A New Lust For Loving – Part 2 by Theego007

Introduction: Joanne rediscovers sex, after a loveless marraige , Please make sure you've read Part 1 first. This is a continuation of a previous story! PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT TOO!


“Thanks for bringing the towel up” said Joanne, reaching to take it from his hand “but how did you know which apartment I was staying in? Did you follow me from the pool?” Al threw her a knowing smile, pulling the towel away from her grasp, “I’m staying in the room next door but one and I’ve seen you walk past a couple of times. I’m sorry, I don’t know your name?” he quizzed. Joanne paused for a second before replying “That’s because I didn’t tell you! And, I’m not likely to either.” She was playing a game. She’d been out of the mix for long enough and her lust for cock was growing stronger every minute.

She inadvertently glanced down at the black Adidas swim shorts that Al was wearing and caught sight of what must have been either an optical illusion caused by the lay of the shorts over his bronzed skin, or this man had an unfeasibly large penis! Al spotted her having a crafty look and moved his hips forward, just enough for his 9” flaccid manhood to make a firm impression in the material.

“Would you tell me, if I was to make the offer to take you to dinner this evening?” he said, half realising that she was trying to play hard to get “All on me, of course!”. Joanne raised an eyebrow, having earlier noticing a wedding ring on his finger and with a wry smile replied “And what would your wife think of you taking me out to dinner?” at the same time as nodding in the direction of his handed. Al’s smile grew bigger and cheekier “I think she would have a lot to say about that if she was here.” He proclaimed. Joanne started to get defensive; after all, this arrogant pig was clearly playing away from home! “You have a nerve! Coming knocking on my door, flaunting yourself and almost exposing yourself to me and you’re married! What a pig…”

Al just kept the cheeky grin on his face and replied “She’s not here because she’s passed away.” His facial expression was mixed with anguish and yet also with resolve. Joanne didn’t know what to say. Her body language gave that away. That and the fact that her mouth had dropped slightly open. Al reached up, pressing his fingertips on her chin to close her mouth. Joanne obliged, realising that she was gawping at his strong, manly face. “I… I… err…” she stumbled. “It’s fine, I’m over it. I just keep my ring on to remind me of her. Now let me start again. You are absolutely beautiful and I would be honoured if you would let me take you to dinner this evening? Shall I collect you at 8pm?”

“Err…” she paused momentarily, wondering what she could wear if she dared agree. Al stood still in the doorway, waiting for her response with bated breath. “Yeah, ok. 8pm it is”. Al turned to walk away. “Joanne!” she said almost nonchalantly, as he was gingerly trying to avoid the line of ants, crossing the veranda in his path. “I’m sorry?” he questioned. Joanne smiled at him as he turned to look at her. “You asked me my name, it’s Joanne!” and with that she closed the door.

Joanne was just taking a final look in the mirror, glancing up and down at herself, even managing a quick rub down her tits with each hand, having a quick squeeze on the way past to the rest of her body. She felt fantastic through the long black silk dress which enhanced her already fine shape. She looked damn fine too, even if she did say so herself! Then there was a “Tap Tap Tap” at the door.

She opened it to find Al stood there with that now familiar grin, stretching from ear to ear. “You look like that cat that got the cream!” she said in a flippant manner. He looked her up and down in clear delight at what stood before him. “Wow!” he said, noticing her nipples pushing to break through the silk of her dress. “Well, maybe. If I play my cards right?” he replied. Joanne didn’t answer. She picked up a shawl and placed it around her shoulders, linked Al by the arm and let him lead the way. “So where are we going to?” she questioned, as Al opened the passenger door to a black Range Rover Sport. “Well, I’ve booked a table at a quaint little place called the Sunset Restaurant, which is up in the hills overlooking Acharavi. I’ve been there before. It serves good traditional Greek food and the views are spectacular, especially as the sun is setting, hence the name. Plus we can dine outside too, so we won’t feel too hot in these temperatures!” “Sounds great!” replied Joanne. “So, I really don’t know the first thing about you, so why don’t you start to tell me?”

Al proceeded to tell her about himself. He was 32 years old, from Manchester UK, obviously widowed and lost his wife in a motorcycle accident on Route 66 in America 4 years ago. They’d gone on their dream vacation, riding separate bikes on the journey. They were crossing a desert, along a long piece of straight road, when he got the urge to take a piss, so he pulled over. Rebecca had seen him stop, but decided that his advanced riding skills would allow him to catch up. Before he did, Rebbeca’s life had been taken by an 18 wheeler, driven by a still sobering up redneck.

He also spoke that they had never got around to having kids and to get over her death, he would immerse himself in his work and then take as many holidays in the sun as he could. Joanne felt a little perturbed that she’d been short with him earlier and decided to try and be a little more approachable towards him. After all, this guy has had a really tough few years, right?

“What line of work are you in?” Joanne asked, as the Range Rover turned off the main street of Acharavi and headed up a single track road, which appeared to wind its way up the side of what could only be described as a cliff face. “Err..” he paused for a second, as if contemplating the response he was going to give. “Let me ask you something, do you want me to tell you the truth, or should I make something up?” Joanne looked puzzled “Well, which would you rather tell me?” half already knowing the answer he was going to give. “I’d much rather tell you the truth. That way, I won’t have to remember the lies I’d told. I’ve made that mistake in the past, but I just don’t know how you are going to react to the truth!”

Joanne was now even more intrigued by this bronzed Adonis, driving her up the side of a mountain, on the Greek holiday isle. “I would insist that you are honest with me 100% of the time, otherwise we may as well end this dinner date right now.” He was clearly a man who looked after himself, after all, she’d seen his wet torso earlier and there were more ridges in that ripped stomach than there are keys on a piano. He also had money. That was evident in the way that he dressed. Stylish jeans, hand made brown Italian shoes, a designer John Rocha shirt, the Rolex on his wrist and he had hired a Range Rover to get about in while on the island. “Shit!” she shouted. “Are you a drug dealer? Stop the car and let me out now!”

Half shock and half chuckling, Al assertively said “Calm down, calm down. Look, we are in the middle of knowhere, the sun is about to go down and you’ve got absolutely no idea where we are.” “I don’t care!” she replied “Just stop the car, I want to get out!” Joanne was adamant in her mind that this was not the scene she wanted to get involved in. “Wait a moment” said Al “I never said that I was a drug dealer, you just made that up in your own mind!” Joanne looked puzzled “So what do you do for a living then?” The Range Rover came to a stop on a car park, with it’s bonnet right up to the fence. To the right was what was obviously the restaurant, but right in front of her was the most beautiful view she had ever seen in her entire life! They were parked almost at the top of the mountain; maybe a mile as the crow flies from the perfectly calm and inviting sea, which could be seen to wrap itself around the island. In the distance was mainland Albania. She could see the fishing village of Roda to the left and all the way down to the popular town of Kassiopi, to the right. Fishing boats were going about their business and a large cruise ship was making its way down to Corfu Town. This was absolutely stunning!

“I work in the adult movie industry…” said Al. There was no reply. Joanne just kept soaking in the view, like a sponge absorbs water. Her trance was broken by his second offering. “I said, I work in the adult movie industry, Joanne!” She looked at him, not registering what he had said straight away, but after a moment offering a reaction. “Oh, right. You make adult movies! That must be interesting, watching people have sex for a living. What do you do? Operate the camera?” Al took the key from the ignition, exited the car and walked around and opened the passenger door. She held her hand out for him to take and as he was helping her out of the high 4×4, stepping down onto the floor, he replied “No, I star in them!”

Her mind started to race away with her, with the words from his mouth reeling around her head, but Joanne never said a word. She didn’t know what to say! Should she be shocked? Should she play the disgusted female? Or should she just act as though nothing was wrong and it was all perfectly natural? Of course, she knew the brief bits of pornography that she had seen were not real. It was purely there for the gratification of the male population of the planet, wasn’t it? Secretly inside, Joanne was feeling that sexual excitement again. Al just continued to escort her to a solitary table, overlooking the magnificent view.
The meal went well, with Thanos waiting their table and tending their every need. Al ordered a mixture of small dishes, including Stifado, Moussaka, Kleftico and Tzatziki, to name but a few. The food was fabulous and if she was being honest, Joanne thought that her dinner date was fabulous too! She wasn’t sure what to expect once she found out that he was a porn actor, but he was dishy, funny and great company too. Maybe it was the bottle of Samos Nectar wine that was loosening her up a little, she thought.

As the evening wore on, Al beckoned Thanos and settled the bill, before the couple made their way back to the car. By this time, day had turned in to night and the surrounding countryside was almost in pitch black. Joanne could just make out some light in the distance from the various villages and even the odd boat or two. It wasn’t until she miss-stepped getting into the car, that she realised that the wine had started to get to her head. Al found this all quite amusing, having to catch her from the stumble and grabbing a hand full of 40E breast in the process.

“Oops, sorry! I didn’t mean to do that!” he said, noticing that her nipples were protruding so much when he touched them, she could almost cut glass with them. “No, no, it’s fine! My mistake. I thought I was nearer to the car”. Joanne looked into his deep blue eyes and without hesitation she planted her full lips right onto his. She kissed him deeply, prising her tongue into his mouth for a few moments, pressing her crotch into his. She could feel his cock, his truncheon, through his designer jeans and for a few short moments she longed to feel the thickness of his shaft, before coming to her senses and pulling away. Joanne made a couple of attempt at apologising, but Al just smiled and guided her into her seat, before closing the car door.

The journey back to the apartment building was mostly uneventful, apart from the tight twists and turns back down the mountain side, which gave Joanne the excuse to cling hold of her drivers arm at every opportunity and of course letting out the odd squeal for added effect. Al used this to his advantage and repeatedly drove closer and closer to the edge, until the eventually got down to the main road and headed back for the night.

Historically, Joanne’s sex life with her former husband had been quite subdued. He had a very average sized cock and anything other than the missionary position on the bed was frowned upon as taboo in his eyes. Doggy style was a birthday treat for her, but she just got the feeling that tonight everything was about to change! As they walked up the stairs to their respective apartments, Joanne could feel Al’s eyes burning into her round arse, watching every move, as they climbed higher and higher. This turned her on again. Her nipples were once again pressing through her black silk dress and her pussy was so wet, she felt sure that he would either notice a damp patch on her bottom, or smell the odour of her sex in the heat of the warm Greek night!

As they arrived at her apartment door, she put the key in the lock, turned it and pushed the door all the way open, turning as she did. “Do you fancy a night cap?” said Joanne, but she had hardly finished her sentence when he planted his lips firmly onto hers, grabbing her tight around her waist and holding her close. She didn’t resist, she went with the moment, as he slid his tongue between her lips and into her succulent mouth. Their tongues danced a courtship with each other, as Al slowly walked her into the room, kicking the door closed with his heel behind them. They made their way across the reception room, instinctively towards the bedroom, without neither of them caring to look at the direction they were heading, their tongues dancing as they did.

Joanne flopped backwards onto the bed, her legs bent over the edge, her shiny black dress now a good 6” above her knees and her nipples now looking like she’d placed peanuts inside her bra to impress the men! She hadn’t of course; she was just simply so turned on that they had a mind of their own. Al knelt on the floor in between her legs and without warning ran both hands up the outside of her thighs, underneath her dress, sending shivers of pleasure through her whole body. His hands didn’t stop until he reached the top of what felt to him to be a lace pair of knickers. He hooked his fingers into the waistband on each side and in one movement, pulled them completely off. He took them into his hand, brought them up to his face and took a long, deep smell of them, before letting them drop to the floor.

Joanne couldn’t believe what was happening to her. And she couldn’t be any happier either, or lustful for that matter, as she was about to get shown how a real man has sex. Al took hold of her hip and pulled her further forward to the edge of the bed, before burying his face into her smartly trimmed pubic area and taking another big breath. She had recently tidied matters up down there, knowing that she would be wearing swimsuits while on holiday and even went to the extent of having her pussy lips waxed too. She’d never had that done before. It hurt, but clearly Al approved, so it was well worth the sting for such a short period of time.
He bit at her pubic area, making her jump with excitement, before lapping at the crease in her crotch, where her leg joined her body. His hands were underneath her dress, caressing her stomach and working their way up to and underneath her bra. All the time he was licking and biting his way around her crotch and pussy area, being careful never to actually touch her pussy lips. This was coming close to driving her over the edge! She had never been treated to anything like this before! But she daren’t tell Al, for fear that he may slow down to take things easy with her, or even worse, he could stop all together. So she decided she was going to turn the heat up a notch herself. “Bite me!” she shouted “Lick me! Suck on my pussy lips”. Just as she said this, he buried his tongue deep in between her swollen pussy and latched onto her protruding clit with his mouth. That sent Joanne off on her first orgasm of the night, ripping through her body like a freight train, pushing her nipples even further into the palms of Al’s hands and making her tits tense up like they’ve never done before! This was a big one, it was HUGE! Joanne held her breath, totally unintentionally and was now tensing every muscle she could, pushing down towards her cunt. She hadn’t realised she was doing it, nor had she realised how long she was doing it for. She only snapped back to reality and realised something was different when she started to see stars in front of her eyes and Al said “Wow, I never put you down for a squirter!”

“What the fuck is he on about?” she thought, lifting her head up, to look at what all the fuss was about, still dazed and with her head still reeling. He was grinning like the Cheshire Cat, with a milky like substance running down his face. “Is that from me?” she questioned. “It sure is!” came the reply “and if I’ve got anything to do with it, there will be plenty more of that stuff to come too!” he said, burying his head back into her now gaping fuck hole. He licked and sucked at her for all he was worth, until after another 5 minutes, Joanne could take no more.

By this time she was getting too sensitive, but she didn’t want to frighten him off. So she decided to take the initiative. She sat up and pulled her dress over her head, unclipped her bra and stood with her hands above her head, twisting from side to side. She felt free and liberated, something which she had never felt before. She would previously never get undressed in front of her former husband and always wore a nightie to bed. But now this was different. “What do you think?” she quizzed her smiling lover, who was now sat on the edge of the bed, leaning back on his arms. “You have to be one of the most amazing women I have ever had the pleasure of setting my eyes on and I’ve seen a few!” he said slightly bragging. “How do I compare to the girls you’ve worked with?” she said, cupping a breast in one hand and rubbing her pussy with the other. Al thought about this for a moment or two before replying “I have always preferred the natural lady, so on the outside you are much better. But I haven’t fucked you yet, so I couldn’t even start to compare you with them in that instance yet. That is unless you want to give it a try, so you can get the answer you are looking for?”

He knew exactly what to say to Joanne. He was smirking from ear to ear. He had done this a million times before and she knew it… but she needed an answer! Joanne dropped to her knees in front of him and pushed his t-shirt up to reveal the top of his jeans. She could see the outline of his enormous cock, running down the top of his thigh. This made her even more eager to get it out, as she hastily unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his jeans. Al stood up in front of her, to assist her in getting the jeans off. As Al was pulling the jeans down, Joanne had her hand inside, wrapping her fingers around his shaft, pulling at his cock to release it into view. With an slight struggle his cock came free, both from its restraint and also from her hand. This cock wasn’t big, it was FUCKING BIG! It hung there between his legs, still swinging from its release and Joanne could see that it was easily 8, or even 9” long, thick too and this thing hadn’t even started to get hard yet!

Joanne sat back, still on her knees, resting her bottom on her heels. She took his cock into her right hand, her eyes were transfixed and her mouth had dropped open. She was awe struck. Mesmerised! She started to shake her head in disbelief! Al was giggling like a naughty schoolboy “What’s up?” he said. Joanne looked up at his face slowly and said “WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THAT ENORMOUS THING?” Read 6723 times | Rated 83.9 % | (31 votes) Vote list (Close) :
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