A Lifetime of Adventures Ch. 02 by Ghostwalker,Ghostwalker

“Aaaaahhhhhh… yeahh… there too,” she moaned.

“Your pussy feels so fucking good. It’s already so warm and wet”

“Use the C-word,” she gasped.

“C-word?” I replied, playing innocent.

“Ohhhhhhh, you’re such a tease. C-U-N-T,” she spelled the word out.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, that C-word?”

“Yessssssss… it gets me turned on just like the F-word turns you on.”

“So you want me to call it your CUNT?”


I cupped her pussy and then used my middle finger to spread her outer lips, gently sliding across the opening. “Do you want me to put my finger in your CUNT?”


“One finger?” I asked as I slid my middle finger into her.

“Ohmigod,” she moaned, softly.

“Or two?” I asked as I slid my index finger to join the middle one. “Or maybe three,” I said as I stretched her opening adding my ring finger to the other two.

“IIIIEEEEEEEEEE,” she wailed as she placed her hand over mine holding it in place. “So fucking turned on. Fuck me… fuck me with your fingers.

I immediately obeyed, sliding my fingers in and out while letting my thumb glide over her clit.

“Like this,”” she hissed as she took my hand back in hers and started rubbing my juice coated hand over her pussy in small circles. “Oh god… yessssssss. Just like that.”

It only took a few moments before her hips began to bounce up and down on the mattress, her hand forcing my fingers in deeper and deeper. “OOOoooooohhhhhhhh… what’s hap… pening… to me? AAAAh… Daammnnnn… cummmmmm… mmmmming alreadyyyyyyyy,” she groaned as her juice sprayed into the palm of my hand, filling it until it dripped between my fingers and formed a puddle on the sheet.

“That’s it, lover. Cum for me. Show me how much you like me playing with your cunt.”

“Arrrggghhhhhh,” she grunted as her pussy walls tightened around my fingers clutching at them.

I kept fingering and gently rubbing across her clit, slowing bringing her back, not wanting to stop too soon.

“Best ever,” she mumbled before laying there quiet, her breath returning to normal.

After a few moments, I gave her a light, but passion-filled kiss.

“Do you ever stop?” she laughed, lightly.

“With you…? Probably not,” I whispered as I leaned over and kissed the nape of her neck.

“Mmmmmmmmm,” she responded.

I slowly moved down, kissing her bare shoulders and then her upper chest. My hands sliding across her body, teasing and caressing her skin.

“Ahhhhhhh,” she moaned as I began to circle her breasts using my fingertips to trace along the outer portion of her globes from hips to armpits before returning to her hips.

I watched as the small bumps surrounding her areole appeared and her nipples hardened.

“You’re doing it to me again,” she sighed. “So gentle but you’re making my body feel like it’s on fire.”

I changed tactics and drew figure-8’s, going around one globe and then through her cleavage to trace around the other. Over and over, I heard her hiss as I moved closer to her nipples only to glide away. It was only when I felt her start to arch her back and lift her tits that I leaned over and took one between my lips.

“Ohmigod… ohmigod. Soooooo good.”

I sucked on the sensitive bundle as my tongue lashed across it, sending shivers through her body.

She ran her fingers through my hair and held me in place. “Suck on it, baby. Suck on it like a new-born baby. Arrgghhhhh,” she whispered.

Is this what she really wants?” I questioned as I latched onto her left nipple, suckling on it, pulling it into my mouth, my teeth occasionally nipping at the bud.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. Sooooooo wicked,” she croaked.

Releasing her left nipple I did the same to her right, cupping and caressing the skin of her tit as I attacked her nipple.

“Again… again… again,” she muttered as her body went rigid and her legs shook.

The heady, musky fragrance of her arousal soon filled the room.

I moved slowly, down across her stomach, tonguing her belly button, and over her pelvis, kissing and nibbling as I went. Her body shivered and trembled almost continuously, her hands pushed me lower and lower. Her legs were spread wide and I ran my tongue through her pubic hair and down across her unhooded clit. Her legs clamped around my head, holding it in place as I worked my tongue between her outer lips and into her ‘holy-of-holies’.

“Fuck yeah… eat me… eat my cunt. Ohhhhhhhh… feels soooooo fucking good. Nowwwwwwww,” she moaned so softly I barely heard it with my head trapped between her legs.

What I did feel was her juice roll from her tunnel and onto my tongue. I lapped at it like a dog, capturing every drop before she slowly released me and I pulled away. I instantly slid up the bed and lay there, on my side, with my head in my palm as I watched her.

Her breathing slowly returned to normal, once again, but she didn’t open her eyes, instead she said, so softly I almost didn’t hear it, “We need to talk.”

Those four words are enough to spell doom for any new relationship and I thought I already knew the topic. “Okay,” I replied just as softly. “About what?”

She let out a deep breath as she began. “You… me… us… Jen.”

“Boooommmmmmm.” And there it was the bomb I’d been waiting for.


She opened her eyes and looked at me. They had that misty-look that someone gets when they’re trying not to cry. “I… ummmmm… I don’t know how to say this.”

“How about ‘We’re done’, ‘We’re through,’ or ‘We’re over’? Any one will work.”

Her eyes flew open as if she’d been hit by a baseball bat. “Is that what you want?”


“Then why did you say it?”

“Well, am I wrong?”

“Yes… and no. I’ve been thinking about it since we left the mansion. I’m 6 years old than you, have had more lovers than I care to count, I’m far too independent for most men, and we’ve only known each other for 3 days.”

“Yeah, so?”

“You and Jen have known each other for almost 6 years. You’re closer in age and she’s… well… let’s just say she’s far less experienced about some things in life. It just seems that you and her would be a better fit.”

“I’m still waiting for you to say anything I didn’t know when I told Jen that we wanted to see where our relationship went.”

“After seeing Jen crying I’m not sure there should be a relationship. That’s all.”

“And do I have anything to say about this?”

“Of course you do?” she said, emphatically.

“Then listen, and listen good. Jen made the decision to go back and try to repair things with Matt. She chose to walk away from me. And I’m not gonna play ‘second fiddle’ in any relationship. It’s either all or nothing. You understand?”

“Yeah, I think so.”

“In the last three days I’ve grown closer, and shared more, with you than I have with Jen in the 6 years you’re talking about. Because of your ‘experience’ and independence I feel more confident about myself and about the possibility of a future together.


“Yes, together.”

She hesitated, “I’m not sure what to say.”

“One of my Psych Professors told me that in incidents like this it’s best to not say anything at all or say the first thing that comes to mind. The choice is yours.”

“I want us to be together,” she blurted out, and then covered her mouth with her hand as if she could take it back.

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