Only If You Want by BashfulScribe

“Incentive?” Phil repeated, feeling his cock die down. “I don’t know about that. She just seems like she wants to take things slow. And I do not want to do anything with her that’s against her consent or anything.”

Olivia finished cleaning her face and slowly opened her red eyes. She chuckled clumsily. “I don’t think it’s against her will or anything. She’s just playing hard to get.”

“I dunno.” Phil replied uneasily.

“Lemme put it this way: when you were assertive with Nicole, did it turn out well? Like, did she like it?”

Phil thought to himself for a bit. “Yeah…”

“Then keep going. Be fucking assertive. Girls love that shit. And if she doesn’t want your cock after you offer it to her, I’ll gladly take it. Just… just go for it.”

“Okay, fine.”

“Like, right now.”

“What, is she here?” Phil asked humorously, doing up his pants. He looked around the room comically.

“Text her. Tell her you want to meet up and have sex with her. Be dominant. See how she responds. If she’s your precious girlfriend, worst thing you’re going to get is a no and an eye-roll. Plus do you want to be like this with her forever?”

Phil chewed his lip as he digested her words. Something about them felt… wrong, but the evidence certainly seemed to be in her favor. “Tell you what,” he finally broke the silence. “I’ll text her and ask her something… blunt. If she’s free and is down, I guess I’m fucking her. If not… whatever.” He pulled out his phone again.

Yo! So i was thinking… we could go to jeffs party, or we could go to my place afterschool and have a little party of our own. Which will it be? 😉

Olivia read the message over Phil’s shoulder. “Give her two options and both of them involve you. Nice.” She smirked at him.

Well, if you have a plan in mind, I guess I can skip the party, but it had better be a damn fun night. 😉

“Holy shit.” Phil breathed.

“Told you. Be assertive.” Olivia restated, adjusting her clothing. “So, are you going to fuck her?”

Phil grinned at her. “Want details?” he asked her.

She grinned back, making her way towards the door. “Wait until I’m high, but then, yes.” she told him flatly, despite her grin. Without another word, she left the room, leaving Phil behind, still staring at his phone in disbelief. He didn’t know what to make of Nicole, but he hoped that he was onto something with this new approach of Olivia’s. Realizing how late he was going to be, Phil quickly put his phone away and started to make his way to class as well.

On the way, he ran into Jeff, making his way to his next class. “Yo, got any news for me?” Jeff impatiently asked, making his way up to Phil. “Or do you still need until the end of the school day?”

“Jeff, my man.” Phil addressed Jeff with a pained tone. “I don’t think I’ll be able to make the party.”

“You fuckin’ suck.” Jeff replied bitterly. “I swear to God, if it’s because of-”

“I have family shit, thank you very much.” Phil lied, assertively putting his palm on Jeff’s chest. “I just got word. But I hope things go smoothly and all that jazz.”

Jeff shrugged, removing Phil’s hand from his chest. “I mean, yeah. Sucks you won’t be there though.”

“There will always be more parties, my man.” Phil told him, starting to walk away. “But hey, while I’m not there, you defend my fucking honor for me, you hear?” he added jokingly.

Jeff laughed, although he would indeed end up doing exactly what Phil asked of him at that party.


The good things in life can be fleeting, and hope can be a fickle friend in high school. As quickly as good things come, they can too go, and even though Phil thought he was immune to the fleeting nature of fortune, he quickly found out he was not.

Nicole had broken up with him. Everything was shaping up so well, and Phil was finally figuring out how to talk to her, the kinds of things she liked, and even then… one day… something changed. Something switched off with her.

Phil was expecting Olivia to laugh off how the school slut had tossed him aside, but surprisingly, she didn’t. She only asked him to explain further, which was what led to the two of them, sitting in Phil’s basement, high as rockets.

“Like flippin’ a switch, man.” Phil dryly commented. “She just up and decided, ‘hey, fuck you.’ I wasn’t even doing anything differently.”

Olivia sank down into her chair, her eyes half-closed. “I mean… if you weren’t doing anything differently, maybe that’s it. Maybe she craves a guy that changes as often as her schizophrenic ass.”

“That’s not what schizophrenia is.” Phil retaliated, looking at her sternly.

“Oh, I’m sorry, are they called custodians too?” Olivia replied, cracking a smile. “Even when you’re high you’re uptight as hell. I bet you only did it with the lights off with her.”

Phil couldn’t help but laugh, but still tried to maintain his composure. “The lights were on.”

“So then maybe you didn’t fuck her hard enough.” Olivia boldly continued. “I mean, you two only fucked once, right?”

“What the fuck are you trying to insinuate?” Phil asked her.

“Maybe you’re a bad combination.” Olivia shrugged. “I’d say maybe you weren’t passionate in the bedroom, but I know that’s not true. Even though we’ve never done it in an actual bed.”

Phil chuckled in self-defense. “I think there’s more to relationships than just sex, Olivia. Maybe she’s just not ready for th-”

“Fuck, we’ve never done it at all.” Olivia interrupted, in her own little world, ignoring Phil’s tangent entirely. She turned to face him. “Are you over her yet, or is asking to have sex rude?”

“I dunno if I’m over her.” Phil replied earnestly. “I mean, we still did shit even while I was with her, so I’m not tied up about that.”

“Ugh, good.” Olivia exhaled, standing up and taking her pants and underwear off. As soon as they were off, she sat back in the chair and began absentmindedly rubbing her clit. “Go ahead, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

Phil stared at her for a few seconds, his eyes going to hers, then down to her pussy, back to her eyes again. “God, you’re weird. I just meant I kinda got no closure from this whole thing. Like, I met her parents for God’s sake. You’d think that means something big. And everything felt so right and was going so well, and then, just, one day, like if it were random or something, she just woke up and decided, ‘nope.’ It’s fuckin’… bizarre.” Phil was staring off into space for most of his tangent, but by the end, he was just staring at Olivia’s masturbation.

Olivia, of course, noticed. “Hey, you can take your own pants off and join me if you want. It’s not weird.”

It was said that boys were the ones with one-tracked minds, although to Phil it was clear it was more complicated than that. Olivia seemed to be… enjoying his situation. Taking advantage of his sexual situation, knowing exactly his position and determined to extract all the fun she could from it. That said, Phil couldn’t lie, he was having a boatload of fun with it too, and if nothing else, he was learning a lot from her, although he would never admit that. With nothing more than a shrug, Phil’s own pants came off, and he soon joined Olivia as the two sat in his basement, high, masturbating slowly, and talking about the kind of stuff you wouldn’t talk about while masturbating slowly.

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