Aces Pt. 04 – Brian and Lisa by intim8,intim8

The door to the library burst open and in walked a naked, dripping woman.

Brian was frantically doing homework in the house library. He’d had a busy week, and he was trying to bear down on some reading and a short essay that were due on Monday. In between his date with Abby last night and the party Ivan had planned for today, he was hoping to squeeze in some study time.

But life had other plans. He thought he’d heard the sounds of people arriving, but he was set on ignoring it. It was still lunchtime, and the uneaten half of his sandwich sat next to the laptop, surrounded by books and notes.

He looked up at the girl. Her blonde hair lay in flat, wet strings, apparently the source of most of the water. He watched a drop slide from her shoulder down between very nice breasts. Small and round and soft and firm all at the same time. Her small nipples were responding quite adamantly to the chill of wet skin in an air conditioned room.

“Charles said you’d be in here.” she said.

“He was right. So what’s going on?”

“We’re wondering where you were. We’re all upstairs in the tub.”

Brian had a tub in his private bath that had all the bells and whistles. Heated water, jets, bubbles, and room for four people. Six if they were really good friends, or at least willing to pretend they were. It explained the copious moisture that was dripping onto the wooden floor. “The party has already started?” he asked, not sure whether to be pissed or not.

He couldn’t be pissed. He’d gone…. he quickly did the math… almost 48 hours, his longest dry spell since finally accepting that he was an Ace and that it was on him, and only a couple thousand others world wide, to populate the future human race.

While a beautiful naked woman bursting into the room was only mildly surprising, it was highly appealing. Homework quickly gave up first place in the race for his attention. He seriously weighed his options. What he ought to do was to tell her to pass it on to Ivan and the others that he would be up there once he finished his essay.

Her smooth mound and taut lips glistened from the water dripping down her body. What he wanted to do was to bend her over the library table before sending her back upstairs and finishing his essay. It would only take five minutes away from his study time.

On the other hand, he wanted see who else Ivan had brought over.

He’d changed a lot in the last week and a half. Two weeks ago, he was a hopeless virgin, a sophomore majoring in a field that could have been chosen for the purpose of minimizing his chances of meeting girls. His very introverted personality didn’t help.

Then came the test, the most important test he’d ever passed. A handful of days of denial came next, followed finally by an acceptance of his new life. At first it was tentative, but once the ice was broken, he’d rather quickly become more enthusiastic.

Now, already, it was taken for granted. His nervousness around women had all but disappeared. It was amazing what finally getting some will do for a man. The only time he still felt it was with anyone he cared about. Like Abby.

He had returned to classes that Monday after missing more than a week. The professors had shown him no mercy on makeup work, and he couldn’t blame them. It wasn’t like he was sick or something. Just the opposite in fact. He had somehow remained healthy, in the reproductive department, where nearly every man on earth but him had gotten sick. “Twisted”, they called it.

He had a good excuse. Overnight celebrity, Secret Service protection, having to move out of his dorm on zero notice, they were all good reasons to stay away from classrooms for a while. But he was not there to put in his time, he was there to learn, and that takes studying. He couldn’t afford a week long gap, and the professors giving him some kind of break wouldn’t do him any good.

“What’s your name?” he asked the soggy bint who had by now walked fully into the room, trailing drops of water behind her.

She stepped to the front of the table he was sitting at. Her eyes narrowed, examining him. She had a cute button nose, and the hint of poutiness in her lips. “Lisa”, she said. She looked at him, completely unselfconscious of her nudity.

He closed his laptop screen. It was blocking his view of her lower body, She smiled knowingly, and he admitted to himself that closing his laptop pretty much put a close to his work as well.

“So are you going to come upstairs?” she asked.

“Soon.” he said, standing. She smiled that knowing smile again. She thought she knew what he was thinking, and that he knew that she knew, etc.

He walked around the table and leaned back against it. He crossed his arms, looking sideways at her. “Do you go to school here?”

“I’m a senior.” she said. She read his posture and stepped casually to the side. Her eyes went to the bookshelves that surrounded the room. “That’s a lot of books. All yours?” she took a step toward the wall and cocked her head to read some titles.

“They came with the house. I’m only borrowing them.” He looked at her. All that skin, all those shapes. “Do you read a lot?”

She turned to him, “Some. Surprised?”

“Maybe a little.”

“Why? Do I look like a ditzy blonde bimbo?”

He smiled. “Maybe a little.”

“Good” she said, and turned back to the books. She started reading titles in earnest, even reaching a finger out to run along a spine here and there. He recognized the gesture. She was someone who not only read, but felt a kind of connection to books. To their physical presence as much as their content.

This was strange. She was obviously there for the usual reason, and despite her acting like she was fully dressed and this was just a normal encounter, her nudity was pretty obviously intentional and meant for effect. He knew that he could take her any time he wanted, but he felt like playing along a little bit. He was self aware enough to know that that was another manifestation of his quickly growing confidence. He wondered if it was something else, too.

“So what are you majoring in?” he asked.

“I hate reading books on a screen, don’t you?”

“Yeah, give me a physical book every time.”

“Me too.” she glanced at him, then went back to fingering the spines. She read a few more titles, then glanced back at him. “You know, if you’re going to join us in the tub, you should get out of those clothes.”

He laughed. “I can get undressed upstairs.”

She shrugged and went back to looking at the titles. “I just thought you might want catch up.”

“You’re way ahead of me.” Brian said.

She turned her head and smiled at him. Her hand was on the top of one of the book spines, and she tilted it out. It was a thick hard cover. He could only read part of the title, but enough to get it. The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy. She tapped the title with her finger and looked at him with a neutral expression. “My major.” she said.



“So why are you here, then?”

“Same reason all the other girls come here. Because I’m a girl, a human girl.”

“You are definitely a very human girl.” he said, looking her up and down.

“I know” she said, and turned fully facing him. “So do you want to get started?”

He reached over his head and pulled the back of his shirt up and over. When he could see her again, she had a satisfied smile on her face. He got his pants off and faced her. He had been almost fully hard since about thirty seconds after she walked in.

She looked him up and down with a satisfied smile and stepped toward him. It’s a tough job, but somebody’s got to do it, he thought.

More specifically, he had to do it. He and a handful of others. He’d gotten a slap in the face reminder when he returned to history class on Monday. History was not very relevant to his major in electrical engineering, but it was part of the core curriculum everybody had to do. Despite that, he really liked it, in large part because Professor Stockton was the kind of lecturer that made it understandable as more than a string of dates. He traced cause and effect, and how they percolated through uncountable nooks and crannies of life and society, only to converge somewhere that might be quite distant, conceptually, from where they began.

Stockton had laid down the law to the class after welcoming him back. There would be no disruptions. Brian was grateful for it. He’d experienced plenty of disruptions of his own, and any that happened in classrooms would most likely be aimed at him. When he’d walked in, he got the kinds of looks he was getting used to from the girls, and everything from awed stares to resentful glares from the guys.

He sat at the front of the class so he didn’t have to see their faces during the lecture. The subject of the day was the Mongol Invasions of Europe. Stockton put a heavy emphasis on the demographic consequences of centuries of ruthless Mongol rule, subjection, slaughter, rape, and eventually, intermarriage.

It was frighteningly relevant. By some estimates, a half a percent of everyone in the world was descended from Genghis Khan. One in every 200 people. By other estimates, each Ace would be the ancestor of, on average, one in every 2500 human beings by the time the babies born two years ago died of old age.

After an interesting lecture and a lively round of discussion, he was relieved to be able to go to Stockton’s office rather than file out with the rest of the students. The school had done a good job of preventing loiterers of the kind that crowded the gates at home from gathering inside the buildings, but outside, he was fair game.

After Stockton had piled the work on him – chapter after chapter of reading from multiple texts and online content, an essay, and a test that he would be given an extra week to study for – he leaned back in his chair and looked at Brian.

“How are you handling things?” he asked in a casual and not unfriendly tone.

“OK, I guess.”

“Not all it’s cracked up to be, is it?”

Brian looked up at him. “It’s cracked up to be heaven.”

Stockton nodded, knowingly. “So I’ve heard.” He looked thoughtful for a minute. “You understand the relevance of the discussion today?” Brian nodded. “If there is a future, for the rest of human history, your names will be written all over it. Everyone on Earth will be descended from one of you.”

Brian stared. “If?”

“That’s not a certainty.” Stockton said grimly.

“And you want to tell me that it is up to me, right?” Brian was getting a little angry about always being steered this way. He didn’t really want to talk about it.

“Not at all. It’s just an interesting thing to contemplate. In that hypothetical future, classes like this will probably mention your name.” He chuckled. “Hell, a good number of the students might just share your name.”

“I’m not sure how to take that.” Brian said, squirming a little in his chair.

“I’m not either. It’s not often a history professor knows he’s giving a lecture to one of the subjects of future history lectures. I think I am supposed to have some profound advice, advice that will somehow steer that future history in what I think is the right direction.”

Brian stared at him, braced for it. He didn’t really want to hear it, but if anybody was going to give him some profound key that made sense of it all, it was Stockton. Stockton shook his head. “But I’m drawing a blank, and to be honest, I’m not quite arrogant enough to think I would know.”

Lisa stepped up to him in the library, staring into his eyes. She stopped a step away and looked down at him. “You going to get in the tub with your socks on?” she laughed.

He grinned at her. He kept his eyes on hers as he balanced himself and curled up one leg peel the sock off his foot, then the other. His penis bobbed back and forth with the awkward, jerky motions, and her eyes stayed fixed on it. When he was done, she took a half step closer, and gently cupped it in her hand. He put his hands on her waist, then leaned in to kiss her. She accepted, then took charge and turned it into a full mouth kiss.

He backed away. With a smile, he said, “They’re all going to turn into prunes up there.”

She started to smile, but as she saw his face, it turned into a flash of impatience so quick and subtle that he almost missed it. Then it became a different kind of smile. More patient, more forced. She took his hand and led him toward the door. “We’ll save them.” she said, her tone back to the one she’d entered the room with, the slightly ditzy and playful blonde.

Upstairs, the huge private bathroom was more of an alcove off the bedroom than a separate room. There was no door, except to the toilet which was in a room of its own. It wasn’t visible from the bed nor from the door, but it didn’t take a long trip from either to see into the white tile room.

Four heads turned when Lisa brightly announced “Look who I found!”

Ivan gave his usual leering grin from the far side of the huge sunken tub as he saw them and Brian’s state. A head full of dark hair bobbed up from his lap, one hand still under the water with the head of Ivan’s cock poking just above the surface. She was a curvy brunette with very large and floppy tits just visible as she sat up. The water hid one, and Ivan’s hand hid the other, but only partially. It would take a lot more than even Ivan’s giant hands to completely cover one of those.

“Hi Brian” she said, her round face as cheerful as her voice. Ivan introduced her as Bethany. Two girls sat against the near side, turned to look at Brian and Lisa, displaying their tits in profile. They moved apart to make room, then stood as Brian and Lisa stepped into the tub.

The girl to his left was a small brunette, with tiny, pert tits and a vaguely curved stomach. She was wearing panties which, in a way, were more compelling than all the bare flesh he was surrounded by.

She smiled shyly, her face plain and wide, her brown doe eyes staring up at him with a little awe. They went to hug, and she looked down to check the footing in the slippery tub. She blushed at seeing his erection, and when they hugged, she kept her hips back. He could barely feel her breasts against his chest, except for two hard little bumps.

The one nearest him stepped in for a hug. A tall, slim girl with medium brown hair on both her head and in a neat triangle below her waist. He felt his cock poke her flat stomach, and her substantial tits press against his chest. When they broke the hug, he looked down at her. Those tits barely sagged an inch. Her smile was warm and friendly. She introduced herself as Sandra.

Another Sandra. He wondered if, years down the road, there would be dozens of Sandras. Of course there would, barring some catastrophe, or a cure for the Twister virus. He wondered how he would keep them all straight, all the Sandras and Lisas and Marys, and…. Shit, even the Abbys.

Abby had accepted his invitation to lunch on Tuesday. He’d picked her out of the crowd that first day that he decided to take advantage of his new circumstances. She was one of five girls that got invited in. Two he had done at the pool, another, an arrogant redhead, Ivan had taken off his hands. The fourth, Jennifer, was a whole ‘nother story.

But Abby was different. Something about her had attracted him in a way that the others hadn’t. Mainly, that she didn’t look like she was interested in just getting knocked up, to win the financial jackpot the government had set up. She didn’t look like she was there for his fame, or to be seen. She didn’t seem interested in him at all, in fact.

She’d waited inside with her friend while he took care of the two girls at the pool. When he went inside, he was surprised to see her still there, and in their conversation, it turned out she was fascinated by the spectacle, as an observer, and didn’t have any interest in getting one of the incentives promised to any woman conceiving a child.

She was good looking in a low key way, and they hit it off over lunch. He started to see her as someone he might have a chance with. Not a chance to get laid, but a chance to have something like what he’d always wanted. A girlfriend.

It was an awkward conversation, but she was open to seeing him again. He texted her on Tuesday after his late morning class to ask her to have lunch with him.

–you want me to come back to the house?– she replied.

Brian thought about it. That felt…. wrong somehow. He wanted to take her to lunch, not just hang out at the house. Bringing girls to the house had started to have implications he didn’t want brought into this.

–No, lets go to Scarpelli’s–. It was a pizza place just off campus, popular with students. And a place he could afford.

–Us and a hundred other people–

She was right. The idea of a nice quiet lunch where they could just talk seemed out of the question. He was pissed. It was an unavoidable part of his life now. Like an actor constantly harassed by paparazzi, he was a public figure. Not as an actor or a sports star, where his work happened off in some distant venue. He was famous for work he could do right there in the back seat of the car with Archie doing his best to pretend he wasn’t noticing. Or even right in the restaurant. The girls were after more than just a celebrity autograph.

He wasn’t going to let that stop him, how vowed to himself in a sudden, and probably irrational, burst of determination.

–lets see how it goes. Where can I pick you up?–

Archie got him to Abby’s building in minutes. She was sitting on a bench just outside the door, with nobody else around. She saw the huge black vehicle pull up and looked up at it, her face blank. He got out and walked up to her. She smiled a tentative smile and let him lead her to the car.

The restaurant was as she predicted. The manager tried to keep the worst of the gawkers away, but so long as they bought at least a slice, he wouldn’t kick them out. There were a few regular customers who looked vaguely uncomfortable at the spectacle.

Brian seethed while trying to have a conversation with Abby. It wasn’t working. She kept looking around at the faces and phones turned toward them. They kept hearing his name, and seeing attempts to get his attention. “Maybe we should just go back to the house.” she suggested.

“No, I like the pizza here.” he said sharply enough to startle Abby.

“Yeah, but…” she angrily gestured at the crowd. A few of them were close enough to overhear them. He felt powerless, like he had no control over anything anymore, and it got him more and more pissed. That in itself made his conversation with Abby strained and awkward.

He stopped and looked at her face. He wasn’t sure if her anger was at them or at him. Probably a mixture of both. I should have the power, he thought. They’re here to see me, to get something from me. Something I have that they want. It should mean I’m in charge. How do they think that pissing me off is the way to get what they want?

He wanted to scream at them to leave him alone, but that wasn’t the way to handle this… or was it?

He looked at Abby, a smile on his face. It was a menacing smile and it made her eyes go wide. “Ivan gave me some very good advice the other day, about leveraging my advantages.”

He stood. The room went silent as he knew it would. He was in fact in charge, he just had to assert it. Abby looked confused and worried, as if she was bracing herself for embarrassment. He did have some power, some advantages. They were so hungry for his attention that they would in fact drop everything to hear what he said.

There were several phones pointed his way. He should resent it, but now he was glad. He had no idea what he was going to say as he stood, he only knew what he had to do, and that his anger had obliterated his usual shyness.

“What the hell is wrong with you people?” he began, his voice calm but projecting across the restaurant. People who were just there to have lunch stared at him along with the rest. “I’m here with somebody. This is a restaurant, for God’s sake. We’re just trying to have lunch. Can’t you leave us alone?”

The gawkers made no move to leave. “It’s not going to work.” he went on, winging it, making it up as he went along. “You’re all vying for my attention, some of you are after more than just attention. But it’s going to have the opposite effect. You’re going to blow any chance you think you have created by coming here.”

He felt a stab of self-doubt. Who am I to think that these people were all here to be seen with me, for a chance to be with me? He knew it was true, but it still felt unreal, like he must be making some huge mistake. He tried not to let it show on his face, but he was so pissed off he didn’t care.

A girl behind the first row of gawkers laughed, and stood up on her chair. She reached down and pulled her thin shirt and bra up to her neck. “You’re going to pass up these?” she yelled, looking down at her friends and laughing. She was the only one laughing. She pulled the shirt down and sat.

Brian saw she was at least a little drunk. He stared at her. Her tits were huge, and she’d acted like that alone settled any argument. Maybe with most guys she’d be right, but Brian wasn’t that guy. Not only did he not find oversized breasts attractive, they were hardly a rare, inaccessible thing to him now.

He adopted a simulacrum of a friendly demeanor, a face that showed interest in what she was offering, and asked her. “What’s your name?”

She got a hopeful look, and scanned her friends’ faces for courage, but remained sitting. “Aubrey” she yelled out, more loudly than she needed to, her tone and volume more appropriate to a frat party than a restaurant.

“Last name?” Brian demanded.

“Peach. Aubrey Peach.”

Brian smirked. “Cute. When you go inevitably into porn with those, you won’t even have to change your name.”

It got a laugh from the crowd. Aubrey yelled “wooo hooo!” and sought approval from her friends.

“Are those your sorority sisters with you?” he asked, with a sudden flash of inspiration.

“Delta Kappa Nu” she blurted out. “Hottest babes on campus! Wooo!”

Brian looked toward the door, where his two agents were sitting, unobtrusive but very, very obvious. “Archie, can you write that down for me please?” The agent pulled a small notepad out of the breast pocket of his black suit, and made a show of taking notes. He looked back at Aubrey. She was beaming, sure she’d made the list.

She had indeed made his list. “Well, Aubrey, the truth is, I see nicer tits than yours every day.” that brought a low murmur from the crowd, the mood shifting to that of watching a fight in which Brian had just made a solid connection.

“Top of my shit list, Aubrey. You and your sorority, so long as you are in it.” He went all in, betting he had more power than all of this crowd put together. “Yes, I am definitely going to pass on those. Go find another Ace to bother. Maybe those big sloppy melons will score you some points with one of them. The closest one is only a five hour drive away. Now, leave me the hell alone.”

He scanned the crowd. “Anybody else?” Faces turned, not wanting to meet his eye. “Anybody else want to tell me they won’t let me have a lunch date in peace? Or that you won’t let these fine people have their lunch in peace, or let these people run their business?” He gestured in turn to Abby, the other patrons, and the staff gathered behind the counter watching the spectacle. “Have some goddamn respect.”

He sat down. The room was completely silent. He picked out a cell phone still pointed in his direction and pointed straight at it. “You, make sure that video gets online.” He looked at the rest of the room. “Archie, you still have that pen out?”

Another beat of complete silence. One more. Then the applause started. He looked around. The staff was clapping, the customers who had just been there for lunch were applauding. The crowd of gawkers looked around nervously. They were surrounded.

Those who had food sat and avoided meeting his eye. Some left. A few stragglers remained standing. He glared at them, and they finally moved away. Aubrey and her friends all remained sitting, pointedly avoiding looking his way. The body language of her five friends showed they were already in the process of slicing her out of the group photo.

The room gradually filled with the normal level of conversation, a low constant buzz of indistinct voices. For the first time since he stood, he looked at Abby. “Maybe now we can enjoy our lunch.” he said.

She was staring at him, a little awed, a kind of terrified amazement. The waitress stepped to the table with their pizza. It had apparently been ready for some time. “Thank you.” he told her. “And I’m sorry for all that.”

She smiled at him. “No need to apologize. And thank you.” and she backed away.

“That was impressive.” Abby said.

Brian blushed a little. “I was so pissed. I must have looked like an asshole.”

“You sure did.” Abby said. “Exactly the kind of asshole we needed.”

“Maybe.” he said non noncommittally.

“No maybe.” Abby looked around the room. “It seems to be working.”

They ate pizza in silence for a few minutes. Brian’s mind was racing. He still thought he might have made a mistake, made a fool of himself. He looked at Abby eating her pizza. “I want to get to know you better.” he said.

She looked up at him. “Usually, that’s a euphemism for wanting to get in my pants.”

He blushed, but recovered. “I do, some day, maybe, after we get to know each other better.”

She gave him a hard look. “Whose pants are you getting into tonight?”

He put his slice down and leaned back in his chair. He looked at her. She held a slice in her hand, halfway to her mouth. He let his eyes roam. He thought her eyes were beautiful. She had an almost aristocratic nose and thin but well defined lips. Her face was expressive in a low-key kind of way, the ‘still waters run deep’ kind of way. Like right now, when she had a serious look on her face.

“I’ll just have to pick up a hitchhiker on the way home.” He said, knowing his feeble attempt at a joke fell flat as soon as it was out of his mouth.

She put her own slice down, cocked her head and looked at him. Then her face relaxed into an open and serious look. “You’re serious.”

“No, Abby, I mean…”

“You are serious. You have to be. That’s what you do now. What you have to do.” She looked at him, trying to be disapproving, but failing. “So you want us to date, but not have sex?”

“I didn’t say none, ever.” He couldn’t believe he was speaking so frankly, but his dander was still up and he didn’t feel like beating around any bushes. Her eyes narrowed. He said, “I want to date you. I want us to take our time. And if we get there, I want us to make love.”

She stifled a laugh, then composed herself. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh. It’s not how guys usually woo a girl, you know.”

“It’s not the usual kind of circumstances. I know. It’s a cheesy term. But it was the only way I could think to make the distinction. They”, he gestured around the room generally, “I might fuck. But not you.”

She nodded, staring at him blankly. “There’s always going to be them.”

He didn’t say anything, just looked a little glum, resigned. She laughed again. “You look so disappointed. You get to sleep with any woman you want, a different one every night, but you look upset about it.”

“In the morning too.” he added glumly.

She shrugged. “OK, every morning and every night. But you want to date me, to make love to me. And the whole time, I’ll have to know that you’re doing what would have been considered blatant cheating before everything went to shit.”

“I don’t have to….”

She interrupted him. “No, don’t say it. Don’t make a promise we both know you can’t keep… that you shouldn’t keep even if you could. All that out there is more temptation than any man could be expected to resist. And, I’m sorry to say, you even less so.” he started to interject, but she held a hand up, silencing him. “All those old romantic notions are out the window now, aren’t they? The one and only, being faithful, none of that matters any more.

“Not for you, anyway. Maybe for the twisted. Maybe they can still live those lives of chivalry and romance, finding ‘the one’ and settling down. But for them, it is a dead end. They all know it. It’s hopeless. They won’t ever start a family, won’t ever bounce grandchildren on their knee. It’s all about the pleasure and maybe some fleeting intimacy. Maybe they’re even in love, but ultimately, it boils down to one orgasm after another, not leading to anything.”

Her eyes were a little misty, She went on. “I couldn’t ask you to stop being with other women. I wouldn’t. Don’t promise it. It’s not a promise, it sounds like a threat. Like its taking away one of the last hopes we all have, the hope for a future for humans at least, if not for our own….” The last words were choked off with a sob.

“Don’t make me have to choose between you and that hope. Don’t put me in the position of being the one to stand in the way of it. Because my choice wouldn’t be you.”

Abby wiped her eyes, then her breath hitched. It was a laugh. She repeated herself in a wistful, mocking tone. “‘Don’t ever threaten to stop sleeping with other women.’ God, I never thought I’d be giving a potential boyfriend an ultimatum like that. This goddamn world is so completely fucked.”

“As much as I’d like to think that romantic future can happen…. it really can’t, can it?”

She shook her head. “Not for us. For me, maybe with somebody else. But that feels so hopeless. I don’t want that either.” she hung her head and looked at her lap. When she raised it, she had an intense look that he couldn’t read. “I’m scared, Brian. I’m scared because either choice leaves me with half of what I want. And if we do get somewhere, then I’ll be tied to you. I couldn’t leave you without giving up forever on having a family. That might be the hardest thing to take. I don’t like being left with no choices.”

Brian felt a pang of guilt. He hadn’t thought about Abby that way, but he knew she was right. For him, she was a choice, a girl he liked that he could have a relationship with. If it didn’t work out, then there were other fish in the sea.

But there were no other fish in her sea. It was him or nothing, at least if she wanted children. He silently cursed the virus for the umpteenth time. For once, his own problems seemed ridiculous, trivial. Oh, poor guy, there’s pussy being shoved in your face from every direction. Boo fucking hoo.

“Promise me something. Please. Swear to it, Brian.” Abby asked. “I mean it. A solemn oath, the most solemn. More solemn than any vows at the altar.”

Brian nodded. He had no idea what she was getting at, but if it was that important, he was ready to promise it, if it was humanly possible.

“Promise me that if it is not working out for you, for us, that you’ll break up with me. That you won’t feel obligated. I couldn’t take that, knowing, even suspecting, that you were with me because you thought you had to be.”

Brian nodded. “I promise. I swear to it. But promise me the same. I don’t think I could take the flip side of that. And worse, it would make you just like them.”

She sucked in a breath. A subtle nod. “OK, Brian. I promise.”

“One more promise I’ll make.” he said. “If that happens, no matter who makes the decision or if it is mutual…. if you find someone else, or if you don’t, I’ll help you have a family, if you want me to.”

She laughed again, putting her hand over her mouth. “Oh, god, I’m sorry. I’m not laughing at your offer. I’m grateful for it. It makes it easier, a little. It means a lot.”

“Then what’s funny?” he was getting used to her reactions, seemingly random but making a strange kind of sense. He knew she was not laughing at him.

“You just promised me that if we break up, you’ll still have sex with me. Get me pregnant. Another symptom of how upside down and inside out the world has become. The funny part is that it means so much to me, that it is a perfectly sensible and generous and wonderful promise.”

Brian laughed. “Yeah, not exactly the old chivalrous romance kind of promise, is it?”

They finished their lunch in peace. Outside the crowed was a little more pressing, but they held back, unsure exactly where the lines were. Everyone was waiting for someone else to test it, to take the risk. They made it to the car without being bothered too much, then stood facing each other, aware of all the eyes on them.

Abby said she was going to walk back to her dorm. Brian nodded. Louder than necessary, making sure his voice carried, he said, “I’m sure you won’t be bothered.”

Faces turned away from them quickly. Brian smiled. “Pavlov’s dogs” he joked.

Abby laughed, then suddenly stepped toward him and put her hands on his shoulders. She pulled him closer and their lips touched. A brief kiss, a nice little goodbye. Brian was in heaven.

She backed away and looked in his eyes. “Lets go to a movie this weekend” she said.

“And dinner?”

“And dinner.” she agreed. “A real date. And who knows, I might let you feel me up.”

Brian smiled. “I’d like that.”

“Until then, go find some pretty girls and take good care of them.” she said.

“Yes ma’am” he said, grinning. “See any good candidates out there?”

Her eyes flared, but her mouth was smiling, her tongue in her cheek. She said, “Hey, we’re going to take it slow, remember? It’s too soon to have me choosing your sex partners for you.”

Brian laughed. “Sorry, I guess that is moving too fast.”

Her arms were over his shoulders, their faces only inches apart. “You like blondes?”

“Blondes especially, and brunettes, and redheads. Probably baldies too.”

Abby laughed. “The pale blue sweater looks like your type…. No, don’t look. Not yet.”

He kissed her, a light quick kiss. “You’re my type.” he said. “I saw it even on the camera that day.” Abby backed away with a smile and started walking toward her dorm. Brian watched her go, admiring how her jeans fit.

He looked into the crowd. Blue sweater, blonde. She was cute, and a little shy. She had not been in the restaurant. She noticed him looking at her and blushed, looked quickly away. He looked at the others in the crowd. He really did need to pick someone for tonight, and the people that crowded around the gate at the house just seemed too, something. Too desperate, maybe, but that was not quite it. And he could hardly blame them. The whole human race was desperate.

He caught her eye again. She smiled and gave him a little wave. He cocked his head, inviting her over. She looked surprised, but shook her head and shrugged. Brian grinned. It felt surprisingly good to get turned down, but it also increased his interest in her, that she would say no. He nodded acceptance and got into the car by himself.

Yesterday, Friday, was the day, and his date with Abby had gone great. There was a bit of awkwardness after, and he didn’t even try to feel her up as they made out in the back of the big black SUV. She didn’t push the matter either. They seemed to be on the same page, about wanting as normal a dating relationship as possible. The kind that took things slow, that meant maybe sex on the third or fourth date, or maybe not for months, or maybe only after they were married. The kind of dating that made that something to work toward together instead of being something taken for granted.

They both wondered how possible that would be when Brian was going to be having sex with a different girl every morning, every evening, and probably the more than occasional afternoon. But they didn’t talk about that the whole night. They focused on each other, on getting to know each other better.

Brian had, without telling her, done one thing to try to make it more like a normal date, at least for himself. He had abstained since the night before their date. The last time he’d been with a girl was Thursday afternoon.

It was Saturday afternoon now, and he was in a giant tub surrounded by four hot, willing, and naked women. He felt like he was already on edge, and couldn’t believe that he’d put off Lisa’s obvious advances in the library. She was unhappy about it, but not enough to go storming off. He was pretty sure he knew how to make it up to her.

In the meantime, he would keep playing the game she had perhaps not meant to initiate. It was a concept that would have been utterly foreign to him two weeks ago, before his test. Back then, he might have been too nervous to close the deal, even one so blatantly a sure thing. But he would never have considered intentionally stringing her along. The only thing on his mind would have been not blowing the chance.

Bethany was blowing Ivan. Her head bobbed slowly over him, her face splashing in and out of the water, sending up a froth of bubbles. She must have been getting soapy water in her mouth, unless she had her lips hermetically sealed around his shaft. Brian looked at Ivan confused. Ivan grinned at him and scooped a handful of bubbles. He put them in his mouth. “Edible bubble bath.” he announced proudly.

Sandra leaned down and scooped some bubbles off the surface of the water. She cupped her hand under her breast, the bubbles almost covering it. “Tastes like strawberry.” she told Brian. “Try some.” she offered.

Brian grinned and leaned in, slurping on her tit and the bubbles. It did taste like strawberry. He stood back up, smiling at Sandra. It felt strange, eating soap. “Tasty.” he said, getting a smile from her. He imagined how it would taste when spiced with her natural juices.

They negotiated where to sit. The tub was really made for four, but six could squeeze in. He solved the problem by pulling the small shy one on to his lap, leaving Lisa sitting to his left, almost against Bethany’s hip, and Sandra on his right close enough to Ivan that he could put his hand on the inside of her thigh. Which he promptly did.

The shy girl squirmed and protested a little, playfully, but let him pull her down sideways onto his lap. “I didn’t get your name.” he said into her ear while she was still settling into a position that did not leave his erect penis between her thighs.

“Claudia” she answered, turning to face him, their faces only inches apart. She didn’t turn immediately away.

He looked into her eyes and the two days of abstinence suddenly gave him a gut punch of need. He wanted her more than anything in the world. He moved to kiss her, and she backed away slightly, still shy. She looked down. He put his hand under her chin and lifted it. “Can I kiss you, Claudia?” he asked.

She gave him an unsure smile, but didn’t turn away. He moved slowly closer until their lips touched. He kissed her lightly. She moved on his lap, letting her hip press more firmly against his erection. He put his arm around her back and on her far shoulder, using it to pull her closer.

She didn’t resist it. He kissed her a little harder, plying her lips with his. She settled in closer still and pressed her mouth to his a little harder. She was still sitting sideways, but her upper body was turned three quarters to face him. Her near arm went under his and around his back.

They nibbled each other’s lips, let their tongues tentatively explore each others mouths. She backed away first, just enough to look him in the eye. Her far arm went over his shoulder, and he moved his to her waist. “You’re a good kisser.” she said. Her smile was still shy, but her eyes had taken on a mischievous look.

“And you’re a very pretty girl. It makes it easy to be a good kisser.” There was little doubt where this would go, but Brian was enjoying the playfulness of a slow approach. She was very cute, and had an innocence to her. Still, how innocent could she be, sitting on his lap in a tubful of naked people while wearing nothing but panties?

He moved his hand off her waist, and brought it up to the front of her shoulder. He traced it with his finger, then downward past her collarbone, to the center of her chest. He traced down between her breasts with three fingertips. She looked down at herself, then back up to his eyes. “They’re too small.” she said.

They were small, but Brian liked all sizes aside from non-existent or grotesquely huge. She was neither. Her breasts rose gently out from her chest in a smooth taper. Her nipples were starting to stiffen from the stimulation of his fingers. “They’re just right.” he said, and kissed her.

He moved the three fingers to one side and traced around her breast, then over it, letting the middle finger tap her nipple. He felt her take in a breath through her nose as her mouth pressed harder against his. He put his hand fully over her tit and felt her nipple press into his palm. She purred against his mouth. When he slid his palm across it a few times, then gently pinched her nipple between his fingers, her body tensed and she pressed her mouth hard against his.

There was movement in the water. More than movement, it was like a mini tsunami as two large bodies shifted positions. Ivan lifted himself out of the water to sit on the edge of the tub, while Bethany maneuvered herself onto her knees.

The tub seemed spacious, but cram six bodies into it, and space was at a premium. Everybody had to move to accommodate Bethany’s new position. Sandra ended up sitting next to Ivan’s legs, a front row seat. Lisa shifted to one side, and Brian slid over a little. It ended up with Bethany occupying most of the center of the tub, her large ass pointed straight at Brian and Claudia. Even matted down, he could see that her bush was dense and wild between thick cheeks and thighs.

She leaned her head down between Ivan’s legs and licked his balls. He’d seen Ivan nude and having sex enough times that it didn’t even phase him any more. He’d seen his friend’s dick before, though he’d never examined it closely. He knew Ivan was on the bigger side, but with the man’s big belly and overall teddy bear build, it had never seemed remarkable.

But now, he couldn’t help seeing it in all it’s glory, rising up above Bethany’s tilted head three feet away. It must have been at least seven inches, but more, it was as thick as a tree trunk. No wonder he had the success with women he did, Brian thought.

As quick as he saw, Bethany slowly raised her head along it, certainly running her tongue up the shaft. Then she was bobbing over it, hiding it from Brian behind her body and head. She bobbed down further than Brian thought possible.

Claudia had turned in his lap to see what the commotion was. Now it was her small ass pressed against his stiff cock. He still had one hand on her back, but his other hand could no longer reach her far shoulder.

But it could reach her lap. He reached between her legs and felt her over her panties. She flinched, and turned to him with a brief smile before turning back to the show. Brian took the encouragement and moved the hand on her back around to her front, letting her settle her back against his chest and giving both his hands free reign over her body.

Claudia’s thighs had opened further as he lightly fingered her. Her hand dropped to her side, and behind her, finding Brian hard against her back. She fondled him absently for a while as she watched the show along with everyone else.

Ivan looked close. He had his head back against the wall, eyes closed, jaw slack. Bethany was going to town on him now, alternating between deep throating him and just bobbing over the end. Claudia took her hand off Brian’s dick and put it over his hand between her legs. He thought she was going to stop him, but instead she lifted it to her lower belly, then pulled her panties away from her body, inviting him to slip his hand inside. Then her hand went back to his cock and began stroking him more vigorously.

He felt thin hair through the pervasive damp, and lower he found heat and a slick moisture that did not come from the water. He ran his finger through her slit, between her inner lips. They were quite large, almost wrapping around his finger, Her hood was a thick, meaty ridge. He flicked it side to side and she gasped and tensed against him.

She got more insistent on his cock, enough that he thought he should warn her not to take it too far. As much as he would have liked that, it wouldn’t do to waste it. He leaned his head forward to kiss her neck and shoulder while both hands worked on her, from behind, pinning her body to his by her most sensitive parts.

That was when Ivan grunted. His giant belly sucked in then released with a jiggle. He pushed his hips up while Bethany took it all. At the same time, Claudia squirmed in his lap, writhing into a position that allowed her legs to open further in the crowded space while her back pressed against him.

She leaned her head back against his shoulder. “Put your fingers in my pussy.” she said, quietly, but perhaps not quietly enough. She sounded a lot less shy now, but he didn’t question it. He took full advantage of it and the fact that the new position allowed him to nibble her neck more thoroughly.

Ivan slid back into the tub while Bethany maneuvered back to his side, curled up against him. Sandra was still sitting next to him, Ivan’s arm around her shoulders. All eyes were on Brian and Claudia now. Claudia mostly, as she was now sprawled obscenely on his lap. His hand pushed under her panties just below the waterline, neither of which were able to conceal the flurry of motion.

Claudia turned her face to Brian’s. The shyness was gone. Her eyes were on fire and her face looked hard and determined. He held her gaze while he worked his fingers. He experimented, watching her face for a reaction. He pushed a finger deeper in her. She sucked in a deep breath and closed her eyes, then snapped them open again and with a very tight nod of her head, said, “Yes.”

But he slid his fingers out and dragged them up her slit and against the underside of her clit. She gasped and her stomach bucked. “Oh, yeah, that.” she said. He slid his fingers up, then back down, a finger on either side of her engorged hood pinching it.

She writhed and tried to push with her hips, tried to open her legs even further. She looked at him with a longing look. “Make me cum. I need to cum.” He stroked her up and down, making sure to flick her clit on the way up. Her thighs quivered and her face looked like she was right on the edge and was terrified that he would stop.

So he stopped, but kept his fingers surrounding her. “Stand up.” he said. Her eyes went wide, confused. “I want to kiss you.” he said.

She stood in the tub, facing him, her feet on either side of his hips, her hips at his eye level. He yanked her panties down and she quickly stepped out of them, hands on his shoulders for balance. He reached around her and grabbed her ass. It was so small that his hands almost fully surrounded each cheek. He pulled her hips to his face.

She wasn’t at all shy now. She stood naked in front of everyone, pressing her hips to his face. She squirmed and gasped as he pushed his tongue into her hole, then dragged it up against her clit. He pressed his lips around it and sucked, sliding along it as he did.

“Oh god! I’m gonna cum. Suck my clit… oh god.”

He sucked and nibbled and stroked it with his lips. He pushed to fingers up inside her and curled them up, tapping the firm bump inside. Her knees gave out and his hands held her weight, but he kept going. She wrapped her hands around the back of his head and pulled it against her sopping cunt, her upper half writhing.

Sandra got behind her, on her knees, and helped hold her up in the slippery tub. “I’m cumming…. Brian, don’t stop… unhhhhh….” He felt moisture flood over his face. “Fuck me, Brian. I want your cock…. ohhhh. Fuck my pussy.”

He slid up to the edge of the tub, letting Sandra keep Claudia balanced. Claudia looked down at him, at his raging cock standing straight up. She lifted one shaky leg to stand on the edge of the tub while Brian got his balance sitting on the narrow ledge of the surround. She got the other foot up on the edge, relying on Sandra to hold her up.

She leaned forward as she squatted, knees flaring to each side. Brian felt a hand grasp his cock, but it wasn’t Claudia’s. Her hands were on his shoulders. It was Sandra, and as Claudia lowered herself, her knees practically against her shoulders, Sandra dragged his cock back and forth along Claudia’s pussy. She was teasing them both.

Sandra mercifully positioned it and Claudia immediately plunged to surround him, her clit pressed to his pubis. She got her balance and began pumping her hips up and down frantically. “Oh fuck, that feels good.” she said. She was like a different person now. Blatant, obvious, taking what she wanted. He tried to grab her hips, but felt his own balance slipping and had to put a hand behind him. The lip of the tub was only about a foot off the floor, and he was able to brace himself with one hand, then the other, his torso horizontal as Claudia kept pumping.

Her grinding motions made his balance more precarious, and it was a strenuous postion to hold. He felt his ass start to slide. She noticed it too, and lifted off him impatiently. He let his ass slip to the floor, knees still draped over the tub. She stepped down, over him and as soon as he was on the floor, she squatted again. She used her own hand this time to grab his cock and position it, wasting no time impaling herself on it again.

She threw her head back and stuck out her chest as she rode him, stroking him with her body. His legs were splayed to the sides and hooked over the tub, and he felt a hand on his balls. Not Claudia’s hands. That was going to do it. He put his hands on her hips, but then noticed her tits hanging over him as she leaned forward for better leverage.

They didn’t hang by much, but it was enough for him. He grabbed them, felt their scant weight in his hands. She leaned further forward, still slamming onto him. “Cum in me.” she said. “Fuck me, cum in me. I’m almost there.”

He put his hands on her face and pulled it to his. He kissed her and started thrusting up into her. Sandra was still rubbing his balls. He was a goner. He broke their kiss and scrunched his body both to get more leverage and so he could bring his mouth to her tits.

As soon as he surrounded her with his lips, he felt himself swell, his balls tightened, and the first shot of his seed shot into Claudia even before his orgasm hit. But hit it did and he pulled her tit with an intake of breath while clenching her body to his and stabbing hard thrusts deep into her. A much bigger jet of cum shot into Claudia’s clenching pussy.

“Oh god!” Claudia yelled. “Yes, yes, yes, cum…. I’m cumming. Fuck me, hard, hard…. oh shit” Brian was hardly aware of it, he just filled her, stroke after deep stroke pushing his straight swimming sperm far up into her, giving them a head start toward their target. Claudia thrashed in his arms, but he held her pinned to him, giving her no escape from his brutal invasion. She swore and cursed and yelled, her eyes wild, her hair flung in every direction.

When he finally finished, he collapsed on his back on the tile floor, his arms spread out to the sides. Claudia collapsed onto him, keeping him still inside her. She was shaking, and her body was wracked with convulsions. She buried her face in his chest as her vagina continued to pulse around him.

When she finally calmed, he felt Sandra’s hand slide up to his shaft and pull him out of Claudia. He looked at Claudia’s face. The shyness had not returned, but she looked contented, almost triumphant. She wasn’t smiling, but she had a look of joy as if she’d just slain a dragon barehanded.

He could see over her shoulder that Sandra was leaning over the edge of the tub, her large tits hanging just his side of the lip. She leaned down till her face was hidden by Claudia’s body. He felt her mouth surround him, her tongue swirling around his head, then up and down his shaft. She literally sucked his and Claudia’s juices from his cock. He gasped, always hypersensitive right after ejaculating. Sandra cleaned him off, and he felt her let him slide out of his mouth. A second later, Claudia’s face lit up in surprise, then she shuddered and closed her eyes tightly.

Sandra finally raised her head, a beaming smile on her face and a single white dollop on her chin. She wiped it off with the back of her hand, then brought it to her mouth.

The shower was big enough for all six of them. It was really a room of its own, complete with a stone bench and plants growing from a narrow band at the base of the wall on three sides, covered in small, smooth river rock. They rinsed off, and they all spent some time exploring each other’s bodies with no intent beyond the fun of it.

They went down to the living room without bothering to dress. They all knew there would be more sex, and by now there was no point in trying to hide anything, or to tease. Three of them had just cum, one literally screaming, while the others had to watch, themselves unsatisfied.

Six naked people sat on the L-shaped couch. Ivan and Bethany cuddled on one end. At the end of the L opposite, Claudia sat with one foot on the floor and the other hooked over the arm. Her pussy was more subdued now, the inner structures that had so recently been engorged and prominent now sat mostly tucked away between puffy lips lightly covered with hair.

In the center, Brian sat with Sandra on one side and Lisa on the other. Brian still had trouble believing his luck. He’d just finished fucking the painfully cute Claudia, and the two gorgeous women next to him would all but certainly fall to his cock tonight. Maybe the big girl Bethany as well? Or maybe a second round with one or more of the other three?

He didn’t know if it was true for most guys, but after a short time without an orgasm, like he’d just had over the last two days, the first one, instead of draining him, put him more in mind to go again. It was as if his dick needed a reminder of what could be had. Today, he felt like ‘again’ could easily mean again and again and again.

Bethany was a big girl. Curvy without being fat, just a very big build. Wide hips, pendulous breasts that, while firm enough, could not defy gravity indefinitly. They drooped down and to the sides when she stood, and hung well away from their natural position when she reclined as she was doing next to Ivan now.

He wouldn’t have minded having a go at her, but he’d had the sense that there was something between her and Ivan. He knew that Ivan wasn’t picky, but he did prefer bigger girls. The way they’d been acting made it look like there was more to it that a fling at a party.

So when they were in the kitchen getting snacks for the group, he asked his friend about it.

“Da, she is fun.” Ivan replied.

“She looks like it. But is it more than just fun for you two?”

“Maybe. We see each other several times now. Is nice.”

Brian was going to pat him on the back, but they were both nude. Touching seemed awkward. He just said. “I’m happy for you. You seem like a nice couple.”

Ivan had a beaming smile. “She is big, like me. like sturdy Russian woman. But she is Italian, with a passion Russian or American women rarely have. And her fun is not just in sex.”

“Good. I’ll keep my hands off her then.”

“She is not your type, nyet?”

“Not usually, but she does seem fun. But hey, if she’s your girl, it’s not like I have any shortage of choices.”

Ivan gave Brian his leering grin. “Da, very nice choices. Bethany’s sorority, very beautiful women.”

“Well, I thank you for it, Ivan. I owe you one.”

“More than one.” Ivan said, winking. “But is good for me too. Maybe I take one off your hands?”

“I think I can handle them, but don’t let me stop you. But what about Bethany?”

“We are not jealous. If she wants, and you want, you have fun. She would like. It will not bother me. And if I need to assist you in satisfying three women, she will be happy for us all. But don’t worry, you will do good job, da?”

“Da.” Brian confirmed, grinning. He wasn’t so sure, but he meant to give it the old college try.

So it was settled. None of the girls were off limits as far as either of them were concerned. But then Brian had second thoughts. “Umm, well, there is one…. ”

“You think Lisa is especially beautiful?”

“Is it that obvious?”

“Da. Is OK. She is beautiful, but there are many beautiful women tonight. I won’t touch.”

“Thanks man. You’re a good friend.”

They carried the snacks and drinks into the living room. They had just negotiated access to the four girls in the house, without consulting the girls at all. Because their choices had already been made, right? It blew Brian’s mind again, and he wondered when he would get over that, get over having a series of sure things with women who were so clearly out of his league if not for that damned virus.

At first, the mood was casual. They were just hanging out. Everybody knew what was going to happen, but nobody felt any need to rush it. They flicked through the channels for a while and finally settled on a bad science fiction movie and had a blast ripping the massive plot holes and contrived T&A it was filled with. By the time it had ended, they’d divided into to three clots of bare skin on the couch. On one side, Ivan and Bethany were curled up around each other. They’d been getting handsy, and Ivan must have been suicidal, because he kept trying to smother himself in Bethany’s very generous cleavage.

On the other side, Claudia was laying along the L of the couch with her head resting on Lisa’s thigh and her feet on the armrest. At one point she had dumped some chips on her upper belly. She and Lisa happily picked them off one by one throughout the movie until all that was left were crumbs.

Lisa’s hand rested on Claudia’s chest whenever it wasn’t bringing a chip to her mouth. She wasn’t fondling her, just letting her hand rest lightly in the position most natural for her hand if Claudia’s body was not there.

With clothes on, Brian thought, the scene would have looked innocent, even wholesome. As if they were actual sisters sitting around the house on a lazy Sunday afternoon watching a bad movie, eating chips, and enjoying being sisters.

Without clothes, it still looked wholesome. Even innocent, despite the intimacy of Lisa’s hand resting among Claudia’s small, bare, breasts and the fact that they were eating off her bare skin. It struck Brian how non-sexual nudity could be, how natural and peaceful.

That innocence was broken once, when Lisa leaned over and licked the crumbs off Claudia’s chest. In the process, one of her own breasts mashed into Claudia’s face. As she lifted away, Claudia stretched her mouth up and gave Lisa’s nipple a delicate, puckered kiss.

It made Brian’s cock twitch for the first time since they’d had their shower. Sandra saw it and smiled at Brian. From then on, Sandra had rested her hand on Brian’s lower belly. As they watched the movie, she occasionally ran her fingers lightly through his pubic hair and along his cock. Every time she did, it twitched again, and every time she backed off.

Lisa was sitting in the corner of the couch, facing toward Brian and Sandra. She’d put one foot on Brian’s lap at one point near the end of the movie. Brian distractedly started rubbing it, eliciting a contented sigh from Lisa. He smiled at her. She smiled back. Brian thought he saw something in that smile.

Lisa switched feet after a while, and he obliged, massaging it while watching the ending of the movie. She had very nice feet, with cute toes and pink polished nails. They matched her pussy.

In switching feet, Lisa had made no effort to hide herself. Nor was she showing off. Her lips were visible as a pale pink against her lightly tanned skin. In between there was a peek of darker pink, the exact color of her toenails.

She noticed him notice, and smiled again. He smiled back. “Did you do that intentionally?” he asked.

“You mean match the colors?” she asked, wiggling her toes. “It’s a nice color, don’t you think?”

“My favorite.” he said, and turned back to the movie with his hands still rubbing her feet. She flicked her toes in a way that felt like she wanted him to stop, so he did without really thinking about it. She wriggled her foot in his lap until it found his cock. She stroked him to half mast with her toes. He looked at her, surprised. She just smiled and brought the other foot onto his thigh.

Sandra’s hand had moved up to his belly. He turned to look at her. She grinned at him and snuggled closer. He put his arm around her. They were both slumped almost to horizontal against the back of the couch, which put Lisa’s activity front and center in their view.

Feet never meant anything special to Brian, but he had to admit, a foot job felt pretty damn nice. She moved her other foot to trap his cock between them, nestled into the space created by the matched arches. Her motions were awkward given their relative positions, and once she’d hit is balls a little too hard with her heel, enough to scare him. But the dreaded belly cramp never materialized, and the immediate pain subsided almost immediately. She apologized profusely, offered to kiss it to make it better, then went back to the awkward stroking motion, much more gingerly. She made a fair attempt at it, but it wasn’t enough to get him really going. Still, it felt really nice. And it was something new.

Claudia bent her head back and to the side to watch as the credits rolled. “Who’s turn is it?” she asked upon seeing him fully hard.

He glanced at Lisa, then at Sandra. Behind her, he noticed that Bethany and Ivan were starting to get pretty hot and heavy. Bethany was curled up against him, tits squashed into his ribs. They were kissing, and she had Ivan’s cock in her hand.

Sandra turned back to look at them, then back to Brian with a smile. “Let’s do it.” she said.

“OK” Brian said, a little taken aback by the abruptness.

Sandra sat up and turned in her seat, leaning across his belly and turning to face him. She leaned her weight on one hand next to his hip. Her tits did not really sag, but their center of gravity shifted to the lower side of her chest. She took his hand and put it on her breast. “Enjoy” she said.

He did. Her tits were spectacular. Not huge, but she was the biggest of the three girls, not counting Bethany who was bigger than the rest of them put together. Bigger than he usually liked, but they had such a perfect shape.

Bethany was now on knees and elbows, facing the rest of them, her giant tits hanging down against the couch cushions, her big round ass sticking into the air. Ivan was moving behind her, crouching down to line up his face.

Brian sat up to kiss Sandra while kneading her breast with one hand. It was an awkward position, but he made it. Her kiss was nice, but not very enthusiastic. He broke it and looked at her, a question in his eyes.

She sat up and got off the couch, gesturing for him to take his legs off the coffee table. He put them on the floor and sat up. She sat at the edge of the table facing him, knees forced wide apart by the narrow space between the couch and table.

“Look, Brian.” she said. He was sitting forward on the couch. They were face to face, a comfortable and close conversational distance. “We both know why I came here. I’d like to get knocked up.”

She looked down and shook her head. “I never thought I would, not yet, but the biological clock is ticking, you know? A girl finds out that she may never be able to have children, through no fault of her own, and all of a sudden she wants them more than anything in the world. And this might be my last chance.”

“I understand. It’s OK. We’re all in this together.” her face was a little sad, a little hopeful. “So you don’t just want the incentive?”

She shook her head. “It helps. Hell, it’s the only reason it’s even possible, right? I mean, that is the whole point of them, isn’t it? So girls like me, who weren’t ready to have kids will think about it. Think seriously about it. Or at least, not worry so much if it happens… not be so careful.”

“That makes sense.” Brian said.

“So here we are. Watching you get Claudia off like that was hot as hell, but honestly, I’m not really in the mood to get all sweaty and screamy and orgasmy right now.”

She saw Brian’s face drop. “It’s not you. You’re a great guy. And if I was in the mood, I bet you could wind me up really good. I mean it, it would be fun. I saw what you did for our shy little sister here.” Claudia grinned. “I’m sure I’ll enjoy it some, but you don’t have to worry about me.”

“I’d like you to enjoy it.” Brian said.

“I know you would. That’s one reason you’re a great guy. But I’m honestly not in the mood. I was hopiing I could work up some horniness, but I knew when I woke up this morning that it probably wouldn’t happen. So I’ll just give it to you, any way you want it. You don’t have to do anything for me… I mean, enough to get me wet maybe, but that’s all I need.”

“I… So, you just want me to…”

“Just fuck me. Use me. No frills, no ceremony, just a quicky. Wham ban, and this ma’am will thank you for it.”

“Ummm…. OK” Brian said. Theoretically, this is what he could do with every girl. They’d be satisfied as long as he nutted in their cunts. But it wasn’t the kind of thing he enjoyed, so impersonal, so… merely functional. Just getting off, nothing else. Except for the visuals, he didn’t really need a girl for that.

“Is that OK, Brian? I mean, a guy like you, maybe you need more from a girl? But every guy probably fantasizes about it once in a while, right? A girl he can simply just take, purely for his own pleasure? So let this be that, this once.”

“I guess.” he said. And yes, it was something he’d imagined before. He looked at her body, open to him, sitting right in front of him. Her gorgeous tits, the hair between her legs hiding such delicious promises. “But I want to eat your pussy. It helps me.”

She smiled. “Whatever you need. Just get yourself off in me.” she leaned back on her arms and put her feet up on the coffee table, spreading herself wide open. “All yours” she said.

He had to admit, the offer was mighty appealing. He was rock hard.

“You need me to suck you?” Sandra asked. Her expression was not leering or even sexual. She asked the question plainly and simply, with no guile.

“I’ll warm him up for you.” Claudia said, sitting up.

Brian looked at Sandra. She looked at him. “Up to you.” she said.

Claudia sat up to the edge of the sofa, facing them, leaning forward, her small breasts tight to her chest. She reached out and brushed his cock with the back of her hand. He nodded, and Claudia slid off the seat to her knees on the floor. She moved closer and bowed her head to his lap. He had to lean back a little, and before he could say anything, her mouth was on him. Warming him up.

“How do you like it?” Sandra asked.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean what position? You prefer it from behind? Want to find something convenient to bend me over? Or just on my hands and knees? Or do you like face to face? Me on my back? Me on top?” She laid back across the table, her knees splayed. “If you like, you can stuff it right in there, right now. I’m even a little wet already.”

There’s something about a hairy pussy. The hair hid a lot, but with her legs pulled apart like that, stretching her open, there was pink showing at the center, and all the familiar shapes, but different. Her hood was faintly visible as a whitish pink ridge among the hair, her inner lips folded and dark, starting to fill out. It was like seeing everything in a kind of bas relief. Just the highlights.

He slid off the couch himself, and got on his knees in front of her. Claudia eased off him, and he dove face first into Sandra’s cunt. She told him not to worry about her, and he wasn’t. This was for him. He used his tongue and fingers to explore every nook and cranny, to tease her inner labia apart and push his tongue into her hole, then to just look while holding her lips open with his fingers.

He flicked her hood, watching it stiffly snap back after his tongue forced it to one side. He watched it grow, emerging to form a neat little line bisecting the top part of her bush. He pushed two fingers into her. She was wet enough now. He wriggled them around, watching how the shape of her lips changed as they were forced apart, and as she became more aroused.

He lifted his head, looking at her on her back, spread wide open, nipples hard. Her eyes were closed, but she opened them after noticing he’d stopped. He stared into her eyes as he lifted off the floor and leaned over her, one hand working between her legs. He was enjoying being in charge, being able to just take what he wanted, now that he’d gotten into the fantasy aspect as she suggested. He felt something primal rising in him, the kind of primal that dragged women into the cave by their hair.

Sandra had that look of anticipation, mixed with a little fear, that he’d come to recognize. A look that acknowledged that she was about to be taken, invaded, his weapon thrust deep into her. He savored it.

He held back and gave the same attention to her tits that he had with her pussy. One in each hand, squeezing, rubbing and pinching her nipples, his mouth on one then the other, then between them, around the sides of them. After he’d had his fill, he moved back down. On his knees, he was just about the right height. He grasped his cock and watched as he tapped her opening. He watched as it pried her lips apart, insistently pushing them aside to make room for itself. He watched as it sank into her, as more and more of his length disappeared.

He fucked her for a minute or two, then pulled out. He stood up. “I want you on your knees.” he said. She smiled, and she started turning herself. While she moved, he looked over and saw Bethany getting pounded from behind, her tits swinging wildly, clapping together, her face scrunched up in agony. Ivan knelt behind her, his hands on her rump, belly hanging over it, his hips pounding wildly. He noticed Brian looking, and gave him a leering smile and a thumbs up. Brian grinned and returned the gesture.

When he looked back, Sandra was on all fours, her ass high and almost touching his cock. He needed more room. The table she was on was heavy, but he got down on his knees and managed to shove it a foot further away from the couch, almost making Sandra lose her balance. He saw her tits jiggle, as did her ass right in front of his face. He buried his face in her again, exploring everything she had from a new angle.

He stood, and looked down to see Claudia still on her knees, her face right next to his hip. He grasped his cock and turned his hips to feed it to her. She took it eagerly, her eyes twinkling.

That taken care of, he looked at Lisa. She was sitting in the same place, her legs crossed. He reached his hand out. She looked confused, but took it while Claudia slurped away and Sandra just waited expectantly, her ass waving like a bush in a faint breeze.

He maneuvered Lisa across the couch behind him to the other side from Claudia. She started to move to the floor, but he shook his head, gesturing for her to stand next to him. When she did, he put his arm behind her and grabbed her ass, then kissed her.

He broke the kiss and looked at her face. She was smiling a pleasantly surprised smile. Sandra twisted her upper body to look back at them, giving him a surprised look of her own.

He realized he was in a true foursome, that he was with three girls at the same time.

He looked down at Claudia, at her face surrounding him, her lips smiling around his cock as she eagerly sucked. He was building, but not quickly.

He reached for Lisa’s far hand and brought it to Claudia’s face. Lisa took the hint and grabbed his cock in her fist. She started to pull it away, but he stopped her. He wanted Claudia to suck him some more, with Lisa holding it. He turned his head to Lisa and took her face in both hands, kissing her deeply.

She was tense at first, then relaxed. Her free hand was on his back, pulling him to her, caressing him. He covered her mouth with his, kneading her lips with his. His tongue explored her lips and teeth, and when she finally relaxed, he pushed it into her mouth, only to be met with hers pushing back.

He put his arm behind her again, pulling her ass to his hip. His other hand explored her breast. Smaller than Sandra’s, it was still very nice, with a pert nipple pulling into a vaguely teardrop shape.

He broke the kiss. She had the look of a girl who had just been kissed, and knew it. “Fuck her with my dick.” he told her quietly. She nodded and they both looked down as Lisa pulled his cock from Claudia’s mouth and moved it to Sandra’s waiting gap. Claudia watched with rapt attention. When Lisa had lined him up, he pushed into her with a long sigh.

Sandra grunted and pushed back. Lisa’s hand slid off him as he sank fully into her. He kissed her again. They made out, standing side by side while he pumped in and out of Sandra. Claudia, of her own accord, twisted and maneuvered to get her head under them and he felt her tongue on his balls.

This was unbelievable. He and one girl were kissing like it was they who were all hot and heavy, all while his cock was pumping balls deep into another girl and a third was licking his balls and her clit at the same time where they met. You can’t make this shit up, he thought.

Brian lowered his head and kissed Lisa’s neck, which gave his arm more reach to find her ass. He kept kissing lower, his hand going lower until he could reach under her.

She pushed her hips back to give him more access, and he found her already wet. He let his fingers probe as he sucked on her nipple. It was getting hard to coordinate his hips, so he pulled them back, pulled himself out of Sandra. Claudia took his cock in her hand and brought it to her mouth. He watched her for a moment, then went back to Lisa, his mouth on her tits, his hand working her pussy from behind.

Claudia’s cocksucking was getting him there. He felt himself start to tighten up and quickly pulled his cock out of Claudia’s mouth. He thought he saw her pout in disappointment. As much as he would have loved to fill her mouth, he couldn’t.

He lined himself up with Sandra again and pushed hard into her. He put both hands on her hips and pummeled her. He pumped as fast as his hips would go, needing to drive himself over the edge.

Sandra let her shoulders drop to the table, opening herself up even more and letting him go that much deeper. She was nearly bent over double, and her pussy clenched and released him, her asshole puckered and relaxed as he pumped.

He looked at Lisa. Her face looked kind of lost in a daze. She had one hand, the hand that had been around his cock, between her own legs. He leaned his head to her, his hands still on Sandra’s hips. She switched hands and brought the one that was between her legs up to his face to hold his cheek as she kissed him.

He could smell her fingers, her scent mixing with Sandra’s scent on his face, the scent that continued wafting up from her as he churned her juices.

“I’m going to cum.” Lisa said around his mouth, one hand still on his face, the other working her pussy frantically.

“Me too.” Brian said. They broke their kiss as they came at the same time, foreheads pressed together, eyes locked. They grunted and panted through their separate climaxes, their eyes never leaving each other.

When they’d both finished, they collapsed onto the couch together, wrapping their arms around each other. Claudia twisted again and used her mouth to clean off his cock. It made him twitch as he and Lisa sat looking into each other’s eyes.

They both looked at Sandra, her ass still in the air, her head down, his cum leaking out of her and starting to run down one thigh. Sandra saw them looking. “Letting gravity do it’s thing.” she said. “Give those little swimmers the best possible chance.”

He and Lisa looked at each other, and they both broke out laughing. What Sandra said was only the trigger for it. It had been such an absurd thing. Hot as hell, but absurd. He and Lisa cuddled on the couch, watching Claudia cleaning Sandra’s pussy now that Brian’s cock all sparkling clean.

Sandra finally relaxed her gravity inducing posture and sat next to Brian, opposite Lisa. Claudia sat on the couch where she had been, feet up on the couch to her sides. Brian admired the view all over again.

“That was so hot, you guys.” Claudia said.

Sandra laughed. “Too bad. If I had been in the right mood, it would have been awesome.” She turned to Brian. “But it was still pretty good. That was a lot of cum. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Brian said. It was a bit surreal, resorting to simple politnesses after what he’d just done.

“You know,” Sandra said. “I have a hunch they made it. Or at least one of them did.”

“I hope so.” Brian said. They were talking about a potential child. He knew from the start of this whole Ace thing that that was a possibility every time. Hell, it was a certainty eventually, and by now he’d had enough encounters that it had probably already happened. But it was strange to think about it so concretely, that this woman sitting next to him might at this moment be carrying his child.

He tried to figure out how he felt about that, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t wrap his head around thinking of it so concretely. It was all an abstraction to him, just as sex itself had been nothing but an abstraction a couple of weeks ago.

He thought of Jennifer. She’d ranted about just that, passionately. She understood, but she still played the game. He must have really rattled her with that question, that he thought was so innocent at the time. He thought he understood a little of it. It was a big thing, to create a new person. Normally, it would mean a terrifying degree of responsibility, but now…

Now it didn’t have to mean that. And most likely, there would be too many to be responsible for even if he tried. Chances are, he would never even meet most of his children. A wave of sadness, of loss, crashed over him. Lisa sensed it, and took his hand.

“That would be cool, if it was all three of us.” Claudia said. Brian looked over at her. She had her knees back behind her armpits, and was peering down at where her hand was rubbing. It wasn’t casual, she was overtly masturbating.

“Odds are against that.” Lisa said. looking at her friend and not reacting at all.

“I know…” Claudia’s breath hitched. She was already getting herself worked up. “But it would still be cool.”

“Well, we’ve all got a shot.” Sandra said. She looked at Lisa. “At least, it looks like you’ll have a chance too.” she said.

Brian looked at Lisa. Lisa smiled at him. “Oh, maybe.” she said.

Claudia was getting close, that quickly. Her fingers made a squelching sound as they frantically ground between angry red lips, her pubic hair soaked and matted, juices spilling into the towel she sat on. Her other hand groped her tit, pinching her nipple hard. “You guys…. ohhh…. um, you look like you…. oh god, I’m gonna cum…. give me a minute… unnnhhhhh… oh, fuck fuck fuck. My pussy is on fire… Oh shit, I’m cumming oh shit oh shit. Jesus Christ fuck me….”. She let out a high shriek through clenched teeth.

Sandra’s attention was on Claudia. Lisa’s was too, but he snuggled his mouth against her neck, then pecked at her ear. “What do you like for breakfast?” he asked her in a whisper.

She snapped her head to look at him, eyes wide. “Really?” she asked.

“Really.” he said.

She smiled a happy smile. “OK, I like French Toast, and dick.”

Brian laughed. “In that order?”

“Oh, if you want specifics, dick, French Toast, then more dick.”

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