Abeke Cares for Others

Danny Ortega was just coming off his shift at his father’s building materials business, the second consecutive summer he had taken the job his father had offered. Building materials aren’t light, so loading, unloading, and managing them can make an already young, strong body rock hard.

It can also make it sore and tired. Danny had done more than his share of the grunt work, so he was both. He followed his father’s example. The first thing he told him when he came to work more than a year ago was, “There is no job too low for you. There is no job you aren’t going to do. If a guy doesn’t show up, the rest of you will do his work too. If the toilet’s clogged, you may have to unclog it. If you want to own this business someday, you have to take charge of all of it.”

“Yes, sir,” was the reply, and Danny went off to work, leaving his father smiling and proud.

But that first day one summer ago was not a pleasant one. Danny was a big, strong kid, still in high school, but not in real top shape. He was a pudgy second string tight end on the football team who only played when the game was decided or the starter got hurt. The coach let him off easy with training because Mr. Ortega contributed to the athletic department and funded a lot of the uniforms and training facilities they had. Danny was soft.

So his stint as a yard worker started out rough. He barely made it through half a day and threw up in the restroom after lunch. His dad sent him home to rest and recover, clearly disappointed in his son. His mother made sure he was OK, and he slept. But he was back the next day, and paced himself better. He also started working out on his own when he was able, and built his body into something impressive.

And as the job became easier that first summer, his father was impressed that he took on more work and more responsibility to challenge himself and to learn more. At the end of the first summer his supervisor let him oversee and train two new workers, and he showed a talent for motivating and teaching.

So today there was an entirely different Danny Ortega at Ortega Building Materials than the one who barfed and tapped out a year ago last June. This one was 19, could pass for 25, and who knew a few of the jobs at the business as well as his dad. He had a real future.

He also had a backache, a sore shoulder, and a cramp in his right calf. He still sometimes pushed himself too far. On his way to a drive-through for some dinner, he saw a banner on a new business on the ground floor of a professional building: Abeke Bodywork and Pain Relief — walk-ins welcome. Dinner could wait. What could they do for him?

A chime sounded when he entered the suite, well-appointed and sparkling clean. There was no one waiting in the reception room, and no one behind the counter, so he called out, “Hello? Are you open?”

From the back a very handsome Black woman hurried to the front counter. He had never seen a person with such dark brown skin, smooth and nearly flawless. Her genuine, lovely smile put him at ease immediately as she greeted him, “Yes, yes, we are. Welcome. You have come at a most fortuitous time. We have no appointments now and I can take you right away.” She appeared to be remarkably healthy and fit, perhaps five foot six and 140 pounds. She carried herself with confidence and good posture, making altogether an attractive first impression.

Her accent was a pleasure to hear, almost musical, and he guessed correctly to himself that she was African. “Nigeria is where I am from, if you are wondering from my accent, young man. And I am much experienced in the techniques of Swedish massage, Hawaiian Lomi Lomi, and also many of my own special skills. I will not disappoint! “Back of Body” is only $30, since I am new and want to build my business. This is a tremendous value! But I am not able to accept anything but cash at this time since I have to arrange for electronic payment methods later. Will that be satisfactory?”

Danny couldn’t think of anything else to say. “OK,” and handed her the money. She locked the front door and led him to a back treatment room. “Thank you, sir. I am Abeke, and I am sure that Americans will eventually change it to “Abby.” I will not be insulted. Here we are then.”

The room was about 15 x 20 feet, and it featured a very sturdy-looking massage table in the middle. Danny was glad of that because he was not a small man. There was a desk against one wall, with a 4-drawer filing cabinet next to it. A metal storage cabinet presumably held supplies and office materials. Finally, in a corner was a tiny shower like you often see in economy hotel rooms in Europe, and a small sink. The shower was little more than a phone booth with a shower head and a drain.

She asked him about areas of particular concern, and as he explained she smiled and nodded, assuring him that she could help a great deal, declaring “Your pain is now my enemy too. I will do battle with it and defeat it.

“But first you must wash your body, you understand. You are quite sweaty. You see my shower right over there. I will attend to some paperwork while you cleanse yourself — please be very thorough!” She shook her head, “Oh, the paperwork. Here in America so many forms, so much time wasted!”

She went to her desk and busied herself with the bothersome paperwork. Danny wasn’t quite sure what to do. He expected her to leave while he washed.

“Are you going to stay here while I shower?”

Abeke laughed, “Why not, you silly man? You have come to me to tend to your body. Did you expect me to do so with my eyes closed? Ha! Now please wash your body and then I can begin your massage.”

She turned back to her desk, and he took some relief in that as he undressed quickly. It was funny, but after so many years in locker rooms with fellow athletes he never thought much about nudity, but with this woman he had just met he felt incredibly shy being the only one who would be undressed.

After the quickest shower he had ever taken (but thorough, as instructed) he noticed with horror that he had no towel to dry himself. Or cover himself! Now what? He was more or less displayed in a tiny glass case, naked, with a strange woman in the room. Eventually Abeke noticed that the water had been turned off, and turned around and exclaimed, “I left you without a towel! I am negligent! My apologies.”

She went to the cabinet and got a very large and luxurious towel, marched right over to her quite embarrassed customer, opened the shower door, and handed it to him. Although he was Hispanic, and even more brown from working outside, his skin turned a bit pink with embarrassment. He covered himself with the towel and stepped out of the shower. She remained, talking with him about massage techniques, blood flow, healing of injuries. He really couldn’t cover his genitals while simultaneously drying himself, so that battle was lost.

His private parts were large, even in proportion for someone of his size, and she noticed. He saw a little smile. That only caused him to blush more, which she also seemed to enjoy.

“Now, up on my table, young man. Let us see what I can do to remedy your discomfort.” She took the towel away and instructed him to lay face down. The sheets were cool and fresh, and he placed his head in the face cradle. He liked being clean and also not having to look Abeke in the eye for now. He reached under himself to adjust his cock and balls, and then tried to relax. She patted his body with the towel, drying the little moisture remaining, finally running it up between his buttocks.

A few moments passed while she washed her hands at the sink, and the next thing he felt was her hands stroking his body from top to bottom, first on his left side and then his right, as if claiming him entirely. Her hands had complete jurisdiction over him while he was on her table. Her right hand stopped at his bottom, which she patted affectionately. A moment went by.

Warm oil felt good on his achy shoulders, and her strong hands were wise in how they kneaded and rubbed him. Nothing was neglected, from his neck to his waist. She knew the muscle groups and what they needed. She took clues from his body language and quiet grunts if something felt very good or very bad. She had complete control and she knew it. He soon forgot about being naked.

Eventually the pain in his neck and shoulders dissipated, and she honed in on his lower back. It was nothing short of a miracle. It was a combination of the lessening of pain and actual pleasure. Plus, pressing down on his lower back pressed his genitals against the cushion of the table, keeping him semi erect. He was glad he was face down.

Her attention shifted to his lower body, and he felt the warm oil on his left calf, then on his right. She worked her magic and the feeling of imminent spasm and cramping was soon gone. He had large, muscular calves, but they were no match for Abeke’s determination and skills.

Suddenly, she was stroking his left leg from his buttocks to his ankles. She lifted his legs and spread them apart, to get access to his inner thighs. She wasn’t particularly careful to avoid brushing by his anus or his balls as she worked, not seeming to intentionally touch them, but also not careful to avoid contact. This excited Danny as he never knew if an exciting and intimate touch might happen any second. Abeke moved to his right leg with the same techniques. From his ankles to his hips she stroked and squeezed, and it felt wonderful. But his cock was getting hard and he didn’t know what to do.

Then there was a loud knock at the front door. Abeke paused he work rested her hand on Danny’s bottom.

“Oh, that is my new employee, Kaylee. This is her first day. I am training her to perform massage, and other services we will offer. Wait here.” She casually threw a towel over his butt.

He heard voices, laughing, and then footsteps coming toward the room. Wait. Kaylee. Isn’t that the name of one of the cheerleaders at his school two years ago when he was on the reserve squad? That little blonde girl who was so pretty and had great legs? He had lots of time to watch her while he was sitting on the bench, and he did enjoy the view when she did kicks and twirls and he caught glimpses of her panties and butt.

Oh shit, is that her?

Then the door opened and the both came in. “Well, this is very nice to have my first client here with my first employee! It is a good sign for the future of my business. Kaylee, please meet Daniel. I have been treating him, and do think he has enjoyed the session so far. What do you say, Daniel?”

Danny lifted himself up on his elbows, trying to keep the towel from slipping. Kaylee noticed his hard, muscular body, shiny with oil. It was her all right, thought Danny. Just beautiful. She had on just a cropped yellow t-shirt exposing her flat tummy and navel ring, and short cut-off jeans. He felt weird with just a towel on his butt, and managed a “Hi Kaylee.”

“Daniel? Were you on the football team? I remember a Daniel when I was there.”

“Yeah, I wasn’t a starter when you were there, but I remember you doing the cheers. You were very pretty then too.”

Crap, did he really say that? What a dork.

“Aw, how sweet! What a nice thing to say. So you like the massage? I want to learn how and Abeke is going to be teaching me. I can’t wait to get started.”

Abeke beamed at Kaylee. “I was going to start by massaging you today, to show you the kinds of techniques you can learn, but we can do that another time. We have a live client right here, and this is a perfect opportunity for you to start on a real body, and quite a beautiful body I might say. Are you ready to begin, Kaylee?”

“Sure! I want to learn everything as fast as I can.”

“Well, lucky Daniel, he gets four hands and not just two. Kaylee, please wash your hands over there. We do that before all sessions, as a courtesy to our clients.” Kaylee immediately obeyed, and as she turned toward the sink Abeke removed the towel from Daniel’s bottom, leaving him naked with a stranger for the second time today.

Kaylee returned, and with the teacher on one side and the student on the other, Abeke discussed Daniel’s body as if he wasn’t there.

“You can see we have a very large man here, Kaylee, and yes, I can assure you that he is quite large in all ways.” Kaylee giggled and Daniel was mortified, grateful his blush was hidden in the face cradle. Abeke winked and nodded at Kaylee, who understood perfectly.

“I realize that I’ve never actually seen a naked man before,” said Kaylee, forgetting for the moment that Daniel was listening. “I mean, I’ve been with a couple of guys, but even though they were 18, they were really just boys compared to, well, this.”

“Feel free to explore his body all you like,” encouraged Abeke. “His shoulders were very tight from all the heavy work he does, and I had to use all the strength in my hands to work out all the kinks and tension. It’s hard work too! And then his lower back was sore from the lifting, and that required very hard pressure from my palms. Like this.”

Abeke returned to Daniel’s lower back, and once again the pressure and warmth of her massage put him in a state of bliss. He groaned involuntarily. “You see? We offer therapy and pleasure. The best for our clients! Now girl, you will have to build up your own strength to be able to provide this level of service for our clients. I expect you to work on that if you are serious about massage as a profession.”

“Oh I understand. I can work on that.”

“Good. Now in the meantime you can perform some of our lighter techniques. For instance, just stroke Daniel’s legs, starting from his ankles, up his calves, thighs, and his bottom. Here, I’ll do the same on my side.”

Danny was in heaven, with four hands sliding up and down his oiled lower body. Kaylee followed Abeke’s lead, enjoying the exploration of this muscular man. She imagined him mounting her like a stallion. Her mind began to drift.

Abeke caught her attention, and Kaylee followed her lead as her as her hands traveled to the inside of Danny’s thighs and even between his buttocks. He grunted as Abeke brazenly brushed by his anus and then on to his back and shoulders, as if it was an accident or at least incidental. She smiled and raised an eyebrow at Kaylee, who understood she was to do the same. While Abeke’s fingertips skittered over Danny’s back, and then down his legs, Kaylee’s moved up his legs and teased his butt. Involuntarily, Danny raised his bottom up, but then Kaylee’s fingers had moved on. The young man didn’t know where the next touch was going to land, or who was going to do it.

“Many of my clients enjoy a lighter touch. Do you like this, Danny?” He didn’t respond, so Abeke delivered a sharp smack to his butt. “I said, do you enjoy our fingertips on your body, Danny?”

“Y-yes, it’s nice,” he replied quietly.

“Good. Now turn over. You have earned the Extra. No charge today.”

Torn between being embarrassed at being undressed with two women he had just met today, and wanting relief, Danny turned over on his back. His cock was almost fully erect, and even then appeared to be over seven inches and quite thick.

Both women stared and smiled at each other. Kaylee’s mouth was open and she instinctively licked her lips. She was already aroused form having handled this sexy, muscular young man, and now having seen his impressive organ, she could feel her cunt becoming wetter. Danny avoided eye contact and kept his eyes closed.

“Oh how handsome your genitals are, Daniel! You should be so proud. And you are not even fully erect yet! And your testicles in perfect proportion as well. You are quite well endowed, young man. Kaylee, are you not impressed? But answer me honestly, could you take his organ fully inside you? You’re quite a petite little thing, aren’t you. Wouldn’t you be a little afraid?”

Kaylee bowed her head, “Well, he would have to take it really slow. I am kind of small there.”

“You would have to make sure he puts his mouth on you until you are so wet and slippery that all you feel is the pleasure of his penis deep inside you. You grab his ears and put him to work!” The women laughed as Daniel lay there, desperate for release.

“You will do the honors for our first client at the practice, then. Get some warm oil and take him in your hand.”

Kaylee found that he was so thick that her fingers didn’t touch.

Abeke went around to her side and whispered in her ear, “He’s more than ready to explode, so be careful because I think the amount may be very substantial, and also that it might travel quite far. So be careful where you aim. You don’t want him in your eyes, and it’s also quite difficult to get semen out of your hair.”

Kaylee smiled and nodded, noting the tense look on Danny’s face, eyes still closed. Abeke want back to the other side, and began to run her fingertips all over her client’s body. Danny squirmed a little, and moaned quietly as Kaylee stroked his cock slowly and gently. His orgasm built steadily, and Abeke could tell when he got close. Shortly before he came Abeke commanded him, “Danny! Open your eyes and look at Kaylee! She’s going to make you cum so hard, boy. Look at her.”

Danny saw the beautiful young blonde smile sweetly at him as she steadily and with increasing speed pumped his now hard cock. Abeke took his balls in her right hand and continued to tease his body with her left. She squeezed him gently.

“She has your big penis in her little hand. We want to watch you cum, you beautiful boy, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

The young man’s eyes rolled back and he forgot where he was as pure extasy took over. The orgasm seemed to last forever. It was as if he had left his body for a time. And then finally he was back, weak and helpless, out of breath. Abeke took a warm, wet towel and carefully cleaned him up, being attentive to his sensitive cock.

After a time Danny recovered, promising Abeke to return next time he needed therapy of one kind or another. She had no doubt he would be back on her table very soon. He got dressed and managed to look Kaylee in the eye, and she kissed him on the cheek. “That was wonderful, Danny. I didn’t know I could give someone so much pleasure. It was beautiful.” He nodded and left.

“I guess I’ll go home,” said Kaylee, with a melancholy tone. “See you tomorrow.”

“You’re not going anywhere like that, my girl,” replied Abeke. “Come here to me.”

Kaylee went to Abeke, who embraced her warmly. “My poor girl. Nothing for you. Poor baby.”

“It’s OK, Abeke. I’ll be all right when I get home.”

“Not good enough for my new girl. Raise your arms.”

Kaylee obeyed, and the cropped t-shirt was pulled up and off, revealing the young blonde’s lithe and gorgeous body, with breasts firm and just a little larger than her frame would have suggested. Her nipples would have cut a diamond. The older woman held the girl’s arms up and kissed each nipple playfully, causing her to giggle as if being tickled.

“You’re an obedient girl, aren’t you, Kaylee?”

“Yes,” whispered Kaylee, with eyes down, a little scared but terribly excited.

“Pull down your shorts and panties then.”

After a moment’s hesitation, she took her pants down, and Abeke admired her pretty blonde pubis, neatly trimmed, and obviously moist. Abeke took her panties from her and noticed a wet spot. She held it up for Kaylee to see.

“You wanted our Daniel to take you today, didn’t you? You wanted him to give you that beautiful cock, and you wanted me to watch, didn’t you?”


Abeke took the naked girl to the massage table, and bent her over with her elbows on the table. “Arch your back. And don’t move.” The girl did as she was told, with her pretty little butt thrust out.

In a few minutes Abeke was also nude, save only for a strap-on harness with a black dildo attached. It wasn’t as big as Daniel, but she wanted to be careful with this petite young girl’s pussy. She moved behind Kaylee, and with her foot nudged her legs apart. The girl’s beautiful ass aroused Abeke, as did the electric vibrating element in the harness that pleasured her clit.


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