Bad Girl Pt. 06 by BigMadStork,BigMadStork

Immediately, Juanita is screaming, “DIRTY! BITCH! SOOOOOOO! GOOD! SOOOOOO! GOOOOOOD! FUCK YEA!”

Oh shit, she’s rubbing her clit. I am now at the fastest fucking I have ever done. I’m not going to last long. I can’t believe this. I am sweating, straining to breathe, my back is sore, my stomach is fluttering, my arms are sore from nerves, the lights are on us, and I have my cock deep into an amazing woman.

That’s it, I blow up.

As I scream out my orgasm, everyone by the car looks at us. I thrust in hard and shoot my weapon deep into her pussy, loading it up with cum.

I repeat that same event eleven times more.

The lady by us is freaking out as I continue to cum and cum, and cum. She’s excited and laughing hard. As Juanita’s pussy fills up, it starts leaking down her legs. It slowly weaves down her long legs. It never reaches the grass. The stranger bends over and slurps up my cum as it trails down her legs. No scream from Juanita.

She is just like Jell-O. She is somewhat firm yet can’t support anything but whipped cream, and even that might be hard now. The stranger is laughing hard at all the cum running down her legs. She’s having a blast licking the cum up.

I lock my knees so I don’t fall over. I pull out and stagger. The stranger reaches out a hand to catch the cum that falls out of Juanita’s pussy.

So, fucking hot. Like drinking water, she uses two hands to cup the precious life-giving elixir, then brings it to her lips to slurp the treat. She cleans her hands, then goes back to clean Juanita, me, and then more Juanita.

While she has her lips on Juanita’s pussy, I hear a guy call out, “I’m leaving!”

Our Olympic sprinter pops up and sprints back to her car. All five vehicles are gone in quick order. It’s dark now as we pick up our clothes. Juanita starts to put her dress on. I stop her.

I look at her in the eyes, “A dozen people just saw us fuck. Now that they’re all gone, you’re in a rush to get dressed? I bet we find water and towels in the trunk. No way the driver wants to clean my cum from the seats.”

I put my arm around a laughing Juanita after gathering our clothes, “Let’s go.”

She leans into me as we walk to the car. Sure enough, the trunk pops open as we near the limo. In the trunk are some bottled waters and some old towels. I will dispose of them after we clean up.

Once back in the car, Juanita looks timid; oh crap, I pushed her too far.

Juanita says to me, “Phyllis and I live in different neighborhoods and our children attend different schools. My children are doing fine and have met several friends. However, Phyllis’s children are quiet. They’re having a difficult time adjusting. I don’t know what you can do. Is there anything you can do to assist?”

I look at her, “You need a bridge blown up, a person killed, or important papers returned; I’m you, man. I don’t know children. I’m completely clueless about them. I know you have a four and an eight-year-old, right?” She nods yes.

“So that means that Phyllis has a fourteen and fifteen-year-old. That’s high school, right?”

Juanita is tearing, “Yes. I don’t know if it’s bullying, or they’re being shunned. I know their awesome kids and won’t talk about it.”

I wipe away her tear, “I will consult a higher power and see what I can do.”

I chuckle. She looks at me quizzically.

I smile, “Of all the missions I have run, this one scares me more than the others.”

She hits me in the arm.

Chapter 18 — I go to school

I can’t believe I’m doing this. Every security guy we have would be better than me. My family and Phyllis won’t trust anyone else. Plus, I have met each child once, at their father’s funeral, which is why it must be me.

I wasn’t kidding last night when I told Juanita that this scares the hell out of me. I did seek knowledge. I got mom and Sophia to give me pointers and develop a plan.

Their plan sucked, but I admit that it did inspire me, and now I have a plan we all like. What will I ever do without those two?

I’m sitting in our limo with my full Navy Seal uniform and gear. Yes, that includes my sniper rifle, handguns, and assault rifle. Typically, ten police departments and their SWAT teams would be called in if they saw a man dressed like me. Sophia solved that problem by calling the governor. I have a police escort.

I thought it was a nice touch to put mini-USA flags on the corners of the car. It looks like an official government car. As soon as I exit the car, I explain to the police officers my intentions and what I want them to do. They are entirely on board with this.

I remind them, “Look emotionless as much as possible. You’re my brute squad.”

They all chuckle.

I stomp into the school, making sure my boots make lots of noise. I bust into the cafeteria. Everything stopped. You could have heard a pin drop. Sure enough, I see Michael and Kelly sitting by themselves at a large, otherwise empty table.

I march to their table, stop, stamp my boots, click my heels, never once looking at them. I turn around, looking at the room. Shit, there are many kids here, and they’re all staring at me. FUCK! How do I get into these situations?

I shout out, “Are there any football players here? Stand up NOW!”

About two dozen kids stand up. Perfect.

I ask with a loud voice, “Would you like new football fields, goal posts, equipment, uniforms, pads, and helmets?”

I chuckle as several of them say, “Hell yes.”

I turn around and address Michael and Kelly, “Agent Silver Tongue and Agent Lightfoot, please stand up!”

I’m relaxed now. Both children look scared and shoot up to a standing position. I turn around again.

Still with a commanding voice, “I need these two protected. If you keep them happy and safe until the end of the year, I will buy you new fields and equipment. Deal?”

A teacher steps forward; he looks like a coach, “They should do that anyway. Yes, they will ensure the two new students are well taken care of. I give you, my word.”

I snap him a perfect salute.

Surprisingly, he returns my salute, just as sharply. I raise my eyebrow, and he giggles. I turn back to the two children.

My voice is softer as I hand them envelopes, “There are your orders. They’re signed by the governor herself. Don’t mess them up, your friends will want to see them. I need you to come with me right now. I have an important mission and we NEED you two.” The bell goes off to signal the end of lunch. Perfect timing.

In a soft voice, “Grab your books and follow me. We’re going for a ride in my limo.”

They smile and fall in behind me. The police officers are perfect; they box the children in. I march loudly out of the cafeteria, down the hall past hundreds of kids, turn at the door, and lead them outside to my limo. I open the door for them to get in and then salute the police officers. Two returned my salute and smile.

I put my weapons in the trunk, then push the children into the car. We drive off. They look at me in wonder.

I smile, “Juanita mentioned that the transition to a new school wasn’t spectacular for you two. I’m responsible for your father’s death. I’m also responsible for you moving and changing schools. I can’t guarantee you anything, but I tried to make the adjustment bearable. The signature really is from the governor; the orders are fake. I wanted to make everyone else jealous of you two.

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