An Invitation to Dinner Pt. 02

An adult stories – An Invitation to Dinner Pt. 02 by Shaglus_Ziegler,Shaglus_Ziegler Please see Part I for how the evening began.

For all of you who do not like wife sharing or touching and sex between men kindly don’t read it.

After the wild and sexy evening we all had shared it seems I had fallen asleep quickly. We all did. I remember thinking before I drifted off into the ethers of the dreamworld how erotic and vital the whole scenario had been. Here I was in another man’s bed with my wife and the other man. It was surreal. As I held my wife, spooning her from behind, my cock still lightly leaking, I could feel her and her arms draped over Robert’s broad back and onto his stout chest.

“My God!” I thought to myself. “We actually did it. We had sex with another man.”

I remember my penis starting to rise as I recounted the night in my head but then I went blank as sleep overtook me. After what must’ve been a couple hours of sleeping I now stirred, having to pee but not wanting to get out of bed. In my dreamy stupor I began trying to recall where the bathroom was. It dawned on me, the reality of it, that I was in someone else’s house and not mine. That was when I noticed that Robert and Kelly were not in the bed. I was alone. I was a little taken aback. Where were they? I wasn’t upset, or even jealous, just more intrigued as to what they might be up to. A digital clock on Robert’s night stand read two-thirty-four. I figured we must’ve gone to sleep around eleven or so. I lifted the sheets off of me quietly and caught sight of the master bathroom adjacent to his bedroom. I went into it and sat to pee. I didn’t flush. I was hoping not to alert them, whatever they were up to, as to my presence. I was intrigued and curious. I got up and stealthily made my way to the door of the bedroom and at that point could hear light moaning that definitely sounded like Kelly. It was soft and erotic. I glanced through the door making sure to stay hidden. Moonlight was streaming into the kitchen through the sky light allowing me to catch sight of the two of them. I was immediately aroused. Kelly was leaning over the cooking island in the middle of his kitchen. She had her ass to him and was looking backwards at him with one hand on his chest, her palm flat against him as if holding him back. Robert was behind her slowly moving his hips back and forth in a rhythmic manner, very calm, very serene. My penis was now fully erect. I took it in my hand and began to stroke it. It was difficult not to cum. I almost felt as if I would just cum without even touching it. It was a strange feeling, almost needy, slightly forlorn, but incredibly exciting. I had never seen Kelly “alone” with another man. The poignancy of it was almost shocking. We spent so much time together that I guess it had become like we were one. Seeing her like this made me realize she was a sovereign being. That may sound stupid, or arrogant, but really it’s just a strange truth. It made me appreciate her even more. It’s hard to explain.

I continued to watch from the doorway and, as of yet, neither had noticed me. As I watched Robert would occasionally move his face towards her and they would kiss as his cock continued to gently move in and out of her. She would arch her back and moan slightly in between the kisses. It was very sensual, I could tell she was completely in her body, her mind had gone blank and it looked as though all that mattered were the glorious feelings of getting penetrated. Of being a woman and having a man mate with her. She was mating. It was animalistic and very natural. I imagined in my mind the billions of times throughout human history that people have mated, have come together for sex and love and procreation. It was beautiful.

Kelly and Robert continued their tryst. Kelly eventually turned around and gently climbed up onto the island. She spread her legs and Robert moved towards her. He kissed her and then lowered down to her furry vagina and began to lick at it. Kelly, in turn, then took her right hand and began to rub her clit as he kissed her wet and parted mound. Robert had his hands on her inner thighs. I could see his mustache pushing against her lips, his tongue lightly flicking her small button as her quickening fingers brushed his nose back and forth. It wasn’t long before I could see her begin to cum. Her sighs came out in small hushed bursts and her legs shook slightly. She held her own mouth to stifle her cries. Robert continued his lapping until her convulsions came to a stop. She let out a long sigh and then said,

“Robert! Please fuck me now. I need to feel your cock.”

Robert rose up and kissed her mouth. They kissed deeply. He moved between her legs and I could see his sharp, small, angled cock as it lined up with her furry, moist slit. He jabbed it in quickly and she wrapped her arms around his neck and shoulders. He moved quietly but quickly stabbing his penis into her urgently. They kissed as he ravaged her. My cock was now about to explode, it was leaking profusely. I didn’t want to cum so I quit touching it and just watched. Robert continued his assault until his breathing became more erratic.

“Kelly!” He said. “I’m going to cum!”

“Cum inside me, Robert!” She panted. “Squirt it all inside of me.”

I was shocked to hear those words. I hadn’t cum in her in a long while as she had been in menopause. We weren’t exactly sure when or if it would be safe again. We had never used birth control and had no plans to. I figured now was as good a time to start figuring it out as any. The idea of it in my mind almost made me cum on it’s own. I wanted to wait. I wanted to cum inside of her after they had finished their mating.

Robert took two more jagged strokes into her and then pulled her mouth to his. Their tongues battled as her mouth muffled his cries as he shot all of his cum into her in what must’ve been five or six impulsive strokes, each one shaking her as she absorbed his semen. They held each other and he remained inside of her.

“I can’t believe I told you to cum in me!” She finally said.

“Oh, Kelly,” Robert whispered, “I hope you’re not upset with me. The moment was so urgent, so delicious that I didn’t even think twice after you asked me to. It was so sexy. I meant no harm.”

“No, no!” She replied. “Please don’t take it like that. I’m glad you did. I could feel you squirting inside of me. It turned me on so much. I can feel it in me, your cock, your juice. Stay like this for a moment and kiss me again.”

Robert obeyed her request and they kissed as they remained locked together. I watched their tender moment. I was surprised to feel no jealousy. It was amazing to witness Kelly as her sovereign self, acting as she did with another man. It did not threaten me. Strangely I felt an interesting sense of liberation and freedom for both her and I.

They kissed slowly until she finally backed away. He looked down to where they remained connected and then gradually removed his penis from her. I could see some of his semen fall to the floor as they disconnected. I made a quiet retreat to the bed and got beneath the covers and pretended to be asleep. I could still hear their conversation from my new berth.

“Would you like to clean up Kelly?” Robert asked. “I can help you if you like.”

Kelly gingerly got off of the island she had been fucked on. She kissed his lips once more.

“No.” She said. “I want to keep your sperm inside of me. I want to lie down with Shaglus. I want you behind me, next to me, or wherever. I want to reconnect with my husband. I want your seed in me for that. I want him right now. I want him to feel me like this.”

With that said they both made their way to the bedroom quietly. Kelly approached the bed and kneeled down beside me, she on the floor, me on the bed facing her. She touched my face and I opened my eyes. She smiled at me sweetly. She brought her lips to mine and we began to kiss. Her tongue was hungry and probing. She tasted delicious. She reached beneath the sheets and touched my rigid cock.

“Oh my, baby!” She whispered. “Your whole penis is so slippery. You’ve been leaking. It’s so hard.”

“Tonight was such a turn on, baby.” I replied. “I guess it’s just been that way since we went to sleep.”

“I have something for you, Shaglus.” She cooed. “Lie on your back.”

I turned onto my back. She stroked my cock a couple of times and then took it into her mouth.

“Mmm…” She purred. “You taste like sex.”

She then climbed on top of me and brought her ravaged flower to my mouth.

“I just had sex with Robert in the kitchen Shaglus.” She confessed. “It just happened. It was warm and wonderful. In the heat of the moment I told him to cum inside of me. Don’t be upset. It just happened. Don’t worry. I think it will be fine. I know you’ve always wanted to taste another man inside of me. I know you’ve wanted to lick my pussy like this. I want you to lick me clean. I didn’t wash. I wanted to save it for you. Will you lick me?”

I looked up to her furry vagina. It looked slick and wet. Her pubic hair was matted. Her lips looked swollen and open. I could see a trail of Robert’s semen making it’s way down towards her anus.

“Oh, baby!” I said. “I would love to lick you. You look amazing. Your breasts look full and puffy. Your nipples are so hard. Push your delicious little cunt onto my mouth. I want to taste you.”

She did as I said. She lowered herself onto me. I felt her fur first. I breathed in her scent. It was intoxicating. She pushed her lips onto mine and I thrust my tongue into her. She gasped and held the top of my head, digging her palms into it. I probed her canal and could taste the mix of their juices.

“Push, baby, push hard.” I said.

I could feel her tighten her vaginal muscles and as she did a large, languid stream of cum flowed from her womb and into my mouth. I swallowed it and probed more. She moved her hips back on forth on my mouth. She began to breathe shallowly, she moaned. Robert was behind her and began to rub her back with his large, manly hands. I focused on her clitoris flicking it with my tongue. She moved more rapidly now. I tweaked her little button quicker, with more forceful licks. Within seconds she cried out and released a mix of her own cum and the remnants of Robert’s. She continued to wail softly and her legs began to tremble. Her orgasm must’ve lasted fifteen seconds, it’s hard to say, but it felt long. She finally collapsed on top of me.

She pulled her vagina away from my face and slid down my body. She kissed me deeply. My mouth and lips were covered in her and Robert’s sexual effluent. She slid further and opened her legs. She pushed backward as my now aching cock moved forcefully into her slippery canal. She was so wet. Her pussy was so open. She began to ride me in earnest all the while kissing my face, my neck, my lips. She was breathing hard.

“Oh, my god!” She squealed. “I’m gonna’ cum again, baby! I need your cum. I have to have your cum in me too. I want your cum so badly. Please fill me Shaglus!”

My cock was strangely numb. It was as hard as it had ever been in my life. Whereas I could’ve cum earlier without even touching it I know felt like I could fuck her forever.

“Baby!” I said. “Lick my nipple! I need you to lick my nipple and I will give you my cum!”

She continued plowing on me back and forth like a crazed banshee.

“Robert!” She nearly screamed. “Lick his nipple. Use your mouth on him. Help him cum. I want him to cum in me.”

Robert moved in from the left side of the bed. He put one hand on her ass to brace himself and then lowered his mouth to my nipple. I could feel his mustache first, the coarse hairs whisked across it. I then felt his lips and tongue as they surrounded my hard little nub. He began to lick and teasingly bite it. It was heaven. I could see Kelly watching him pleasure me. She reached back and pushed his face against my chest. The pressure was delightful, it sent electric pulses directly into my penis. He must’ve licked me like that for about thirty seconds before I could feel my orgasm coming on strong.

“Oh, yeah!” I sighed. “Kelly, keep fucking me. Robert, keep licking. Bite it! Suck it!”

As he did I finally began to burst.

“Yes, Kelly!” I screamed. “I’m going to cum in your glorious bush!”

My balls tightened and then I erupted. Pulse after pulse shook through my body and out of my cock. Kelly continued her pumping and grinding.

“Yes, Shaglus!” She cried. “Fill me. I can feel it. Give it all to me. I am yours. Fill me with your seed you beautiful man!”

I don’t know how long I came. It was one of the longest, most intense orgasms I have ever experienced. Slowly Kelly wound down her gyrations. She again collapsed down onto me. Robert had moved his head backward and now was laying on his back exhausted and spent. His eyes began to shudder and close. His shapely thin cock was still engorged, as hard as it had ever been. It was sexy to see. Kelly slid down off of me. She lied down next to Robert facing me. She brought her face to mine and looked directly into my eyes, they shone a deep kindness and love in them. She smiled her beautiful smile and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back and we held each other for a few moments. We then looked at each other again.

“I love you so much Shaglus.” She said, her eyes beginning to droop.

“I love you too Kelly. I love you too.”


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