea?”

“Look, I’m sorry, alright? It all happened so fast …” Jimmy was grasping at straws. He wanted to sound convincing, without sounding too inept. The last thing he wanted was for Riley to not trust him with her anymore.

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