A Cold Night in Paris by james_judicata,james_judicata

Many thongs are so pretty that it becomes almost a shame for them to be taken off. But slowly, very slowly, the blonde girl removed her thong. She made the removal almost its own little drama, like unwrapping a Christmas present. Every person in the audience wanted to see her completely nude but also enjoyed the tantalizing delay. From his angle, John could see her smooth labia glistening. His mouth was dry, and he realized that he wanted to lick her. Then she turned over on her stomach again, and he saw she had a small red anal plug inserted, and it helped him realize why her eyes looked so heavy, so glazed with lust. She had been preparing offstage.

The air in the small theater was redolent with perfume and sweat and lust. John wondered what it was like for the girl writhing on stage. She knew — had to know — that she was the cynosure of all eyes. Did she like knowing that during every show, or did she get jaded after many performances? But her nipples were swollen and puffy, conveying excitement. Even if the area was gritty, even if the audience paid the price of admission, the lust seemed genuine.

As John watched, he began unconsciously touching himself. These days, Internet users often mention “edging” while reading or watching porn — a method of slowly building and maintaining pleasure. There are Tantric perspectives on edging to prolong intercourse and masturbation. However, the blonde girl on the rotating stage, exhibiting herself as her fingers slowly danced over her smooth mound, had a fairly defined timeframe at about 30 minutes of one act in a four-part show. It was also apparent that she had warmed up before taking the stage, so it was reasonable to assume she might want an orgasm to end her segment of the show.

As John watched, he glanced furtively to his left to survey the audience. The men had their eyes were locked on the stage and most audience members were inevitably touching themselves while watching because it was almost impossible not to while gazing at the undulating girl on stage. Some of the couples were not disguising the fact that they were playing with each other. In the case of one couple, the girl was allowing her breasts to be caressed by the man sitting on the other side of her — an incipient threesome hampered by seats. With the young couple closest, the girl had an intense look on her face as her boyfriend’s hand was under her skirt and moving. She looked up, then over at John with an enigmatic Mona Lisa smile as her companion’s hand moved under her skirt. The music was low, and the blonde on stage was murmuring as she pleasured herself.

As the stage slowly moved, the blonde girl moved into close proximity to various audience members. Now she handed a white vibrating toy and allowed some of the men to place it over her labia. As she neared John, she handed him the toy and motioned for him to do the same. Up close, as he moved the vibrating toy on her, he could see she was slick with excitement, and her hairless mound moved steadily up and down as she sought the contact with the toy and enjoyed its buzzing. Then, with a gasp, she achieved orgasm, and it did not appear to be mere theatrics. She did appear to come (or was it “cum” in porn parlance?), and sank back in temporary exhaustion.

The blonde girl rose, gathered her clothing, and departed the stage bowing politely to the applause. Two girls took the stage to begin Act II. As they began kissing and fondling each other, John felt his own excitement increase. A dark-haired girl, svelte and fit, began to kiss a second girl, who had a very small triangle of red pubic hair and a few small tattoos. While kissing, the girl with pale skin steadily rubbed herself, methodically turning herself on. The two sat on the divan, and slowly arranged themselves into a 69 position. As they licked, the stage moved in small increments and the audience members were treated in turn to the delicious view of the one girl being licked by the other.

When they seemed sated, a man with black hair entered the stage to signal a change of scene and the commencement of Act III. The pale girl sat down in a chair, and the guy began kissing her inner thigh, slowly moving upward as the girl moaned in anticipation. After teasing her for a considerable time with delay, he began kissing her clit, and John saw that her little triangle of close-cropped pubic hair was high — about an inch and a half above her clit. He liked the fact that the little triangle had intentionally been cut so small (almost a mockery of a fuller triangle), and left so much skin for the male actor to kiss. The intentional nature of it, with the girl knowing she would be seen in the theater by so many hungry eyes, got to John.

John heard a movement to his left, and saw that the girl had move slightly and hike up her skirt. He could now see that her boyfriend had a finger penetrating her. The girl looked at John again, with that little smile, and he interpreted it not as an invitation to touch her but as her just wanting to be seen. She looked down at his lap, raised her eyebrow in a questioning manner, and John moved aside his coat so she could see that he too was playing while watching the action on stage.

And on stage the pale girl was impaled on the man, while the dark-haired girl was kneeling over his face and being licked. Then he stood and the three assumed various positions, with the rotating stage permitting the audience excellent visual access. As the actors neared John, the one girl was kneeling in front of the male actor sucking him and the other girl was kneeling behind the guy kissing his hips. Perhaps because of their warming up procedures, all three seemed intense — not out of control, but heading to the point at which they would all want to come.

John wondered whether to have an orgasm at some point and hope the rest of the show was thrilling enough to help produce another. Such a dilemma. But such are the vexing questions presented by debauchery. As events unfolded, the decision was not up to him. The girl in the seat next to him was squinting as her boyfriend’s questing hand continued to move on her sex, and she reached out decisively and took John’s penis in her right hand. She took a strong grip, took control. As her boyfriend made her reach orgasm, she did the same to John. Clearly, she had planned ahead for her walk on the wild side, for she produced napkins from her purse to wipe the semen from her hand and from John’s penis. He whispered “Merci” and she nodded and they both turned back to the stage. So that made two audience members at least who were a bit more relaxed. Actually, there were probably more given the many interactions among audience members. However, any post-orgasmic calm was temporary. There was, apparently, no rest for the wicked in the theater.

The male actor was on his back on a divan, with his organ fully inside the girl with dark hair. Her skin gleamed with oil, she was riding hard, and his hands were fondling her hips. As she began to gasp with impending orgasm, the stage rotated toward John and he could see that the male actor had his oiled index finger doing a bit of anal teasing of the dark-haired girl.


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