An Amalgamation of Events by PrevertedMe,PrevertedMe

Thank you to all who offered constructive notes/positive comments on my first venture into this kind of incest story. They allowed me the courage to attempt this second venture when the concept came to me. Hope you enjoy.

Heading toward the storm, the GPS showed 76 minutes to their destination. Then the black clouds were overhead, the windshield wipers were slapping back-and-forth, and traffic slowed. It didn’t take long for the estimated travel time to change to almost two hours. Two-and-a-half.

“We’ll just have a late dinner,” Krissy said, half to herself.

“It’s ok.” Tom muttered from the passenger seat, barely looking up from his phone.

She was taking him to his first semester of college. The school itself was another half day’s drive, but they had reservations at an upscale hotel for the night. Although Krissy could already taste the expensive wine she planned to splurge on with dinner, the storm soon had her thinking about opening one of the cheaper bottles she had brought with her, right there and then.

Traffic coming to a complete stop, an endless line of brake lights shimmered through the rain and the accident symbol soon appeared on the GPS. As it then started looking for a new route, Krissy expected it to tell her to get off the highway and fell in line to follow others taking the nearby exit ramp.

“Oh shit,” she grumbled, seeing what the recalculation showed.

They were far enough on the outskirts of the city for there to be no easy routes anywhere and the storm had every road congested. Confirming this, she barely turned off the ramp before hitting backed-up traffic.

“The hell with it. We’ll just stay here tonight.” She grumbled, indicating one of the mid-range motels her company utilized at the next light.

When she got a chance to pull into the parking lot, the line of cars from other motorists having the same idea kept her from pulling under the overhang. Fearing that all the rooms would be taken, she grabbed the small umbrella from the pocket behind her seat and told Tom to get behind the wheel.

The umbrella keeping her top half dry, the wind-driven rain soaked her jeans’ legs during the dash to the lobby. Inside, the line of semi-wet and completely drenched people resembled that of the cars. Politely taking her place at the back, she crept toward the counter as room after room was taken. Other travelers adding to the line behind her, when the guy right in front of her stepped up to the counter and the clerk looked up, Krissy knew from his expression that nobody was going to like what he had to say.

“Folks, I’ve only got two rooms left,” he announced, holding up a pair of fingers. “Two rooms.” Then he turned his attention to the man at the counter. “How many rooms do you need, Sir?”

Ignoring the people behind her grumbling and cursing, Krissy listened for the answer.

“Just one,” the guy said.

Ok. Ok. So, there’s one room for me and Tom. Krissy thought. One room. Do I take it? Or do I head back out into that traffic and see what I can find?

While it wasn’t ideal, she and Tom had shared a room many times over the years. Being a single mother, that had frequently been the first step she took to save money on vacations. She had simply planned separate rooms this time in recognition of Tom being an adult and on his way to college. So, while it would be a little disappointing not having the excursion she had planned, it would be acceptable considering.

Her mind running through these thoughts, she didn’t hear the clerk ask the man if he wanted the single or the double, nor the guy’s answer. Then, while the room rental was being processed, she was distracted by a sign advertising that the hotel had its own restaurant and trying to get an idea of the menu.

“Good evening, Ma’am,” the clerk smiled when she stepped up to the counter. “I don’t know if you heard, but I only have one single left.”

“A single? Oh shit.” Krissy almost gasped. Sharing a room with Tom was one thing, sharing a bed was something else. They hadn’t done that in years.

“You takin’ the room or not?” A burly guy who had waited behind her grumbled.

“Um… Uh… What size bed?” Krissy asked.


Feeling the clerk’s patient gaze and the burly man’s frustrated eyes on her, she frantically thought through her options. If she didn’t take the room, they would have to deal with the weather and traffic. And for all she knew more accidents had bottlenecked everything even more during her time waiting in line. She could try back-tracking, but the storm was slowly rolling in that direction, so it could be just as bad.

“Ok. Yes, I’ll take it,” she sighed, pulling out her credit card.

“Ah, fuck,” the burly man cursed, turning to walk out.

By the time she finished checking in, the line of cars had dispersed and Tom had pulled theirs under the overhang. Walking out the automatic doors, she couldn’t help laughing at how soaked his clothes were from running around to switch seats.

“Your seats awfully wet, too,” he smirked in response.

“It’ll be ok,” she smiled, not wanting to think about it. “We got a room, but it’s a single. I hope that’s alright?”

“If it means we don’t have to deal with the traffic in this.” He waived a hand to indicate the still pouring rain. “GPS is showing a lot of red.”

So, I made the right decision. Krissy happily told herself.

After they got their bags into the lobby, Tom parked the car and used the umbrella to limit how much wetter he got walking back. On the way up to their room, Krissy told him about the restaurant and they agreed to eat there. Since it was only her jeans that had gotten wet, she would simply do a quick change first, but he needed to shower and change clothes before dinner. When he disappeared into the bathroom, Krissy poured herself a glass of wine and sat thinking about how life had brought her to this point.

When she had gotten pregnant as a college freshman, Tom’s father had tried to be there, even proposed. But she had never been the kind to dream about her wedding day and knew he wasn’t the one to change that for. She had been right. He had had too many inner demons and disappeared a couple of years later. Fortunately, her supportive parents had helped her get through college while also holding her to her responsibilities, forcing her to miss out on a lot of the partying that usually accompanies an education. After school, she had found a good job where she had done well and now she was an independent woman who was able to put her son through college without him having to miss out on all that entailed.

Although she had dated over the years, again she hadn’t been looking for anything permanent. And it just hadn’t worked out with the couple of guys she had considered giving it a go with. The only real downside to this was that she had currently been without a partner for–.

Shit. Five months. The thought struck her.

It wasn’t that she hadn’t been asked out during that time. Men seemed to be attracted to her classically pretty face, bright blue eyes, and full lips, not to mention her petite frame with its D-cup breasts and round little ass. She had just been too busy with work and helping Tom get prepared for college to put in the time that would have allowed any of them to bed her. Still, while she had no regrets about that, five months was a long time.

Especially with the weather ruining her plans.

Between her career and being careful about bringing men around Tom, she had developed a special appreciation for motel sex. There was something freeing about it. Something tantalizing. Something naughty. The nicer the room, the more luxurious the sex. The cheaper, the dirtier. And this attribute carried over to masturbation, something she happily indulged in when her and Tom did get separate rooms. That had been the plan for tonight, at the fancy hotel where they had reservations. A comfortable bed, high thread-count sheets, her wine, and her toy. All while lightning and thunder split the sky outside. Thunderstorms always heightened her sexual experiences, whether with someone or solo. And knowing that the current band of storms would likely put one over them at the fancy hotel during her time alone had stirred a familiar warmth within her. One that continued stirring even now with the plan being ruined.

“Oh well,” she sighed, finishing her wine. Hearing Tom opening the bathroom door a moment later, she popped up from her seat. “Ready?”

“Yea. Let’s go,” he nodded. “I’m hungry.”

“Me, too.”

Happy to find that the restaurant offered a few high quality wines, Krissy ordered a glass. About halfway through it she could feel its alcohol combining with that of the glass she had drank in the room. If this had been a date or business dinner, she would have slid the glass away and waited until she had food in her before finishing it. But since it was neither of those, she continued sipping and ordered another when their food arrived. This indulgence led to her being a bit tipsy by the time they headed back up to their room.

Although the buzz wasn’t enough that Tom had to help her walk, it did cause her to forget to take clean clothes with her when she headed for the shower. Turning on the water and waiting for it to get hot, she stripped naked and causally checked her reflection in the mirror. A few inches above five foot, her curves were in all the right places, and the warm areolas at the front of her ample breasts were relatively small. Looking at these, a surge of playfulness made her brush a finger across them, making them tingle.

Washing her hair in the shower, she enjoyed the feel of the hot water cascading over her body. When she began running a soapy washcloth over her body, the slight buzz kept her from initially noticing an ache pulsing within her tits and electricity sparking through her nipples.

“Oh shit,” she chuckled when she did finally notice, realizing that she had been running the washcloth over and over her lush mounds. Her body’s warmth had dimmed during dinner, but it obviously hadn’t died. And, coupled with the months alone, it had caused her to unconsciously start something she couldn’t finish.

Sighing in resignation, telling herself that she would just have to be patient and take care of things the next night, she moved on to washing the rest of her body. Wishing the shower had one of those heads on a flex hose so she could hold its pulsating water to her clit, she soon finished and started drying off. Even the mundane task of wiping the water away making her flesh tingle, she again thought about the following night and the motel room she had reserved near the school.

That could work. She smirked, thinking how Tom would be busy getting settled into his dorm, leaving her alone to maybe find some college hunk to invite back to the room.

Holy shit! The smirk turning into a proud smile, she realized that her son was now one of those college hunks. She had always considered him handsome, but now she recognized that he was also good-looking. Tall and athletic, he had his father’s strong features and her dark, wavy hair.

It wasn’t until she went to get dressed that she realized her mistake. Laughing at herself, she wrapped a towel around her and walked out into the room.

“I’m so silly,” she commented, feeling a little self-conscious without knowing why.

Sitting with his back against the bed’s headboard, Tom glanced up from his phone to chuckle at her. He had changed into just a pair of gym shorts and, after her epiphany, Krissy couldn’t help noticing the definition of his shirtless torso.

Not expecting the current situation, she hadn’t packed proper sleeping clothes. But she did have one undershirt and a pair of short-shorts that would do. Taking these back into the bathroom, she couldn’t shake the feeling that she had caught Tom looking at her funny. Not in a ha-ha funny way, but in a grown-up way. Like he had been checking her out in the towel and maybe got a little more of a view than he should have when she had unthinkingly bent over in front of him to dig through her bag.

You’re just imagining it. She told herself, slipping into the shirt.

With its deep V-neck providing a little more than a teasing glimpse of her cleavage, the top’s thin material did nothing to confine her breasts’ fluid movements. Nor did it hide the obvious outline of her areolas and semi-erect nipples. Thinking that she would need to find something to wear over it, she slid on the shorts. These were what she usually wore over her bikini going to and from pools, and they were so snug that she had to be careful when removing them.

Going back out into the room, she looked at her bag for a moment, wondering what she could put on over the shirt. But then she glanced over at Tom, who seemed disinterested in her even being there, and decided against the discomfort another layer would cause. Taking her bottle of wine and glass over to join him on the bed, she propped her back against the headboard as well.

“Anything you wanna watch?” She turned on the TV.

“They got Netflix or Hulu?” He smirked, his phone holding his attention.

“Let’s just rent a movie.” She went to the pay-per-view screen.


Picking out a movie that neither had seen, they settled in to watch it.

By this time the storm had moved far enough away that its thunder rumbled in the distance. Yet, Krissy felt each and every one of those distant rumbles remind her body of its lingering warmth and the persistent ache within her breasts. When the movie came to its obligatory sex scene, her mind wandered to the next night and the possibility of finding some young hunk to quench her body’s thirst. This leading her to thinking again about how Tom now fit that simplified description, her lips curled into another proud smile. Her mind continuing to wander, minutes later she realized that she was unintentionally gazing at the bulge in his shorts.

Jerking her eyes back to the TV, she grew self-conscious as she struggled to keep them from straying again. And within that emotion, she thought that she caught him glancing at her. Becoming acutely aware of her ample breasts jiggling under the shirt’s thin material every time she lifted her glass to take a sip, the emotion grew. Her nipples standing at the center of her areolas, poking at the material, she started shifting uncomfortably in her seat, which made her overly mindful of just how tightly her shorts hugged her hips.

All of this making her more and more self-conscious, she was glad when the movie ended and they agreed that it was time to call it a night. Setting her glass down next to the empty bottle, she crawled under the covers and rolled onto her side facing away from Tom.

Fuckin’ great. She cursed as a fresh rumble of thunder announced that a new storm was rapidly approaching.

Trying to ignore the unwanted tingles this and the following rumbles created, she eventually dozed off to drift from dream to dream. Some of these amusing, some odd, and some erotic, it was during one of the last types that she started crawling toward reality. Sleepily disoriented, she thought she was in bed with Ray, the last guy she had dated. He was spooning her with one arm draped over her, his hand cuffing her side, and his hard cock snuggled against her ass. Having started rubbing herself against the manhood in her sleep, the vibrant waves of warmth this created made her continue as she slowly crawled closer to reality.

Oh shit! Waking fully and remembering who she was actually in bed with, her ass instantly stopped its actions. Putting together what must have happened, she figured Tom had innocently cuddled up to her in his sleep, his erection nothing more than a condition of him being eighteen.

Lightning suddenly filling the room, its loud clap of thunder right overhead made her jump a little and her ass inadvertently pressed firmer against his erection.

He should do well at school, she smirked, unintentionally gauging its size.

Insisting that she was only doing it because it felt good in the way it should and nothing more, she luxuriated in the feel of him holding her for a few moments.

What are you doing? She chastised herself with the sudden realization that her ass had unconsciously started rubbing against his erection again. Stopping it, she then noticed that his hand’s proximity to her one breast was making the ache within both mounds quietly vibrate.

Although this should have made her do something to put space between them, she still insisted that there was nothing wrong with him holding her. That it was comforting and natural as long as she kept her ass still.

Remaining in place, she listened to the storm outside and soon fell into a kind of trance as the sounds conjured memories of some especially satisfying experiences during such nights. Floating through these, she failed to notice when her ass started wiggling against the tantalizing erection again. The ache within her breasts growing to a pulse, her body’s warmth turned into a cascading heat and, somewhere between it and the memories, a thought formed. The kind that a mother should not have.

Oh no! The inappropriate thought snapping her out of the trance, her body stiffened.

Realizing that she had to do something, she scooted forward to put a few necessary inches between her ass and Tom’s erection. Taking a minute to push that thought deep, deep into the background and scold herself for ever having it, she closed her eyes and tried to fall back asleep.

Ooh God! Her eyes shot open as Tom shifted forward to cuddle with her again, renewing the pressure of his cock against her ass. Her body’s cascading heat flashing, she couldn’t help reflexively rubbing herself against the hard manhood. Nor could she stop it for a long, long minute.

When she finally did, she laid there trying to sort through her ricocheting thoughts. There really was nothing wrong with him holding her. Again, it felt natural and comforting in the way it should. Even his hand, despite its proximity, felt this way. But because of his erection and the pulsing ache within her breasts, these things also felt improper. Sinful. Dirty.

And that was the real problem.

Krissy loved feeling naughty with men. Loved feeling like she was doing something improper, like she was being used. And, even if it was innocent, it being her son’s cock snuggled against her ass was quite unseemly. As was his hand’s proximity to her breast.

Worse, her thinking about the immoral implications of these things was feeding her naughty cravings. Fueling her body’s tropical heat, its sultry winds having fanned the smoldering embers within her loins to make her pussy damp with desire.

It also pulled the inappropriate thought back out from the shadows.

No. No-no-no. No! She pushed it back there again.

Thinking she should do something to ease her body’s growing need, she wondered if she could get her toy out of the suitcase and take it into the bathroom without waking Tom.

What would it matter? She asked herself, figuring that he would simply roll over and go back to sleep if she did wake him.

But his erection against her ass feeding her naughty desires made her start playing out a different scenario. One where he woke up enough to ask her what she was doing and her being blatantly honest in her answer. Why she would do that, she didn’t know. Not until the scenario played out a little further, developing into something it shouldn’t.

Ok. Enough of this. The scenario giving her the necessary determination, she rolled onto her back, pushing Tom off her and onto his back as well.

Staring up at the ceiling, she wondered what to do. With only a few hours of night left, she could try to go back to sleep and take care of things the next night. Maybe with that hypothetical college hunk. Or she could get her toy and risk waking Tom. The scenario resurfacing to scare her with its implications, she decided to try the first option. Rolling onto her other side so that he couldn’t snuggle up behind her again, she closed her eyes and searched for sleep once more.

But with the storm letting her know it was still out there, her imagination rambled with hunky college guys. The things they would do with her… to her. The things she would do with them… for them. And, among the thoughts, her hand unconsciously slipped between her legs so her fingers could rub at her pussy through her shorts.

“Holy shit.” The expletive slipped from her.

“Mm-hmm.” Tom grumbled in his sleep.

Her eyes shooting open, Krissy’s mind searched for a story to give him about why she had uttered the curse. Relaxing when she saw that he remained asleep, she tried to extract her hand, but her rubbing fingers just felt too good. And as they continued their rubbing, her eyes crawled down to where the covers were pushed below Tom’s crotch.

Ignoring the question about why they had, she began arguing with herself about whether or not she could actually see the outline of his hard cock. Slivers of light reaching around the closed curtains provided enough illumination that she could see where it would be, she just couldn’t be sure she could see it.

It doesn’t matter. I’m his mother. She told herself after a few moments, ignoring the fact that she had even contemplated it.

As she flopped onto her back to stare at the ceiling again, her legs fell open without her consent and her fingers continued their rubbing. Her cascading heat quickly turning tropical, her smoldering embers snapped and crackled into glowing briquettes of desire and her juices flowed freer.

Deciding that she no longer wanted to postpone her body’s need, she told herself to get up, retrieve her toy, and go into the bathroom as quietly as possible.

But she didn’t.

Instead she laid there, rubbing herself and recalling times she had used the toy while sucking a cock. She loved sucking cock. Always had. Enjoyed it so much that it was a miracle she had ever gotten pregnant. The scent of a man, the taste of him as her lips slid along his stiff shaft, its rigid flesh caressing their nerve-endings. Hearing their groans of enjoyment, the dirty things they would say. It was all so decadent and filled her with the naughtiness she enjoyed so much.

The memories unconsciously leading her eyes back down to Tom’s crotch, she again tried to determine if she could actually see the outline of his manhood. Unconsciously licking her lips, she felt their nerve-endings crackle and her embers suddenly burst into flames.

Oh shit. She silently gasped, now knowing that she really should retrieve her toy on her way to the bathroom’s privacy.

Telling herself that she was preparing to do just that, she shimmied out of her shorts and dropped them on the floor. But instead of pushing herself up and off the bed, her hand slipped inside her panties, a pair of fingers delving between her labia to caress her wet slit. The sensation making her quietly mewl, she tried to stop, withdraw her hand, and get up.

But her fingers simply felt too good to remove.

Just another moment or two. Maybe three. Her body whimpered.

Those moments passing, she then negotiated for more time. Her caressing fingers making the fires swirl within her loins, somewhere among them a completely new scenario began to unfold. In this one she did get the toy, but instead of taking it to the bathroom, she climbed back into bed. Then, as she slowly fucked herself with it, its vibrations and her moans would wake Tom and–.

What the hell are you thinking? She cursed, shoving the thought into the shadows.

The scenario scaring her, she now demanded that she push herself out of the bed.

Her body refusing to listen though, her fingers continued to stroke through her wetness and her eyes once more crept down to Tom’s crotch.

Roll back onto your side. Her naughty side urged, wanting a better view as she again argued with herself about whether or not she could actually identify his manhood’s outline.

Why? Her moral side challenged.

Just because.

While this reason was lame, it was accompanied by mischievous surges that allowed it to win and she did roll over. Her gaze zeroing in on her son’s crotch, she again tried to determine if she could see what she thought she could and an idea quickly formed that would settle it.

I can’t. I’m his mother. Her morality jumped in opposition to the idea.

Just a quick touch. Just to know if you can see it. Her naughty side offered enticingly.

No. He’s my son. I shouldn’t.

It’ll be ok. Her hand coming out from her panties, it began to tentatively reach out.

You shouldn’t. You really shouldn’t.

A crack of thunder right overhead making her jump a little, her hand stopped to hover a few inches from his crotch.

It’s wrong. Her morality declared, stressing the depravity of such an act.

It is wrong. The other side countered, feeding her mischievousness and allowing her hand to continue, settling atop his rigid manhood.

Ooh yes. Naughty waves of excitement rolled through her as she reflexively gauged its impressive size better than her ass had.

The argument now settled, she tried to pull her hand away. But instead, her fingers cautiously wrapped themselves around the manhood through his shorts. Desperately searching for some plausible excuse for her to be groping her son’s cock, she slipped her other hand inside her panties. A new pair of fingers caressing her slit, her dancing fires flared to make her flesh simmer.

That’s enough. Although she insisted on this a few times, trying to get herself to pull her hands away and visit the bathroom with her toy, the indecency of what she was doing proved too much.

The feel of her son’s cock… her fingers caressing her pussy.

It was all just so damn alluring… fed her naughty desires.

God no! Her mind screamed, both of her sides seeming to join in defiant refusal of a sudden urge.

Although this urge was shockingly inappropriate, it still didn’t make her stop what she was doing and her fingers, working on auto-pilot, slid up to massage her clit.

“Ooh.” The exhale involuntarily escaped as electricity shot through the little button.

“Mm-hmm.” Tom grumbled.

Jerking her hand away from his crotch, her eyes leapt to his face and her mind scrambled for some excuse to give if he had caught her. But he hadn’t. He remained asleep.

Sighing in relief, she now recognized that she needed to do something about her body’s desires and tried forcing herself to get up off the bed. But her fingers continuing to twiddle her clit, her other hand once more reached out to timidly grasp his manhood.

Ooh God. The renewed contact making her tropical heat gust, among her swirling fires a new urge formed.

Why would I do that? Although this wasn’t the urge she had so recently refused, it was still very improper. More so than what she was already doing.

There’d still be the barrier of his underwear.

Yes. But why?

Well… That way you can better gauge its size.

Why would I need to do that?

It’d just be nice… To know! Her naughty side rushed to add the last part.

As her two sides continued arguing, the fingers inside her panties slid down to her entrance and the tips pushed their way in to massage its walls.

There really is no difference. The tropical heat beginning to churn gave her naughty side support and, releasing his manhood, her fingers moved up to the waistband of his shorts.

Please, no. You really shouldn’t. Her moral side whimpered in protest.

There really is no difference. Her fingertips dipped under the waistband.

Please stop.

Ooh God! He’s not wearing underwear! Naughty excitement surging through her, her hand slid deeper into the shorts so her fingers could wrap themselves directly around his thick shaft and gently tug. Ooh yes.

Grumbling in his sleep, Tom’s hips pushed himself into her grasp.

Krissy’s eyes leapt to his face… her mind raced for an excuse.

But her hand remained inside his shorts… her fingers gently tugging.

What is wrong with you? She tried to make the thought scolding.

Unable to believe what she was doing, she searched for a plausible excuse to give herself. Her fingers had her pussy quivering with need and her juices flowing in anticipation of having that need fulfilled. Her hand grasping the hard cock had her nerves zinging with naughty excitement. On the surface these things made sense. Were even expected and normal for her. But the fact that it was her son’s cock didn’t and wasn’t. Or at least, it shouldn’t.

Yet, there was no denying it.

In fact, that specific point was fueling her body’s churning heat in a way she hadn’t felt in years. And, for some inexplicable reason, her lips were curled into a playful smile in hope that he was awake and had caught her with her hand inside his shorts.

What is wrong with you? She repeated, disappointed that he wasn’t and hadn’t.

Now recognizing that her naughty cravings had her wanting to do things a mother absolutely should not do, she told herself that enough was enough. That it was definitely time to visit the bathroom.

Yet again, she remained still.

Then the urge she had thought both sides had denied moments earlier came rushing back with blindsiding intensity.

He would love being woken up like that. Her naughty side smiled.

No! I said enough is enough. He’s my son! Her morality pushed back.

But it feels so good. She delicately bit at her bottom lip.

It would be wrong. I mean, really wrong. Her weakening resolve whimpered.

Not if he enjoys it. Her smile sharpened. He is going off to college, so he should know how good one can be?

You really shouldn’t.

But his cock feels so good. It would feel so much better–.

Oh, you are bad. The smile sparkled in her eyes with the sudden realization that her reaching inside his shorts had merely been an excuse to get herself to this point. For her naughty cravings to give the denied urge support.

You… really… shouldn’t. Her resistance weakening further, it then quickly switched tactics as her hands left their tasks and she climbed onto her knees. Trying to convince her that she was only going to look, it declared that her maternal side simply wanted to make sure he didn’t have some deformity that would frighten the girls at college.

Her face hovering above his crotch, her body’s heat churning faster, she grasped his shorts’ waistband… drew them down… revealed his thick, veiny manhood.

Ooh God. Devouring the image and inhaling his scent, she watched her one hand reach for it as if in a dream… watched her fingers wrap around it… lift it skyward.

You most certainly are not gonna–. The last vestiges of her morality tried one last time.

This is so wrong. So dirty. Her naughty cravings easily silenced it.

Looking up through the tops of her eyes in hope of finding him staring down at her in disbelief, she brought her lips to hover above the tip. Through the strands of hair hanging in her face, she saw that he remained asleep and oblivious to what was happening. Disappointed by this, but knowing he wouldn’t be for long, she closed her eyes and kissed the tip. Then lowering her lips onto the head, letting its shape part them, she locked them around the thick shaft. Setting her tongue against this and tasting him, she started sucking as she slid her lips down, the rigid pole making their nerve-endings spark and crackle.

The lewdness of what she was doing making her body’s heat churn even faster, within its shimmering oasis she was finally able to admit to herself that she wanted to do this. Wanted to slide her lips onto her son’s cock. Wanted to take him into her mouth… wanted to taste him… to suck on him. Wanted to be a naughty mommy.

Sliding her lips up and down a few times, she adjusted her hand’s position to allow a portion of the member to enter her throat. Doing this a couple of more times, taking a little more each time until she reached her maximum, she then momentarily paused and constricted her muscles around the thick shaft.

This is so indecent. The thought echoed through her.

Pulling her lips up and dropping them back down, she again adjusted her hand so that she wouldn’t take quite her maximum. Throating him a couple of more times, she sensed his hips rising a little in response and again opened her eyes to look up in hope of finding him awake. Once more disappointed and clinging to the knowledge that he couldn’t sleep through the entire act, she closed her eyes and started sliding her lips up and down at a slow, steady pace. With her breasts resting against his thigh, her actions made her nipples rub back and forth on it, causing electricity to spark through them.

Oh God, this is wrong. The depravity of what she was doing fueling her fires, her pussy vibrated with need and she chastised herself for not getting her toy before starting. But she knew she had been too invested in trying to deny what she was preparing to do to even consider it. The need refusing to be denied and needing to support herself with the one hand, she let go of his cock to slide that hand inside her panties.

“Mmm.” She mewled, her fingers slipping through her wetness, her thumb settling atop her clit and a pair of fingers pushing their way inside her.

“Mo-Mom? Mom, what are you doing?” Tom’s voice filled her ears.

Accelerated mischievous waves coursing through her, she paused with her lips right under his cockhead and looked up through her hair at his expression of astonished disbelief. Locking eyes with him and her lips twisting into a playful smile around his cock, she slowly lowered them to take a portion of him into her throat.

“Oh fuck, that’s good,” he groaned, his surprised expression fluctuation with pleasure.

Holding the eye contact, she drew her lips up, then back down to throat him again.

“Oh, fuck yea,” his pleasure grew.

As she then did this once more, he reached down to gather her hair and cuff the back of her head, holding it still for a moment. When she absolutely had to, she pulled back up, happy to discover he didn’t try to stop her.

“I don’t know why, and I don’t care.” Staring into her eyes, he forced her lips back down.

Stiffening her neck when she was nearing her maximum, she stopped their downward progress. As she constricted her throat muscles around him again, his head fell back with a groan and his hold lightened even more. No longer able to see his face, she closed her eyes and returned to pumping her lips up and down, licking and sucking on him. The moments of eye contact and the knowledge that he was awake and aware of her naughty actions making her fires rage within her loins, the ache within her breasts intensified, driving her to press them firmer against his thigh. As she then started trying to pump her fingers in and out of her pussy, she quickly discovered that her panties made this difficult. Chastising herself for not removing them when she had the chance, she again knew that she had been too deep in denial about what she was preparing to do at the time. And now, with the denial eradicated, something was stopping her from pausing long enough to remove them.

That something could have been the thrill of having her lips on Tom’s cock and not wanting to lose it, even for the short amount of time it would take. Or it could have been a fear of what she might be tempted to do if she did. Either way, she was not prepared to take the time or risk the temptation.

“Oh yes. Suck it, Mom. Suck my cock.” Groaning various forms of these demands, sprinkling them with “fuck” and “that feels so good,” Tom’s hips rose to meet her descending lips.

“Mmm!” She moaned in response to each of his lustful groans. Not only were his words the kind that she enjoyed hearing, but his voice drove home who was saying them… whose cock she was sucking. And it made her feel dirtier that she had in a long time, quickly manifesting an orgasm among her raging fires.

Up and down her lips pumped…

Fucking his cock…

Her mouth sucking…

Her tongue pressing…


Up and down…

“Yes. Suck my cock, Mom.” His tone growing thicker with each passing moment, his fingers tensed in her hair and his hips humped… shoved his cock into her mouth.

It had been a long time since Krissy had sucked off an eighteen-year-old and she had forgotten how quickly they could cum. Smirking at the signs of his approaching climax, her thumb and fingers intensified their actions inside her panties to urge on her own orgasm.

“Oh yea. Oh, fuck yea. Suck my cock.” His fingers tensed… his hips humped.

“Mmm. Mmm.” Her orgasm strolled out from the fires… toward its release.

“Suck my cock.” His hips humping faster, he nearly drove his cock into her throat.

“Mmm.” Reflexively raising up to avoid this, the ache within her breasts whimpered with the loss of pressure against his thigh. Sucking hungrily on him, she pumped her lips up and down… fucked his cock with her mouth.

“I’m gonna cum.” Grunting this, his alarmed tone told her that he expecting her to pull her mouth off him. “Mom, I’m gonna cum.”

“Mmm!” She couldn’t pull off him. Wouldn’t if she could. Swallowing a man’s cum while getting herself off was so naughty… so dirty… so exciting. And this time that feeling was intensified by whose it involved.

“I’m gonna cum, Mom. Oh yes. That’s it. Take it. Take it, Mom.” To his credit, he seemed to quickly understand and his tone lost its alarm.

Not to his credit, he either didn’t understand how it worked or didn’t care. Taking control, his fingers tensed to hold her head in place as his hips rapidly humped up and down.

“Mmm!” His cock nearly being shoved into her throat, Krissy was now the one that sounded alarmed as she used her supporting hand to lift up more, barely avoiding the incursion.

“Oh fuck, suck it. Suck my cock. Oh fuck.” His hips humping faster and faster, he rapidly fucked her mouth.

“Mmm. Mmm!” His actions… his demands… his tone; again these were the kinds of things she enjoyed. They made her feel dirty and used. And with it being her son, that feeling was so much more. Her orgasm reaching the edge of release, she urgently twiddled her clit and fingered her pussy.

“Oh fuck. Fuck.” He growled, his hips jerking awkwardly.

“Mmm!” Flying off the ledge, her orgasm rolled through her, its waves making her nerves quiver and her muscles spasm. Her thumb making electricity scream through her clit, her hips twitched and rolled. Behind her closed eyes a series of fireworks exploded, their brilliant colors dancing. Losing herself in the rapturous pleasure, she forgot to hold herself up and let her breasts mash against his thigh again.

“Oh God, yes.” Growling out, Tom’s hips thrust up then froze.

His cockhead pressing into her throat, Krissy instinctively lifted up again just as his shaft lurched between her lips. Swallowing his semen, her orgasmic waves continued to make her muscles flex under the jolts sparking along her nerves.

“Oh yea.” Sighing with his finish, Tom’s hands released her hair to fall at his sides.

Krissy’s own orgasm fading, its waves receding back into the ocean, she lightened the weight of her thumb atop her clit and wiggled her fingers inside her pussy as her body trembled with an aftershock. As this too receded, she sucked deeply on him to milk the last drops of semen from him. Then, pulling her hand from her panties and using it to help support her, she purposely slid her lips up and down his cock a couple of times, smiling mischievously at the way his body shuddered.

Floating along on a raft of naughty afterglow, she slowly slid her lips off him and let his softening manhood flop across his pelvis. Then she opened her eyes to look up at his expression of awed disbelief.

The raft burst.

Dropped her into a sea of shame and embarrassment, its waters washing away all of the intoxicating naughtiness.

“I… I-I’ll be right back.” She stammered, her eyes nervously darting around the room.

Her thoughts and emotions racing along a twisting, turning rollercoaster, she hurried off the bed and into the bathroom. Needing something to do once behind the closed door, her shaking hands fumbled to get toothpaste onto her brush. Then she stood there, just holding the instrument and staring at her reflection, wondering why she had ever given into the urges.

It was easy — too easy — to blame it on the amalgamation of events; the five months, her ruined plans, the wine, the storm. These things might have–. No, they had caused her body to be frustrated and in need of release. But that only explained her idea of using her toy or her thoughts about hooking up with some random college hunk near the school. They did not explain why she had let herself suck off her own son.

This last point sending a rush of dirty excitement tingling along her nerves even now, she gained some insight. At the time the wickedness of it had just been so damn tempting, making her give in to her naughty cravings.

Now she had to try explaining it to Tom.

But first she needed another minute or two to deal with her coiling emotions. Ones she rarely, if ever, felt after being with a man. And never this strongly. Although she understood that they made sense this time, considering, that didn’t make it any easier.

“Alright. Just get it over with,” she sighed, eventually reaching for the door handle.

“Gotta pee. Be right out,” Tom brushed past her as she exited.

He had turned one of the nightstand lights on low and in its dim lighting she found her shorts, slipped them on, then sat with her back against the bed’s headboard. Anxiously waiting for him to reappear, she listened to the distant rumble of thunder as the latest storm moved further and further off.

“Tom, I–.” She started when he walked out.

“It’s okay, Mom.” Holding up a hand, he interrupted her. “It really is. I don’t know the what or why of it, but it happened. And it’s okay.”

“But…,” she hesitated, his cavalier attitude making her question her planned words.

“It was the best BJ I’ve ever had,” he smirked when she didn’t continue, taking a seat on the bed next to her outstretched leg.

Blushing slightly, she really didn’t know what to say to that except ‘thank you.’ And yet, somehow that seemed more inappropriate than having actually done it.

“Listen… Uh–.” Now he hesitated, his expression growing sheepish.

Although his words and attitude had surprised Krissy, his confidence hadn’t. But seeing it now waver, she couldn’t help thinking that it meant he was reconsidering his attitude and grew nervous, trying to reformulate her planned explanation.

“Listen… Um… Ok, look.” Tom started, before pausing to take a deep breath. “Since you did do that, I was wondering…” Pausing again, taking another breath, he seemed to rediscover his confidence and locked eyes with her. “Look, I’d really like to know how to eat pussy. I mean, I know… I’d just like to know how to be better. To do it right.”

“What are you–.” She started, her nervousness instantly changing its nature.

“I was thinking if I did that for you, again since you just did what you did, then you could give me some pointers.” He interrupted her.

“You want to….” She exhaled, unable to say the actual words.

“Yea. I mean, what’s really the difference between me doing that and what you did?”

“Tom, Honey, I got wrapped up in the moment.” She muttered, reaching for an excuse to deny him. “That would be… It would be….” Considering what she had done, she couldn’t exactly tell him that it would be ‘wrong’ and, unable to find the right words, she fell silent.

“I understand that,” he nodded, resting a hand on her thigh as his expression showed a steady patience that she knew well.

His hand making her flesh tingle, Krissy’s mind raced for a way to refuse his request. She had raised him to accept a firm ‘No.’ But, considering everything else, she couldn’t bring herself to flatly deny him like that.

Startled to find herself actually contemplating the idea, she quickly blamed it on her weak orgasm. While it had been good enough to hold her over until the next night and the hypothetical college hunk, its limited nature had left her wanting.

Like he said, there really isn’t much of a difference. A part of her reasoned.

But, he’s your son. Her morality reminded her.

He is your son. The naughty side echoed, reawakening her sexual cravings.

Oh fuck. She whimpered, trying to deny that she already knew her decision.

He just wants to know how to do it well. Don’t you want that for him? Reaching for an excuse — any excuse — to go through with it, she knew his cock would serve him well at school, but also that being talented at this would serve him better.

“Um… Uh…” She stammered, having trouble voicing her decision.

“It’ll be okay,” he whispered, reading her expression and his hand caressing her thigh as it slid upward.

“Tom… Please don’t tell anyone.” This was the only thing she could think to say.

“Why would I?” Smiling, he brought both hands to the waistband of her shorts.

Are we really doing this? Unable to believe what was happening, she reflexively lifted her ass off the bed.

With all the emotions she had been dealing with, she had thought her body’s warmth had died. But as he drew her panties down with her shorts, she felt its lingering embers being restoked.

When he had removed her clothes, she tentatively bent her knees slightly and spread her legs. Between them, the delicate folds and fluffy lips of her pussy shimmered lightly with the juices from her orgasm below a thin landing strip of dark hairs. Looking up at him standing beside the bed, his eyes devouring her in a way that reminded her of his father, her nerves tingled excitedly and a new surge of naughty waves made her momentarily consider removing her shirt to show him her breasts. But her moral side declared that this was somehow a step too far and that it wasn’t necessary for what was about to happen. Conceding to this, she slid down the bed to rest her head on a pillow, her dark, wavy hair laying disheveled around it. Her tits rolling beneath the shirt for a moment before settling, her nipples brushed and poked at the top’s thin material. Her renewed warmth and newly smoldering embers caused her pretty features to fluctuate between excitement and disbelief.

Acting with too much enthusiasm, Tom basically leapt between her legs and swiped his tongue against her labia.

“Whoa. Not so fast.” Krissy nearly gasped; partially out of surprise, partially from the sparks shooting along the lips’ nerves.

“Huh?” Lifting up, he looked at her in surprise.

Does he really want pointers? Or was that just a ploy?

“The first thing is, don’t just dive in.” She started, deciding that it didn’t matter whether or not he wanted the pointers, she was going to give them. “You should tease the girl with a little anticipation. Kiss her inner thighs a little first as a lead up.” Having never given these types of instructions, she found that this kind of phrasing helped her nerves. Seeing him nod in understanding, she continued. “Do you know where, or at least what, the clit is?”

“Yea… Um,” his eyes dropped to scan her sex.

“It’s at the top. Right now it’s hidden under the hood,” she explained, believing he wasn’t sure. “As the girl gets aroused, it’ll swell and poke out. You must pay attention to it. Every girl has their own preference as to how hard you should lick or suckle it, so you’re just gonna have to pay attention to their reactions to know.”

“Um, ok,” his expression seemed to indicate that he hadn’t actually expected the pointers, but that he was listening.

“The last thing I’m gonna say before you start is that you should also lick the girl’s anus. Again, how much is gonna depend on the girl. So, learn to read their reactions.” Suppressing a giggle at his widened eyes, she made sure to stress the last part.

His expression showing bewilderment, his eyes bounced between her face and sex.

“You wanted the tips. Now let’s see what you do with them.” Giving him an expectant smile, she laid her head back and stared up at the ceiling, wishing the storm hadn’t passed.

Sensing him leaning in, she fought the urge to throw him a curveball by bending her knees more as he kissed her inner thigh. While he had listened and was trying to follow her tips, he remained overly enthusiastic and rapidly kissed his way up her thigh to dive at her sex again.

Be patient and see how he does, she told herself as his tongue lapped at her labia.

Firmly believing that the most important thing was for him to pay attention to the girl’s reactions, she made sure not to show any signs that would encourage his current actions. It wasn’t exactly easy though. Even his enthusiastic lapping, coupled with the naughtiness of who was doing the lapping, had her body’s warmth growing.

His excitement continuing to lead his actions, his tongue lapped at her several times before delving between her labia to do the same to her slit. As it slid upward and brushed across her clit’s hood, electricity sparked through the button. Expecting this, she kept her hips from twitching. And, when his tongue dove down to fervently prod at her entrance, she kept them from rolling.

It took a little time, but the tactic worked. Eventually noticing that she was silently lying still, his attentions calmed.

“Mmm.” She sighed and bent her knees a little more in response to the first time his tongue stroked its way through her slit instead of lapping.

Getting the hint, his technique grew even calmer. Slipping upward, his tongue swirled over her clit’s hood, teasing the hidden button for a moment. Then actually sliding back down, it probed at her entrance with more finesse.

“Ooh yes.” She sighed, letting her hips delicately roll as the adjustments fueled her body’s warmth and caused the smoldering embers within her loins to snap and crackle.

Responding to her reactions, his attentions grew even gentler and more deliberate. Slowly slipping up and down through her slit, the tip of his tongue caressed its nerve-endings. Actually pausing at her entrance, it probed and massaged the edges. Lingering atop her clit, it caressed the swelling button. The attentions stoking her embers into glowing briquettes of desire, her fingers lightly scratched at the sheet beside her. Her juices starting to flow freely, she bent her legs more and set her feet atop the mattress. Picking up on this, his arms slid under and wrapped around the limbs so his hands gripped her thighs, their heat simmering against her flesh. A moment later his tongue again swirled against her clit.

“Ooh!” She gasped, electricity shooting through the now fully engorged button.

Lingering, his tongue licked her clit a few more times to send more jolts through it. Then the appendage slipped back down through her wet slit to massage her entrance for a moment. Establishing a routine, his tongue licked up and down, swirled over her clit one moment, probed and massaged her entrance the next. While his pattern wasn’t exactly to her preference, he did take note of her reactions to bring it close.

Behind her closed eyes, she had been concentrating on giving him the necessary reactions to get him to this point, as well as making mental notes to give him later. Now free of the former’s necessity, she decided to forget about the latter.

“Ooh yes, Tom.” Her head lolling to one side, she put voice to the thoughts about whose tongue was at her pussy. Her body’s warmth turning tropical, its sultry breezes soon fanned her smoldering embers into flames, driving her to whimper out the thoughts some more.

His tongue slipping and slithering through her slit, it eventually teased her clit with the exact pressure she liked.

“Ooh God, yes!” She moaned, her hips rolling.

Caressing the button a few more times, he tried to find that pressure again. Although he only came close, her fires grew into a raging bonfire before his tongue traveled back down to probe and massage her entrance once more.

“Ooh.” Sighing, her legs tensed to lift herself.

During these moments of having stopped thinking about his lessons, the ache within her breasts began pulsing with it own renewed strength. Seeing no reason to ignore this, she brought her hands to squeeze the luscious mounds through the shirt.

His tongue making the circuit again and again, it teased her clit a few times with near perfect pressure and probed at her entrance with increasing finesse. The attentions stoking her fires, they also awoke a need within her sex that caused it to automatically open as his appendage once more probed.

“Ooh God yes. Yes, Tom.” She reflexively whimpered when her hips instinctively lifted to force the tip in enough to massage the inner edges.

Ooh God. She immediately regretted her body’s reaction, the limited penetration making the need vibrate.

Desperately trying to quiet it, she intensified her manipulations of her breasts as his tongue continued probing and massaging for a minute.

And the tactic worked… temporarily.

Drawing her body’s attention to her squeezing fingers, the ache within the mounds throbbed insistently. Whimpering in cadence with it, a desire for flesh-on-flesh contact made her reach down and pull the shirt up above her tits. Released from the minimal restraint, the ample mounds rolled fluidly as cool air swirled over their flesh, tingled over her swollen nipples. Cupping the mounds, she pinched their nipples between two fingers while squeezing the plaint flesh beneath. These attentions making the buds spark and the ache grow, it quickly began pulsing throughout her entire body… fueling the very vibrations she was attempting to quiet.

Then, Tom’s tongue slipping upward, it sent electricity screaming through her clit.

“Ooh God.” Her head snapped to the other side, the vibrations intensifying even more.

Having learned to pay attention, he rapidly caressed her clit several more times.

“Ooh God!” Her hips jumped, an orgasm forming among her fires.

Losing herself in its pulsating promise, whimpered and mewled in response to with his traveling tongue. Each caress along her slit’s nerve-endings stoked her fires higher. Every swirl atop her clit fed the growing orgasm. And each massaging probe of her entrance caused the need to vibrate faster.

Fearing what those vibrations might make her say or do, she reached for the only thing she could think of to speed her orgasm’s release.

“My asshole, Baby. Lick my asshole.” Demanding this, she didn’t know if he had forgotten the pointer or was simply unsure about it. Nor did she care. She just wanted him to do it.

His tongue completely disappearing, she sensed his face pulling back and guessed that he was trying to figure out how to fulfill the demand.

“Pull my asscheek aside.” She panted, her hips rolling in anxious anticipation.

Extracting one arm from around her leg, his hand cupped an asscheek and pulled. Then, leaning in again, his tongue tentatively swiped across her sphincter.

“Ooh yes!” She gasped, the nerve-endings sparking excitedly, making her hips twitch.

Encouraged by this, his tongue began swirling over and around her sphincter with less and less hesitation, each caress strengthening the sparks.

“Ooh yes, Tom. Yes.” She moaned, her hips rolling as the sensation coaxed the orgasm into leaning out from the fires.

Inspired by her reactions, his tongue circled her sphincter again and again, its weight varying as it also began to gently probe it.

“Ooh God, yes. Yes, Tom.” Her head snapped to the other side, strands of her hair fluttering with it. Although the orgasm leaned further out, it remained within the flames and the vibrations continued their needy cries. Sliding a hand down to grab the one he still had holding her thigh, she guided it toward her pussy. “Play with my clit, Baby.”

His fingers fumbling their way to her clit, his tongue’s focus on her anus stuttered.

“Ooh yes!” She moaned, fresh electricity screaming through the button when he found it.

His fingers wiggling atop her clit, his tongue’s focus returned. Fresh sparks shooting along her sphincter’s nerve-endings, the orgasm grew to tower over the flames.

“Ooh God. Ooh God.” Her body trembling, her hands fell to her sides to grab at the sheet.

Bringing his tongue back to her pussy, he eagerly probed at its entrance.

“Ooh God.” Her hips reflexively rolled in response to the vibrations’ cry.

His tongue dropping back down to probe and lick her anus with a surprising subtle enthusiasm, he further surprised her by reaching his thumb down to massage her pussy’s entrance.

“Ooh God. Ooh God.” Her feet kicking down and lifting her, her walls parted and she shoved herself onto the digit. The limited penetration fueling the vibrations, her head snapped to the other side. “Ooh God!”

Wiggling his thumb, it massaged her walls… rubbed at their nerve-endings. His fingers toyed with her clit… his tongue caressed and probed at her sphincter.

“Ooh, Tom. Ooh, Baby.” Her mind echoing with taboo-filled thoughts, surges of naughty excitement drew her orgasm from the fires. Her muscles clenching as it approached its release, her feet shifted a little to set themselves firmly in preparation of kicking down.

Then the orgasm was at the edge… setting its feet… preparing to leap.

In that moment, Tom pulled his thumb partway out, then quickly sunk it back into her.

“Ooh God! Ooh God!” She cried out, her orgasm lunging free. Tsunami waves crashing against her cliffs, they tore at the rocky foundations. Bolts of electricity screamed along her nerves. Her muscles tightly clenching, a thin sheen of sweat coated her flesh. Her neck straining, her head rolled back, snapped from side-to-side. Strands of her hair fluttering, some stuck to her cheeks. Her mouth falling open, unintelligible moans accompanied more cries of ecstasy. Exploding skyrockets filled her mind with a kaleidoscope of brilliant colors, sparkling trails crackling. Her clawing fingers jerked at the sheet. Her feet kicked down into the mattress. Her legs lifted her ass off the bed… crammed her pussy onto his thumb, her walls locking around it. Her hips twitching and jerking, her body writhing, her breasts rolled and jiggled upon her chest.

His arm tightening its hold around her thigh to keep his fingers atop her clit, his tongue firmly probed her sphincter.

Her flexing muscles allowing the tip to enter enough to caress its inner edges, her orgasm rocketed to new heights. Moaning out, her mind collapsed into the crescendo of rapturous waves. And, as she continued writhing upon tensed, trembling legs, she forgot to ignore the needy vibrations.

To keep them from intensifying… increasing… growing stronger.

Like all orgasms, this one eventually began to fade. Its waves receding, her muscles relaxed and her feet slid down a few inches, her trembling legs falling slightly to the sides. Her face resting on one side, she quietly mewled as her body shuddering through a series of aftershocks, enforced by Tom extracted his thumb to gently lick her pussy.

Drifting into a deep fog of afterglow, she felt him pulling away and the mattress shifting under her. Expecting him to lay down beside her, she briefly wondered if she should roll over and cuddle up to him like she would any other man. Unsure considering the impropriety of it being Tom, her struggle with the idea was cut short by the feel of a weight pushing down on the mattress beside her in a familiar, yet unexpected way.

Wait! No! Her mind screamed in alarm, frantically rushing out of the fog.

Sensing body heat above her and between her still spread legs, her eyes flew open to see Tom’s hand planted atop the mattress, his stiff arm rising. Then, turning her head, she stared into his lustful expression.

In that moment, she didn’t need to see his other hand to know it was guiding his reinvigorated cock to her pussy.

Her mind now racing along another twisting, turning rollercoaster, she realized that she had forgotten how quickly an eighteen-year-old could recoup and never even considered this possibility when she had agreed to his request. And, despite what they had already done, this just seemed like going too far.

“Tom. No. No. You can’t–.” She gasped, her hands flying up to press against his chest in an attempt to stop him… to push him away. “We can’t–.”

“It’ll be ok, Mom.” Smiling, the tip of his cock settled against her entrance.

“Tom. Please.” The vibrations crying out, her hips shifted to lift herself against it.

“It’s ok.” Applying pressure, the tip started forcing her walls apart… the head slipping between them.

“Ooh God.” The vibrations resonating with blinding force, she chastised herself for not using the toy. Her fingers had been good. His thumb had been nice. But neither was the kind of penetration her pussy wanted… the kind it needed, leaving her needing. And as his cock entered her, she couldn’t stop her legs from tensing to lift herself onto it.

“Oh yea.” His hand coming out to help support him, his thick shaft strained her entrance and his crotch ground against hers as he stuffed her pussy.

“Ooh.” Grinding back against him, a powerful aftershock making her body spasm, her eyes close, and her head roll back slightly. Her mind echoing with what was happening… the taboo of her son’s cock being inside her like this, she now knew that this was what she had feared doing herself if she had paused to remove her panties while sucking his cock. At the time she hadn’t been able to name it, but she had known its name. Its desire. Its wicked, wicked desire. “Ooh God, yes.”

“Oh yea,” grinding against her for a moment, he then pulled back to thrust into her again.

“Ooh yes.” The sensation of being restuffed made her tremble with another aftershock.

“Fuck, that feels good.” Sighing, he started slowly lifting and dropping his hips to pump his cock in and out of her.

“Ooh, Tom.” Her fires having calmed after the orgasm, the vibrations’ need being answered caused them to flare back up. Lifting herself in time with his rhythm, her hands reached up and around to grab onto his back.

“You’re so wet.” His rhythm building, slapping sounds started rising from between them.

“My pussy is wet.” She whimpered mischievously, her cravings trying to lead him to being more explicit with his words.

Opening her eyes to better communicate this desire to him, his lustful expression and sparkling eyes drove an urge through her. Refusing to even try denying this one, she used her hands at his back to pull him down to her. As their lips pressed together with an intimacy that mother and son shouldn’t share, the tropical heat blasted through her. Guiding his lips open, she eagerly raised her tongue against his. The act of pulling him down had brought his chest slightly against her breasts, making them pulsate with ache, and she pulled him down more while arching her back to smash them against him.

For the next few minutes, as their tongues dueled and their hips humped at one another, their actions made his chest rub against her swollen nipples. The buds sparking and crackling, her fires danced higher and faster, and her hands slid down to grab his tight asscheeks.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful.” Eventually breaking their kiss, he lifted up and gazed down at her as his humping hips slid his thick shaft along her entrance’s walls her again and again. “And so wet.”

Her body rocking upon the bed, her ample breasts jiggled fluidly below the pulled-up shirt, their warm nipples swollen, firm spires. Her head shifting slightly on the pillow, the waves of her dark hair fluttered delicately, a couple of strands still stuck to her flush features, lax with roiling lust. Her hands gripped his ass. Her feet perched on the mattress, her knees bent, her spread legs lifted her in time with his rhythm. Between them her pussy glistened with her juices, her engorged clit standing proud and her puffy, pink labia clinging to his pumping shaft.

“My pussy’s wet.” Her bright blues eyes asking from under heavy lids, she again tried leading him to be more explicit. “Fuck my pussy, Tom. Fuck my pussy.”

“You like dirty talk, huh?” He grunted, obviously struggling to have the same confidence in this as he had shown earlier.

“Fuck me. Fuck my pussy, Baby.” These weren’t exactly the words she wanted to say, but she couldn’t quite being herself to say the ones she did want to. Not yet. And hoped that these would be enough encouragement.

“You like my cock… Mom?” Finding most of his confidence, he still hesitated with the last word.

“Ooh yes, Baby. Yes.” She hadn’t been looking for him to call her that. But when he did, it drove gusts of decadent lust through her, creating another orgasm among her fires.

“You like your son’s cock, Mom?” The hesitation vanishing, his hips’ rhythm briefly stuttered before settling into a faster pace.

“Ooh God, yes,” she panted, the orgasm swaying with the heightened rhythm.

“You like your son fuckin’ you.” His words starting to resemble what she liked, his thicker tone mirrored the growing lust in his eyes.

“Ooh God, yes, Baby. Fuck Mommy. Fuck Mommy’s pussy.” She really hadn’t thought she wanted them to identify who they were to one another, but doing so made it so much more exciting… so much dirtier. It fed her cravings… her lust… her orgasm. And, as every one of her nerves started sparking with electricity, her flexing muscles caused her body to quiver.

“Yea, you like my cock. You like your son’s hard cock in your pussy.” His rhythm increasing another notch, his thrusting pushed her ass down into the mattress.

“Ooh God, yes, Tom. Fuck Mommy’s pussy. Fuck Mommy’s dirty pussy.” The orgasm swirling and swopping, she lifted herself to meet his thrusts.

As they exchanged more phrases, the wet slapping sounds grew louder and mingled with their voices.

In and out his cock pumped…

Filling her…

Stuffing her…

In and out…

Its thick shaft caressing her walls…

In and out…


In and out…


In and out…





“Ooh God, fuck me like a slut, Baby. Fuck Mommy like a slut.” The orgasm towering over the flames, it drove her to gasp out the obscene words.

“Holy fuck.” Gleeful shock flashing in his expression, his rhythm stuttered again before shifting into a higher gear.

“Ooh yes. Fuck me like a slut.” The increased speed and force driving her ass down into the mattress, her legs drove herself back up to meet his next downward thrust as the orgasm leaned from the fires. “Fuck your mommy-slut.”

“Fuck yea. You are a slut, aren’t you, Mom? A dirty lil’ slut.” His rhythm stuttering, this time it took him a moment to regain it.

“Yes, I am. I’m a dirty lil’ slut, Baby.” Recognizing that his own climax was nearing, the thought of him cumming inside her drew her orgasm from the fires… sent it spinning toward its release. Her head rolling back and her eyes shutting, her fingers dug into his asscheeks. “Ooh. Fuck me like a slut, Baby. Fuck me like the slut I am”

“Oh fuck. Fuck.” Grunting, his hips started stuttering awkwardly. Ratcheting his cock into her again and again as he tried hold back… for… one… more–.

“Ooh God, Baby. Ooh God. I’m cumming! You’re making Mommy cum!” She cried out as her orgasm roared off the edge to careen through her with earth-shattering force. Massive, rapturous waves slammed against her cliffs… shredded their foundations… sent boulders crashing into the tumultuous waters. Skyrockets exploded behind her closed eyes to fill her mind with a kaleidoscope of dazzling colors. Powerful bolts of electricity screaming along her nerves made her muscles clench and quiver. Her flesh shimmered with a fresh sheen of sweat. Her head flew back on her straining neck… snapped from side-to-side, strands of her hair slapping across her face. Her hands flying down to grab and claw at the sheet, they jerked at it. Her feet kicked down into the mattress. Her entire body ached… lifted herself… crammed her pussy onto his cock… her walls locked around the base. Her hips twitching and jerking, urged him to climax, her breasts rolled and joggled upon her chest.

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!” Growling, he froze with his crotch crammed against hers.

“Ooh God, yes!” The sensation of his cock lurching within her pussy… his semen erupting from it, sent her own orgasm to new heights. The waves increasing in size and force, they tore at her cliffs to drag even larger boulders into the rapturous ocean. Her nerves screaming, her muscles spasmed, her entire body writhing and twisting in ecstasy.

“Oh yes. Holy fuck, Mom.” He growled, his cock starting to calm.

“Ooh, Baby.” Whimpering among the orgasmic waves, her hips instinctively twitched and rolled, her clenching pussy milking it.

And her orgasm continued.

The exertion of it draining her body, she basically collapsed when it eventually began to fade, the waves receding, gradually weakening the electricity sparking along her nerves and her muscles unclenching. Her body dropping back to the mattress, her feet slid down the sheet and her legs fell limply to either side. With her face on its side, she panted and whimpered as she shuddered through a series of powerful aftershocks.

Pulling his cock from her and rolling onto his back beside her, Tom slipped an arm under her and made her roll onto her side.

“Ooh.” She sighed, snuggling against him.

“That was amazing, Mom.” He whispered, caressing her back.

“Mmm,” she mewed in agreement

Drifting towards sleep, she couldn’t help thinking that she had already found the college hunk to invite back to her room the next night.

The End


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