An Honest Mistake

An adult stories – An Honest Mistake by TarotPole,TarotPole Lillith (Lil) and Taro (T), had plans to visit their local adult store that was host to a gloryhole after much discussion to spice up their sex lives. They were a young couple married for five years on the cusp on starting to build their family both at the age of 28, however, they were reluctant to do so without exploring their sexuality as a couple.

They had no crazy plans to dive right into the life style. Just to use the gloryhole rooms adjacent to eachother as a fantasy of it being someone else but only being them two.

Taro had a fit build, strong with definition but also a little thick, and lots of dark tattoos on his lighter skin. Lillith was latina and had smaller breasts, she was fit but slight curviness to her.

It was a regular sex store that sold toys, dvds and the like upfront, but in the back were the gloryhole rooms. Taro and Lillith went on a Friday night as they assumed it would have the most activity but went early so to avoid too much activity where they might see someone they know. They were both excited to go but of course were nervous to cross paths with anyone that might make their kinkiness publicly known.

“Should we peruse the store a little before going to the rooms or just go straight to it?” T asked.

“Maybe look around a little. May as well see if there is anything we like.” Lil responded.

As they entered, Lil made eye contact with the guy working the counter. It seemed his eyes opened a little wider at the idea of a female customer coming in. She smiled and shyly tilted her head down and turned down the nearest aisle to cut the moment as short as possible. Taro followed and made awkward eye contact with him and gave that head nod that guy do to eachother as strangers. It was an awkard exchange but what else do you do when a guy ogles your wife full well knowing what the intentions of the place were?..

They looked at toys and lingerie as they passed through the shelves making small comments to one another about things to purchase for future endeavors. Taro and Lil were there with a goal in mind and were secretly taking tally of the people in the store.

Lil couldn’t help but remark incredulously at the age of thwo boys in there, “Look at those two over there! They can’t be much past 18.” The boys were had skin tones one more close to T and the other closer to Lil’s skin tone.

T responded, “They’re probably just here to goof around or grab condoms for their hopeful weekends. Let’s just go grab our rooms.”

They headed to the back when the worker called out, “girls are free, its $20 for men.”

“You head in towards the back. I’ll be right behind and I’ll pay the fee.” Taro told Lil putting emphasis on directing her so he had an idea as to which room he should then take.

Lillith headed toward the back room. The three young boys eyeballed her with brazen confidence that young men do, making her self concious as she passed. There were five doors total. She went three doors down from the entrance of the back area, not wanting to be too close to the boys. As she closed her door, a little light on the outside lit indicating it was occupied…

As Taro was pulling out his wallet to pay the door chimed as new customers entered.

The worker looked over as did Taro following his gaze. It was David and Megan walking in. T and Lil both worked with David in the past at a job some years back, however, they became friends. David was Puerto Rican, the class tall, dark and handsome. In contrast Megan was quite petite in all areas and pale. Both were a bit older, David 32 and Megan 35.

“Yooo!” David let out a low howl and Megan dropped her jaw in shock of seeing him. “My guy what are you doing here? Weird running into you.”

Taro blanked for a second, his brain frozen, unsure what to say but definitely not wanting to mention that Lillith was here and what their plan was.

The worker saved him for a second to think kind of politely pestering him, “so you gonna finish paying?”

Lil got comfortable in her room and started one of the porno videos they had to warm herself up while she waited for T. She thought it was taking a little while for him to catch up but thought that maybe he did it to play up their fantasy of being strangers.

The young men noticed the energy of the situation by the door and noticed their chance to slip to the back area unnoticed. They spotted the one occupied door and one of them went into one door on the left close to the entrance and one on the right further back, lighting up now three occupied rooms.

Lil was getting impatient and concerned from waiting, albeit a little wet from the video she was watching when just that moment she heard a knock on one of the walls with a hole. She had heard that that was customary in these places but had never experienced it herself. Following the knock a white veiny cock came through the wall. She bit her lip excited that the fantasy was about to begin. She wrapped her fingers around its width. Lil enjoyed tongue play a lot and started from the base of the balls, licking between them all the way up the shaft.

Lillith’s pants were pulled down enough from earlier to slip her hand in and work her pussy as she sucked away the cock. She loved sucking cock, it got her so turned on and wet that she couldn’t last much longer.

“You ready baby? You want this pussy?” Lil said as she stood and turned around to line up her box with the prick sticking out. She didn’t wait for a response as the dick was sopping from her blow job and dripped on the floor…

Taro as caught in a predicament. He couldn’t head to the back while their friends were there as they’d think he was cheating on Lillith by using a gloryhole, and he didn’t want to tell them about their fantasy they were playing out.

“Odd running into ya’ll here. I’m gonna keep perusing though. See you two around.” Taro said trying to hurry Megan and David along.

He absently stared at a few shelves, while the worker made made an uncomfortable knowing face at him. T could not wait much longer, as soon as enough time passed and there were enough shelves between him and the couple he went to the glory rooms.

As he entered the hallway leading he was glad the teenagers were no longer there and perhaps missed his whole strange encouter. T spied the light on the last of the three doors lit up and went to the final door in the aisle, number 5. He wasted no time picking a video and playing with himself to avoid keeping Lil waiting. He knocked on the wall and waited. Shortly following he noticed a brown little ass appear at the hole.

They never discussed anal today but the thought crossed his mind that maybe she was leaning heavily into making the scenario feel truly like strangers or maybe just extra kinky. He mentally shrugged and wasn’t going to fight it.

As he inserted his dick, he felt the tight asshole give initial resistance at first but then the softh warmth envelope him entirely…

Lil wanted to put her hands against the wall opposite her to brace herself but was too short to reach. Instead she pulled the chair she had over and put a leg up on it and hugged the backrest. She needed something for stability, “T is absolutely insatiable, he must be really enjoying this” she thought to herself. The cock was fucking hammering her and she felt the heat of her pussy burning. She was in ecstasy, furiously rubbing her clit with her hand along with the pounding she was receiving.

Being in the gloryhole turned her on more than she thought it would, she could her another couple that must’ve arrived in the rooms over. The sound of hips and groins pounding against the walls in the background was so sexy.

She was lost in the moment of it all when she heard another knock which she knew meant that it was her partner’s time to cum.

“Yes baby! Give it to me! I want you to cum inside me!” Lil yelled.

T was giving that ass his all. The combination of the gloryhole fantasy being played out along with the anal was more than he could’ve imagined. And to his surprise she was taking all he was dishing out. Taro knew that he’d owe her ass at least a little massage after this. Balls slapping against the brown soft flesh of his partner next door he felt the urge to cum and knocked on the wall to let her know it was coming.

The ass suddenly pulled away and in a moments notice was replaced by the welcoming of a wet mouth. T knew how much Lil loved giving oral, especially sloppily. The mouth took all his cock’s length to the hilt and throated it hard, making T dump his load straight into their stomach.

Taro wiped himself down with the wipes supplied in the room and after taking a moment to catch his breath he left his booth. “She’s gonna need a moment to gather herself after that rough go.” He tought to himself and went straight out to the car rather than wait around and get more odd looks from the worker.

Lillith felt the balls slap against her pussy and cum deep into her vagina. She fucking loved getting creampied and tried to back her ass up as close to the wall as she could manage. Her knee kicked out straight started to buckle and the one holding on the chair was getting shakey and ready to give out. She slipped back into a seated position and removed her panties, using them to dab up the wet mess that was her pussy.

“Thank you stranger” she said seductively as she the cock one last kiss on the tip and wrapped her panties around them, “these are a gift for you.”

Sitting in the front seat of the car, he texted Lil. Movement by the front door caught his eye and he saw the teens leaving toward their car. “Really strange for those boy to be getting freaky together at an adult store” he thought to himself remembering the other doors occupied.

Lil needed a minute to wipe herself down and get her land legs back. As she recuperated T texted her “I’ll be waiting in the car outside ;)” and she heard the other door open and him exit.

When she was ready she made her way outside. As she walked to their vehicle she couldn’t help but notice the boys dawdling by the trunk of their car and still eyeballing her. It made her hurry until she saw one wave her pink panties from across the parking lot..


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