Sweet PeppersSweet Peppers by TrampsAnThievesSweet Peppers

An adult stories – Sweet Peppers by TrampsAnThieves

I had just returned home for a few days to assist my younger sister with her college preparations. The autumn festival in the small town was happening, and since I have an interest in gardening, though I’m not particularly skilled at it, I visited the Recreation Center to check out the plants my old neighbors were cultivating.

I’ve dabbled in a little of everything, but I’ve discovered that melons don’t grow well for me. I can throw those seeds in the yard at random and volunteer plants will flourish – but, if I try to contain them within the space I’ve set aside for my formal garden, the rebellious vines refuse to bend their iron will to my steel hoe.

Normal salad-bowl items do well enough – but most of those grow like weeds anyway – so I know it’s not like I have a green thumb or anything. My radishes are too hot, my carrots are too scrawny, and my peppers are always underwhelming.

When I spied a paper plate that could barely contain the three sweet peppers that were offered as one of the submissions in the contest, I HAD to go see whose they were.

“Kimberly Pratt” I read. We graduated together, six years ago. At the class reunion, the year before, she’d been Kimberly Thompson – married to the guy who’d been quarterback of the football team. Kimberly had been the head cheerleader. The two of them had been an item for half of our years in high school.

“Hi, Terry,” I heard a voice say.

I turned to see Kimberly holding the hand of a four or five year old who looked like my former classmate’s mini-me. The little girl was absolutely adorable. She had mom’s blonde curls and a beautiful smile.

“Did you grow these?” I asked the child, as I squatted down to talk to her. “They’re almost as big as you!”

She giggled and said, “No … mommy grew them but I helped pull weeds.”

“Well, it looks like you two make a fabulous team,” I told her. “I’ve never seen such amazing looking peppers. How do they taste?”

“They’re good!” she exclaimed, “but mommy wouldn’t let me eat those.”

“How are you not married?” Kimberly asked me.

I looked up at her, shrugged, stood up, glanced at the plate, and said, “Haven’t found the one, I guess. You can tell me it’s none of my business but I noticed the name …”

“Brad hooked up with Katie Johnson at the reunion last year. The two of them left town together. I got papers served to me a week later. I got the house – but it was like a cancerous sore. I sold it and moved back in with mom and dad. Not my best decision, but I needed some closure.”

“Can I tell you something?” the little girl asked, tugging on the leg of my shorts.

I squatted down to her level again and said, “Certainly!”

Her “whisper” was loud enough for anyone nearby to hear, “Tomorrow is mommy’s birthday.”

“Is it now?” I asked.

She nodded her head up and down enthusiastically.

“Have we made any big plans yet?” I looked from the child, up to her mother.

Kimberly was smiling but shaking her head. “Mom and Dad will probably take me out to dinner,” she said.

I looked at the little blonde and asked, “What do you think mommy should do for her birthday?”

“I think she should go see the Mermaid movie, have a big bucket of popcorn, and then stop for ice cream.”

“I think that’s a grand idea,” I told her, realizing that the little girl was listing off what SHE wanted to do – and not necessarily what her mom might want. “Would it be okay if I came along?”

“Yes! We can share the popcorn.”

“Maybe you and I can share and we’ll get mom her own – since it’s her birthday,” I suggested.

“Could I have my own and you share with mommy?” she asked.

“I’ll tell you what,” I said. “We’ll go eat dinner first – and if you eat all of your food – you can have your own popcorn. Does that work?”

She nodded her head up and down again. As I stood to face her mother, wondering if I was in trouble, little fingers wrapped around mine. Kimberly looked at me, her daughter’s hand, and then back to my face.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she asked, smiling wryly.

“I just HAVE to find out what you did to grow those peppers,” I told her. “I’m going to ingratiate myself with you and your little angel and weedle all of your secrets out of you. I’ll be the greatest gardener on the planet. I’ll be unstoppable!”

She laughed and said, “That’s why you’re still single. You’re crazy.”

“Am I though? Are we going out for your birthday or not?”

The girl said, “Mommy! Say ‘yes’, say ‘yes’!”

Kim choked out a laugh, looking at the bouncing little girl, and said, “I guess…”

“Well,” I said, mischievously, “if you’ve got a better offer …”

I had meant it to be funny but I could tell – when her tears came – that I’d messed up.

“Look,” I said, quickly. “I’m sorry! I didn’t think that through …”

She sniffled as she held up a hand to stop the rest of my apology.

“It’s not your fault,” she said.

“This is why I’m still single,” I told her.

“Stop!” she ordered. “You’ve always been a great guy – a little quirky – but I married the guy everybody thought was the perfect catch and you can see how that turned out. Can I ask you what you have planned beyond this birthday thing?”

“I hadn’t planned any of this,” I said. “Two beautiful women – with fabulous peppers – showed up out of the blue and I think I’d like to spend a little time with them.”

“It’s all about the peppers, is it?” she asked, smirking as she dabbed away the last of the tears.

“Right now it is …” I replied, smiling.

“You’re serious about dinner and the movie?”

“… and two buckets of popcorn, and sharing, and ice cream – you’re damned straight!” I replied. “Darned. Darned straight.”

Kimberly laughed and said, “She hears worse than that from my dad but I appreciate that. Are you sure?”

“I guess you’ll just have to find out,” I told her. “What’s the address and what time should I pick you two ladies up? I’ll order the movie tickets and the concessions. Other than popcorn, what do you want?”

“Can I have a blue Slushie?” the little girl asked.

When I looked down, she seemed to be addressing the question to me.

I looked at Kimberly and asked, “Do I need to approve my intense desire to spoil this child silly with you first or can I go crazy?”

She looked at her daughter and said, “Popcorn, a small blue Slushie, and ice cream. Nothing else – and you have to eat good first.”

The small blonde cherub nodded, beaming at her mother and then at me.

Kim gave me the address. I checked the show-time, got her to name our dinner location, and set the time for me to pick them up.

I gave her my number and she texted me, “Her name is Belle. I don’t know what you’re up to, but you’ve absolutely made her day – and mine. Thank you.”

I replied with, “I really just want you to have a good birthday.”

She sent, “It’s already the best I’ve had in forever – assuming you don’t ghost on me.”

“I’ll be there. I promise. I can’t stand the thought of doing something that might make a beautiful girl cry.”

“Belle or me?” she sent back.

“Yes,” I replied.


The following afternoon, I vid-called Kim’s number. She didn’t answer right away and my heart rate skyrocketed, worried that I’d misread things. Finally, she answered.

“Yes?” she asked, smiling.

“Is Miss Belle available?” I asked. “I need her professional opinion.”

Kim turned the phone so that I could see the small blonde.

“Hello,” she chirped.

“Hi,” I said. “I need your help with a surprise. Can mommy see the screen right now?”

The phone wiggled a little and Belle looked past it and then said, “She’s shaking her head.”

I laughed and said, “Okay. I’m going to show you two things and I want you to pick the one that we should give to mommy. Okay?”

She nodded.

I showed her some lavender carnations and said, “One”, followed by pink ones and said, “Two”.

“Purple,” she said.

I laughed and said, “That’s good – but you have to say the number – so we can keep it a secret.”

“Oh!” she said. “Okay.”

“You ready for the next two things to pick from?”


I showed her a stuffed unicorn and said, “One”, and a stuffed bear and said, “Two”.

She stared hard at the unicorn but then said, “Mommy would want ‘two’.”

“Very good, Belle,” I told her. “One more choice, okay?”

She nodded.

“I showed her a small heart-shaped box of chocolates as #1 and an oversized candy bar as #2.”

She giggled and said, “One.”

I moved the phone so Kim couldn’t see the items and said, “Thanks, angel. I’ll come pick you up in a few hours and you can help me show mommy the surprises, okay?”


She giggled again. Her giggle made my heart happy.

“Kim?” I said.

“Yeeesss?” she said, bringing the phone around so that I could see her smiling face.

“See you soon,” I said. “Happy birthday.”

She grinned and said, “Thanks. See you soon.”


With all three presents safely hidden behind my back or in the bag at my feet, I rang the doorbell and waited. Two beautiful blondes appeared when the door opened. Behind them, I saw a man and woman sneaking a look at me.

“Miss Belle,” I said. “Can you help me a second?”

“Yes,” she said, bounding over to my side.

I looked at Kim and said, “If you could close the door for just a moment, we’ll ring the bell when we’re ready.”

She shook her head and eased the door shut. She was, at least, smiling.

I told Belle, “If you want to hold the bear and the candy, I’ll hold the flowers. The flowers are a little heavier. If you want to hold those, that’s probably the only thing you’ll be able to hold.”

“I’ll take the bear and the candy,” Belle said.

I handed over the two items, pulled out the bouquet and looked at my cohort.


She nodded, beaming.

“I’m going to ring the doorbell. When she opens up, what should we yell, ‘Surprise’ or ‘Happy birthday’?”

“Surprise!” she cheered.

“Okay, ready?”

She nodded again.

I hit the doorbell and stepped over next to Belle.

Kim opened the door and we yelled, “Surprise!”

“Mommy, mommy!” Belle yelled. “We got you presents!”

I stood by, holding the flowers, and waited as Kim scooped up her daughter and kissed and hugged and kissed and hugged her, asking about the gifts. Belle gave her all the details on the gifts we were holding, giggling the whole time.

She set the little girl back onto her feet and said, “Can you run to our room and put the bear and the candy on the dresser please?”

“Yes, mommy!” she yelled, as she headed through the house, announcing what she was doing, and showing the gifts to her grandparents along the way.

“What are you doing?” she said, looking at me, shaking her head.

I handed her the flowers and said, “I’m listening to super-infectious giggles and watching a woman hug and kiss her adorable daughter.”

“Would you like a hug and kiss too?” she asked.

I looked at her for a moment and then said, “I wouldn’t turn it down.”

She stepped up, into my personal space, wrapped her arms around my neck, and pressed her lips to mine. She kept them there for a bit. I put my arms around her ribs.

“I’ll put these in a vase,” I heard a woman say, as the bouquet lifted from my fingers.

When the kiss ended, Kim’s hands went to my shoulders, mine went to her sides, and she looked into my eyes.

“I don’t know what you’re fishing for, Mr. Martin,” she said, “but you’re definitely using the right bait.”

“Did you kiss him, mommy?” Belle asked.

“Yes, is that okay?”

“I missed it?!” she complained, pushing her lower lip out in a pout.

I reached down, scooped her into my arms, and held her between Kim and me.

“Guess we’ll have to do it again,” I said, pressing my lips to her cheek.

“I guess,” her mom said, leaning in to squeeze the little darling between us as she pressed her lips to Belle’s other cheek.

Belle wrapped her arms around our necks and giggled. When I tried to lean back, she came away in my arms instead of her mother’s.

“Mommy’s been worried all day that you wouldn’t come,” she ‘whispered’.

“Don’t tell all of mommy’s secrets,” I told her. “Mommies don’t want everybody to know how much they worry.”

“Okay,” she whispered loudly.

Kim grabbed my fingers and pulled me into the house.

“Mom, Dad, this is Terry Martin. He and I went to school together.”

I shook hands with Kim’s parents. The flowers were in a vase, sitting on the kitchen table.

“I didn’t know where you wanted the flowers, darling,” her mother told her. “I can move them to your room, if you’d like.”

“They’re fine, right there, thanks, mom,” she said.

“The girls have a curfew,” her dad said, smiling.

“I appreciate the warning, Mr. Pratt,” I said. “I will do my best to have your beautiful ladies back before bedtime.”

“We’re going to get ice cream, Pop-pop!” Belle told him.

He gave her a squeeze and accepted a sweet peck on the lips from his granddaughter.

Grandma collected hers next, smiled, and said, “I want to hear all about it when you get back.”

“C’mon, mommy,” Belle told her as she kicked her legs, impatiently, for me to get us on our way.

“I guess we’re going,” I said, laughing.

“Looks like it,” Kim agreed, grabbing her purse. “I need to grab her car seat.”

She pulled out her keys, stopped at her car, removed the seat, and followed me to my vehicle. I opened the door and tried to switch loads with her, but she shook her head.

“She’s happy enough in your arms and I won’t have to worry that she’s near the street,” she told me.

Once her mother had the thing in place, I lowered Belle into the seat and then watched closely as Kim got her strapped in. I stepped back when she stood up. Our faces were close together. She gave me a kiss.

“What are you doing?” I asked, smirking.

“Just letting you know that you’ve got a fish on the line – so you can start figuring out whether or not you want to begin reeling it in.”

I stepped around her and opened the front passenger door. She closed the back door, and stepped up, close again.

“The hook is set, Mr. Martin,” she said, dropping into the seat.

I carefully shut the door and hurried to climb in, trying not to think about how my cock was waking from its hibernation.

We all had chicken strips, fries, peas, and peaches for dinner. Belle only needed one small reminder to eat her food. She was excited about having a bucket of popcorn of her own – and a blue Slushie.

At the theater, we got our tickets, picked up our concessions, and found the right screen. We were a little early so we sat and ate our corn as we ignored the trivia and other stuff on the screen. I watched our things as Kim took Belle to the bathroom one last time before the show began.

I asked Belle if she wanted to sit in the middle but she reminded me that I was sharing popcorn with her mom. She told me that I was sitting in the middle. Kim arched her eyebrow at me when I looked over at her.

The recliners were enormous. Kim looked over at her daughter, sitting there with her bucket of popcorn and her Slushie and grinned. She hopped up and took a picture to send to her parents.

Every few minutes, during the film, Kim leaned across me to check on her daughter.

“We can switch,” I told her.

“You done with the popcorn?” she asked.

I nodded.

She took the bucket, put it in her seat, and climbed onto my lap, laying her head on my shoulder.

“Is this okay?” she whispered.

“Better than okay,” I responded.

She snuggled a little closer.

She continued, periodically, checking to see if Belle was still good, but she relaxed into my arms more and more and I just hoped she couldn’t feel the lump in my pants.

When the lights came on, I looked over at the little blonde.

“So? Did you like it?”

“Why is mommy sitting on your lap?” she asked.

“She was checking on you a bunch and I think she was worried she was blocking the people behind us,” I said.

I turned and realized that, with the way the seats were installed now, that would be hard – but I didn’t bother to correct what I’d told her.

“Can we take Mommy to get ice cream now?”

“I’m kind of full,” Kim said, winking at me and grinning.

“But, Mommy …,” Belle whined.

“Belle …” she warned.

“Please,” Belle said, looking at me, “can we go get ice cream?”

“What’s your favorite flavor?” I asked her, as we made our way out of the theater.

“Strawberry,” she said.

“No way!” I told her. “Me too!”

She giggled and grabbed my fingers – grabbing her mom’s in the other hand. As we crossed the parking lot, she got a better grip on our hands and then raised her legs up so that she could swing between us. She giggled like crazy as we swung our arms forward and backward to swing her a little higher.

At the treat shop, Kim got chocolate ice cream. Belle and I got strawberry.

“Mommy, what is his name again?”

“Terry – or Mr. Martin,” she told her.

“Thank you for the ice cream, Terry,” she cooed.

“You are most welcome, little angel,” I told her. “Do you think mommy liked her birthday celebration?”

“Yes,” Kim said, “she did. Thank you, Mr. Martin.”

“Yes, she did. Thank you, Mr. Martin,” Belle said, mimicking her mother.

She grinned broadly at her mom and me as we laughed at her.


I carried the sleeping child to the house. Kim let us in. We stood, together, in the front room. Belle’s head was lying on my shoulder.

“Can I see you again?” I asked.

“If I didn’t need to put a small child in my bed,” she said, “and I didn’t live in a house with my mom and my dad, I’d be tempted to invite you to spend the night.”

I raised my eyebrows at her.

“I hope you aren’t some kind of a serial killer, Mr. Martin, because you have done absolutely everything necessary to make my pussy wet for you. I’m damaged, I have baggage, and I live with my parents – and you have given me the best 24 hours of my life since I can’t remember when. I’ve been around long enough to know that I would be stupid not to take a chance to see what you’re really offering. I’m worried to death because I have a little girl and I’m vulnerable and …”

“I won’t make you promise anything,” I told her. “For now, let’s just take things slow.”

“I don’t want slow, Terry. I have a soon-to-be five-year-old.”

“What do you want?” I asked her.

“Are you serious about Belle and me?”

“I think so.”

“I want to sit on the couch and be held by a man who cares about my little girl,” she said.

“What about you?”

“If you promise to love my daughter and help me take care of her, I don’t need anything else.”

“I have no experience,” I said.

She looked into my eyes.

“Stay here, but give her to me. Let me put her to bed and then I can talk without her hearing the desperation in my voice.”

She took the sleeping child from my arms and carried her down the hall. She was gone several minutes before she returned. She took my hand and led me to the couch. She sat down. I sat, facing her.

“You say you have no experience,” she said, “but you have – from the moment she met you – treated my little princess like a real person, with real feelings, with real hopes, and real needs. I guaran-FUCKING-tee you that that’s way more than her father ever did – and I haven’t heard shit from that worthless son-of-a-bitch in more than a year. From everything I’ve seen since … Fuck has it only been one day? From everything I’ve seen since yesterday, you are already overqualified for the position of dad – if you want it. You’ve already earned yourself a night in whichever of my holes you pick. I’ll get my parents to watch Belle while we go somewhere so that I can give my body to you.”

I sat and stared at her, feeling badly that she was so desperate that she would consider the little that I had done in 24 hours to be a replacement for seven years with Brad.

“Did I scare you off?” she asked, looking worried.

I took her hands in mine and said, “No. I’m just … I’m sorry that you …”

“Stop,” she said firmly. “Again. NOT your fault and NOT your problem. Fuck! I want to have sex with you so badly right now.”

“I would like to see you again,” I said. “Would you prefer that our next date be just the two of us?”


“Do you have a day in mind?” I asked.


“I can make that work,” I replied.

Her mind whirled for a moment.

“I’m not on the pill but we should be safe. We’ll stay at your place, or a hotel, or … fuck … I don’t even know where you live.”

“I live a little over an hour away. I’m staying at mom’s to help get my sister off to college. We’ll find a room somewhere – if you’re sure.”

“I’m so sure that I’m squeezing my thighs together right now to keep from pulling you on top of me right here, right now.”

“Have I told you how beautiful you are?” I asked.

“Please stop,” she moaned. “I’m seriously about to rape you.”

I looked at her, feeling her hands tremble within my own.

“I guess the other option would be for me to take you to my house,” I said. “We’d waste an hour, plus, each way, traveling.”

“And I’d get to see the serial killer’s lair?” she asked, snickering.

“I’ll probably need to tidy up before you’re allowed in – you know – bury a few dead bodies, hide the dirty underwear that’s probably lying on the bathroom floor, hang the wet towels somewhere other than the shower rod – that sort of thing.”

She laughed but her eyes were glistening, threatening to tear.

“I would love to be fucked in your bed, Terry,” she whispered.

“My sister should be good to go, I think …,” I began to say.

“Do you need to wait a day or two?” she asked.

I thought for a minute and said, “One more day would be more than enough. Can we push our date back a day?”

The pained sigh that came from her chest had me pulling her into my arms for a hug.

“I am seriously so susceptible to everything you are doing to me. Please do not be some dream that I wake up from. I don’t know how much more of this I can endure.”

“Do you want to take tomorrow off – for a breather – or can we do something innocuous – either just the two of us – or we can hand the car keys to Belle and see where we end up?”

“Completely up to you,” she said.

“We could take our parents out,” I suggested, “to see if they get along okay.”

“Are you for real right now?!”

“We don’t have to …”

“I seriously think I just orgasmed,” she moaned.

“Do you think your parents would be up for it?”

“Yes. I’m pretty sure they already like you.”

“Where would they want to eat?”

“The same place everybody their age eats in this town,” she said, managing to groan and giggle at the same time.

“The Cafeteria?” I asked.


“That’s fine. You’re right. Mom loves that place too. My sister might still be around …”

“I would love to meet her. Hopefully …”

“She’ll love you,” I promised. “Actually, she’ll love Belle – and you by extension. She’s heading off to college to be a Kindergarten teacher.”

“Is her name Tina? Has she helped out at the preschool?”

“Yes and yes.”

“Belle will positively explode! She loves Miss Tina. I think you’ve just earned yourself another night in the orifice of your choice, Mr. Martin.”

“Hmmm,” I said. “I kind of like this orifice …,” I said, leaning forward for a kiss.

“I will suck you so hard …,” she whispered.

“… but I’m thinking I’ll keep this part of you busy while I’m stealing my way into another orifice,” I finished.

“Well, then, mister,” she cooed. “Unless you are far more flexible than I think, then I believe I’m perfectly happy for you to occupy those two orifices at the same time – in the manner of your choosing.”

“I seriously think I just orgasmed,” I whispered, repeating her earlier line back to her.

She laughed and pulled me in for another kiss.

“You need to go, please and thank you, before I start tearing your clothes off. Does your mom eat as early as my parents?”

“5 o’clock?”

“Yes. Meet you at The Cafeteria?”

“I’m already looking forward to it,” I said, leaning forward to collect another kiss.

A low growl rumbled from her throat and I suddenly found her straddling me, her breasts in my face, as she shoved me back into the couch.

She froze. I looked at her face, she was looking towards the sink.

“Belle wanted a drink,” I heard her mom say.

“Dinner at The Cafeteria with Terry’s mom and sister, tomorrow, okay?” Kim asked her.

“I’ll tell your father,” she replied.

I heard footsteps head down the hall.

The hot blonde in my lap put her mouth next to my ear and whispered, “Squeeze my tits while I kiss you and then I need to walk you to the door. Belle’s used to having me right next to her when she sleeps.”

I was slow to move. Too slow, apparently. She got impatient, took my hands, brought them to her chest, set them on her breasts, and squeezed – showing me what to do. She then proceeded to kiss and suck my soul out of my body through my lips and mouth.

My head was spinning when she climbed off of me and grabbed my hand to pull me to my feet. She led me to the front door, opened it, gave me another quick peck, and said, “See you tomorrow, Mr. Martin.”


Mom was heading to bed when I slipped into the house. She didn’t really remember Kim Pratt but she seemed very excited about meeting her parents for dinner. I warned her that Kim had a little girl but that didn’t seem to diminish her enthusiasm.

Tina was on her phone, lying in the middle of her bed, when I tapped on the door.

“Come in,” she said.

When she saw me, she asked, “What’s up?”

“You have dinner plans tomorrow?”

“Not yet,” she said, smiling. “I guess I do now … you taking me to Taco Bell?”

I laughed and said, “I ran into an old classmate and we might be kind of dating.”

“Shit! You just met her and you’re already doing the horizontal-mambo?!”

“She has a little girl so we’re still working up to that. Kim thinks Belle already knows you.”

“Belle? Belle Thompson?”

“That’s her dad’s name.”

“I think I’ve met her mom. Belle is a sweetheart. Her parents are separated?”

“Kim said he split on them last year. She got served with the divorce papers a couple weeks later.”

“What a prick! Belle’s gonna seriously be my niece?!” she asked.

“Slow down! You’re as bad as Kim!”

“Terry, if Belle’s mom is anything like her, you’ve got my go-ahead,” she said.

“So, you up for The Cafeteria tomorrow at 5?”

“The Cafeteria?! Ack! Only if I get to sit next to Belle,” she said, laughing.

“I guess we’ll just have to see,” I shot back, smugly. “She might decide she’d rather sit by me.”

“Dude, you’re out of your league. I have those little kids eating out of the palm of my hand …”

“Alright, alright,” I said, chuckling. “I’ll text Kim and tell her that we’re good on this end.”

I changed into my bed-clothes, brushed my teeth, and collapsed into bed. I texted Kim and told her that everybody on my end would be at the restaurant. I contemplated whether or not to throw a heart emoji on the end of the text and decided that I would wait. I was still having a little trouble believing how quickly I was moving from bachelor to – potentially – husband and father.


Tina and I didn’t have much left to do in order to get her ready to leave for college. We loaded the rest of the boxes into the car, and I rode with her to get some move-in supplies – basic household needs and, of course, snacks and ramen noodles.

We spent the last hour filling a gift-bag with goodies for Belle. Tina started with some coloring books and crayons and pretty soon we’d spent $100 and had to add a second bag to hold all of the loot.

We stopped by the house, moved the stuff that was going with my sister into her car, and hollered for mom to climb in with us.

We got to the restaurant 15 minutes early – to find Kim’s family climbing out of their vehicle.

“Miss Tina?!” Belle screeched.

The little blonde cherub darted across the parking lot and six adults rushed to make sure that no vehicles were anywhere near to threaten the child.

My sister caught her, lifted her into a hug, and cautioned her to be careful in parking lots.

“What are you doing here, Miss Tina?” she asked, ignoring my sibling’s cautionary advice.

“Mr. Martin is my brother,” Tina told her.

“Terry is your BROTHER?!” she gasped.

Tina laughed and nodded.

“… and this is my mommy,” Tina told the girl, introducing our mother.

“… and Terry’s mom?” Belle asked.

“Yes, sweetie,” Mom replied.

“Is your name Mrs. Martin?”

“Yes, it is!”

“Mrs. Martin, I need to tell you something,” Belle ‘whispered’.

“What’s that, angel?” Mom asked.

“You have terrific kids,” Belle told her.

“Thank you, very much,” Mom told her, “I think so too.”

“Mommy is going to see Terry’s house,” Belle confided. “I’m staying with grandma and grandpa but I’m planning to get Terry to take me to see his house very soon!”

“I think that’s a super idea,” Mom told her, gleefully.

“We should probably introduce our parents,” I told Kim, “before your daughter picks a minister, a wedding venue, and a honeymoon destination.”

As we introduced everybody to everybody, Belle spied the bags in my hand and Tina’s.

“Are those gift bags?” Belle asked, her blonde curls and cherub-like face radiant in the afternoon sunlight.

“They are,” Tina told her.

“Who are they for?” she asked.

“Somebody very special,” Tina whispered.

“Who?” Belle whispered back.

“Do you promise to share them with grandma and grandpa while mommy is visiting Terry’s house?” she asked.

“Yes!” Belle promised.

My sister and I both held out our bags.

“Two of them?!”

“Very good counting, little miss,” Tina told her. “Let’s go inside. If you eat all of your dinner, maybe we can start looking through the bags while the grandparents talk.”

Belle took Tina’s fingers, turned to her mother, and said, “I’m holding Miss Tina’s hand, mommy. You hold Terry’s.”

Six adults laughed – and then one very pretty adult took my hand, leaned over, and kissed the shit out of me.

When we got inside, Belle took charge of the seating arrangements. She put the ‘grandparents’ together. Mom seemed to already be comfortable being included in that group. Next, she put Kim next to her mom, then me, then herself, and then Miss Tina.

“Mommy, you can hold Terry’s hand after you’re done eating all of your food,” the little blonde said matter-of-factly – eliciting snickers from the rest of the group.

I volunteered to watch purses while everybody went to get their food. Kim stayed with me. I got another quick kiss and then she held my hand and we chatted as we waited for the others. My sister got some quick dietary guidance from Belle’s mom and then the little angel dragged her off to get a tray and begin picking what she was going to eat. I tried to give my mom my debit card but she waved me off, saying that she would take care of it.

“Are you going to ask me to marry you?” Kim asked me, “or do I need to do it?”

“You should probably confirm whether or not I’m a serial killer before we get to that point,” I told her, smirking.

“If you’ve hidden it this long,” she replied, “I doubt I’ll find out until it’s too late.”

“Which would you prefer?” I asked.

“I’ve already had a proposal, a church wedding, and a honeymoon,” she said, solemnly. “At this point, as I have as much as told you, I would be perfectly happy being your nameless sex-slave as long as you continue to treat my daughter and me the way you have so far.”

“If you could have whatever you wanted …” I asked.

“Every young woman wants a millionaire with house servants and a huge cock,” she said, smirking. “I would like to be Mrs. Kimberly Martin. I would like to give you as many children as you want. I would like to cum on your cock or your tongue as often as you will let me. I would like to grow old with you, sitting at your side, holding you in my arms.”

Tina and Belle returned and took their seats.

“Did you kiss him, Mommy?” Belle asked.

“Yes. Is that okay?”

“I missed it, AGAIN?!” she asked.

I scooped her up, brought her between her mother and I, and we kissed her cheeks again. She giggled, once more, and hugged our necks, giving each of us kisses on the lips. I put her back in her chair as the grandparents arrived.

“Mr. Pratt, would it be okay if I asked your daughter an important question?”

He looked at me for a moment and then nodded.

I stood, pulled Belle’s chair sideways to face me, and knelt down in front of her. I held out my hands and she put hers in mine.

“Belle, would it be okay with you if I asked your mommy to marry me?”

“Yes!” she squealed, throwing her arms around my neck and rocking side-to-side.

I felt like my head might pop off. My sister laughed at the expression on my face.

When Belle finally released me, I stood, pushed my chair in, turned to face Kim, scooted her chair towards me a little, and got down on one knee. I held out my hands and she put hers in mine, trembling.

“Miss Kimberly Pratt,” I asked. “At our wedding, can Belle and I have strawberry ice cream?”

Through her tears, Kim asked, “What?!”

“Say ‘yes’, mommy! Say ‘yes’! Please …”

“Please …” I begged, doing my best to mimic Belle’s voice and intonation.

“You’re horrible!” she said, laughing and crying at the same time.

“Please, will you marry me?”

“I’ll have to think about it,” she said, crossing her arms and trying to pretend like she was mad at me.

Belle climbed up my back, onto my shoulders, looked at her mom, and said, “You should say ‘yes’, Mommy and then you should kiss him so that everybody can see.”

Belle climbed down from my shoulder and climbed up into her mother’s lap.

“You’re gonna say ‘yes’, aren’t you mommy? Please?”

Kim stood to her feet, holding Belle on her right arm.

“On your feet, Mr. Martin,” she ordered.

I stood.

She took my hand with her free one. She said, “You’ve asked me what I need and you’ve asked me what I desire with all of my heart. Nothing in this world would make me happier than to share your name and to spend the rest of my life with the two of you.”

She looked at Belle and said, “I’ll kiss his lips. You kiss his cheek.”

Belle nodded and puckered her lips.

I wrapped the two of them in my arms and returned kisses – first to Kim – and then to her daughter.

We were shocked out of our revelry by the applause that erupted from several tables around us. Kim and I looked at each other and blushed. We delivered the cherub to my sister for the girl to start on her food before it got any colder.

My fiancé and I headed up to the food-line to figure out what we were eating. I wanted the Salisbury steak but I always paid for it for hours later. Kim laughed, and squeezed my fingers, when I told her that.

I took the road more traveled … and got chicken strips and fries. Kim told me I was a dork but, when I got back to the table, Belle praised my superb choices. Other than our selections for the vegetable and the fruit, she and I had picked the same things to eat. Tina agreed with Kim. I ignored her.

After we had finished eating, Belle unveiled all of her fabulous prizes for everyone to ooh and aww over. At that point, I left Kim to work out all of the gory details with our parents on the when, where, who, and how for the ceremony. Meanwhile, Belle, Tina, and I had a coloring contest. I still think the judging was biased. I thought I did a pretty good job of staying in the lines.


At home, I stopped in my sister’s doorway to chat.

“What do you think of her?” I asked my sister.

“She adores you, obviously,” she said. “With anybody else, I would worry that she’s opening herself up to abuse. I trust you not to take advantage of her. If I find out that you are, I will personally kick your ass.”


“Belle told me that she hasn’t heard from her dad since he left. Unless Kim is keeping him from her …”

“She sold the house that he left her and moved back in with her parents. She said she hasn’t heard from him and that the papers were served by a lawyer.”

“I trust that you’ll treat Belle like she’s your own,” she said.

“I’d planned on it.”

“If you get the chance, I think you should adopt her to make it official. If her biological father is willing to sign the papers to give up his claim to her, then he doesn’t deserve for that little angel to even remember that he exists.”

I nodded.

“Don’t screw this up,” my sister ordered. “Kim asked me to stand up with her. It’ll pretty much just be us at the ceremony but I told her I would. Obviously, Belle is super-excited. She is such a cutie.”

“No concerns?” I asked.

“Only that you’ll find a way to fuck this up,” she said, smirking.

“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” I shot back.

“Honestly, Terry, mom and I were starting to get a little worried about you. In the grand scheme of things, this is almost a God-thing. You’re getting a wife who will adore you forever, you’re giving her hope that I’m sure she felt like had abandoned her, you’re offering her heart a chance to heal, and you’re going to get a beautiful little angel who doesn’t have any of your facial deformities.”

She held her sides and laughed while I tried to look hurt.

“I love you too, whore,” I growled.

“Seriously, though, big brother,” she said, drying her eyes. “I watched you interacting with both of them and you’re getting an instant family that most men only dream of.”

“Then why hadn’t somebody already scooped her up?”

“Most men don’t want to raise somebody else’s kid.”

“She’s too cute not to love,” I replied.

“Her mom’s kinda hot too,” Tina said, smirking.

“I might have noticed,” I said.

“Try not to enjoy your pre-honeymoon too much tomorrow night,” she said, laughing.

“I’m not sure I’m really ready for that,” I admitted.

“… and now it’s getting weird. Good night, dear brother,” she said.

“Night, Sis,” I replied, bending to kiss her cheek before I turned to leave.

“That’s a first,” she said. “I think Kim might be even better for you than I thought!”

She ruined the special moment by laughing. I ignored her and went to my room.


I pulled up in front of Kim’s house at 5 o’clock on the dot. I could see Belle standing in the living room window. She disappeared, the curtain fell back into place, and the front door opened. She was bouncing up and down.

As I got close, she said, “Mommy’s got her bag packed for her sleep-over. I’m not supposed to tell you that she barely slept at all last night.”

“Remember what we said about mommy’s secrets,” I reminded her.

“I know, I know,” she said, ignoring or disregarding my advice completely.

I leaned into the open doorway and called out, “Is it okay to come in?”

“Assuming you haven’t changed your mind after yesterday’s proposal,” Kim’s dad said, “you are welcome here anytime.”

He stepped over to meet me as I came in and held out his hand. I took it and we shook.

“I promise to do my best to take care of your girls,” I told him.

“You’ve already added ten years to my life expectancy,” he replied. “It’s been a long time since the three women who live in this house have been this happy.”

Kim’s mom appeared and wrapped her arms around my middle, pulling me down so that she could kiss my cheek. She released me and then wrapped herself around her husband.

Kim bounded into the room and shrieked, “Is it 5 already?!”

“You stewed all night and all morning and – now that he’s here – you’re not ready?” her mom asked her, chuckling.

Her hair was tied up in a bandanna. She was wearing long, yellow dishwashing gloves. She had a plastic bucket and a scrub brush in her hands.

“I decided to distract myself by cleaning the bathroom. I lost track of time!” she gasped.

“Good – on both accounts,” her mom replied. “That bathroom’s needed a good scrubbing – and you needed to chill out.”

“… but now I’m not ready!” she whined.

“I will accept a kiss as compensation,” I told her. “I will sit here and visit with these fine people while you do whatever you think you need to do to get ready – but I think you look fine.”

“I should go like this – just to call your bluff,” she replied, smirking.

“Kimberly …,” her mother growled.

Before she could object, I slid across the space between us, wrapped my arms around her, and kissed her. When I released her, she was sputtering.

“You … I’m … That was a bad idea!”

“I assure you that I’m chock full of bad ideas, dear woman,” I purred.

She raised an eyebrow at me and headed down the hall, calling out, “I’ll be ready in ten minutes.”

Her mom snickered at me and said, “You may want to wash your hands. I’ll squirt the soap for you. Lord only knows what she’s gotten herself into.”

I followed Kim’s mom – my future mother-in-law – to the kitchen sink. She turned on the water and gave me a healthy handful of antibacterial dish soap, advising me to hit whatever bare skin that had come into contact with her daughter, her clothes, or the things she’d been holding.

“I’ll run out to the car,” I told her. “I’ll grab a shirt out of my backpack and trade for this one.”

“That might be for the best,” she said, snickering, while handing me a paper towel.

She opened the door under the sink and I pitched the towel into the trash.

“You’re not leaving without giving me a hug, are you?” Belle asked from the front room.

“I’m changing shirts, honey. I’ll be right back.”


Not seeing anyone around near the car, I changed my shorts as well as my shirt, throwing the questionable garments into an empty grocery bag and sticking them in the trunk. Kim’s mom quirked an eyebrow at me when I returned and she noticed that I’d changed my shorts as well but she only nodded, waving me off to the coffee table where Belle was coloring.

Kim’s mom brought over a bottle of hand sanitizer, pointing to her cheek. I took a big squirt and doused my face, chin, and neck in the stuff.

“Thank you,” I told her.

“Thank you for understanding,” she replied, returning the bottle to its place.

I sat down on the floor, next to my future step-daughter.

“How soon can I come see your house?” Belle asked me.

“We’ll have to see,” I told her. “I’m not really sure.”

“Is there a room there – for me – when I get bigger?”

“There is. My computer is there right now. When you are ready, we’ll fix it up however you want.”

“But I can still sleep with mommy for now?” she asked.

I noticed we had Kim’s mom’s attention.

“Does mommy face you when you sleep – or does she lie on her back?”

“She usually sleeps on her side and faces me,” she replied.

“So maybe I can sleep on the other side of mommy?” I asked.

“She would be in the middle of us? Like a hug?”

“Is that okay?”

“Yes – but when I get big I can have my own room?”

“Definitely. You’re okay with the idea of living at my house?”

“Mommy said that, after you get married, that’s where we’ll sleep.”

“Is that okay?”

“Yes. Mommy can sleep in the middle. Do you snore?”

“I don’t think so,” I replied.

“Pop-pop snores,” she reported. “Grandma makes him sleep on his side.”

“There are no secrets in the world when there’s a child near,” Kim’s mom said, snickering.

“Where’s Miss Tina?” Belle asked.

“She’s leaving to go to college. She’s going to learn to be a teacher.”

“She’s already a good teacher,” the little angel said, matter-of-factly. “She’s going to be in the wedding with me and mommy.”

“Can I have a hug?” I asked her.

She put down her coloring crayon, turned to face me, and wrapped her arms around my neck, giving me a peck on the lips.

“Why do your eyes look funny?” she asked me, when she finally pulled away.

“You’re making my insides squishy, little miss.”

“You make my tummy happy,” she told me, hugging me again.

I returned the squeeze.

When we separated, I saw Kim standing there, holding her bag, watching us.

She looked from me to her daughter and said, “Give Mr. Martin one more quick hug and then we’re going to take off. Be good for grandma and grandpa and we’ll be back tomorrow.”

Belle took my face in her hands, bumped her nose to mine, and said, “Take care of mommy, Terry.”

“I promise,” I told her.

She gave me a peck on the lips and hugged my neck hard enough to scare me into thinking I might need a chiropractor. Once she released me, she ran to her mother and jumped into her arms. Kim got a hug and lots of kisses. She motioned me towards the door and carried the child with her to the front stoop. She accepted one more set of hugs and kisses and then set Belle on the threshold. Belle claimed her grandmother’s fingers and turned to face us.

“Text me when you get there,” Belle said.

Kim’s mom laughed and said, “That’s my line, little miss.”

“I wanted to say it this time, grandma,” she ‘whispered’.

“Good job,” her grandmother said, squeezing her fingers.

Kim claimed my fingers with hers.

“I love you, Belle. Be good for grandma and Pop-pop,” Kim told her.

“I love you, mommy,” she replied. “I love you, Terry.”

“I love you, too, little angel. We’ll be back soon.”

“I love you, mom,” Kim told her mother.

“I love you, sweetheart,” she said. “We’ll be fine. Be good to each other.”

Kim looked at me and I nodded to her mom. I was sure this wasn’t easy on her. My mom was still fairly traditional about things and we were violating a few “rules”. Kim’s parents seemed to think that our relationship was a good thing – and were willing to overlook the fact that I was planning to have sex with their daughter. Based on what my sister had said, mom was growing concerned enough about my relationship status that she’d forgive me as well. Then again, I wasn’t a kid in high school anymore. Still, it felt kind of weird, talking to Kim’s parents – with them knowing what we were planning.

My introspective worrying was aborted when Kim turned and pulled me down the sidewalk, towards my car.

“Give me the keys,” she ordered.

I dug in my pocket and fished out the key-fob, handing it over. She opened the passenger door, pulled me into a kiss, and then whispered, “As soon as we’re moving, get your pants off. We’re making a slight detour.”

She headed around the car and climbed behind the steering wheel. I was still standing by the car. She cleared her throat, loudly. I climbed in and looked over at her.

“Pants and underwear off, Mr. Martin,” she said, starting the car and pulling on her seat belt.

Five minutes later, she pulled into the Hardee’s parking area and steered us towards the edge of the lot, backing us into a spot with plenty of empty space on either side of us. She put the car in park, rolled down the front windows, turned off the key, and climbed out. She walked around the car, opened my door, reached under her skirt to pull off her panties, and threw them onto the center console.

“You’re not naked yet,” she said. “I need your pants and underwear off so I can ride your cock, husband-to-be.”

She pulled up the front of her skirt and showed me her shaved vulva.

My cock was insta-hard. I regretted not having already removed my clothes before she flashed me her mommy parts. As soon as my lower-half was naked, she raised her skirt, climbed in to straddle my lap, and closed the door. She reached down, lined my rigid prick up with her entrance, and sank slowly down onto me. There wasn’t a lot of room for her knees and legs, but she didn’t stop wriggling until I was fully seated inside of her.

“Hands up my shirt,” she ordered. “Grope my breasts and kiss me while I fuck myself on your dick.”

I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had my cock buried inside of a pussy. This one felt absolutely amazing. I couldn’t believe Kimberly Pratt – the most beautiful girl in our whole class – was riding my dick in the Hardee’s parking lot as she held my hands on her breasts – which felt just as amazing as the rest of her – while she kissed the life out of me.

The hot blonde – mounted on my cock – was moaning into my mouth and moving her body in the most amazing way. I had one hand on her tits and the other one was squeezing her ass, pulling her onto my cock harder and harder – pushing towards the climax that was quickly building. If her sexy sounds were any indication, she was getting close too.

I groaned as a car pulled in beside us. I couldn’t stop. Whoever was in the car was not going to have too much trouble figuring out what the two of us were up to. I was really too close to cumming to care. I just kept doing what I was doing.

“Kim Thompson?!”

“Pratt. Brad left me for Katie Johnson a year ago.”

“Are … are you …?”

“Fucking Terry Martin’s massive cock? Yes, I am. He proposed to me yesterday and this is the first chance I’ve had to get him alone. A little harder, Terry. I’m so, fucking close!”

I lost track of whether or not our voyeur was still watching. Kim’s vagina was doing some amazing things up and down my cock and I was quickly moving past the point of no return.

“Kim!” I growled in warning.

“Do it! Fill my cunt, beautiful man! I love you so … fucking … much!”

I held on a moment longer but then her channel began clenching around my cock and it was over. She settled, fully, onto my lap, wrapped her arms around my neck, and kissed me hard as her body trembled. The slickness coming from her sex increased and I could feel it coating my balls. Those balls were already pumping every ounce of semen from my body, into hers, but the feeling of her juices on my ball-sack had them straining to find something else to give her.

“Fuck!” I groaned.

I heard a camera shutter and looked over to see that our visitor was looking at her phone.

“That was amazing, Terry!” Kim cooed, capturing my face in her hands and kissing me over and over again.

The woman – who I didn’t recognize – slid her phone into her rear pants pocket and headed for the restaurant.

When Kim stopped kissing me, I said, “Massive?”

“If we’re going to be on social media anyway, they might as well have something to talk about. I don’t think it’s that much of an exaggeration, honestly,” she said, giving me another kiss.

She climbed off of my lap and then turned to suck and lick my cock clean.

“You don’t have to do that,” I told her.

“Who says I didn’t WANT to do that,” she said, licking her lips as she looked up at me.

As she stood up, I caught sight of a puddle of escaped jizz, beneath where she’d been squatting.

“Well,” she said, spotting the mess. “That’s a shame! Guess I’ll have to talk you into reloading me again later.”

She bent to give me another kiss and then straightened her skirt and closed my door. She walked around to the driver’s side, reached in, grabbed her panties, pulled them on, fixed her skirt again, and slid behind the wheel.

She glanced over at my cock – which was still stiff – giggled, and started the car. The reminder dinged to tell me that I needed to put my seatbelt on. I pulled up my underwear and pants, scooted back in the seat, and fastened the belt.

Once we were on the road, she reached over, claimed my left hand with her right, and said, “Thank you.”

“I’m pretty sure I should be thanking you,” I replied.

“Thank you for giving me a chance,” she said. “Thank you for being so good to my little girl. Thank you for making it easy for my parents to like you. Thank you for … I’m not even sure I can list them all.”

“Thank you for having the best looking peppers at the fair. I would have never even run into you if it hadn’t been for them.”

“You really like my peppers, huh?” she asked, smirking at me.

I quirked an eyebrow at her and said, “Best looking peppers I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

“Am I going the right direction?” she asked.

She laughed when I jumped and started looking around. I told her the name of the small town that I lived in. She squeezed my fingers – and occasionally leaned over to claim a kiss – as she drove to my place.

We hit the drive-thru about half-way there and grabbed sweet teas to slake our thirst. As we pulled back onto the highway, I studied the woman that I had proposed to the day before.

“What are you doing?” she asked, snickering.

“Trying to figure out how I’m engaged to someone as beautiful, smart, …”

“… horny …,” she added.

“… sexy …” I said.

“I’m just lucky you hadn’t found ‘the one’ before I ran into you.”

“I think I’ve found her,” I said.

She leaned over and claimed another kiss, squeezing my fingers.

As she pulled off of the highway, and into the town where I lived, I gave her the last few instructions on finding the house and where to park.

I removed my belt, climbed out, grabbed my pack (and the dirty clothes from the trunk) and claimed her hand as she threw her bag over her shoulder. I led her around the house and showed her the garden. She giggled when she saw how pitiful my peppers looked.

“I seriously thought you were making that up,” she said, laughing.

“I don’t kid around about garden produce,” I told her.

“You’re horrible,” she said.

I stole a kiss, took her hand, and led her to the front door.

“Remember, I haven’t had a chance to clean up yet. If I had known I was coming home with a fiancé, I would have made sure to tidy up before I left.”

“Have we really only been dating for like three days?” she asked.

“Something like that,” I said. “If you remember right, I suggested that we take things slowly.”

“I’m too old for ‘slowly’ – and your cock felt just fine the first time – and I expect it to feel just as good in another few minutes. I also absolutely adore watching you and Belle together. Did I suck your cock yet?”

“Yes, I believe you did,” I replied.

“Doesn’t count,” she said, “but you’re getting pussy until you get sick of it – then I’ll blow you.”

“I’m pretty sure I’m never getting tired of your pussy,” I assured her.

“Only one way to find out,” she said.

I unlocked the door, scooped her into my arms, and carried her across the threshold.

“I just came again,” she said, giggling.

“Damn, I’m good!” I said, smugly.

She laughed and wrapped an arm around my neck to claim another kiss.

On her feet once more, Kimberly Pratt managed to ignore all of the things that I’d worried about as she left a trail of clothing that led from the front door to my bedroom.

“You want a tour?” I asked.

“I want you naked with your cock buried inside of my pussy. I want you cumming inside of me and falling asleep in my arms. I want you waking me in the middle of the night to fuck me full of your jizz again. I want breakfast in bed – after which I will suck your dick until you’re stiff again – at which point I intend to shove you down, climb on top of your handsome body, and fuck myself silly on your massive cock. Then we’ll take a quick nap, shower together, and head for my parents. There’s a 50/50 chance that I’ll make you pull over so I can ride you one more time before we get to the house – since I’m not sure when I’ll see you again.”

“I …” I started to answer.

“Later,” she said. “Naked. Cock in pussy. Cum inside. Sleep in arms.”

Everything pretty much went down the way she had planned – except that she didn’t have to suck me after I brought her breakfast. She did anyway – but she didn’t have to.

By the time we got back to her parent’s house, I had cum inside of her pussy five times and had my cock in her mouth at least three times – although I hadn’t finished there yet.


As I drove us back into town, Kim started catching me up on the cataclysmic eruption that had taken place on social media in the relatively small number of hours that we had been gone from the town.

From what she said, the girl with the phone (at Hardee’s) had a sister who was best friends with Brad’s cousin – and there was a shit-storm of activity that traversed from SnapChat to Twitter to media platforms that I didn’t even know existed. Once everything hit Facebook, however, the entire world seemed to have an opinion. For or against, there were very few “live and let live” responses. Most likely, the people with those opinions had simply chosen not to respond – but it made the “conversation” feel pretty caustic. All discussion – between the two of us – about what was going on – stopped as soon as a certain little princess came bounding down the sidewalk.

“Mommy! I missed you so much!”

Once she had her hugs and kisses, she noticed that I was there as well.

“Hi, Terry,” she said, still wrapped in her mother’s arms.

“Hi, princess,” I replied.

She pursed her lips and looked at me expectantly; I leaned over and gave her a little peck. She turned her attention back to her mother.

“Is Terry’s house big?”

“About the size of Pop-pop’s,” her mother told her.

“And there’s a room for me – for when I get bigger?” she asked.

“Yes,” Kim replied, snickering.

“I’ll sleep with you and Terry right now, though. We’re going to put you in the middle – like you and Terry do when you kiss my cheeks.”

Her mother giggled and said, “After the wedding – in a couple months – we’ll move there, okay?”

Belle nodded her head up and down.

“I got you something,” I told her, “for your room. Let me run and get it.”

I went back to the car, popped the trunk, and pulled out the small pink gift-bag that I’d nearly forgotten about in the flurry of activity over the last few days. Belle was standing on the ground, holding her mother’s fingers. I walked back up to the house and handed over the bag. Kim quirked an eyebrow at me. I ignored her questioning look. Belle would probably reveal all of my secrets and I wouldn’t need to explain.

The radiant little angel pulled the handles apart on the bag and spied the contents. She gasped, pulled the stuffed unicorn out and dropped the bag as she clutched the sparkly rainbow-colored animal to her chest. I grabbed the bag, folded it flat, and tucked it into the back of my shorts.

“It’s the unicorn you showed me when I picked the teddy bear for mommy,” she cooed.

I nodded.

“It’s mine?”

I chuckled and said, “Yes.”

She looked at her mother, handed the critter to her, and leapt into my arms. Once again, I worried that she might be physically able to separate my head from the rest of my body by sheer force. I received a couple pecks on the lips, and then she was down, on the ground once more, recovering her prize from her mother.


We went into the house and sat down to continue visiting. Kim’s mom invited me to stay for dinner – which I accepted based on my fiancé’s glances and nods.

“This is very good, Mrs. Pratt,” I said. I looked at Kim and said, “If you cook half this well, I think I’ve scored – no more frozen pizzas for me!”

She snort-laughed and said, “I’m not nearly as good as mom.”

Her mother leaned over and whispered, conspiratorially, “She’s better than she likes to admit. She always says she doesn’t have a reason to cook.” Kim’s mom looked at her and, still talking to me, said, “Now, maybe she’s found a reason.”

Kim blushed but stayed quiet.

After dinner, Belle took me on a tour of their garden and I got to see the rest of the fruits of their labor. She asked about my plot and I let her mother describe it for her.

I stayed until it was nearly Belle’s bedtime. We read a book together and then I got hugs and kisses before she headed off to bed.

When Kim returned, I got more hugs and kisses by the front door and then I headed to mom’s to spend the night.


I woke up early, showered, and got on the road to head home. I’d called off yesterday and I needed to get back to work.

My coworkers were more than a little surprised that I had come back from my hiatus with a fiancé and a soon-to-be step-daughter. I got butterflies in my stomach when I showed them the picture of Belle (with the unicorn) that Kim sent me.

Of course, the girls at the office wanted to see a picture of Kim but I couldn’t show them the one she’d taken in the shower that morning. I asked for a publicly-acceptable one and, that afternoon, her mom took one of her holding Belle that she sent along.

The girls, once more, told me that both of the women were beautiful. The guys, of course, kidded me that Kim was out of my league. Honestly, the more I looked at the picture, the more I agreed. It was hard to believe she would be my wife in a couple months.

They had scheduled the wedding for Thanksgiving break – so that Tina would be able to come back to take part in the ceremony. Kim had told me that she really didn’t want to wait that long to be Mrs. Martin but she and Belle were super-excited about my sister sharing in the event – so they picked the soonest date that would work for everyone.


The following weekend, I drove back and we went ring-shopping. Kim’s mom watched Belle. My fiancé had me take her to the Veteran’s park and we had sex in the backseat of my car. By the way, my car is not really made for that. Kim said it was perfect. I told her, next time, we’d find a bed somewhere. We picked out the rings and she kissed me in front of everyone in the store. They didn’t seem to think that was abnormal.

I stayed until Belle’s bedtime, read a book with her, tucked her in, and got more hugs and kisses before I headed to mom’s. The next morning, we took Belle to the park and she played until lunch. We ate out and then bought a bag of soup crackers and went to the lake to feed the ducks. Belle’s giggles made the air seem sweeter and the sun seem brighter. We left the park when a gnarly gander spoiled our fun. Kim announced that it was nap-time – which wasn’t what Belle wanted to hear. She was, however, asleep by the time we got home. Her mother tucked her into bed and then grabbed my hand and dragged me to the car. Mom was out, running errands, so we had sex in my old bed. Kim laughed when I told her that I’d gone all through high school never dreaming that I’d have the head cheerleader naked in my room. Sex was definitely better in bed.

When Kim’s mom texted to say that Belle was looking for us, I spritzed an air freshener in my room – to try to keep my mother clueless about what I’d been up to – and then we dashed back to Kim’s.

I ate dinner with them, we weeded the garden until dark, and then we read a book and tucked Belle in. Kim and I sat up and chatted until it was time for me to leave again.

The next morning, I went to church with Kim’s family. After the service, she introduced me to the man who would be performing the ceremony. He told me that he didn’t have a lot of concerns but wanted to sit down with the two of us – for an hour – a couple Saturday mornings. We checked our schedules and came up with a plan and then we said ‘goodbye’.

We went to The Cafeteria for lunch. Belle and I had chicken strips, fries, applesauce, and green beans. For dessert we had strawberry Jell-O cake. Kim shook her head at us, but Belle and I just ignored her and enjoyed our food and our sweet treat.

We sat on her mom’s couch and chatted. I held Belle while she napped. Kim wrapped herself around my side. My heart was full.

After Belle woke up, we played a couple board games and then I got hugs and kisses so that I could get on the road to head back to my house.


The weeks flew by – and the weekends evaporated – and soon it was time for the wedding.

I found myself standing in front of the minister, holding Kim’s hands in mine. My sister was smiling at me. She was holding the bouquet in one hand and Belle’s hand in the other. Belle was fidgeting – and smiling – glowing like the mid-day summer sun.

When it came time for kisses, I – first – got a kiss from my new bride. That one had my balls churning. Our second kiss was with Belle in the middle, squeezing our necks, and giggling. That one gave me butterflies in my belly.

After we signed the marriage certificate, I signed the papers to legally adopt Belle. The one good outcome of the social-media circus that had been launched from the parking lot of the local Hardee’s was that Brad had sent Kim papers, relinquishing his claim to his daughter. The small-print stated that he got to stop making child-support payments.

Kim had cried when she had read the documents. Today, she was crying twice as hard – and hugging me and kissing me – and making it very difficult for me to sign papers. I finished the job and hugged and kissed her and then accepted hugs and kisses from MY little angel.

When Kim informed Belle that she could call me ‘Daddy’ now – instead of Terry – she simply said, “I know!” I wasn’t sure if she thought the moniker change came with the wedding – or if she really understood about the adoption – but none of us bothered to correct her.

I had asked Kim where she wanted to go for our honeymoon. Her answer had been, “your bed”. It took her several times of repeating it to convince me that she meant what she said.

As soon as everything was picked up from the wedding, Kim and I drove to my house. We spent all night making love and then slept in. We grabbed a late drive-thru breakfast/lunch and then went shopping for a bunch of stuff to decorate Belle’s room. We took a break about halfway through the remodel-session and fucked again.

My sister texted me that they were on their way just about the time we finished with the redecorating and my new wife informed me that we had time to have sex at least once more before they all arrived. She was right. I opened a couple windows to air the house out.

Tina, mom, and Kim’s parents arrived with our little princess. When she saw her room, she informed everyone that she was now big enough to sleep by herself. She dragged my sister around the space and together they oohed and awed with every new discovery.

I ordered delivery while Kim took everybody on a quick tour of the house, the yard, and the garden. We ate together and then we gave our parents hugs and kisses so they could get back on the road to head home.

Tina stayed the night and slept in Belle’s room. Kim and I made love quietly and fell asleep kissing.


The next morning, we took Tina to brunch and then she left to head off to college.

I took my wife and my daughter to work to meet all of my coworkers – mostly to prove that I hadn’t been making the whole story up.

On the way back to the house, we stopped to get a couple more things for Belle’s room. We also grabbed a baby monitor – so we could keep an eye on her – if she decided that she was content sleeping alone. She was disappointed that she couldn’t see us but was happy that she could just talk to the camera if she wanted us to come to her room.

That night, we tucked her into her bed and stayed with her until she fell asleep. We went to my room, checked the monitor, and quickly made love. Belle woke once, an hour later, wanting a glass of water. Other than that, she seemed happy being a ‘big girl’. I was definitely happy having her mother all to myself. I told Kim that several times as she climbed on top of me and fucked another load of jizz from my balls.


The first Christmas morning – at Kim’s mom and dad’s – I felt like a kid again. It was such an amazing feeling, sharing those moments with our little angel. Mom and Tina were there with us as well.

The second Christmas, Belle opened a box to find a fuzzy black and white picture inside. She took it to Tina and asked what it was. My sister looked at my wife – who nodded. Tina told Belle that it was a picture of the baby inside of her mommy’s tummy and she squealed so loudly that I thought my ears would burst. Soon everyone in the room was subjected to hugs, kisses, and never-ending giggles.

Six months later, our son, Brad, was born. I’m kidding, of course. Why would I name my child after Belle’s idiotic father?

We named the boy, Ray, after Kim’s dad. We were going to use my dad’s name as his middle one – but it didn’t flow off of the tongue – so he got dad’s middle name instead.

Belle was (and is) the best big sister ever. The only negative is that – in her opinion – he can do no wrong. She lets him get away with anything and just giggles at him and kisses him like crazy – which makes him giggle – which pretty much guarantees that the rest of us get tickled.

Not only does Belle help with her brother – but she’s the best helper in the garden as well. My peppers still aren’t quite as big or as nice as the ones she grew at Pop-pop’s house – but they’re getting closer.

~~~ The End ~~~

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