Aunt Margot & I

An adult stories – Aunt Margot & I by ACelt,ACelt Travelling south on the TGV from Paris to Marseilles, I recalled what my mother asked of me. Of which I had reluctantly agreed to…

“You’ll have a blast, what young man would not want to stay in the south of France for the month of August? My mother stated.

“Sure, I get what you’re saying, but I will be staying with your sister — my aunt! Where’s the fun in that?” I argued.

And so it went on. I tried to explain to mother that all I was interested in was staying here in London and hanging out with friends and maybe getting a part time job if needed.

But Mother had different ideas for me… Her sister had recently divorced her elderly husband and had been awarded the estate of which they had lived on for the last 10 years. So, because of this and her being on her own she had asked my mother if I would like a free holiday, all expenses paid including travel, accommodation, spending money and expenses. Only downside for me would be that I had to work for it. Which meant gardening duties, pool maintenance and any other help as and when required.

My mother insisted that it would be good for me, good for Aunt Margot, but most of all, would be a great opportunity to practice my French.

I agreed with her there… my French had been tailing off somewhat. From what used to be at a very good level was now just basic or at best, a ‘get by’ level.

So, with that in mind and the promise of “plenty of pretty French girls in the region” I decided to go for it. Looking at it with positive vibes, I thought of the beautiful village where my aunt stayed and its close proximity to the beach. The freedom I’d get to explore the area and I had to admit, to be able to work on my French.

Arriving at Marseilles, I stepped out into the blistering mid-afternoon heat. It had been a while since I had felt heat like it, even staying in London when it was hot, there was always a breeze to go with the heat.

Dropping my bags, I rolled my sleeves up and looked around for Aunt Margot. Remembering what she looked like the last time I had seen her and from the photos I had on me of her, she would be tall and should have shoulder length light brown hair… and probably looking quite glamorous.

The last time I had seen her was about 3 years ago, when she visited mother and I in London. I was 18 at the time but I do remember her being something exotic like. With the foreign accent and the olive skin. She was almost the opposite of my mother in that mother was a lot paler and she had lost her French accent a long time ago. Where they both had similarities I suppose, was there breasts. Both had similar sizes, guessing C cups — I wasn’t a great judge to be honest. But I do recall back then that my aunt liked to walk around with skimpy outfits on which left little to the imagination and for some reason I had felt embarrassed with this. One morning, when it had been just the two of us, I can remember her wearing just a black silky vest top and matching knickers. The one thing that stayed in my memory was her cleavage and the way she almost exposed herself to me when bending forward. I knew then she had seen me staring and I knew she could see how red I had become. But she just smiled at me, ruffled my hair and carried on talking. It was later that I realised Aunt Margot was just more outgoing than my mother, or any woman I knew back then and she didn’t care what other people thought of her, or the way she dressed.

It was then that I seen her coming towards me.. after just shelving that memory, she was coming towards me again, only for real this time.

It was at that precise moment I fell in love for the very first time…

She looked me up and down, as I did her and probably staring too long at her legs.

“Hey you.. When you are ready mon petit!” she said, smiling sarcastically as she held her arms out to greet me using her pet name for me from 5 years ago.

“Aunt Margot… you look… wow” I really did not know what to say. I felt like a dithering idiot of a teenager.

I guess I wasn’t really sure what to expect of my aunt physically. I suppose I had it in my mind that she would not look anything like she did the last time I’d seen her. Ok, I had a Polaroid photo that mother had given to me, but even that was taken a couple of years ago. I just thought she would be a bit heavier, hair would be grey and basically looking less glamorous than I could remember.

How wrong could one be…

She looked incredible.

Her hair was swept back and held up with large sunglasses. She wore a loose fitting, white linen shirt, open to the cleavage and revealing a red bikini top. Below that, she had on a short, light blue denim skirt. Then it was her legs… gosh those legs! I could’ve stared at those all day long… from her thighs to her petite feet, which were adorned by sandals, the skin looked smooth and tanned and somewhat shiny. I guessed that was from the recently applied sun screen.

“Allez allez allez” was Aunt Margot’s way of ushering me into her Peugeot 205 convertible before she received a ticket for illegal parking!

At 45 years old, she was my mother’s older sister but definitely looked younger. I assumed it had something to do with the Mediterranean lifestyle that she lived.

We talked a lot as she sped down the autoroute, of course going above the 130 speed limit occasionally, talking about my university course, aspirations and so on.. explaining to me about work life balance and how important it was to enjoy life as well as to work hard at something you enjoy doing.

“Hard workers always benefit mon petit!” she said, as she winked at me with a cheeky smile.

That was when she brought up the subject of me working for her whilst living with her. It was basically helping her in the garden, doing manual work such as heavy lifting and pruning of trees, cutting grass and so on. Nothing too arduous in my view. Also, keeping the pool clean… this was her top priority… she stated this at least twice. Hates having any debris in the pool before getting in. Pet hate apparently!

All this talking was good for me, all the information she gave me I wanted to know so I knew what was required of me. But it also gave me the opportunity to look at her whilst she drove and chatted away. I looked at her perfect profile, the beautiful light brown eyes I could see, focused on the road or occasionally turning towards me, the slight nose and the gorgeous mouth that had the lips of a famous actress.. the name I couldn’t recall at the time. Looking down, trying to be discreet and respectful, I could see the shirt that she wore, flapping around in the wind, open to the bikini top she wore. The impressive looking cleavage with the olive skin contrasting magnificently with the scarlet red of her bikini.

But the best of all for me was further down… those amazing legs. The tanned thighs and calves that, although looking muscular, they looked so feminine at the same time. Sleek, smooth and so desirable that I wanted there and then to run my hands up and down them, just to feel the smoothness…

“Allez coquin! …are you finished looking now?” She laughed as I turned red.

Must try harder not to stare so much I thought, thinking to myself.

We reached our destination, a pretty little village above and overlooking the bay of La Ciotat. I got out the car and looked around… beautiful was my first thought, then peaceful and solitude came to mind. How could I have even considered not coming here… it was perfect… The house was on 3 levels, looking over an olive tree lined swimming pool which was adjacent to the drive, or car park I thought, as it could easily hold 10 cars at least.

It took about 30 minutes for my aunt to show me around the vast property. Everything from my bedroom, to where she keeps the cleaning products! My bedroom, thankfully, was on the ground level.. I didn’t want to sleep upstairs in such a big house.. and it was just across the hallway from her own I noted, so that I guess I wouldn’t feel completely alone at night.

It was going on 6pm so, as the French like to do, we sat ourselves down in front of the open patio doors looking out onto the pool and had aperitif. Some kind of red alcohol.. which I later found out was kir — wine mixed with a liqueur. Two of these and I could have dozed off.. If I was anywhere else, I probably would have.

But I was in the company of a beautiful French woman, my aunt, I had to remind myself a few times. We discussed a wide range of topics, from my relationship with mother, what food I liked and if I had a girlfriend back home. The latter, it turns out was because I had been stealing glances at her legs again, which of course she had noted!

I started to blush when she asked this and even more so when she asked if I was still a virgin. Trying to keep my cool, I explained I was but did have some experience with girlfriends over the years, just nothing serious.

She gave out a loud booming laugh and explained “Plenty of women in this area would love to have a young handsome Englishman as their boyfriend mon petit!”

“…now come, let us eat chéri and you can tell me all about that mother of yours and whether she has been behaving herself… hopefully not of course!” she said with a wink and a smile.

After a fantastic salad of smoked magret de canard and a bottle of red… I was ready to hit the sack. Aunt Margot noticed my yawning and led me by the hand to my bedroom.

“Here you are cheri… your room. And over there, is my room. Just to let you know so you do not get lost in the middle of the night and wander into the wrong one.

“… you have a shower room just through here and in the morning you can empty your suitcase and fill that wardrobe over there.” Pointing to a large antique wardrobe in the corner.

Thanking my aunt for her welcome and her generosity and wishing her a good nights sleep.. she surprised me by leaning in and kissing me on the cheek. At first, I thought she was about to kiss me on the lips. She had caught me off guard as I blushed… Smiling she touched my cheek and said something about lipstick on it.

“Goodnight mon petit.. oh and please, do keep your door open as it can get very warm at night in these rooms when the door is closed.”

With that, she left me on my own to get changed for bed. Looking over to my door, I could see across the hallway my aunt’s bedroom — just a little to the left, her door was wide open. I could hear her singing away in the en suite of her own bedroom.

I didn’t mind having to leave the the door open, as truth be told, I was a little nervous being here in such a large house.

After brushing my teeth, I decided I would just keep my underpants on rather than wear pyjamas that mother had packed for me. I could already feel the heat that had built up throughout the day, even though the shutters kept out the majority of the hot sun. And just as I was about to get into bed, Aunt Margot popped her head in to say we’ll be up for breakfast at 7am. I was a little embarrassed having just my pants on so quickly got under the covers. Having done so and wished her good night again, I realised my aunt was only wearing a white vest and white panties… I was sure there was no bra underneath due to the prominence of her nipples.

Having seen this, I was immediately hard, thinking of my aunt in her state of undress and her relaxed way she was in front of me.

But then I remembered, she always was like this. It was her way of life, being comfortable in herself, the way she had always been… so I guessed that won’t be changing any time soon. I smiled at this thought and drifted off to sleep.

I awoke the same way I had fallen asleep — hard as a rock! Wondering if I could get away with relieving myself now, before breakfast or whether I should wait till I was in the shower. The answer came in the shape of my aunt’s head. Peeping around the corner of my doorway.

“Allez petit man!” She called out. Breakfast was waiting for me.

Replying that I would be 2 minutes, she vanished from view and I quickly jumped out of bed and into the en suite. My erection had quickly disappeared thankfully so I could use the loo. With shorts and a t-shirt on I walked down to the kitchen lounge area where my aunt stood, facing away from me preparing coffee. I was stopped in my tracks… my mouth was open, about to say something but I didn’t or couldn’t.

I just stared. Aunt Margot was wearing the same white garments she was wearing last night when she said good night. With her back to me, I was able to run my eyes over her beautiful body — the tanned legs, her bottom which of course was partially covered by the white of her undies but it was the way they slipped inside the cheeks, leaving most of her buttocks free for my eyes to feast on that surprised me most.

Of course, not thinking straight, I had stood there too long and staring in silence.. my aunt had felt my presence and turned her head.

“Can I be of assistance petit monsieur!?” She smirked at me.

“When you are finished looking at my derrière, please can you help me by collecting cups for the coffee, oui??”

I was so embarrassed.. I hated to be caught staring. I didn’t want my aunt to think I was some 21 year old immature pervert who got horny at the first sight of female skin.

I apologised profusely and did as I was asked. But that was just the beginning… I could feel that this holiday was going to be a summer of frustration. How would I be able to cope every day if Aunt Margot was going to be walking around so under dressed all the time? I would have to find myself a girl. Either that or I’ll be spending most of my time in the bathroom taking care of needs!

If I thought the back of my aunt’s body was difficult to not look longingly at, it was even more so with the front. My assumption last night that she had not been wearing a bra was correct. Her breasts stood out perfectly, the nipples protruding beautifully. For a 45 year old woman, she could have no complaints — I could imagine women in their 30s being envious of her body.

Even though I did my best not to stare at my aunts breasts and to always look her in the eyes when talking face to face, I still found it incredibly difficult not to lower them, even just for a glimpse. She must have known what this was doing to me, I mean it was OK when I was younger… I didn’t have the same thoughts as I had now. Surely she’s aware I was a sex starved 18 year old virgin!

We sat at the table across from one another and we spoke about the days ahead and what would be required of me with regards to manual work, which would consist mostly of gardening and basic pool maintenance. This didn’t phase me in the slightest as I’d be kept busy and active and would obviously keep my mind off of, well let’s just say, certain other things.


I’d like to be able to tell you that, for the most part of my working holiday here in the south of France that I was able to keep my mind off of, at least in my mind, my flirtatious aunt. But unfortunately, that was definitely not the case…

Just a few days into my new surroundings and I was sort of getting used to the way my aunt would walk around half naked most of the time. I thought to myself:

Why shouldn’t she.. I have my top off most of the time whilst gardening and wearing just a pair of shorts. It’s her house, she can wear what she wants and good for her for being proud of her body at her age. It’s not her fault that her randy nephew can’t stop ogling her…

“Hey mister.. where are you!” My aunt called out to me. “Lets go… hurry hurry”

She was waiting impatiently for me outside. I was just putting a shirt on before we left for one of the large out of town shopping malls.

I wasn’t sure why she wanted me to come with her… clothes shopping was the last thing I had on my mind. But, I never complain.. she probably just wanted the company or help with bags, so no problem really.

I was to find out later though that it wasn’t those things she needed me for, it was for my opinion on her outfits she was trying on. It wasn’t too bad either as the shops were mostly empty for the time of day and the best thing was the air con.. so fresh I could have spent the whole afternoon there.

Whilst I thought I’d just need to stand outside the changing rooms while Aunt Margot tried her things on and she’d open the door to ask me my opinion… That wasn’t to be. No, I was in the room with her. And it wasn’t clothes she was trying on, it was bikinis!

Luckily the rooms were fairly large, giving plenty of space for two people. Large mirrors adorned the walls on two sides and two benches… one for the buyer and one for the ‘advisor?’

I don’t know why but I was nervous, or was it excitement of anticipating what was to come?

Would I get to see my aunt undress in front of me, or would she ask me to turn away while she changed?

She was chatting away about something that I can’t even recall was about, as if this situation was the most normal thing in the world… My aunt, slipping her shorts off and kicking them to the side next to her flip flops… T-shirt off next, still blabbering away. Standing there looking at me, hands on her hips saying something…

“Allo!!… s’il te plait???” She was trying to get my attention. And starting to look annoyed.

I got up and went over to her “Sorry aunt Margot, I was daydreaming there”

“Of course you were… it’s not like you haven’t seen a woman in her underwear before, right?” she asked sarcastically.

“Actually… only you” I replied.

She looked at me puzzled. “Not even my sister, your maman? You have been, how do you say, living a sheltered life cheri, now help me here…”

She turned around, her back to me I could look at her gorgeous body without being admonished for doing so. The black bra and thong she wore looked expensive, even with my lack of knowledge regarding such things. I could see the bulge of her breast to the side, beautifully cupped buy the lace of the bra. Was she going to ask me to unfasten it? With that thought, the semi I was sporting in my shorts by now had turned into a fully hard erection.

Disappointingly, she did not ask me to remove her bra, just to help fasten the bikini top over the bra. Of course, what was I thinking!

She turned around to face me, asking my opinion. She hadn’t yet tried on the bikini bottoms, just the top. ‘Beautiful’ was all I could come up with. This pleased her immensely, giving me her perfect smile and a peck on the cheek.

“Here cheri, help me with these s’il te plait” She handed me the bikini bottoms. I just looked at her like a dumb kid. She motioned me to get down on my knees so I could slip them on for her. I had no idea why at this point she would want me to do this, but I wasn’t going to refuse.

Before she changed her mind, I got down on my knees whilst she, looking in the mirror, adjusted the top half. I slipped the azure blue material over her pretty little feet, slowly of course and up past her calves. All the time my fingers were brushing ever so slightly against her wonderfully smooth skin as I pulled the material up and over her knees and up her thighs. It was at this point where my eyes were level with Aunt Margot’s panties. I was stunned to be this close — a matter of centimetres away from her lace covered pussy. There was no hint of pubic hair beneath the material and I could just about see the top part of her slit where it vanished beneath the darker part of the material. I was in heaven, I felt the urge to push my face forward and caress her with my mouth against the lace. But of course, I could not. I finished pulling her bikini up and over her panties, with my hands around her bottom lifting the material over her soft cheeks. I leaned back a little to admire my handiwork and smiled to myself.

“Are you enjoying yourself down there cheri, it certainly looks that way!” She winked at me and turned to look in the other mirror.

Looking down at myself it was easy to see why she had said what she did… my erection was pushing at the material of my shorts. I scolded myself for wearing boxers and not something a little more constrictive.

I stood, trying to adjust myself and pulling my shirt down to cover the obvious lump that was there.

“It’s OK cheri, you are 21 years old.” She said smiling “it is very nice of you to react like that in front of me, you make me feel young again” She then leaned forward and gave me the most gentlest of kisses on the lips, lingering for mere seconds.

“OK my big boy… let us go now. I think we are finished for the time being. Home time, aperitif et dejeuner followed by some serious sun worshipping by the pool. What do you say?”

I think she meant ‘was I up for it’

“No problem Aunt Margot, anything you say!” And I meant it… I would actually do anything she asked of me and I was sure she was certainly now aware of that if she wasn’t already.

Chapter 3

After sharing a bottle of rosé wine and a fine smoked salmon and tomato salad for lunch, Aunt Margot headed off to her bedroom to try on one of her new bikinis for an afternoon by the pool.

This gave me a little time to gather my thoughts and reflect on the moment we had together in the changing rooms earlier. I was wracking my brain as to why she had asked me to help her change and not just to give my opinion on her choice of clothing.

Was she teasing me? Was she attracted to me? Or was she just being Aunt Margot.. not thinking of the consequences, not caring about what other people thought? Maybe she genuinely wanted me to help, to alleviate any boredom I may have had… though believe me, that was never going to happen in the company of my aunt!

Outside, it must have been at least 34 degrees. Too hot to be out in the afternoon sun I thought as I swept the pool for debris, making it clear for my aunt to swim in. ‘Clean pool every day’ This had been reiterated to me every morning since my arrival so was now ingrained in my memory.

I gathered the last remaining dried up olive leaves from the clear water and flung them to the side.

“Hey petit garçon!” I could hear my aunts voice calling me from the patio area. Never by my name for whatever reason and never questioning why, as this did not matter to me in the slightest.

I turned my head eventually to where she stood. And in a brief moment, wished I hadn’t — Aunt Margot was now standing just a few feet away from me, wearing one of her new outfits she purchased earlier. This one I had not seen. A white bikini top attached by a gold chain at the cleavage and matching bottoms with a similar chain keeping the material together at the sides.

Good God! I thought to myself. For some reason, I recalled when my mother had first suggested my coming here and me protesting… I had to call her and thank her again, even though I could never tell her the reason for my gratitude was because of her sister!

Aunt Margot took me by the hand and led me down to the patio area where she had cushioned seating arranged over a type of rattan furniture of which incidently, was extremely comfortable for sitting on. This was shaded by olive trees at either side, just giving in to the odd slithers of sun from time to time through their slim leaves.

She was explaining to me how she was just done filing and polishing her nails and if I wouldn’t mind pouring her a Martini but with plenty of ice, as it was still a little early in the afternoon for her.

All I could do was nod in a juvenile and overenthusiastic way “Not a problem Aunt Margot, is there anything else I can do for you?”

She laughed “You need to calm a little mon petit. I think the sun has got to you… What is it you English say again. Ah yes ‘only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun’ Very true this!”

“Get yourself a glass while you are at it and come sit by me” she called out as I left. “Oh… and can you bring the sunscreen with you mon doudou. Merci!

I had no idea what she meant by ‘doudou’ …that one I hadn’t heard before. But I didn’t care. All I wanted now was to sit down and relax by the side of my Aunt Margot.. and listen to the beautifully spoken English that only her voice could give it.

Sitting next to her on a 2 or 3 seater sofa, sipping our drinks, I looked at her as she sifted through some papers she had to read. We were both sitting facing each other but not directly… each had a leg tucked under the other with an arm resting over the back. She was muttering something in French… probably something to do with her ex-husband the way she was cursing and motioning with her hands.

I stared at her. Properly stared at her, I took in every inch of her face, her hair, her body and those legs. I felt sorry for the man who had divorced her but thanked him at the same time, as I would probably not be here if it was not for him.

“OUI…Qu’est-ce que c’est?” Aunt Margot glared at me.

“Why is it you look at me like you do?” She was obviously annoyed with the papers she was reading so I did not reply straight away, hoping she would calm down. Instead I looked away and picked up my glass and took a sip of the Martini.

“I am so sorry Aunt Margot, I didn’t mean to stare at you like that. I was just thinking how happy and content I was to be here with you and to be enjoying the company of someone other than mother or my friends for a change.”

Sometimes I had the habit of saying the right thing at the right time and right now was one of those times.

Aunt Margot’s eyes opened wider, mouth opened in surprise and held her arms out to me to come to her… I didn’t hesitate. I moved to her space, legs now touching as she held me in her arms in a loving embrace. A proper aunt / nephew cuddle. Well it probably was to her in any case, but for me it was more than that. I had my arms around her, feeling her breasts pressing against my chest, my head on her shoulder and my face in her freshly washed hair, taking in the scent.

I was truly in love at this point. Nothing else mattered.

“Oh mon cheri…” She held my face in her hands and looked me in the eyes. More than just a look but I couldn’t say what. Then she kissed me on the forehead and ever so gently on the cheek “I have a little job for you mon petit coeur… allez, come with me” Standing up and handing me the bottle of sunscreen I had brought earlier, she literally dragged me down to the sun loungers by the pool.

“I really dislike the feel of sunscreen oil in my hands, would you care to do this for me mon petit? Then I can feel the heat of the sun on my body before feeling the freshness of the water.”

She sat herself down on a small rattan seat, one that she normally used as a table for drinks.

I just looked down at her as if I was in a daze and nodded.

“Very well, please continue”

I stood in front of Aunt Margot with the bottle of oil in my hands, heart beating loudly and not knowing where to begin, as she wasn’t giving me any directions. So, plucking up the courage, I took a pillow from a nearby lounger and got down down on my knees and proceeded to pour a little oil into my hands and started to apply some to the tops of her feet and around her ankles.

It didn’t escape my attention, or I’m sure Aunt Margot’s, that the last time I was in this position I was helping her change into her bikini. So this was not the first time I was able to touch her skin and be so close once again to the bikini covered mound of my aunt. But, on this occasion I would be able to take my time and properly feel her soft skin in my hands.

As I was applying the oil to her right calf, Aunt Margot, leaning back a little on her hands, lifted her leg, moving it around a little, then she placed her foot on my left thigh. I looked up for the first time since being in this position and my what a view…

The way my aunt’s bikini clung to her pussy was mesmerising, I could hardly contain my excitement, knowing she wanted her whole body to be covered in sunscreen oil.

But how far could my fingers stray, or be allowed to stray, I wondered.

Just as I started to apply the oil above the knees, now using both hands on each leg, she shuffled forward a little on the stool and opened her legs wider. I dared not look up in case my aunt was to see my lust filled eyes. Instead, I stared straight ahead at the beautiful sight in front of me.

She gave out a sigh and complimented my strong hands on her thighs. I was sure her breathing had gotten a little heavier now. Or was it my own!? I couldn’t be sure…

I looked at the bikini in front of me, just inches from my face. I could see the lines of her pussy as the fabric appeared to grip her cunt. She was pushing forward now as if to invite me closer. My hands running down the outside of her thighs and moving into the inside, I was getting delirious with excitement as my fingertips touched ever so slightly the material of her bikini as my hands ran down again, smothering her inside thighs with oil.

At this point I looked up. I wanted to take more of this moment in, as it may never happen again. I looked at my aunts face, her eyes were closed and her mouth was slightly apart. Beads of sweat had gathered on her chest as I watched one travelling down the cleavage between her breasts.

While I was taking in the sight of my gorgeous aunt, my hands had now travelled up to her stomach. Both hands on her sides, giving her a generous cover of oil on her sides and around her back. This allowed me to get even closer to her body as my hands wrapped around her.

“Attente,,” she said. “You are doing a wonderful massage with the oil mon petit, but maybe I should do the rest myself.” She then took me by surprise, leaning forward she moved her hands behind her back to untie the fastener of her bikini top. Then bringing her hands to the front to slowly peel the top off, revealing her beautiful breasts to me.

I was merely inches away from this glorious sight. I didn’t care that I was blatantly staring now and neither I thought did Aunt Margot. I studied those wonderful breasts, the slightly darker areola surrounding the plump nipple. How I craved to wrap my lips around them.

“Well look at you my dear garcon…” she said smiling down at me.

“You look like you want to suckle from these…” saying this as she cupped them.

She laughed “If I had the milk to give you my cheri then maybe I would but sadly…”

She proceeded to pinch her nipples, pulling on them gently as if to prove to me they were empty.

I looked at her longingly in the eyes then back down to her breasts. I then felt her hand on the back of my head.

“Come then cheri, I see in your eyes you are desperate to try.” She took me to her right breast as I opened my mouth to take in the erect nipple.

This moment.. I was going to savour.

I closed my mouth over as much of her breast as I could take in and using my tongue, began to swirl it around the stiff nipple. Then gently sucking and releasing it. Nibbling on it ever so gently so as not to hurt. I kept this up as for as long as my aunt allowed me, so I was slightly disappointed when she pulled back. She held my head in her hands and looked me directly in the eyes.

“The other, do not neglect my other breast my sweet.”

The look in her eyes told me she needed this as much as I did.

I didn’t hesitate. I brought my hand up to her left breast and held it, feeling its heaviness, then brought my mouth to the nipple and began to worship it like I did the other. Again my aunt was holding my head almost forcing me onto her, feeling her needs I used my tongue on her nipple to the best of my ability, pushing it down, pulling it back with my teeth, releasing it and finally sucking on it hard.

Again, she released me, pulling me back but this time she bent down, still holding my head in her hands and proceeded to force her tongue into my mouth. I had no choice, not that I needed one, to reciprocate. We kissed as passionately as any loving couple would do in a moment like this.

“Mmm… now look what you have done cheri?”

She leaned back on the heels of her hands and spread her legs wide. With her right index finger, my aunt gently ran it up then down the cleft of her mound, showing me how aroused she was. I could see the moistness seeping through her bikini bottoms.

“Come..” she motioned me forward with her wet finger.

The smell was intoxicating as I moved forward. Breathing in her scent as my nose and mouth pressed against the damp fabric.

“Mmmmm… This is what I need ma cheri. Come with me”

And with that, she stood up in front of me. Giving me her hand, I gladly took it as I’d forgotten how sore my knees had become. Nearly stumbling over, Aunt Margot giggled as she helped me regain my balance then guiding me back towards the patio, into the house and straight through to her bedroom.

To be continued…


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