and the world goes dark (pt 1) by Cruz4U

Introduction: A young lesbian woman is walking home when she meets a cruel fate. , It's quiet through the streets as Maggie makes her way home, holding her purse to her chest and walking quickly. She hopes the silence is on her side, that no one is lurking as she turns down one street and then another until she's just a few minutes shy of her apartment. No one is walking toward her and the occasional glance behind her shows no one either and as she looks both ways to cross the street, she's golden.

That is, of course, until a hand covers her mouth and another grabs her by the elbow and jerks her back. Maggie screams into the hand but the grip is right and its muffled and the empty street proves no one is going to save her. All the windows are dark and not a light in any of them flickers to life of anyone hearing her.

She's shoved roughly backward as the masked man comes around, pushing her into a dark crevice of the building. Her heart races and she claws at the man but a thick jacket and gloves prevent any real damage. She quickly resorts to punches and slaps but the man growls his frustrations and knocks her to the ground. One heel breaks and her other ankle twists in a way it probably shouldn't but she scrambles to get to her feet before the man is on top of her and preventing an easy escape. She opens her mouth to scream and barely gets a sound out before his fist knocks her in the face and she tumbles back to the ground.

She's stunned more than anything, adrenaline pumping into her veins as she's temporarily able to ward off much pain. All she needs to do is to escape but he's on her before she's able to even stand. Both legs are straddling her and his fingers twist the button on his jeans and pop them open.

“Just do what I want,” he begins with a gruff voice. It sounds deeper than normal, perhaps trying to hide his identity as best as he can. “Be a good girl and I'll let you go. Think you can do that?”

Maggie swallows and her grip tightens on he strap of her purse. Her knuckles turn white as he gets closer, shuffling his pants down a little more and the head of his penis is popping out. She decides to catch him with his pants down and swings the bag by the strap and hits him in the face. He staggers but does not fall and she scrambles to her feet for solid ground but his shoulder barrels into her chest and arms wrap around her waist, sending her to the ground in a heap.

“So you like the hard way, huh? Good, I wanted a little foreplay before I fucked you.”

His voice made her skin crawl and she rolls over, looking up at him. His cock is in her face and his hands are on the back of her head. She feels a throbbing in her skull from hitting the bricks but soon the bulbous head of his dick is in front of her face and pressing against her lips. His other hand holds the base for support as he pushes his cock against her firmly clenched teeth. He grips the back of her head, pulling her hair tightly between his fingers and tries to pry her teeth open with little success.

“You're only making it hard on yourself,” he says with another squeeze of her hair. She cringes and tries to push him away but he proves his strength as his other hands comes across her face, blinding her in surprise.

“Please,” she cries, tears streaming down her face. “Please, I have money. The purse itself is worth a lot. Just
take what you want and leave.”

“Oh, believe me, I plan to.”

This time his fist connects with her temple and she wails out, just enough time for him to force his cock between her lips and into her mouth. She puts her teeth down with pressure but she relents as his hand shakes her head in warning.

“I will rip your head right off your body if you think you're going to use your teeth.”

She shrinks back as far as he'll allow but the grip on her head is firm and his cock threatens to touch the back of her throat. Slowly, he moves her head on his cock and when he squeezes, she takes the hint and forms her lips to his shaft. If she can get him off quickly she imagines he'll leave and she can get home and wash all of this away. Tears streak her face as her tongue swirls around the unknown cock, trying to suck as best as she knew how. She was good with her tongue but this was entirely different territory and never before has she sucked a cock. His grip tightens and he pushes a little more, touching the back of the throat and he begins to pump, using her head as leverage as he continues to shove more and more downward. Maggie gags each time and she grips at his jeans, hoping he'll go easy on her.

He doesn't, of course, and soon both hands are on the back of her head and used for leverage as he bounces her against his cock. She gags each time and she grips his jeans tighter, trying to push him away as he pounds his meat into her mouth. He slows his jerking motion and it feels like he's going to pull the hair out of her scalp as he clenches, pushing back down her mouth. He pushes harder once he gets to the back of her throat and she panics suddenly when he forces it down. She gags and convulses and beats against his legs to no avail. He holds her head still as he feels her throat give way and her twitching massages his cock. Her throat bulges with the intrusion and her eyes widen as her air is cut off entirely. Her face brightens pink, then bright red, and just as it threatens to turn purple he releases and the color slowly washes from her face as she gasps several breaths. Spit connects her lips to his cock as she begins catching her breath. It does not last long and he repeats the process, a little rough and a little quicker and soon he begins pounding into her throat balls deep and she can't fight. She uses all her energy trying to keep breathing, to keep from gagging but any vomit forced up is shoved back down and she fights against his legs.

He slams into her mouth one last time, her head hitting the back of the brick wall of the building, and she feels his cock twitch and unloading down her throat. She sputters as small drops of cum collect at the corners of her mouth and her nose, covered in spit and vomit, and it takes several seconds before he's finished and finally pulling out of her mouth.

She heaves, gags, and spits on the ground and holds herself up by her hands as she leans over. She can't muster the energy to try and get away and she only hopes the man leaves her there and goes. He'd gotten what he wanted, hadn't he?

Maggie sobs, wiping away her face, and she leans back on her heels and realizes the man is still standing there. She glances up at his semi-erect cock, covered in spit and cum, dropping, and gripped in one hand with slow strokes.

“Please,” she begs, “I did what you wanted.”

“You think that was it? I said I was going to fuck you, cunt.”

“No, no! Please no more! I can't take it, please you fucked my mouth, please, please, please,” she sobs and it turns into a blubbering mess as she falls into a heap on the ground. She's speaking inaudibly at this point, trying to get him to take pity on her.

“Keep begging, bitch, it only makes me dick harder,” he says as he pumps his cock a little faster, slowly rising to full mast and eager for what was to come. “Now get up.”

“I can't, please let me go. I just want to go home.”

“I said you can go when I got what I wanted.”

“You got what you wanted!”

“Do not tell me what I got, you stupid bitch. I have only just begun. Now stand up. Do not make me tell you again.”

His words were harsh but she does not move. She's not sure she can stand at this point and she just stares at the ground, tears falling from her face.

When she doesn't stand, she's suddenly pulled up by the hair on her head and she scrambles to get her feet beneath her. He lets go of her head and grabs her arms, flinging her around and into the wall. She cries out as the breath is knocked from her and her nose starts bleeding from the impact.

He pushes her skirt up her hips and sends a free hand between her legs. She clamps her thighs together but he forces them apart with a kick of her feet. Both hands hold onto the brick wall and she glances back toward the street where it's still silent but her sobs. No one has heard her, no one has seen anything, no one is coming to her rescue.

“Not wet even a little? Oh man is this gonna suck for you,” he tells her as he rubs her cunt through the fabric of her panties. The friction causes her to twist at his grasp and she tries to close her legs but he keeps them apart. “Stop right now. I'll fuck you dry if you don't stop fighting me,”
he growls and runs along the length of her pussy. He pushes the fabric away and grabs her clit between two fingers and rolls the rub. He strokes it slowly, antagonizing her through his motions. Her body responds against her wishes and he slowly slicks his fingers back and shoves one inside her dry cunt. She cries out in pain as he thrust the one finger and she can't imagine would his dick would feel like dry. She opens her mouth to plead with him but nothing comes out and she rests against the wall in defeat.

When his finger is lubricated enough, he slides another into her and begins to pump her tight cunt. Within a few minutes, she's slick enough for his liking but she cries against the wall. One hand pushes the spot between her shoulder blades and his other retracts from her pussy and grabs her hips, pulling her away from the wall and closer to him.

“Be a good girl now, and this will be over soon,” he tells her and it sounds like a lie. The evil in his voice makes her skin crawl and she hopes, despite the way it sounds, it would be over quickly. His cock runs over the fabric of her underwear and she closes her eyes as he begins to direct himself. What little lubrication her body has created is minimal but he's able to slick his swollen head through her folds before he finds her cunt. He pushes and she resists, a mix of tightness and reluctance, but he pushes and she feels the pop as he enters her. He grunts, groans as she engulfs his large cock.

“Shit, are you tight,” he moans into her ear as his front forms to her backside. He meets resistance as he pushes and she feels like she's being torn, ripped to shreds and stretched to her limit. “Are you a virgin, baby?” he whispers into her ear and she shakes her head. “It sure feels like it,” he says, grunting as he begins his thrusts. Her body slams into the wall and she grips at the crevices for stability as he settles into a rhythm, pumping in and out of her and whispering nothing into her ear. It becomes easier over time but the burning does not subside and she cries, her body shaking with sobs as he violates her. She feels her own juices collect around him, making it easier as he pumps in and out and she's worried it's never going to in.

Everything rolls through her head and she starts to lose where she is. All she feels is his large cock tearing her apart, her body slamming into the wall as he thrusts against her. His balls slap her each time as he pushes to the hilt.

After what feels like an eternity, his movements become jerky and he shoves himself into her as far as he can go before he unloads another load of cum into her. She sobs against the brick, nothing but dry tears at this point, as his entire weight pushes her into the building. She mumbles a few pleases, pleading to just let her go, but the moment he pulls his limp cock from her pussy, his fist slams against the back of her head and she connects with the wall and everything goes black. Read 9657 times | Rated 86.7 % | (30 votes) Vote list (Close) :
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    , 3 comments »Anonymous readerReport  2015-06-09 08:05:23 Sorry but I don't like rape stories. »

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