Art is My Favorite Class

“Mom, are you sure this is a good idea?” I asked for the hundredth time.

“Yes, Pete. Living with Sarah will save you thousands of dollars in rent while you go to school. And Sarah and her mother have been family friends for years! I’ve known her mother since we were in school together, and I’ve known Sarah since she was born. It’ll be fine!” My mother assured me.

My mom was a little on the oblivious and dense side of things. Naive would be putting it gently. I’d tried to object to being put in a house with a girl I’d only seen once, years ago, but mother had waved my concerns aside.

“We’re like family.” She had assured me.

So we had set out on the long drive to the state college I was going to, on the far side of the state. I had to drive so I would have my car available, and mom would take a train and uber home.

I was entirely uncomfortable with the whole arrangement, but without my scholarships and grants we could never afford for me to go to college anyway and I’d heard horror stories about school loans. I was planning on getting a student job to be able to pay for books and such, but finances were a serious concern. So while my mother was right and this was the best I was likely to get… I didn’t like it.

We pulled up to the normal looking two story house with a two car garage that matched the address my mom had given me. The yard was well maintained and the white door matched the siding well.

“Well, let’s go knock and let her know we’re here. You two haven’t seen each other in years.” My mom giggled excitedly.

I sighed. The Sarah I remembered had been nine when I was six. She was a black haired skinny brat. She wasn’t fun or even smart. At least she hadn’t been back then. I sighed as my mom ran up to the door, almost giddy, and knocked.

The door opened and there was a woman who must have been Sarah. We weren’t friends on social media or anything, and I probably wouldn’t have wanted it twelve years ago, but now… damn. The scrawny black haired young girl I had known was nowhere to be seen. Instead, a tall, fit, and curvy woman, with C-cup breasts, a slim waist and while her hips weren’t huge they were big enough that my cock immediately tried to pitch a tent. Even worse, probably to help with carrying in boxes, she was dressed in skin-tight yoga pants and a sports top, leaving her toned stomach bare as well as her shoulders and a fair amount of cleavage. I tried very hard not to stare when I realized her yoga pants were even pulled up unto her camel toe.

“It’s so good to see you guys!” Sarah declared. “Let me show you your room, Pete, and we can get you unloaded.” There were several rooms upstairs and interestingly, the Master Suite was being used as a gym. To my horror, my room was connected to the room that Sarah was in by a bathroom we’d share.

We went down to the car and Sarah immediately stretched up to start getting the things out of the storage unit on top of my car. This pulled the yoga pants tight into her buttcrack. I quickly grabbed a box and started unloading.

All too quickly we were done. Then we all piled in my car for the short drive to the train station, and all too soon, my mom was waving out the window as the train pulled away.

I slid into the driver’s seat and Sarah took shotgun. She slid the seat back, leaned it back, and sat cross-legged, her camel toe easily visible.

“This is exciting!” Sarah declared, “When do your classes start?”

“Uhhhhh… I have a week until classes start.” I told her, tearing my eyes away from her crotch and starting the drive back to my new home.

“A whole week! Do you have any plans or are we taking things one day at a time?” She asked stretching, seemingly oblivious to how that made her breasts push forward enticingly.

“N-n-no plans.” I stuttered, turning onto the state road that would bring us to the residential area her house was in.

“Cool, I’ll see if I can find some fun stuff for us to do. What are you taking classes for?” She asked.

“Computer science.” I told her.

“Is that like building computers? Sciencing out how they work… I never went to college. They had some tests I would have had to take.. the acting test and the sitting test, or something.” Sarah continued.

“You mean there A.C.T. and the S.A.T.?” I asked.

“Yeah, the acting tests and the sitting test. I know how to spell.” She affirmed.

Oh lord, she was as dumb as I’d remembered.

“Yeah, okay. And no, I’m not building computers, I’ll be learning programming and web development.” I informed her.

“Web… like a spider?” She asked, confused.

“No, the web… like the internet.” I corrected her.

“Ohhhh….” Sarah trailed off.

“So… how’d you’d end up with a house at 22 years old?” I asked.

“Well, when I was a baby my parents got me in a bunch of commercials for diapers and baby clothes.” She explained. “Mom and Dad had an argument about what to do with the money to help me when I got older. Dad wanted to put it in a… money investing thing… I don’t get it. Mom wanted to buy something called stocks. They ended up agreeing to split it. So dad put half in his financial thing, and mom invested mine. She really liked this thing called ‘Amazon’ and put everything in it. Then when I turned twenty-one, they gave me my money back. I don’t understand Dad’s money thing, and the guy they have trying to explain it to me is just too confusing. He says I should let it grow and retire with it, and I just can’t with that so I ignore it. But I didn’t like Jeff Bezos having me money to spend on rockets to space so I took my money from him and Mom thought it would be smart to buy a house, so I did.”

Holy fuck. Her mother had invested in Amazon, like, twenty years ago? Lucky bitch.

“So how much money did you get back?” I asked.

“It was a lot. Mom said the President took a lot in taxes, which made me so mad, but it’s a lot of numbers.” She explained.

We got home and Sarah had me pull into the driveway. She ran in and came back with a garage door opener and gave it to me so I could park in the garage.

“Next we need to get you a key.” She informed me. Then she giggled, “I’m excited, I didn’t have any brothers or sisters growing up, so I’ve never lived with someone my age. It’s such excite.”

I almost sighed out loud. She sounded like an early teenage girl. I was conflicted because she was hot, but I could almost feel the brain cells dying.

“So, do you have a boyfriend?” I asked as she rummaged through drawers for her extra keys.

“No. I kissed a boy once and it didn’t feel special or anything, and boyfriends and stuff always made my friends cranky and unhappy so I decided I just wouldn’t.” She replied.

“Oh, a girlfriend then?” I asked.

“A girlfriend? Oh! You mean like same-sex dating? No. Tried kissing a girl once too, that just felt weird.” She retorted.

“So, you just don’t date?” I verified.

“Yeah, just a hassle I don’t need. I wouldn’t know what to do with a boyfriend if I had one. I know people say you just watch movies and get cold, but I don’t get that either. Ah! Here’s your key.” She celebrated ecstatically.

I took the key, trying to ignore that she didn’t even get the “movies and chill” thing.

“So you like, don’t care about sex?” I asked, struggling to believe what I was hearing.

She shrugged, “Never tried it, but it seems overhyped.”

As a virgin myself, I was shook. How could she not care about sex? With a body like hers, she was built to fuck. What a waste.

“Well, I worked up a sweat helping you unpack. I’m gonna take a shower.” She told me and headed up to the bathroom shared by our rooms.

Now, normally, I was very respectful towards women. Might be why I was still a virgin. I don’t get why women like to be treated like trash, but all the asshole dudes who treated women like shit got laid and I didn’t. Maybe that combined with staring at Sarah’s camel toe and the conversation making me incredibly horny, I couldn’t resist.

I snuck up to my new room and waited to hear Sarah get in the shower. I cracked the door. Oh, fuck. The clear glass of the wall of the shower hid nothing. She was standing with her back to the showerhead, letting the water run through her hair, which meant her full, firm tits were fully exposed to my view. They held themselves high as though gravity were merely a suggestion for her melons. Her nipples were made firm by the cold air of the shower as the hot water ran down her back. Her patch of black, untrimmed pubic hair covered her crotch relenting just enough to let me see the top of the crease of her pussy.

While the sight might have remained forever in my memory, I had options. I whipped out my phone and started snapping pictures as she smoothed her hair, and ran her hands all over her body. I kept the door open only a crack and was taking pictures with my phone from my room so if she looked over everything would look normal, unless she noticed the door was cracked. When she bent down to wash her legs, I thought I’d jizz my pants as her ass was fully exposed and her pussy was pointed directly at my camera, begging to be photographed.

I lost track of time, taking at least sixty photos of her naked body as she obviously washed herself. Only when she was finishing, did I realize the danger and quickly close my door.

I hopped on my bed and pulled up facebook, hoping to seem innocent if she checked on me. I tried to pull up a video I could pretend to be halfway through as an excuse. That was when I discovered the internet was fucking slow. It didn’t matter, I got two videos watched before the door to the bathroom opened.

“I thought I heard your door close, did you need something?” Sarah asked, stepping out wearing nothing but a wrapped towel around her body.

I tried not to gape. Her towel barely stretched from halfway down her tits to barely past her ass. Her long, lithe legs drew my eyes up to where if the towel was maybe two inches shorter her pussy would be bare for me to look at. I swallowed. I needed to come up with an excuse.

“Um, I saw something I thought was a stain in the carpet and I forgot you were showering… it’s no big deal… I’m not even sure it’s a stain.” I told her.

“Oh no!” She gasped, “Where is the stain!?”

I pointed at the carpet in the far corner of the room.

Sarah walked over and BENT OVER at the waist, holding her towel at the top as though it did anything as she tried to find my imaginary stain.

Her ass and pussy were fully exposed to me. I switched to my camera app so fast and snapped several photos as she inspected the carpet.

“I don’t sec-Oh for Christ’s sake!” Sarah declared as the towel slipped off, leaving her naked.

I snapped several more pictures as she scrambled to cover up.

“I’m so sorry. That was kinda embarrassing.” She admitted, finally getting the towel to cover her again.

“It’s okay. I just hid behind my phone so I didn’t see anything.” I lied.

“Ah, thanks!” Sarah sighed. “That makes me feel better. I’m kinda self conscious about my body. Being so tall makes my body proportions just so wrong for fashion.”

I swallowed again, “Nah, you look great. You could totally be a model.”

She smiled, “Sweet of you to say that, but I’ve never heard of a six-foot girl model.”

I shrugged. “If I ever needed a model I’d use you.”

She laughed, “If you ever need a model, I’ll do it. Whatever it is.” And she headed to her room to get dressed.

My mind started to race. Fuck. Getting her to pose… wearing whatever I wanted… or didn’t want her wearing… fuck. I needed to make this happen.

It was only about an hour later that Sarah asked if I wanted to try her favorite restaurant for dinner. I said I didn’t have money for eating out and she waved that away.

“You have got to try this place, I’ll pay.” She told me.

I’d spent the last half-hour figuring out how I could get her to model for me. I had an idea. Maybe it would work, but I’d only know later.

We drove to this restaurant Sarah wanted to show me. It was a family owned Japanese place, I couldn’t tell if it was a traditional noodle shop or a steak and sushi restaurant. It smelled amazing though. I loved Japanese food.

Sarah looked great in the jean shorts and t-shirt she was wearing, the Jean’s barely coming down her thighs, basically only covering her ass. Her t-shirt left a tantalizing strip of tummy, and her v-neck left enough cleavage showing that I had no complaints.

We sat down and I realized it was a hybrid menu. They served a wide variety of Japanese foods including traditional udon, soba, and ramen dishes as well as a variety of steak, chicken and pork dishes, with a separate menu for sushi.

“Wow! This place seems great!” I proclaimed.

The food was as good as it looked.

“So… anything you are excited or nervous about… with school starting up next week? I never went to college and I admit, I’m curious.” Sarah asked between bites of her sushi.

I carefully slurped my noodles, then swallowed. “Yeah, most of my classes seem pretty strict, based on the online syllabi. The one that actually scares me is my Art class.”

Sarah seemed confused. “Art? You said you were doing computer… things… Why would you need an art class?”

I took a bite of sushi, and when I finished it I replied.

“Well, you see. I want to keep my options open, so I have to take a couple of art classes in case I decide to go into animation or computer generated images.” I explained.

She gave me a blank stare. I wouldn’t believe it either.

“Cool. So why is it scary?” She asked.

Wait… she bought it?

“Well, you see there is a heavy emphasis on art of the human body… anatomically correct… for game characters and such.” I explained.

She nodded blankly.

“… so I’d need a model willing to do photo shoots that show their district anatomical parts in order to give me references.” I explained.

“Cool!… Wait, did you say you’d actually need a model?” She asked, incredulously.

I nodded.

“No…WAY!” She gasped, forgetting about the food. “Is this why you said you’d use me as a model earlier?”

“Kinda. I didn’t think you’d be down for this kind of photoshoot though.” I told her.

She shook her head. “No idea what you mean. But if it means modeling for you, I’m down. I told you I would.”

I was speechless.

“…you sure… it might be embarrassing…” I warned.

“To hell with that. I’m gonna be a model.” She declared proudly.

I took another bite, giving me a moment to think. I knew she wouldn’t realize “showing her distinct anatomical parts” meant nude. If I was going to get her to actually agree to do it once she realized what it was, I’d have to get her to over commit.

“I mean, it would mean the world to me. Most models doing anatomical work are expensive. I couldn’t afford to pay you.” I cautioned.

“Pft! I don’t need money. I’d be happy to do it for you.” Sarah assured me.

“Now, I know you wouldn’t do the erotic anatomical shoots, so I’ll have to-” I started.

“No! I’ll be your model!” Sarah insisted.

“That’s so nice of you!” I thanked her. “It’s important I know you aren’t gonna back out on me, cause if you did late in the semester, I wouldn’t have time to find another model. I know! We could do some practice modeling shoots to make sure you are okay with the shots. Cause if you want to back out-”

“Stop trying to tell me I won’t want to do it!” Sarah pouted.

“I’ve got an idea.” I suggested. “The professors have posted the syllabi for my classes I’ll have to take, so we could start taking practice photoshoots. Have you done photoshoots before?”

Sarah flipped her hair. “I’ve been doing photoshoots since I was a kid. You will find I can do it just fine.”

“So, do you need me to explain the terms?” I asked.

Sarah was clearly nervous, but plowed ahead, “No, I’m a professional. I bought the house we’re living in with modeling money. I’m good.”

I almost laughed at her assertion. She had told me the last time she modeled was for children’s clothes at like age 4. So while technically correct, she’d already told me enough I knew her statement was bullshit.

“Sweet! And I know models want their work to be for something, so I had a thought. There are sites that let you upload your photos and you get paid based on the number of views. Would-” I started again.

“I don’t care about that. You can do whatever, I just want to be a model again.” Sarah declared.

I was so excited. As committed as she was, I had no idea how far I could push things.

“Then would you like to do your first shoot… tonight?” I asked.

Sarah lit up.

“Heck yeah! I’ll need a new outfit!” She proclaimed.

“Sure! Let’s finish eating, then we can swing by the mall and get you some new things. I’ll help you make sure they are appropriate for this kind of shoot. Do you want to just do a shoot displaying your anatomy tonight or do you want it to be erotic and anatomical?” I agreed.

Sarah hesitated, “Would that change the outfit we buy?”

“No, just what we do in the photoshoot.” I assured her.

“Then I’ll decide later.” She decided.

I was so glad that due to world events, social distancing was in place, spreading everyone out so they wouldn’t overhear our conversation. The wait staff was staying away until called over to avoid breaking social distancing. It seemed like as soon as your surgical mask came off, you had your own zone of peace as everyone backed as far away as possible, like everyone had the plague. So our entire conversation, as crazy as it was, was completely private.

We finished our food then Sarah literally bounced all the way to the mall, making her tits jiggle the entire way. God, I wanted to squeeze those tits so bad.

We stepped in and a quick look around I found a nice looking boutique. It had sexy clothing and lingerie as well as other sex supplies. Sarah hesitated but was so excited about the photoshoot she ignored the gut feeling she doubtless had and we walked in together. The cashier looked up from behind the plexiglass safety barrier and waved us in. The rest of the store was empty and I could easily get everything I wanted for Sarah out of earshot.

“Let’s start with panties.” I told her.

“Why would we need new panties?” Sarah questioned nervously.

“You said you’ve done lots of modeling before, right?” I asked. To which Sarah went “pft” and dismissed it. “So you know what a photoshoot for female anatomical details will require, right?”

“Of course…” Sarah pretended nervously.

“Then you should know why.” I told her.

“Oh… er… right, of course… which ones do you think will be best…?” She asked, looking at the wall of lacy, barely-there thongs, g-strings and other sexy panties.

She clearly was apprehensive.

I picked out a black stringy g-string, the crotch triangle would barely cover her pussy and the rest was just a set of strings, and a micro-bikini style bra that had tiny triangles designed to cover her nipples and then nothing but thin silky strings to hold them up.

Sarah held the tiny triangles up to her boobs, chewing her lip disapprovingly, “Um, shouldn’t a bra be more… Well, everything… than this? This wouldn’t support my boobs at all…”

I smiled, “That’s why we came here though, the stuff here isn’t designed for everyday wear. It’s designed to be worn for a short event, then removed. It’ll be perfect for this.”

Removed so I can fuck you. I thought to myself. I hid a grin and reminded myself that right now all she had agreed to was modeling, and she clearly didn’t realize she was volunteering to model nude. She could back out and I’d be stuck jacking off to her nudes in my room. Don’t get ahead of yourself.

She picked the g-string up, again judging, “And this is the same?”

I nodded enthusiastically, “It sure is.”

She held it up to her crotch and grimaced, but said nothing and we went on.

Next I got her a neat little black skirt that would be easy to take off her and easily get her flashing these barely there panties. Sarah just saw a skirt that came just past her butt, but since it was long enough her ass wasn’t showing she was okay with it. We got her fishnets, and Sarah assured me she had plenty of heels.

“Even ones like these?” I verified, holding up 4 inch stripper heels.

“I have ones just like those.” Sarah assures me.

Then we finished off the ensemble with a button-up shirt, thin enough that her bra would show through and it was designed to only button up to the bust, the rest was decorative.

“Oh good,” Sarah breathed, “I like button-up blouses, you can pick how many buttons you have undone based on how warm it is.”

I’d have to set the heat to 100 degrees then for the photoshoot. I thought.

For a last touch, just in case I had her grab a nice tube of silicone based lube.

“Personal lubricant?” Sarah read confused, “Why would I need that?”

I just looked at her again with my false earnestness, “You said you’d done this type of photoshoot before, did you not use lube then?”

“Of course we did.” Sarah lied with a laugh, putting the lube in her basket with her ‘fuck me’ outfit.

“Have…” Sarah questioned cautiously, “You have done one of these photoshoots before, right?”

“Of course. I took a photography course in high school and we did dozens of these.” I lied to assure her.

She didn’t seem comforted.

“You are the prettiest model I’ve had for one of these though. These pictures are gonna turn out amazing.” I informed her.

The stroke to her ego seemed to get her over her trepidation and she hummed happily on the way home.

Once we got there I told her to go get changed and I cleared some space in the master bedroom turned gym. She even had a backdrop, using a sheet, probably for making social media videos. I got a nice clear space with the backdrop in time to hear the clink of footsteps behind me.

I almost jizzed myself.

Sarah was wearing 4 or 5 inch stiletto heels, and was the definition of sex in heels. The skirt barely covered her hips and her tits were trying their hardest to pop out of her half-buttoned top.

“Is this how this is supposed to look?” Sarah doubted, looking over herself.

“You look perfect.” I assured her, “The perfect model for these photos.”

She was happy about the complement, but was still concerned.

“Now, you’ve done anatomical photoshoots before, so let’s just get into it.” I told her.

At first she questioned that as her photographer, I was just using my phone.

“Modern smartphones like this have cameras that rival professional cameras.” I assured her.

She was satisfied after she saw the quality of the first few photos. I started off having her pose in sexual, but innocent poses. She didn’t seem to see any ulterior motives yet. Then I crossed the line.

“Now, turn around and lift your skirt.” I told her.

“What?!” She gasped.

“It is an anatomical photoshoot. We’ll be showing off your anatomy, including your butt.” I told her.

“Ah, um, right… I… I knew that.” She lied hoarsely.

“You aren’t going to back out on me, are you? I was worried you wouldn’t be willing to do them.” I lamented overly dramatically.

“I…I didn’t say that. I just… forgot that about ana…these shoots. Here.” She hurried to assure me, though her face said she was very worried. And with that she turned her butt toward me and lifted her skirt up, displaying that tight ass, only hidden by a thin, black, silky string. I took several photos, having her display her ass for me.

I noticed a strange musky smell, but dismissed it. It was somewhere between ocean brine and fish, but that wasn’t quite right. I resolved to figure it out later.

“Now, lay down, lift your skirt and spread your legs.” I instructed.

Sarah hesitated, then did so. Her g-string was wedged into her pussy, the folds of her pussy lips visible around the edges of the black triangle. It was then that I noticed the triangle of fabric on her pussy was soaked. A quick sniff as I “took a close up” verified the musky smell was her pussy. I’d heard that girls’ vaginas get wet when they were aroused, but I’d never witnessed it like this. Sarah clearly didn’t know what was going on, but her pussy did. I had her continue to flaunt and display her barely covered womanhood until she’d soaked through her g-string and there was pussy juice dripping down her inner thigh.

I was getting more and more brazen. I told her to stand up, and undo a button on her blouse. She hesitated again, then complied, her tits forming a glorious cleavage. I directed her to pose as she slowly undid her buttons, having her lower her chin and look up through her lashes as her bra and tits fully became exposed. The tiny triangles that covered her nipples, was all that kept her tits from view at this point. Finally, her shirt fully came off, to some trepidation from Sarah. The fabric of her bra, if you could call it that, didn’t do a thing to hide her erect nipples.

Sarah had to take a deep breath before plowing on. I then repeated a lot of the panty flashing antics with her turned slightly on the top so her tits were in the photo. Within the few minutes of these photos, drips of her aroused fluids started marking the floor around her. Sarah kept trying to wipe at the drips of her vaginal fluids on her thighs.

“Sorry, I never sweat like this.” Sarah assured me.

Then I had her undo the zipper and drop her skirt.

Maybe it was the fact that she’d already taken off her shirt, or that she had committed to this, but she didn’t seem as hesitant when she dropped her skirt. Now she was standing before me, posing in the barest of undergarments. Posing as I directed, groping her tits and squeezing her ass, I could see the flush of arousal rising in her face.

I’d read about all this online and seen my fair share of porn, but the real deal was a million times better.

“Are you sure this is how these photo sessions go?” Sarah asked, tweaking her nipples through her poor excuse of a bra as my phone made camera shutter noises.

“Yes, they are designed to show off all the elements of your anatomy.” I informed her.

She was clearly nervous, but seemed to accept that.

“Now, bend over and let’s pull the ties at the side of your panties.” I instructed. “Unless you want to pull out of the photoshoot…”

Sarah gulped then did as directed, pulling gently on the strings tying her panties on.

“Now pull the knots out.” I instructed.

“But then.. ” She whined.

“Your anatomy will be showing.” I told her.

Sarah’s eyes widened. I figured she realized that “anatomy photoshoot” meant nude. This was the moment. Would she do it and go nude, or would she tuck tail and run? I was so horny, I prayed she would strip off those panties, but I also prayed she’d do it because I was gambling with my college education here.

If she realized how badly I was taking advantage of her, the least I could expect was getting kicked out of the house. With the way the housing market was right now, I’d never afford housing and I’d have to drop out of college. I knew it was incredibly dumb to risk it all just to get her to drop her panties for pictures, but the head between my legs was calling the shots.

Sarah continued to hesitate.

“Is my model uncomfortable?” I asked, trying to sound professional. “You did know this was coming when you agreed, right? You’re a professional, after all.”

That did it. Sarah straightened her back, despite being bent over almost nude, and she tugged the strings, untying her panties. The camera on my phone made a flurry of shutter noises as the side strings of her g-string fell away. The string and her legs obscured her pussy, and her nerves had her ass clamped around the string, hiding her asshole, but it just was still sexy.

The camera shutter sound had a double purpose. First, it made Sarah feel more like a real model. Secondly, it made it so, as long as I turned off the sound, Sarah wouldn’t realize I was taking pictures of her as long as she didn’t hear the sound.

“Doing great. Now, can you drop the garment?… Perfect, now twist your upper body to look back at me… Great, now reach back and I need you to pull each half of your bottom apart so we can get a good anatomical shot… Wonderful. Now, let’s give a little bite on your lower lip… Amazing.” I instructed.

Sarah’s pussy and asshole were gorgeous. Her pussy was working overtime, pumping those aroused fluids out. The light glistened off a naturally lubed pussy, begging to be fucked, and a nearly as wet asshole. I badly wanted to drop my pants and stick my dick in Sarah. Hell, I’d always thought men who obsessed over anal sex were weird (why fuck an asshole when a perfectly good pussy was right there?), but now, seeing Sarah’s wet, tight, virgin asshole, I finally was starting to figure it out.

Oh God. My cock was begging for release, but I was already pushing things with Sarah. Unless she volunteered…

“So, how are we feeling? Are we feeling like we want to go with erotic anatomy shots, or just anatomy shots?” I half-begged.

Sarah glanced around. There was no one to hear or intervene, it was her house she had welcomed me into, and she had volunteered for this. I had even given her so many chances to get out, and she had rejected them.

“Uh…” Sarah floundered, still holding her ass open to my view.

Sarah had backed herself into a corner. She couldn’t ask what the difference between erotic anatomy shots and normal anatomy shots was. She’d claimed to be professional and to have done these shoots before. That was clear bullshit or she’d know this was straight up porn shots, not scientific or artistic nude shots. She was in a conundrum.

As for me, I was praying she said erotic. As far as I was concerned, that would be permission to fuck her and take pictures while I did it. My cock was begging to be unleashed on her pussy, but the head on my shoulders was enough in control that she’d have to give me permission first.

“Um… let’s stick with anatomy shots.” She decided.

My cock ached, but I wasn’t going to force her. I had plenty of jack-off materials for later.

“Okay, so let’s move you on your back and spread your legs again.” I directed.

It was really amusing watching Sarah’s embarrassed and apprehensive face get covered by a model smile for the pictures then return to her unsure face.

“Um, could you grab a towel, my crotch is really sweaty right now, and I don’t want it to ruin the shots.” Sarah begged.

I quickly grabbed one of the small, without towels and unable to hello myself, took the liberty of drying off her inner thighs and crotch myself, managing a tiny grope of her pussy. The towel interfered with feeling what I was sure was a velvety pussy, but I felt the contours and folds.

Sarah couldn’t stop herself from moaning as I attempted to disguise my groping of her pussy as ‘drying her off’, and immediately she clamped a hand on her mouth in horror.

“It’s okay, it happened in these shoots. You can vocalize when things feel good.” I assured her.

Sarah blushed, “Can we just finish the photoshoot?”

I’d read about how a virgin’s hymen could be visible if she spread her pussy, so I had Sarah spread her pussy for me. Sure enough, there was a thin membrane just inside her opening. It was so sexy, staring at the evidence of her virginity.

“What is the point of these pictures?” Sarah asked, her pussy still stretched open to show off her hymen.

“Let me show you.” I said, showing her my phone, “That is called your hymen. It is the evidence of your virginity. These pictures are invaluable for depicting female characters.”

Sarah laughed nervously, “Oh, yeah. Of course, I knew that.” Her tone said she had no idea what was going on.

“I mean, the most valuable thing we could do is get a solid video of your defloration. But you probably aren’t-” I started.

Sarah snorted, interrupting me. “It can’t be more embarrassing than this.”

“Okay. Well, to make it a true anatomy photoshoot, there is one thing left. Let’s get the bra off. Let’s start with untying the back.” I instructed.

Sarah sighed, then obeyed and within moments I had pictures of her stripping completely and she was fully nude. My cock ached for relief, especially having her lay back with her legs spread, one hand spreading her pussy and the other massaging her tit.

Sarah’s pussy was doing its best to re-wet her crotch and inner thighs, but she glanced at the towel and shivered. She seemed determined to not moan while being dried again. That meant enduring soaked inner thighs for the rest of the shoot.

Finally I ran out of new things to make her do. With great remorse, I called it.

“That was great! You were an amazing model. I’ll have to sort through these and get them in my portfolio.” I told her.

“So… we’re done?” She questioned hesitantly.

“Yes. We’ll do another tomorrow, and we can do erotic photos too and do your defloration video. Sound good?” I replied.

“Yep. Sure. Sounds great.” She hastily replied, then she grabbed her clothes and ran to her room.

I watched her ass run down the hall, then once she was gone I hightailed it into my room and was fapping to all the images of her spread pussy, ass and her tits. I blew three loads into tissues within fifteen minutes. The smell of her aroused pussy hung in the air making each ejaculation powerful enough to make me see stars. God, Sarah was so sexy.

I then uploaded them to my laptop and went looking. A quick internet search showed me a few good options and I quickly set up a profile on one of the more highly recommended websites. It let me put black boxes on the photos and people could pay to remove the boxes to see the glory underneath. Sarah had said she didn’t care what I did with the pictures and damn, these were worth money. I did crop the photos to make sure her face was out of them, the last thing I needed was her dad finding nudes of her on a late night porn run. I didn’t know if he looked at porn or not, but better not to risk it.

Luckily, Sarah didn’t really have any distinguishing birthmarks, moles, or other spots. I couldn’t even find any scars in any of the photos, and she didn’t have any tattoos. Unless you already knew it was her, there was no way of knowing it was Sarah. The first two photos took me a while, getting used to the editing process and setting my pay-blocks up. After that they started to go quicker and within an hour I had posted the first ten photos of Sarah to my account.

I leaned back. This could be great. I had a gorgeous roommate and ‘model’ that I might be getting to see naked, a lot. And I was getting to take pictures of her and get paid for them! I’d have to see how many people were willing to pay for the photos. As I understood it, to prevent people from just clicking and downloading them, the photos were layered into the html and overlaid so if you tried you’d just get the squares that you had to pay to remove or the blank layer where those blocks would be.

I was pretty happy with myself. And based on how wet Sarah had gotten, she’d liked it too, though as dumb as she was, she might not have figured out what was happening.

Then there was a knock on the door.

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