Rape in afghan4 by spitfiredhoni94

He used these a handles, to pull her back toward him as he plowed into her ass hole with long powerful strokes. He slammed into her ass with all the power of his strong arms and legs. Involuntarily, the bound blonde underneath him arched her back in response to each deep, hard stroke. The watching Arab could see Cathy’s bound hands clenching helplessly each time Kehalis plowed into her ass, the neatly trimmed red nails of her fingers drawing blood from the flesh of her palms.

Her body was almost limp. Cathy no longer screamed out angry or pleading words, just incoherent sounds. A long moan came out of her open mouth, the volume rising and falling wordlessly in time with Kehalis’ thrusts and withdrawals.

” aaheee… aaheee.. aaaHHEE. AAAAHEEEEE!”

Relentlessly Kehalis sodomized the bound female Captain, as the men around him chanted and clapped their hands in time with his thrusts into Cathy’s open ass hole.

It seemed to Cathy as if Kehalis would last forever, plowing relentlessly into her ass hole like some sort of inhuman fucking machine. Kehalis reached and stayed on the edge of cumming for stroke after stroke, brutally battering Cathy’s body, but unable to reach his climax. By now his agony was almost the equal of Cathy’s.

He was only able to finally achieve release when he threw himself forward onto Cathy’s back, grasping her blonde hair with one hand to force her head 90 degrees to her left so that he could see her crying, agony filled face as he raped her ass. Only then, after he had looked into her eyes, felt her body shuddering beneath him, and once again surrounded himself with her fragrance could he find release.

Crying out in relief, he filled her ass chute with his hot cum and then collapsed onto her back. Kehalis lay on her for a moment, too exhausted to move, until another man, impatient now for his turn, pulled him away. The Arab had only a glimpse of Cathy before the next man covered her nude body again. But the image of the open “O’ of her asshole, his man cum dripping out of it, was forever burn into his memory.

The next man took her just as brutally as Kehalis had.

In a single thrust he impaled Cathy on his hard cock, sinking up to his pubic hairs in her. He hunched over her, holding onto the rope tying Cathy’s elbows together, using it as a grip as he pulled her back onto his cock at the same time as he thrust forward. He plowed relentlessly into her by now open ass hole as Cathy, her body slack and unresisting, continued making small moaning sounds underneath him. She could manage nothing more.

Each time he slammed into her, he made her body shake and knocked the air out of her lungs. Uncaring of her, the man took his pleasure as quickly and as brutally as he could. Then he too spent himself inside her, filled her with a new flood of hot cum, collapsed on her nude back, and was in his turn pulled off her and replaced by a new man. Cathy lost track of when one man had finished and of when the next man thrust into her. It all became one long rape to her; the men became one.

It was all one huge cock, endlessly and painfully sodomizing her. She only knew that the feeling of impalement, the feeling of having her ass painfully full of cock, had become her reality, her entire world. Cathy no longer struggled against the men sodomizing her. Her sweat slick body had surrendered to Kehalis; now her will surrendered to this man as well. She became nothing more than their fuck toy. An unresisting Cathy lay on her belly on the hard platform while man after man sodomized her.

She lay there passively as man after man plowed into her ass hole until the pain in her rear slowly became nothing more than a dull , empty ache. As the Arab and Kehalis watched, nine men reamed open Cathy’s ass hole and filled it with their hot, white cum. Through it all, she lay there face down, eyes shut, her full red lips open, panting for breath between moans.

Cathy’s strong body gleamed as if it had been oiled, the result of the light reflecting off the sweat covering her bare skin, the sweat a mixture of her own and the sweat dripping off the men mounting her .

Bound and helpless, her nude body buffeted by the violent thrusts of men’s cocks, Cathy lay passively underneath her attackers, beyond tears, beyond words, totally exhausted.

As she lay there, her beauty defiled by the cum and sweat of the men brutally sodomizing her, Cathy heard a voice whispering in English into her ear. It took her several seconds before she could make sense of the words.

Then she shivered as she realized that it was the Arab whose words she was hearing softly repeated over and over into her ear.

” This is my power over you, slave. I control your body, not you. I have defeated you in battle. You are my slave. I can do as I wish with your body. I can give it to whomever I wish…….. even these pigs, if it pleases me. This is my mastery over you, slave. ”

Cathy lost all track of time long before the last man had spent himself inside her bowels.

Only half conscious, she knew only dimly that the men had stopped raping her. She knew that only because now she felt an emptiness in her cruelly stretched asshole instead of the familiar fullness of a hard cock. Stretched by ten cocks, her ass hole had been reamed out, made into an open, apparently bottomless pit, and then filled with what felt like a gallon of man cum.

A river of the white sticky fluid flowed out of Cathy’s ass hole to run down her red, abused cunt lips and slowly drip drop by drop onto the hard packed earth of the sleeping platform. The now sated men stood around her in a half circle, staring down at her, at the obscene sight of her open, dripping ass. No one spoke as they stared down at what they had done to Cathy. One by one, they silently slipped away to their blankets in the cave passage outside the room.

Even Kehalis slipped silently away, his lust satisfied, but his hatred for the Arab and his desire to possess the American woman greater than before. Eventually the Arab was left alone with Cathy.


Once the men had left her alone, Cathy had quickly fallen into an exhausted sleep. But even in her exhaustion, she could not escape her rapists.

Her mind relived bits and pieces of her rape and sodomy throughout the rest of the night, replaying them over and over in her mind. After some few hours of restless sleep, it was one of those nightmare images of her attackers- the scene where they were holding her down as the ugly one’s cock had forced its way into her ass – that jerked Cathy back into consciousness , screaming:

” NO..


Bolting upright on the platform, Cathy’s eyes searched frantically around her for her attackers. It was only then that she realized that she was alone in the small room. She was still nude, though a blanket had been thrown over her. Her ankles had been untied from her thighs and tied together loosely at the ankles, allowing them to stretch out after the torture of their bondage.

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