a planet far from home 2 by One-red

Introduction: The nightmare on a new planet continues. , There was a lot of commotion going on around us in the medical centre. Doctors were trying to check if any damage had been done to us and village managers were trying to find out where we had been as they wanted to send out teams to try to rescue any other captives.

People who’s wives and daughters had gone missing wanted to go and hunt down the sheepnies. The leaders were invoking galactic law that prevented harm or exploitation of local inhabitants.

The doctors gave us some food and water but it passed straight through us. We were connected up to glucose drips while we were scanned.

It looks like you are being terraformed for want of a better word. most of your internal organs have changed or gone. You have hardly any stomach, no liver , kidneys ,spleen and god knows what else. Your lungs have been moved up into your breasts.

That explains how the female milk filled my breasts so quickly

And your womb has expanded to fill all the empty space. and you appear to be pregnant.

Do you mean I still have an egg in me.

No a small human baby it looks like you are nearly due.

Thats not all. Your lungs hardly work as lungs now they absorb the oxygen from the liquid they are filled with. This was probably the alien milk or something from the snakes. God knows how long this will last, we will have to put you on oxygen fairly soon.

You passed a snake out from your intestines and it appears that the secretions from them are the same as that in your lungs. It looks like you currently have four snakes inside you.

“Oh my god this is disgusting.” “But for now you need to feed the snakes back to us. I think that is all thats keeping us alive.”

The doctors handed the snake to me and I fed it into my mouth. I felt my energy build and I felt a little bit euphoric.

“We will have to see if we can catch more for you.”

“Good luck with that.”

By the next day news was coming in of other women being rescued. It was decided that we would all be sent to a research centre on a small island where we could be treated. I think they wanted us out the sight of the general population. By the time we got there were about sixty of us. Some from two and three years ago. Only a few were as healthy as me and Sue the girl I had been with. There had been very little success in capturing the snakes.

I knew we would starve to death if we left it to the so called experts. When no one was about I wandered out onto the grasslands towards a herd of sheepnies. I must still be giving off the odour that says I am available as I was quickly captured and mated with. The first one felt pretty disgusting but at least I was fed a couple of snakes. With the boost to my strength and whatever the drug in the snake mucus was I started to enjoy the second and third sheepnie having had a couple of orgasms from each. In total I had been fed six snakes which I knew would last me a few days.

I went back to the camp and told the scientists that the other women needed to do the same. I took Sue out to the herd and lay down on the grass with her. She was very frightened. I hugged her and kissed her and told her it would be ok. It wasnt long before she was picked up and fucked and fed. When she had been with three males I took her back to the camp. She seemed a lot happier and resigned to what we would have to do.

The sex seemed to be different now that mating season was over. They didnt force their penis into the cervix. It seemed more of a recreational fuck and it was fairly enjoyable once you were in the mood. Eventually most of the women were doing the same and we were building up quite a large herd all waiting for a chance to have sex with humans. I moved Sue into my room. She seemed to like the company and occasionally we would make love. I have had sex with women before but this tasted completely different. Once you started you would be at it for hours. It wasnt until you were exhausted and needed feeding that you stopped. We eventually worked out that we needed to keep our distance from each other as much as possible or we were playing into the sheepnies hands. I think the sex was us rebelling against being raped. Well not exactly rape we were more like crack whores we would have sex with anything for a meal.

In the middle of the night my contractions started and the doctors took me to the medical pod and I soon gave birth. The baby seemed almost human. If it wasnt for the small lumps under its skin you wouldnt be able to tell the difference. I had to breast feed her for a few weeks as we had no idea what else to feed her.

The doctors came in with the latest scans.

“It looks like you have thousands of tiny eggs inside your intestines. We are not sure if these will die if they are not fertilised.” “The sheepnies make no attempt at anal sex do they.”

“Not since the breeding cave.”

“Can we do some tests to see if human sperm fertilises the eggs.”

“Ok as long as you dont want to stick your dick in there I said laughing.”

Shortly after insemination the small snakes I had seen before in the cave started appearing. At least I had something to feed the baby on.

As the weeks passed and more and more tests were carried out our bodies started to change. I was getting small tendrils sprouting from my skin. The doctors checked them and found that they were a variation of the snake. They were anchored in the layer of fat under the skin. They had formed a interconnecting root system bonding themselves to our tissue and muscle preventing us from removing them. They had pretty much taken over all our internal tissue. My breasts were tightening my muscles were realy strong and apart from the few tendrils I looked pretty fit.

The new camp was always full of scientists and doctors and now there were a couple of documentary film and news crew. There must be about forty men in total. There were a few women as well. They were very kind and well meaning but I got the feeling that they were just thinking I’m glad its not me. I’m not sure when it started but at night I heard people creeping around the rooms. I peeped outside and saw a man creeping into one of the rooms. I peeped into the room to see what was happening. There was a strange odour I hadn’t smelled before. Then I saw them they were mating. The woman was laid on the table and the man was fucking her for all he was worth. He looked round and saw me but didnt stop. He seemed to be drugged. Then I felt a strong urge to fuck. I think it was the smell. I went back to my room and realised the smell was coming from there as well. Sue was pacing round naked and pretty soon I was too. It was almost like the first day with the sheepnie except I think it was us giving off the odour. Then the door opened and a naked man walked in. I lay on the bed and he slid his dick in me without saying a word to me.

God that feels tight. I hadn’t felt this tight even when I was a virgin. It felt amazing, my vagina seemed to be pulsing and contracting round his dick and pretty soon he was coming. He climbed off me and straight into sue pretty soon the two of them had quite a loud orgasm. then the door opened again and two more men came in. One of them picked me up and sat on a chair and lowered me onto his dick. The other guy came behind me and stuck his dick up my bum.

Oh my god I was orgasming already. My vagina and intestines were pulsating around their dicks. I think the snakes had terraformed my vagina. This went on through the night with a succession of men. At one point me and sue both had two men in us and two waiting. They were stood there mauling our breasts but they made no attempt at oral sex which I thought was strange.

This went on for a few days and nights. Even the doctors and scientists were fucking us. Everyone seemed to be acting like robots. Nobody cared.

We didnt realise at the time but as the men ejaculated inside us microscopic snakes were swimming into their penises. They were not trying to take over the men but lay dormant in the men’s testicles. After the mating odour had gone everyone was very embarrassed and many of the men opted to go back to their home towns and families. Only when they had sex would the snakes transfer to the new donors. Then in each town the women would give off the mating odour and the whole town ended up fucking.

Within a year the whole planet was affected. There was no sign of changes within the men but the women’s DNA was being changed and they were being terraformed. I knew that within six months or so all the women on the planet would be like us. The scientist realised what had happened too late. They started shipping the women to our village but eventually there were too many.

Most of our settlement had resigned to having to fuck the sheepnies to get fed but we also noticed other changes happening. Because our lungs no longer worked to get air into our system we started losing the ability to speak. I started meticulously logging all the changes on my computer as I noticed the bones in our hands were dissolving and our fingers were becoming tentacles. Then our digestive tract which was no longer in use was a simple fleshy tube from our mouth to our anus. It was just somewhere for the snakes to deposit their eggs.

The sheepnies seemed to take great delight in seeing the tip of their penis sticking out our mouths. They would take us over to other sheepnies showing off what a long dick they have. Then they would fill our whole throat and intestine with semen. Then they found a new game to play with us. When one of the males had us impaled on their dicks and our legs secured they would go over to another male who stuck their dick down our throat. I wanted to gag but I no longer had throat muscles to gag with and their dicks would meet somewhere in my middle. They would then grip my body and slide me backwards and forwards between them. I realised the mating odour came from a gland near the base of the penis. The smell drove me wild and I must have had half a dozen orgasms.

The other sheepnies stood watching and as soon as one finished another would take its place. Then I noticed other women being used in the same way.

“Oh my God.” we were becoming a sex toy and there was nothing we could do.

We no longer cared what disgusting things they did to us. Both us and the sheepnies seemed to be permanently giving off the aphrodisiac odour. We tried retreating to our living pods but these became a constant lesbian orgy. Only stopping when we were hungry. Some of the sheepnies had taken to coming into the pods and watching us have sex. Then when we had had enough they would fuck us and feed us and push us back into the melee. I think this was sheepnie porn.

Another six months down the line many of us started becoming pregnant again. I think our DNA had been modified to increase the chance of sheepnie sperm fertilising us. The sheepnies would slowly slip their dicks through our cervix and check if anything was in there before they fucked us. If we were pregnant they would withdraw and be quite happy with anal sex. They seemed to be sex mad and would fuck everyone who ventured out onto the grass. Strangely all the human hybrid babies were female and all the sheepnie hybrids were male.

The snakes were creating a completely symbiotic society. The sheepnies could forage for the snakes and would have sex with any women available and in return would feed them. The women would provide babies for both races and a womb for the snakes. It seemed a bit one sided the women were virtually slaves. But both races knew that it was the only way they would survive.

Another five years down the line and we realised that the men had disappearing. We had noticed the men being carried out into the grassland. We assumed the men were being used to incubate snake eggs. We had followed them for a couple of days until the herds were too dispersed to ensure we could get back. We noticed the men disappeared out of site. We assumed they had taken them to a point that they couldnt get back from so that they could use them as they needed.

Also we noticed that the number of female sheepnies was dropping. Very few women were being carried off to the caves so we assumed the old egg laying females were dying off. I think the snakes realised human females could give birth all year round. The sheepnie females could only provide eggs when they were quite old and then only once a year.

I was starting to lose the ability to type data into my computer. I think most of us were losing brain functionality as well as not being able to communicate with each other. We were just breeding machines we were only pregnant for about three months at a time as the nutrients in our bodies from the snakes made the embryos mature three time quicker than normal.

Our bodies seemed to be timed to release masses of baby snakes around the time we gave birth to feed the young. I had already had eleven babies in the six or seven years since getting back from the cave. As the winter arrived we would sprout more tendrils to keep out the cold. In the spring these would drop off and crawl into the grass to mature as snakes.

The first of the new offspring were growing into what are presumable teenagers. We noticed the males would often pick up these females and stick their tongue inside their vaginas and then put them back on the ground. I think they were checking to see if they had started ovulating. The one day one young girl was picked up and checked and then she was tucked under the males belly and mated with. When she was dropped I think the male had left a scent on her as another male came to pick her up. We managed to intervene and surrounded her. But we couldnt protect them all. If we managed to free them the fresh odour on them made us want to have sex with them. Frying pan and fire came to mind.

Then I was picked up by one of the young males as were some of the other women and girls. They carried us for a couple of days out onto the grassland. We were too far to get back on our own. I think we were a captive group for the teenage sheepnies to practice on. They fed us snakes and put us together to watch while we had sex and then they would pick us up and fuck us often two at a time. Then one of the males had me impaled and he lay on his back and two more males entered me in my mouth and anus. We were used in every way imaginable day and night for about five days. We new this would be our way of life from now on. There would always be a dozen or so teenage males wanting to sow their oats. Over the years I dread to think of how many of my offspring I would have sex with.

About fifty years down the line and the living pods were crumbling and we were permanently living out on the grassland when we saw a shuttle craft descend on the capital. An assortment of people were seen coming and going around the settlements gathering what information they could. One of the women scientists came out onto the grass to study us not realising that we used to be the human settlers. She was quickly overcome by the odour when she approached a small herd of males. She very quickly stripped naked and she must have had sex with at least four of the males before we rescued her. We got her dressed and back to the encampment. She was too embarrassed to say anything and left a few days later leaving a small group of scientists behind. If she made it back to earth they would stand no chance.

Two hundred years later my body finally started to give up. I was carried out to the far grassland and left. I lay there for over a week and didnt die. My body must be absorbing the nutrients from the grass. We had no need for the sheepnies to feed us after all. I think what was happening was we were addicted to the drug given off by the snakes. We would never have found this out where we lived because if you lay on the grass for more than an hour you would be picked up and fucked and fed. Even if I could get back to the herd there would be no way of telling the others as we had lost the ability to communicate. Our offspring would never know any difference to this life.

Then I felt it start I could feel the snakes nibbling away at my flesh. It was not painful but it was frightening as I knew exactly what they were doing. When all that was left was my skull there was one last torture. A succession of snakes crawled into my skull as well as feeding my brain I was connected to the hive. The snakes were the alien visitors. They had infiltrated every race that came into contact with them. I could see all the worlds and all the people that they had conquered and now we were sending an infected female back to another planet and probably earth eventually.

I have no idea how much longer my brain lived it could have been five minutes or five hundred years.

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