Bad Girl Pt. 06 by BigMadStork,BigMadStork

And then it got weird. How did it get weird? I put my arm around Juanita.

Both moms, Jane, Vickie, and all my security, follow my action. Juanita smiles at me. I kiss Juanita while dancing. My whole group does the same thing to their partner. Now Juanita has a smirk on her face. I bring our hips together. My group follows suit. However, some people NOT from my group follow me as well. Juanita laughs. She is so cute when she laughs.

I use my opposite hand to cop a feel of her breast through her slinky dress. There are a lot of moans as that happens. OK, even I have a smile on my face. I just saw almost every arm on the dance floor reach for a breast. All the tables clear as everyone is on the dancefloor in a flash. We both giggle as we see everyone seated, stand up.

I then hear several asking, “Who’s leading?”

Of course, they all point to me. I kiss Juanita passionately. I pull Juanita close to me as the music picks up the tempo. Juanita rubs her breasts against my chest. The same happens across the dancefloor. Her hand goes down and cups my groin, where she rubs a bit before coming up. You guessed it, there are a few shouts, and the women all grind on the men.

I twist Juanita around, so she has her back on my chest. I rub my hands up and down her side, lifting her dress a few inches as I do.

I then kiss her neck, meaning the men get a flood of moans from the women. I finish with my hands coming up to cup both breasts. Again, I hear several screams of pleasure.

She breaks out of my arms, raises her arms, then holds her nose as she goes down, like in a pool with her swaying her hips sexily back and forth. Once down, she grinds her head on my crotch. OH shit. We all groan as she fires up to be in my arms, where she holds my head and kisses me hard on the lips. She stands back and leads a scream of joy by every woman on the dance floor.

There are few things better in this world that a hundred women screaming in pleasure.

She presses her body into mine, and then she kisses me for a long passionate kiss. She rivaled Jane on that one. My hands wrap around her. Nobody else can see, but her hands reach into my pants, and she’s stroking my cock.

To my horror, Juanita shouts out, “My hand is down his pants stroking his cock.”

I know my face turned fire-engine red in a flash. I see Jane and Vickie have a hand under each other’s dress, fingering the other. I can’t believe what everyone is doing. I mean, I know half of them are employees.

But still, they’re doing this with their significant other. Nobody’s left the dance floor. I don’t get everyone else. Are they lemmings, or does this happen in clubs? Did they think it was part of the dance theme? Wow, this place will get quite the reputation.

I break out of my stupor with Juanita and every other woman bouncing up and down. I see a bunch of women holding bras in their hands. My expression emulates every other guy on the dance floor. We are amazed at the sight of bouncing boobies.

It’s so childish, yet we’re all staring with mouths open. The music changes to a slow song. I guess management has had enough. I pull Juanita to me, I kiss her, and then we walk back to our table. I NEED a drink. Half the floor follows me. They’re all sitting near me, and they all look familiar.

John Mendoza steps up to me, leans forward so he doesn’t shout, “Damn, boss. You pay me to take my wife to a club. You pay for my drinks. Then you make her and every other woman horny as hell. You get my vote for the best boss ever. My wife and I have had a great time so far. She is so horny; I can’t stay much longer. Thank you.”

I can only chuckle at that.

What else can you do? I look at my watch; it’s time to move on; I need to stay on script. We say goodbye to everyone, and our limo picks us up.

I put down the driver’s partition and asked, “Is there a drive-thru where we can get ice cream?”

Chip laughs at me, “Not a chance in hell. However, there is one near our destination where I can run in quick. Medium vanilla butterscotch dipped with nuts?”

I laugh, “You know me so well. Juanita, what would you like?”

She looks at me dreamily, “Make that two, Chip; I’ve never tried butterscotch. We always got chocolate.”

I can see she’s thinking about her husband. She has a sad look on her face.

I comment, “I miss him as well. He was a good soldier and a better friend. I’m sorry.”

She holds me hard, “You’ve obviously taken his passing much harder than I have. I still love him very much. How do I move on? How did you move on?”

I half-laugh, “First, you never do truly move on. There will always be a hold in you, and things will remind you of him forever. I try to focus on the good time when that happens. Like right now, I knew your sadness, and it triggered mine as well. It made me remember a day long before you when he ran past me, almost knocking me down.

“Half his clothes are on along with just one shoe. An Army guy is running after him. You husband yells am me, ‘I didn’t know she was married. I promise.’ You know him; there was no way he touched a married woman. The husband had a knife out. I close line the husband as he runs past me. Now he’s pissed at me. I tell him to stand down; I’m an officer. He lunges at me, and … well … it didn’t go well for him. We started missions with one shoe for months and screamed, ‘I didn’t know she was married,’ as we boarded the transports. That sure got a lot of laughs.”

Juanita is in tears; she hugs me hard.

Juanita is still tearing as she says, “My husband tried to describe you many times. It’s only now that I understand him. He described you as their mother, father, psychiatrist, and best friend. I couldn’t understand how you could be all those things. I see it now; it’s the same at work. You adapt to what’s needed. You loved them like a mother, were strict like a father, and partied with them as a friend. That’s amazing.”

I sit back with her, still holding me, “Oh, I don’t know. A lot of that is our training. They drill a lot of that into us. I think I did better than many, but the armed forces have a LOT of very talented leaders in all areas. For over 200 years, they’ve been practicing how to make soldiers and leaders. If it wasn’t me, it would have been someone else.

“At work, I have a lot of leeway and deep pockets to make me successful. Mom watches over me and will change course when needed. I am far from perfect. I’m no superman. I had great training, a great group of guys, and an incredibly wealthy family that have allowed me to succeed. With my upbringing and training, I bet half of the men in America would do as good as I do.”

We pull to a stop; depending on the line, it won’t be too long before I get ice cream. Yummy. I am giving my family time to get in position.

Juanita replies, “I don’t know. You’re different. Look at Vickie and NSA.”

I’m shocked, “You know about that?”

Juanita smiles at me with a sinister look, “I know everything. I wanted to know all about you. I wanted to know if you were the type of man to waste my husband’s life. I know you didn’t, don’t worry. I’m not here to kill you.”

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