Only If You Want by BashfulScribe

“I mean, I’m just learning about this shit now.” Phil replied, still looking up at the ceiling. “I can’t make a judgment call based on something I just heard. I don’t want this turning into a gossip case where I accidentally turn the whole council against someone, especially if it was all a misunderstanding and Megan isn’t actually that mad or something.” He noticed Nicole flaring up and held up a hand. “Not saying she isn’t upset. Just saying I wanna hear it from her.”

Nicole folded her arms. “Fine, whatever, ask her.” she huffed. “She’ll say the same shit I’ve been saying this whole time. Plus, I have, uh, friends that know Adam. They say he kept doing this shit in junior high. This isn’t the first time he’s straight-up manipulated a girl.”

“Shit, huh?” Phil didn’t know what to say, though he was surprised. “The way he acts, you wouldn’t think he’s seen a girl before grade nine.”

Nicole shrugged with a disappointed expression. “I think… you know what your instinct told you about Adam? I think you were right.”

“I told you.” Phil replied, nodding. “It’s why I told you to stay away from him. You and him still friends?”

Nicole shrugged. “He’s just some guy. I wouldn’t say we were ever ‘friends,’ per se.”

Phil didn’t respond, as he was too busy on his phone. “There, just texted Megan to show up early before the council meeting.” he told Nicole. “If we’re gonna do this, we’re gonna do it by the book.”

“Okay. I appreciate this, Phil.” Nicole told him, exhausted. “I’m glad you’re actually taking a stand for this shit. I’m gonna go get some water. Want anything?”

Expecting him to give a simple answer, Nicole got up from the bed and started to walk out of the room. Surprising even himself, Phil grabbed her by the waist as she walked past and locked lips with her. He could feel Nicole’s body tense up, and almost felt guilty for a second, but then her body relaxed as she began to kiss him back. After a few delicate and lengthy seconds, he pulled back.

“You.” he answered her cheesily.

Nicole looked at him with sarcastic contempt, but couldn’t hide how her heart was racing.

“You liked that, didn’t you?” Phil continued.

Nicole’s eyes narrowed as she continued to stare at him, then suddenly, she launched on him, giving him another lengthy kiss, one she initiated this time. After a few more seconds, she let go. “There’s your answer. Now shut up.” she replied as she walked out of the room.

Phil smiled to himself. Things were falling into place. There was nowhere to go but up from here.


Adam Watson was that type of jerk. The first few times they met, Adam had managed to fool even Phil, but eventually, Phil saw right through him. Adam was the kind of new kid who didn’t realize he wasn’t entitled to everything. He was one of those guys that had a geeky charisma and obvious good looks, and pretended not to notice he had either. But he definitely knew. And he used those gifts to his fullest potential.

Dirty blond hair done up in a way that screamed ‘I’m indie but also kind of popular,’ a thin physique that was beginning to show potential from all those gym sessions he was doing, and eyes that could make any girl fall for him. But those same girls would come to hate those eyes, and if Phil wished one thing, he wished he knew what girls were falling for them so Phil could tell those girls himself to stay the hell away. Above all, Adam liked to pretend he didn’t know what he was doing, but it was oh-so-clear to Phil that Adam knew exactly what he was doing.

As much as Phil disliked Adam on a personal level, this was a political matter, and he promised himself he would do everything by the book. True to his word, Phil met up with Megan and Matt Schneider (Megan brought her brother along for emotional support) right before the next Council meeting, where Adam would be, and got the whole story from them. Megan was shy about talking about how she broke the school rules, but Matt’s fury helped fill in the gaps. Megan was coerced, plain and simple. It wasn’t her fault, and like a good leader, Phil understood that.

As soon as Adam entered the council room, everyone noticeably changed. Phil couldn’t help but pause mid-sentence in his conversation with Jeff as he eyed Adam up and down. Adam’s eyes went from one person to another and Phil tried as hard as he could to suppress his smile when it showed on Adam’s face that he was caught. The consequences of his actions were coming back to haunt Adam Watson. Phil savored this moment like a fine wine.

Once Adam sat down, Phil knew the inevitable was coming, and figured he’d save the council the anticipation. “Alright, great, everyone’s here. Thank you all for showing up. Now, uh…” He paused, not quite knowing how to break this news to the group, even though every individual knew. “Before we start, I just want to shed some light on some new developments. I hate to bring public attention to this, but it’s important that we function as a team, and as efficiently as possible.” He nodded to the room, feeling his presidential energy asserting on the council. “Adam, we understand you’re having some personal conflicts with Megan Schneider.”

“Personal conflicts?!” Matt blurted out as he stood up. “The guy made her blow him, made her feel like a sex object after, then was caught by her doing the same thing to another girl just a week later! This is my baby sister we’re talking about here!”

Phil was fearing that. Matt’s fury was a helpful ally at times but now was not one of them. At the very least, now anyone who wasn’t aware of what was going on now knew. Still, there was only one president in the room, and he had to be an objective voice of reason. “Sit down, Matt.” Phil replied with authority yet annoyance in his voice.

The thing Phil had feared became realized as he heard Adam clear his throat. “Uh, Phil, could I please set things straight for the record?”

Phil knew Adam would do this. Find an opportunity to speak and then charm his way out of the situation. Adam was a smooth-talker. It’s how he got in this situation in the first place, and Phil knew the type well. Like hell he was going to let Adam pull a fast one on him. “I can’t let you do that, Adam. If you want to work things out, work them out with her.” Phil responded with authority, pointing at Megan.

Adam didn’t let up. “But if you don’t let me explain, everyone here is going to judge us for things we didn’t do. They’re going to make up stories, they’re going to think we did things we didn’t, and think we are people we aren’t!”

If there was one thing Phil didn’t like, it was an aggressor playing victim. “Alright then. Great. You want to have the facts?” He calmly walked over to the table where Adam was sitting and put both hands down on the table, leaning in. Every council member – Nicole, Megan, Adam and otherwise – would now get to see that nobody fucks with Phil.

“Let’s start with how you were in a classroom after hours receiving oral sex. Something both parties should know is against the rules!” Phil’s eyes went to Megan’s after that last sentence. Just because she was a victim of Adam’s didn’t mean she wasn’t disrespecting the council too. “Or how about how you didn’t check to make sure you knew what you were getting into. Or making her feel used afterwards, without so much as a ‘sorry,’ even after you saw her upset. Or not talking to her for a good solid week afterwards, not caring if she was still upset. Just as long as Adam Watson got his blowjob…” Phil trailed off, proud of how badly he decimated Adam.

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