A Mother's Sacrifice by Manny P

Introduction: A mother offers herself to save her daugther's virginity for her groom , In medieval times in Europe the law in some fiefdoms was that the lord had the privilege to fuck the bride on her wedding night unless the bridegroom could offer a certain monetary payment. The Latin term for the policy was jus primae noctis or “first night rights.” In this way the lord maintained his dominance over his manor, increased his coffers as well as experienced the obvious pleasures.

This event takes place around 1453 AD in eastern France.

The story

“Mother, John won’t marry me if the lord fucks me first! You know that is the law – and the lord enforces it on serious penalty. What am I to do?”

Madame deLong to her child, “Christine, of course, I know it – that is where your older brother came from – the lord’s father fucked me on my wedding night and nine months later your brother was born. Your father could not do anything about it. It is a terrible rule that the Lord goes first. It was removed many years ago but Lord Coucy’s father reinstated it and he has continued it.”

“But John won’t marry if I am not a virgin!”

Mother replies, “Honey, John is a peasant like us and he can’t pay the lord’s tax to marry so you will have to open your legs to the lord. That is all there is to it. I did for the lord’s father and you can for his son! If I had not done it we would not have your brother who has helped provide for us while your father is off fighting the king’s battles. Your father accepted it.”

“Dear Mother, then you talk to John and tell him that – I tried. He is not going to marry me if the lord’s cock breaks my skin. I just am not going to marry! ” With her palms, Christine wipes some tears from the corner of her eyes.

“Christine, you are 16 now which is three years after bleeding and if you were under some other lord’s land you’d have been married two or three years ago and had two screaming babies by now. You’re lucky that this young lord follows his father’s way and lets the females ripen more before having them marry. Too many women were dying in childbirth.”

“I don’t care!” she cries and falls into a chair.

“Both your father and your older brother let the lord have their wives on their wedding nights – not because they wanted too. But I know it won’t do any good talking to that John of yours. He is a good boy but too stubborn. My angel, let me think about this for a while.”


The next day.

“Mother, where are you going?”

“Christine, I have an idea. I am going to the manor and talk with the lord.”

“It isn’t any use. I am going to be an old maid.”

“My dear little girl, you deserve more than that. You do so much work here in the house and the farm work on the lord’s section of land. Plus, you bring in extra money from your spinning cloth. I am going to see that you are happy. You have also saved your maidenhead for your marriage. I’ll be back tonight.”

“Oh, Mother, merci. I hope so – I wish you well dear Mother!”

In the lord’s manor.

Christine’s mother enters and bows to Lord Coucy, who is a large man with a black mustache and long side burns. He does not have hair on his chin because he likes to show the cleft of his chin which is the family trait of the men. He has a cleft just like his deceased father’s. He sits behind a long thick oak table.

“So peasant deLong, I don’t know why my clerk let you have an audience with me – I don’t let anyone question the practice of jus primae noctis. There are no exceptions. If the marriage tax can not be paid the lord has first use of the bride. The laws must be obeyed. However, the clerk here said you had a proposition that would interest me. But please do not distress me with any complaint.”

“Thank you, m’ lord. You are the son of your father, Lord Coucy, who was wise, fair and generous. He gave me my first son who I adore. Dear Sir, you know my young daughter Christine wants to marry the peasant John, and the boy is stubborn. He wants to have his bride’s treasure first.”

The Lord interrupts and bellows, “Ha! If a couple cheats me on first night’s rights I’ll have them both put in an iron gibbet for all to see until they starve!”

“Sir, I have an idea that I think may satisfy the law.”

“What is it woman?”

“Fuck me.”

“Fuck you?” Fuck you, instead – an old mother whose cunt is well worn?”

“Fuck me and my daughter.”

“Tell me more, woman.”

“My Lord, when you come to our home early on the nuptial night we will have young John drunk from the partying after the wedding. The nosey people who like to watch the lord come to our house for the lord’s obligation will see you come and then, after you make the noble obligatory fuck they will see you go. You will have indeed screwed us both but we will tell John that you only fucked me. We will make the hapless lout state an oath to the King that he will never tell anyone that his wife was not fucked by you the lord. Of course, you will have but he will not know. So you get my cunt and my daughter’s little treasure box. What say you to this little ‘trickery’ for the nuptial night? Do you thing you could fill two holes?”

“Splendid – woman!”

“My daughter, Christine, and I should have a plenty of time to meet your needs by the time John sobers up. Of course, when he awakes you will be gone and Christine will be acting like she too is still asleep. I will wake her and we will tell him that you only screwed me and not that you fucked Christine too.”

“Brilliant! Well done! Now let me see your cunt and arse!”

The cagy mother smiles, “Oh thank you Lord. You can do what you want to us next week on the wedding night but only then.” She smiles, bows and takes her leave.

Back at home.

Madame deLong’s comes through her door. Fair Christine runs to meet her.

“Mother, what happened?”

“Darling, the problem is solved!”

“You are wonderful… How did you do it?”

“Our Lord is going to fuck you and me while your new husband is in a drunken stupor. However, John will think only I was violated. He will have to swear the rest of his days that he will only say the lord did the fucking. Of course, the lord would not be satisfied with cocking an old wench like me so I had to offer us both.”

“What! I am not going to let the lord fuck me! I can’t lie to my dear John.”

“Daughter, I feared that. So, I have an alternative. I will have to fuck the brains out of the lord so he won’t have juice left for you.”

“Mother, you would do that for me? Your sacrifice makes you an angel. You’re not an old wench either. I see the way the men try to look down your smock in the village. They would all love to have their time with you. You don’t let just every man be with you.”

“Well, daughter I don’t know why you can’t be a little friendlier with the men like your mother. After all, your father is away so often and you accept my bringing home men. We know you are not always asleep when we share the tick. [The tick is like a large mattress-like object stuffed with straw. Here it is called a palliasse or pallet after the French word for straw, paille. The peasant family and guests slept on the same tick due to limited space and needed heat in winter. Of course, the intimacy sometimes resulted in some interesting night activity.]

“But Mom, John insists on my purity.”

“Okay, Christine, we don’t need to keep going over this especially when you are to be married next week.”

Madame deLong continues, “Although I hate the law I do appreciate the lonely life the lord lives. Everyone knows he does not get much from his wife because she is always playing with the bauble of that dullard, mute young man who lives at their manor. If it weren’t for first – night rights he would be confined to the whores in the village. It would be especially unpleasant for him that his huge cock was not exercised. Every one knows it is magnificent since so many young brides have seen it. He takes after his father whose prick was also big and needed use. That I can attest to.”

Christine kisses her mother on the cheek.


The wedding takes place outside in the front of the towering stone church on a nice mild summer afternoon.

The young couple, dressed in clean brown wool peasant clothes, stands in front of the old portly priest who is dressed in a black cape and is wearing a skull cap. The audience of the peasants is agitated because they want the ceremony to be short so they can get to the fun and spirits.

The priest gives an aside to the mother of the bride. “Madame deLong, couldn’t you drape your daughter with something would not show off her tits on such a solemn occasion?”

“Then Father, why don’t you stop straining your eyes to get a look and get to your duties of the service.”

The priest turns away and offers a brief wedding rite but does not take his eyes off the young woman’s chest. The priest has a point in the young woman’s smock is so low and open on the sides that her small tits are easy to see. Yet the size should not be dismissed since the large puffy brown nipples indicate room for the cones to grow and the aureoles to spread.

The priest is jealous of the young groom who will have the juene fils in his for the night after Lord has his time with her. He laments that his sex life is limited mostly to his housekeeper now that the nun superior no longer allows her novices around him unaccompanied.

The crowd revels in games in the square including races with partners with their legs tied together, wrestling, and a game of hoodman’s blind. In this game the “it” person has a hood over his eyes, then is spun and has to catch people who get to hit him with sticks. Of course, the barrel of wine and the barrel of mead the lord generously provided makes it a very festive later afternoon.

There is a stir in the crowd when a woman who has not left her house for three days comes to the event. She was caught in adultery so the church court sentenced her with the usual – she was stripped and had to chase a chicken in the streets. The other married women are chagrinned because they can see she is feigning catching the chicken so she can have more time to advertise her fine assets to the men.

The attention returns to the games which are over quickly. There is more frivolity with clowns, jugglers etc. A Roma pickpocket is doing well. The dancing starts and continues into the evening.

After the sun sets, Madame deLong notes her new son-in-law is finally sufficiently drunk. She motions to her daughter to leave.

Christine lifts her new husband from the chair at the beer tent, “John, we must go.”

With his eyes closed he tries to kiss her but the bride turns, grabs his shoulders and leads the stumbling groom out the door.

The mother and daughter find the wheel barrel they had hidden earlier in the day. The mother lifts the young man and the daughter pushes the wheelbarrow under him. They head for home with mom holding one handle and the daughter the other.

Upon arrival, Madame deLong helps her daughter move the now dead-to-the-world peasant to a corner of the hut. The hut has only two rooms – one side for animals and the other for family. A crude wall separates the family from the animals- a cow, a pig and some chickens. The room for the family includes a fire place, a table and some stools. There is a long board on the wall with cups and plates on it [later called a cupboard]. The mother has washed fabric and replaced the straw in the tick on the floor in anticipation of the nuptial night. The abode is typical one for a woman who has to support herself with meager earnings from her husband’s military service, her doing laundry for the wealthy nobles and some tradesmen. The daughter’s spinning contributes to their income.

Christine and her mother brush each other’s clothes in anticipation of the lord’s arrival. The only sounds are the snoring from the drunken bridegroom asleep in a corner of the room and periodically from some passers bys in the street.

Soon, the women hear the hoof beats of the lord’s entourage arriving. Madame deLong opens the door, bows, and smiles. The nobleman leaves his two young escorts outside. One is in charge of the lord’s horse and the other is a swordsman for his security. The two recline next to the hut.

Madame deLong motions him and announces, “Welcome noble leader to our very humble home and our apologies for its appearance. We hope the hospitality you will receive here will allow you to remember only that and not our poverty.”

“Madame, a lord of the fiefdom respects the peasants of his land and accepts his duties toward their contentment.”

He smiles as he looks in the corner, “I see the new handsome groom is starting out his married life asleep.”

The bride looks in dismay at her new husband.

The nobleman continues, “You are fortunate young lady to be broken in properly by an experienced male of class. As lord I take my duties most seriously.”

Christine’s eyes look down.

Madame deLong looks at her daughter, “Christine, you can now remove your clothes.”

Christine frowns but acquiesces.

The mother watches the lord ogle her daughter while she removes her skull cap exposing her blonde hair, then her tan wool tunic. The young post- pubescence white tits protrude straight out. Their youth is obvious and also they have not been compromised with either babies’ mouths or men sucking them. Then she stoops and they point to the floor as she removes her leggings. The lord drools in anticipation of holding her little peaks with their puffy tips.

He thinks, “These young women are a nice change from my regular offerings of the whores in the realm.” His eyes then move down past her stomach to the thin light blonde wisps of hair between her thin legs. The lord recognizes he benefits from his father’s rule letting the females mature those extra two and three years. Yet he sees that this one is still has a way to go to fully develop. The lord smiles in anticipation of mating with such a young virginal woman.

“Now my lord,” the mother interrupts the lord’s reverie so his and the daughter’s eyes turn to her. Madame deLong pivots to her side. She then quickly jerks the string on her laced top which she then tosses to the floor. Exposed are beautiful, large, smooth sagging globes with dark brown spotted aureoles and pink nipples. They are magnificent for her age and Madame deLong knows it. Her fingers undo a rope and the baggy pants then drop revealing a thick dark reddish-brown bush between her thighs.

The mother saunters over and takes the hand of her nude daughter and then pushes her down to her knees on the tick on the floor. She then moves to the tall lord, takes his hand and walks him to the tick. She says, “Lord Coucy, would you be so generous to let this mother first demonstrate to her daughter the habits of love?” (A peasant seldom gets by with addressing a lord by his name but she sees his vulnerability and thinks the sound of his name will raise the level of his excitement even more.)

“What do you mean, woman?”

“I will put your prick to me so she can see how she should assist her new husband in the future.”

‘You have my consent. Now enough of this idol chat and let us get to the cunt – I mean my obligation!”

As he says these words he begins to ceremoniously shed his clothes. First, he removes and tosses the bulging codpiece which covers his genitals. Then he removes a doublet (vest-like garment) and then a chausse (garment covering the legs). For a man in his 40s, which is old for the time, he has a nice physique. He has a solid chest from exercises to keep in condition for jousting tournaments. He likes to compete with the knights; which is most unusual for a lord.

Removing the leg coverings has also exposed his beautiful bulbous instrument between his legs which must be seven or eight inches in length. It has created many healthy youth in the fiefdom – most of whom are recognizable by a little cleft in their chins. Madame deLong’s first son has one too.

The young bride puts her hand over mouth and looks at her mother as if to say, “My God, I don’t have room for that!”

The mother looks at her daughter and smiles, but ignores the concern and says, “Lord, would you care to wear this? (A pig’s bladder for a condom.)

“What! Of course not! My duty is to propagate the land.”

“As you wish m’lord. Thank you m’ lord. Daughter, remain here and observe.”

Madame Delong expected he would not agree to wear the protection even though she keeps it clean for her male friends while her husband is with the king’s soldiers. If she finds herself pregnant she will have to visit the herbalist for a pessary. She would get it for free since she provides her with the acacia bark and the honey needed in the formula.

She sticks out her tits to detract the man, “M’ lord, I am ready for you.”

With this cue, the lord’s prick comes slowly to attention. That is another feature of his organ- most men with oversized cocks are not able to get them to rise so high but his points almost straight up. He then walks to her sporting, a black beard, a black pubic hair with his brown, salmon colored pole extended, and muscular legs.

Madame deLong steps forward and lightly grips his manhood and pulls him toward her and guides his mouth down to her nipples. He nibbles her right one. Then he sucks in the aureole. His reaches around her back to help stabilize himself. Then he moves to her other nipple – the tip, beginning a series of tiny bites. His mouth opens wider to surround the aureole and it sucks. He slides his hand down her front over her belly button and slowly arriving at the hair on her pronounced mound.

She feels his rod sticking her above her thigh. Several fingers begin to enter her cunt. She then begins to descend with the man on to the straw tick. She lightly lands on top of the nobleman who is now on his back. Her bottom is between the man’s spread legs. The daughter sees the massive cock below her mother’s buttocks flattened against her deep crack.

“Christine, place his cock in my cunt.”

The daughter’s eyes are wide open. “But mother, I can’t touch it!”

Madame deLong then turns and rises on a knee. Both the mother and her male partner stare at each other.

She turns to her little Christine, “Come here daughter. Give me your hand.” The girl hesitantly offers her hand. “Now baby, take some of this [goose] grease and spread it on the prick like this. She takes her other hand and has it cup the master’s balls. She then slides the ring she made with her thumb and forefinger up and down the shaft.

“Okay, Mother.” The daughter takes over the duty.

The lord smiles at the mother. “Woman, I can see you are a good teacher for your daughter!”

“Not too tight, honey,” Mom advises.

“Christine, the cock is still too dry, more paste. You need to learn this if you are too please your husband.”

Christine then scoops some on to her fingers. “Okay, like this?”

“Yes. Go to the bottom of the shaft, dear.” The lord’s mouth opens.

“Now, that is the way – up and down.”

Madame deLong then turns and falls gradually forward on to her partner’s front and thrusts out her arms welcoming the lord. As she falls forward, she cushions her fall by holding the lord’s head with one hand and with her other hand pushes up her globe so his mouth can take in the nipple again.

The daughter seems to becoming more comfortable. She reaches under her mother’s buttocks for the now wobbling rod and grabs it with her whole hand and resumes the up and down action.

“Baby, now you can massage his balls.”

Christine, takes a gulp of air and then cups his plum sized testicles

“Roll them dear, but not too hard.” The lord’s face is now glowing red.

The nobleman, who is a still just like any other man when he is under a woman, emits muffled grunts.

“Daughter, now place his prick in my cunt.” Madame deLong, who is directly on top of the man spreads her legs wider.

Christine lets go of the man’s balls, leans over and with both greasy hands moves the penis upward into the dark red bushy target. With one of her hands the daughter spreads her mother’s bush to find the slit. At the same time, as the young virgin rubs up against the older man’s muscular body, she finds that she enjoys the feeling of her own cunt meeting his thigh. She rests her hand on her mother’s mound and uses her other hand to guide the penis head, which is now outside the foreskin, into her mother’s slit. She notes some white translucent drops seeping from the hole in the tip and then sees her mother’s large clitoris protrude from its hood.

“Ahh!” The man’s body groans as the young woman finally slides the head into the soaking wet orifice.

He begins to start his thrusting movement. Christine looks at his strained face and observes the thrusting.

The alarmed young bride inquires, “Mother, is the Lord all right? He looks in pain!”

The thrusting speed increases.

Mom struggles to say, “B-B-Baby, he is cumming! Oh, this feels goooood.”

“Ahhhhhhhhh!” the lord shouts,”Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!”

The mother feels the lord’s prick buried in her vagina releasing its liquid. The man’s arms have her locked in.

The obedient daughter moves to just a couple of feet away to see the bodies glued together at their groins.

The naked bodies slowly undulate together, a slow crescendo, and now a duet of “Ahhhhhhhs!” is sounded. The entwined bodies slowly lessen their movement.

The couple lays together exhausted. Shortly, the lord manages to prop himself up.

He manages, “Very nice, peasant deLong.”

Christine observes her mother, who is now in a supine position smiling in contentment. What she does not know is her mother is trying to recall and compare the feeling she had when the lord’s father fucked her years ago.

After about five minutes of respite, the lord announces, “Now I am ready for the bride!”

Christine cowers.

Madame deLong says, “But m’ lord. I want to show you a way to fuck that I learned from the Roma.

“Show me then, madam.”

Madame deLong then moves her head to his feet and directs him, “Suck my love button, sir.”

The man readily complies and goes down on her until his black mustache mixes with her reddish brown pussy hair. He locates then licks her engorged clit.

She then positions herself more in line with his body, opens her mouth wide and sucks in his penis. She has to strain some to reach it because of the man’s height.

He stops to exclaim, “Peasant, this is not the Roma’s this is French –the soixante- neuf [69]!”

The mature woman manages a smile but resumes sucking, licking and then cupping his balls. She plays with them for several minutes.

“Mon Deux!” the lord exclaims as he arches his back because his testicles seem ready to explode.

Madame continues to hold his noble jewels and with her other hand she drops his cock, “Plus d’oie [more goose paste] little Christine!” Christine dutifully greases his pole again.

The man sits up and faces his partner. Mom’s fingers reach around the glistening prick and she reinserts it into her soppy black mop of hair.

Christine’s eyes widen.

“Oh. Jesus. Oooh!” The lord shouts as he lifts his pelvis to push his lance once again into the woman – attempting to reach the back of her cervix.

The lord’s whole body begins to shake as his cum is fired.

The nude woman digs her stubby nails into the male body. She grinds her cunt into his groin while her daughter, as she has so often has been this evening, is in total awe.

“Mon Dieu! Mon Dieu!” the man bellows.

He finally falls back onto his buttocks exhausted and in a daze.

The church bells bang calling for the last mass of the day. The intrusive sound is distant and is ignored.

In a few minutes the noble stud regains his alertness, feels a heavenly itch between his legs and finds the peasant woman sucking his prick. She has her lips stretched around the head. Her daughter has moved closer to see the action.

The female pair begins to work together – mom sucking loudly and the daughter cupping his balls hanging below his black hair.

“Mary, Mother of God! Non arêtes! (Don’t stop!) He pleads.

Then quiet and several minutes pass. He sits up but then immediately falls onto his back. He is obviously depleted in mind and body.

Before the noble lord can recover, the mother says, “My lord, your peasant – my Christine – is now ready for you.”

“What? Woman, you out-foxed your lord!” I can’t move – I must sleep.” Within seconds his eyes close and he starts snoring.

At this time the young groom in the corner stirs. The women watch him yawn and then stagger as he attempts to stand.

“What is going on here?” he blurts.

Christine rushes to her groom. “Dearest, my mother took care of the lord and saved my virginity for you!”

“But there is Lord Coucy here in your home!”

“Yes, darling but the rooster is spent – but not in me. Now you can have my treasure for yourself!”

The young man plops himself onto the chair. Rubbing his eyes, he says, “Bride. I am going boar hunting with my friends at dawn and I need my sleep. I am going back to sleep. Don’t wake me until my friends get here. Good night.” He staggers back into his spot on the floor, falls on his face, and resumes his snoring.

The shocked and naked bride looks at her bare mother on the tick with the slumbering lord and then back at her own lover who now prefers the floor to her.

The night is a disaster and she starts sobbing.

Madame deLong’s contentment of being sperm filled is short lived. She can not rest since her poor little Christine is miserable.

Softly she says,” Christine, you can wipe away the tears.” She puts a blanket around herself and goes outside. She returns with the lord’s two young aides –the horseman and the swordsman. The horseman has the lord’s chin cleft which indicates he either is a natural son or a bastard son of the lord.

The mother drops the blanket and the young men are startled to be in the presences of two stark naked women.

Madame deLong says “Men, please move the lord.”

Their eyes turn to see their master lying on the tick. They look at each other, then each grabs a leg and they drag the lord over next to the groom.

“Now, please drop your pants,” the woman orders.

The men look at each other again and return to face the nude mother and daughter. Down go the pants. (Neither is wearing undergarments.) The horseman youth, with the cleft, has a lot of blonde pubic hair and a five inch penis while the slender swordsman boy has very little brown hair but a very long, narrow, slack one – like a donkey dong.

Even Madame deLong is impressed. She smiles and says, “Daughter, you take the swordsman since we don’t want your husband to be a father of a baby with a cleft on the chin.”

As the lads move in, the women don’t need to see the excitement in their faces since they can see it in the two penises extending and rising.

With the swordsman’s muscular arms, he embraces Christine and pulls her with him to the tick. And right behind follow the mother with the young horseman.

The nude little Christine wraps her arms around the fellow’s waist. In spite of the great length of his pole, without any manual guidance, it finds her slit.

An “Owww!” fills the room. Within seconds the virgin cunt has been impaled and the whole cock disappears. Even the mother is amazed her daughter could fit its length.

The virginity is at last given up. There was no romance is the casualty of the first coupling. (Little changes in sex throughout the ages.) The couple separates and the mother wipes away the small blotch of her daughter’s blood.

It was obvious to Madame deLong that neither lad has had any experience with women. However, she relaxes appreciating that she has a whole night left to orient the two young men and her daughter into the world of physical love. They won’t disturb the lord or the groom from their deep sleep.

So this story ends with a better conclusion that one could have anticipated thanks to a concerned and resourceful mother. All participants are fairly content after navigating such an unfortunate law.

Madame deLong, saved her daughter’s virginity – at least in the groom’s eyes. The daughter got an education on how to enjoy a man’s cock.

For all the mental and physical effort, the mother put into the event she deservedly got the pleasure of three cocks – the lord’s, the swordsman’s, and the horseman’s when he was done with her daughter. The event also bonded the two women to henceforth share their partners excluding Christine’s husband who preferred hunting and fishing with his buddies more than a lot of sex.

In spite of the loutish behavior of John, the groom, he may have benefited as much as any – he not only got his pig in the hunt the next day, he got an educated wife in the physical ways of love, plus a baby boy, without a cleft in its chin, nine months later. Many children followed although it was never clear who were the fathers – whether they John’s or her mother’s lovers that were shared with his wife. As long as Christine did not sleep with men with cleft chins he was content with that and his outdoor sports.

The lord’s attendants were rewarded with their first pussies and a very instructive orientation to sex by Madame deLong.

Madame deLong’s soldiering husband might be thought of as an unfortunate cuckold, yet he is not to be pitied because he was enjoying the whores who travelled with the army as well as the town women where they sequestered.

Madame deLong, who always enjoyed tantalizing the old village priest, told him the story of saving her daughter for her groom in her next confession. Although the old priest did not get in on the evening’s fun, when he passed on this evening’s story of jus primae noctis or “first night rights” to his favorite nun, she was so excited about it she let him into her habit for a half hour of pleasure.

Thankfully for us, the nun recorded the story, which eventually made its way north to the bishop of Lincolnshire’s (England) private collection of books in about 1480 AD. From three it crossed the ocean when one of the nuns removed it and brought to the Midwest in the 1800s. She was part of a new benevolent order that started a school for the Native Americans. Eventually the order also established a Catholic woman’s college that became coed in the 1900s. The original copy of the document is now in the order’s private collection under lock and key.

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    , 8 comments 2Report  2015-01-14 22:41:07 “A MOther's Sacrifice” – Sixteen Year Old Teen Virgin Bride-To-Be, Christine and Mid-thirties Married Mother of Three, Madame deLong.

To begin with, the story is rather confusingly written; however, it is duplicated (written twice)??? As one reader commented rather aptly, “…thought i(sic) was having a(sic) de ja' vu…”! Anonymous readerReport  2013-01-21 17:44:02 What did the mother of the bride wear? 2

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