Amy's Senior Year: Mummy's Mess by TwinkleTwinkie,TwinkleTwinkie

Grove Dale High, a high school which loved coming together in costume. For Labor Day, the teachers pretended they were pregnant. For Friday the 13th, everyone dressed as their biggest fear. Amy dressed up as a herself.

It was Halloween. Amy, being new to the school, forgot to wear a costume. Her fellow cheerleaders wore skimpy outfits. Heather was a cat. Jane was a nurse. Sarah was Hermione Granger. Teresa had the best one, she was Eve. Amy was changing back into her everyday clothes after practice. However, she had an idea.

As the other cheerleaders had on their costume, Amy stripped down to her birthday suit. Amy held onto the end of a roll of toilet paper. The cheerleaders wrapped her like a present. The bathroom was out of toilet paper, but Amy was well supplied with it. The layers of toilet paper started just above Amy’s large breasts and wrapped around to her knees. Amy put her clothes in her locker for cheer practice.

Now when Amy left, Sarah opened Amy’s locker and threw away Amy’s clothes. The next hour a janitor would come and take out the trash. Sarah left a note in Amy’s locker:

Your clothes are safe in the football player’s locker room.

A few hours went by. Amy had no problems for the next few classes. The same guys were checking her out. After lunch she checked herself in the mirror. Everything was intact. Now it was the second to last class of the school year.

Amy sat next to her friend, Timothy. He was around 5’6″ and slender. He wore big glasses and had scraggly black hair. The class was Calculus. Amy felt like she and Timothy were the only ones who listened. The other girls and guys were busy on their phones. They would often ask for directions 20 minutes after he gave them.

Timothy liked Amy. Timothy loved watching Amy in her cheerleader uniform. Timothy was dressed as Gandalf for Halloween. Amy’s body was well outlined with the toilet paper tight around her body. When class was over, Amy walked with Timothy to the locker rooms. Timothy was known as the brains of the football team. Amy was going to get dressed and head home to do her online marketing class.

As Amy looked in her locker, she screamed. Her clothes were all gone. After she read the note, Amy walked over to the gym exit to see if the football players were out. She could see a few people. Amy thought everyone was there.

As she quietly went in trying not to be detected. She knew she could be expelled from going into the boy’s locker room. She poked her head out, clothes were scattered all over the floor and benches. She zigzagged through the room searching. No clothes. Her luck was not with her. As she turned a corner she found the showers. Timothy was bare. His lightly toned body was drizzled by water. Amy rarely sees Timothy without glasses. She did not realize how cute he is. Amy blushed. She hurried to check for her clothes. Timothy heard footsteps.

“Hey…Can you bring me my body soap?” Timothy called out.

Amy did not know what to do. She could not answer without revealing she was there. She thought the best choice of action was to bring him the soap. Men do not like looking at their male peers naked bodies. Amy went over to Timothy’s Gandalf costume and opened the nearby locker hoping it was his. She grabbed the soap and carefully walked avoiding getting her mummy outfit wet. Timothy could hear the steps getting closer and looked down at his feet. Amy began feeling water vapor on her skin. She felt the toilet paper loosen around her.

Amy was now at arms reach to Timothy. She looked down to avoid seeing her friend’s body. She held out her arm with the bottle of body soap stretched out with her finger tips. PLOPP! Plopp! Timothy curled his fingers around the bottle as he winced to hear what “plopped”. Wads of wet toilet paper were mushed on the floor. Amy saw this too and quickly covered it up. Timothy turned to look. Without his glasses he could make out a blonde woman covering herself. Timothy did not think much of it. Then it hit him, Amy was wearing toilet paper for her Halloween costume.

Amy froze waiting to see Timothy’s reaction. More and more wads plopped off her body. She heard the outside door open. Two more players came in. Amy had nothing on her. The water hit her hair making it look more brown. Timothy knew his teammates would exploit this. Amy was scared, standing in the shower. Timothy grabbed Amy and pulled her onto the other side of his body. Water poured over Amy. As Timothy pulled her across in front of him, Amy saw Timothy’s cock long and limp. It came up like it emerged from a vampire’s coffin. The blood was rushing in his cock making it rise at attention.

Timothy was at a rush full of emotions. He felt Amy’s breasts graze his skin. Both showered in awkward silence. Timothy heard the same two players leave the room. Now Amy and Timothy looked at each other giggling. Amy offered to scrub his back. Amy had nothing to dry herself off or wear. Timothy explained how he had regular clothes under his wizard’s cloak. Amy’s soft touch made Timothy more aroused. As she finished his back, Timothy ran body soap over Amy’s body. He lathered and rubbed her shoulders. Rubbed her arms. Fondled her breasts to make sure it was covered in suds. He looked up at Amy catching her smiling pink. She was embarrassed, but glad. Timothy grinned back. Timothy squatted as he washed her belly and her legs. Timothy looked up, his hand hovered between her legs. Amy bit her finger to pacify a scream of pleasure. She smiled and nodded.

Timothy was really gentle. He stroked her vagina and surrounding area like his fingers were just air. Amy was guiding the water to rinse off the rest of her body. Her wet hair sticking to her face, neck, back, and shoulders. Timothy grabbed his towel. As he dried himself off, he could feel Amy’s eyes checkout his body. Then Amy came towards him. Timothy took his towel and patted down drying Amy. Amy loved the way he touched her body. Amy was thinking maybe they should go out.

Timothy finished getting dressed. Timothy let Amy borrow the cloak. She drove home in it. She hoped something like this would happen again with Timothy. Or a date is just fine…

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