The Freeing of a Slave Girl

The Freeing of a Slave Girl

Experience the captivating tale of 'The Freeing of a Slave Girl,' an erotic sex story that explores themes of liberation and desire. Follow the journey of a young woman as she discovers her sensuality and power in a world of passion and intimacy. Dive into this evocative narrative that promises to ignite your imagination and leave you craving more!<br/>

Ok guys this is a modified scene from a book called hart of the mirage, you don?t need to have read the book I have modified it so it?s not necessary, however I felt I should mention that where the idea came from or less I?d get some flak for pretending that it was all mine. , I grabbed the ewer as I ran out of the house with the shouts of my master behind me. Parvana had forgotten to get the water this morning and I was paying the price as I was the closest slave to my mater when he wanted a drink. I was running to the well my masters rants still loud in my ears and the dust from the road drying up my mouth, I wasn’t looking where I was going and I cannoned into a legionary. I immediately realized my mistake but before I could flee hi hand shot out and grabbed my arm so tightly I dropped the ewer and yelped in pain. “Well well well what have we here?” he said “a willing slave wench willing to throw herself into my arms?”

he loosened his grip slightly and I took the chance and pulled away but was immediately seized from behind “no into mine it seems Xasus” there was laughter amongst the small grown of legionnaires that seemed to surround me as this new man pulled me to him. His intrusive hands fondling my breasts. I stood ridged with shock unsure what to do.

Two more legionaries steeped forward out of the small crowd “what about us Evander” one of them asked the man holding me “I could do with a poke and she’s not bad… for a slave skank”

“Why not” said the one called Evander “Let’s find a place, I saw some grain sacks in an ally back there, that would be perfect”

hardly able to believe this was happening to me in the middle of a crowded street I started to wriggle and squirm shouting at them to let me go or they would be sorry they laughed in my face but when I mentioned my masters anger they stopped and some backed off my mater was the general in charge of the garrison and I informed them how fond he was of me trying to forget the shouting as I left not minutes ago. it was however true that he was keen on me, almost every night I was called to his chambers to, service, him. I did it without complaint I found if I let myself I could almost enjoy the experience, he was far from an undesirable man and I knew I couldn’t resist him and he was respectful enough and never hurt me. This was different though these men did even see a slave I was not even human to them and they just wanted my body, they would hurt me I was sure, there was no way to enjoy this. Upon hearing of the general the legionaries backed off a little except for Evander who did not release me. “Maybe we should let her go” Xasus suggested “I don’t want any shit with the general”

“Since when has a slave told a legionnaire what to do, you really think that the general gives a shit about this little shit”

“You had better believe it, he is very fond of me” I snapped trying to act as if I wielded some real power. a small crowd had gathered not most of it including civilians and slaves most of whom were looking at me with me with pity all sorry for me I met eyes with one man in particular whose face radiated concern, I held his gaze imploringly for a second, for the fat lot of good it did me, no one stepped forward to help me.

Xsaus raised his hands in defeat “I’m off” he said pushing his way back through the crowd

However Evander was not going to give up his prize so easily and one of the others was prepared to follow his lead. The crowd had thinned as people left not wanting anything to do with what was about to happen. I saw a chance and took it I sagged in Evander’s arms pulling him off balance I stumbled forward out of his grasp and lashed backwards with my food I felt my heel connect solidly with his groin and heard his grunt of pain and that was it before I was off pushing through the crowd who parted before me before closing behind me and being far less co-operative with the legionaries behind me.

I heard shouts and curses before my arm was grabbed and I was pulled into and ally by the man whose face I had seen in the crowds. His hand clamped over my mouth to stop the scream that was already building. “Follow” he hissed and darted off down the alley. The legionaries were not far behind but the man knew what he was doing, we hurdled a low wall, dashed across a deserted courtyard and skidded into another crowded square, he dropped the pace to make our passage seem less obvious. I risked a glance behind and saw legionnaires spilling out from the courtyard clearly those unwilling to rape me weren’t happy to allow me assault on of their own without reprimand. My guide changed direction grabbing my hand and pulling me through another archway into a narrow lane hemmed in by adobe walls. The ally itself was a dead end but several wooden doors set into the walls allowed us and exit.

Without hesitation the stranger pulled open a door and pulled me into the courtyard beyond, it had once been a spacious garden but now was a tangled mass of weeds surrounded by tenements. A number of hens scratched diligently at the dirt. There was washing hanging out to dry from almost every balcony bordering the court. I was pulled across the open space into some shrubs against the back wall, I was about to protest that they were not thick enough even to hide one of us when he slipped sideways and disappeared. I followed and found myself squashing into a narrow cleft in the wall into a rectangular space. It purpose I could not guess but there was barely room for the two of us. I was jammed up against him, my head squashed down to fit under his chin, my hips hard against his, my breast flattened against his firm chest. The only place he could put his arms was around me. He smelt faintly of spice and sweat, it was far from unpleasant. “Huh” he said it wasn’t nearly so small when I was a kid hiding from my sister in here.

“You live here?” I asked

“This was once my father’s house, now all I own is a room on the top floor can’t say I’ve been in the cubby hole in a few years though, I’m afraid we’re stuck here for a while, the legionaries may have seen us disappear in here. They will have every house searched, we’re here until they have finished.” I heard voices outside, legionaries shouting to each other. “pull the place apart if you have you, if there’s so much as a mouse hiding in this rat hole I want it found, bring everyone you find down here, you stay here you can identify the bitch if she they turn her up”

The stranger whispered into my eye “not a sound” we stood still as statues barley breathing as the legionnaires searched for me. The noise continued for what seemed like an age running footsteps children crying, voices raised in protest.

it was uncomfortable squashed as we were my back was pressed against the rough wall my arms were pinioned by his I twisted my head to look out of the crevice, all I could see through the bushed was movement. The voice again now alarmingly close “you check these bushes” we held our breath jammed still tighter together the rustle of the leaves sounded like an explosion to my ears someone was using their sword to poke through the branches. Sweat mixed with the dust as it trickled down my neck. my bronze slave collar seemed unbearably tight I couldn’t watch and turned my head and found myself almost face to face with this stranger my mouth brushed along his stubbled chin, his smell was pleasant and his firm muscularity tempting. He stirred against me in turn. At first I thought it was merely discomfort at our cramped position. Then I felt the real reason for his unease pressing into my hip. I jerked my head sideways so I could focus on his face. He was looking at some point above my head, the light was dim but I thought I saw a flush of colour in his cheeks. Indignation swelled inside of me, how dare he!

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