Rape in afghan4 by spitfiredhoni94

” AAGGHHEEEEEE…. OHHEEEE… I.. I’m … agheee.. cumming… MASTER..

I’m cumming.”

Cathy lay there as her reason slowly returned , her body limp, her strength spent, her clothing soaked in her own sweat, her cunt still full of the Arab’s fist. While still steadily sucking air into to her oxygen starved lungs, Cathy was otherwise too exhausted to move, to even to think. Her body and her will were totally drained. She did not move or even utter a sound when the Arab opened his fist and pulled his hand out of her unresisting cunt with a loud plop.

She just lay there motionless, body limp and unresisting.

” Now, I believe you understand what it means to be a slave. To be my possession, my plaything, and no more. Not a Captain ordering men about. Not even a free woman. But a slave, the possession of a man who is truly and by God’s will your Master .”

The Arab left Cathy alone for a few minutes as she fought to recover her composure.

Coming on top of the brutal rape and sodomy she had endured the night before, her near death experience combining strangulation and fisting had been a crushing one for Cathy. She felt as if she had died and been reborn, reborn as another person. A weaker woman, one without hope or courage. A woman desperate to survive. It took her some moments before she even had the strength to cry or for her body to begin to shake in reaction to what he had done to her.

But Cathy did not have long to mourn the destruction of the woman she had been. She felt the Arab untie her feet, carefully, she noted, preserving the rope for use on her later.

” On your knees slave.”

Fearfully Cathy obeyed, sinking shakily to her knees on the cave floor in front of the tall man, her body in pain from every muscle and most of all from the terrible sore, hollow feeling coming from her abused cunt.

Her uniform was still unzipped, allowing her two round breasts to be exposed by the open vee of the unzipped suit. He stepped forward so that his crotch was only inches from her face. Cathy watched with resignation as he unzipped his Western style cold weather pants and extracted his very erect cock. He let it hang there in front of her eyes. Cathy had no choice. She could not bring herself to look away.

She stared helplessly at his cock, its tip almost touching her

” Have you , how do you say it, … sucked a man’s cock before? ”

Cathy was too exhausted and too frightened to lie to him. In a resigned voice she answered him truthfully.

” Yes, Master.”

” But you are not married, are you?”

” No Master.”

” Then you are truly a woman of no virtue, aren’t you. A whore like most Western woman.”

” Yes, Master.”

” Yes what, slave?”

” Yes, Master.

I am a whore.”

” Then suck me, whore.”

He stood unmoving above her as Cathy opened her mouth and took his hard cock inside its warmth. She closed her lips around its shaft, using her tongue to caress the sensitive undersides of his hard cock.

With a skill not to be expected of one who had looked so innocence when they had captured her, Cathy used the tips of her teeth to stimulate him as well, the teeth’s hardness a stimulating contrast to the wet warm softness of her lips and tongue as Cathy used all three at once on his cock. Orally stimulating a man had become Cathy’s preferred style of lovemaking when she found a partner she truly wished to please.

She preferred it to intercourse because it gave her a feeling of being in control, of setting the pace. Now that feeling of control had been turned on its head. Now her oral skill was a sign of her subservience, her loss of control.

With her hands still tied behind her back and no help from the Arab towering above her, Cathy had to work to keep his cock in her mouth.

She forced herself to open her throat, allowing his cock to penetrate her there until its head was banging against her tonsils. She had to fight to control her gag response. She moved her head up and down on his shaft, careful to keep from losing possession of it, wrapping her lips tightly around the fleshy shaft’s width to keep it within her warm, wet mouth. Cathy worked hard to please her rapist, worked harder than she had ever worked before to please any man.

She wanted desperately to please the man towering above her, but her motives were as confused as the emotions battling for dominance in her overloaded mind. She was consumed by a fear of the man whose cock she was servicing. But Cathy’s mind had gone beyond the point of simple fear. She had become so desperate to avoid his anger that she was internalizing his aggression against her and finding, if not a pleasure, a feeling of security in preemptively debasing herself.

To avoid his wrath, Cathy was desperate enough to try to become whatever the man wanted her to be, no matter how degrading. If he wanted her to be a whore, she would be one. Feverishly she worked her mouth up and down on his shaft- now moving quickly and lightly using her teeth against the sides of his cock ; now moving slowly, lavishing attention on the underside of his cock with the tip of her active tongue. Struggling to fulfill his image of a Western whore, Cathy became one.

She used all her skill to stimulate his cock. She held nothing back, no matter how vile it was to her.

The Arab grunted in pleasure as he fought against the strong urge to simply grab Cathy’s head and fuck her face. He willed himself to remain still, allowing the American woman to service his cock while he remained passive. She was, he acknowledged, most skillful.

Never had a woman serviced him so well, not even the expensive whores in New York or London whom he had frequented during his misspent youth. The sensation of the alternating hardness of her teeth and the softness and warmth of her lips and tongue sent shivers up his spine.

He raised his eyes from the disheveled mop of blonde hair bobbing relentlessly up and down on his cock to fix his eyes on the cave’s ceiling, trying to prolong the pleasurable sensations of her warm, wet mouth caressing his cock for as long as possible. It was a struggle. To distract himself, he ask:

” You are very skillful, slave. So skillful and so practiced that it is clear you must truly be a whore.

Not just an immoral woman typical of your degenerate culture, but a whore who sells herself to men.

Is this how you service your commanding officer to gain his favor ? Is that how you rose in rank in your Godless army? Or are you a common whore, earning money like this, by servicing the cocks of the men in your Army?

Her mouth full of his cock, Cathy did not answer him, preferring to concentrate on sucking and licking his cock, reluctant to give up possession of his cock to reply to the Arab‘s insults. But the Arab would not allow her to remain mute.

Grasping her short blonde hair in one hand, he pulled Cathy’s mouth off his cock and turned her face up to stare into his.

” I ask you a question, slave.

What kind of whore are you? Did you whore for anyone in your Godless Army, anyone with the money to buy you, even privates, or did you only whore yourself for the men placed over you, men of high rank, a general perhaps?”

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