Only If You Want by BashfulScribe

Across the middle of the picture, nearly cutting off the view of Olivia’s breasts, was the usual Snapchat black bar displaying a message for Phil. I think you should do both soon

Phil’s breath was caught in his throat. She was downright beautiful, her body was amazing. He couldn’t help but just stare at the gift he was given.

“…Dude, save it!” Jeff ordered, snapping Phil out of his trance. Phil shook his head, hit both buttons on his phone, and saved the message. Immediately, he covered the phone’s camera with his hand, took a picture of the blackness, then added a caption. Sorry, is it okay if I save these?

“‘Sorry.’ You pussy.” Jeff laughed.

“I don’t wanna be a complete creep!” Phil protested. “Imagine if this got out, man.”

“It won’t.” Jeff assured him. On cue, Phil’s phone buzzed again and the eager duo hunched over Phil’s phone, eager to see the latest snap he received.

This next picture was a mirror shot of Olivia holding her phone, with her body twisted around so that her panty-clad butt could be in the shot, as could a side-shot of her breast and her face (though as always, it was cut off above the mouth). Once again, her nipple poked out into the air in a clear state of arousal, and her free hand was trailing down her stomach, into her panties. If one looked closely, which Phil didn’t, they could see she was biting her lower lip in pleasure.

Phil couldn’t help but chuckle at his luck when he read the caption. It’s all good. Save away.

Who was he to argue? Gleefully, Phil saved the snap, turning back to Jeff. “Hell of a girl, isn’t she?”

Jeff was grinning right back. “Yo, I didn’t get a good look. Would you please send those to me later?”

Phil laughed out loud and shoved Jeff playfully. “You got it, man.” he agreed. He turned back to his phone to see that Olivia had given up snapping for now and had sent him a regular text.

If she’s giving you enough signals, I say she wants it. You do you, try it if you want. Just don’t forget to have sex with me too.

“You don’t meet a girl like that every day.” Jeff admitted, still reading over Phil’s shoulder.

“Is she right though?”


“Do you think Nicole is sending me signals?” Phil asked him sincerely. “Should I go for her?”

“Oh yeah, she’s sending you signals alright.” Jeff replied. “‘Stop,’ ‘Ye be warned,’ ‘Beware of dog…’”

“Fuck you.” Phil replied, then silence poured into the room like water fills a bowl. “Fuck it. I’m gonna do it.”

“Yeah?” Jeff replied, a mixture of support and disdain evident in his tone.

“Yeah. By the end of this week, I’m just gonna spontaneously kiss Nicole.”

“Will this be before or after you fuck Olivia?” Jeff asked, smiling deviously.

Phil returned the smile. “Depends on when I see her next.”


In high school, spontaneous things happened all the time. The craziest of scenarios could be blown off with a simple, ‘Well, what did you expect?’ Enough events happened at Hazelwood High in particular to send the superintendent into a coma every couple of months. The low-level gossips might pick up the events and circulate it, sure, but unless something illegal was involved, it usually wasn’t enough to make the students truly care.

But patterns, something happening consistently, that was what got the students talking. As soon as something happened more than once, that was when the gossip train really got its engine going.

Phil was all too aware of this factor, and yet he found himself enjoying the idea of not caring as he had lunch with Olivia again. His reputation, his prestige, his honor, it all mattered in little moments, but it was like he’d forgotten what those moments without felt like. Olivia, perhaps without even knowing it herself, gave him a bit of a break from… himself. And he liked that.

“So, did you end up kissing her?” Olivia asked nonchalantly between bites, looking down at her food.

Phil chuckled to himself, looking everywhere but at her as he readied his answer. They were far enough away from everyone else that no snooping ears could listen in on their conversation, though he still wasn’t quite used to this level of bluntness.

“I mean, do you even wanna hear about something like that?” he asked her, a mixture of shyness and slight disbelief in his voice.

“I asked, didn’t I?”

“Yeah, but… it’s just weird since we’re doing stuff an-”

“We’re barely doing anything.” Olivia cut him off, no hint of annoyance or malice to her tone.

“Yeah, yeah, I’ve been busy – and you’re out here asking about another girl, and what she’s doing with me.”

Olivia shrugged, taking her eyes from her food to Phil’s. “You seem to pine after Nicole, it’s an interesting story to follow. Plus, I find it interesting you want to make the girl famous for fucking anyone your girlfriend. You’re so into your reputation, and I feel like anyone who’s the boyfriend of her is going to turn into the school joke.”

“How do you figure?” Phil asked, leaning in, a curious expression on his face.

“Take the easiest girl in school, and give her a boyfriend. A, there’s no way in hell you’re going to make her stop having sex with other guys. A slut is a slut. B, even without you getting cuckolded to hell, which you will, guys will see a guy settling for the loosest girl in school.” She paused and gave a small smile. “Nice.”

“I don’t wanna sound like a, uh, a feminist or something, but I don’t see how that kind of thing devalues her.” Phil rebutted. “Or you, or me. Aren’t we doing shit on the side?”

“I apply the same standards to myself as I do her. I’m just honest about myself and how much I’m worth.” Olivia coolly responded. “That’s why I let you use my body anytime.”

Jeez, Phil thought to himself, trying not to let the surprise show on his face. This girl certainly was… extreme. “Well, great, looks like you two have something in common.” Phil joked. “Maybe if we all get comfy down the line, we could arrange a, uh, a threesome or something.”

Inevitably, every popular guy in high school ever made that joke to a girl when another girl was brought up. It was a classic move – bring it up as a joke, even though it wasn’t that funny, to veil the obvious hopeful seriousness and genuine attempt at such a request. Olivia, of course, could see right through Phil and his attempt, and in response, stared blankly at him until he coughed in discomfort.

He looked away for a few seconds, then realized how desperate he was to change the topic. “Yeah, we did end up kissing.” he admitted.

“Congratulations.” Olivia nodded. “So, is it serious between you two now? Do you want to stop our arrangement?”

“Huh?” Phil was surprised. “Didn’t you just point out that we haven’t done anything yet?”

“Yes, but you seem to want to.” Olivia answered. “I’m keeping your options open.”

“And what if we became a couple? Would you still want to fuck me then?” Phil challenged her.

Olivia never backed down. “Only if you want.”

Phil smiled slightly. Then it became a chuckle, then a full-blown laugh. Someone watching a documentary about Phil might have referred to this as the day he snapped. Something about his moral compass shifted, or at least he was aware of the shift that had been going on for a while, that day. “Fuckin’ no I don’t wanna stop.” Phil replied, his voice full of a new confidence he didn’t know he had. He hastily packed up his lunch, and motioned for Olivia to do the same. “In fact, come with me.”

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