Barbecue and Games… by happywriter007,happywriter007

As soon as I walked into the gym, Alex seemed to just happen to be right there at the entry. Alex is in her mid-thirties and some 15 years younger than me. She always wears black yoga pants and a super tight white lycra top which suits her body perfectly. I bet she could cause a traffic accident by merely walking along the sidewalk…

After having gone through some relatively invasive surgery, I decided to join the local gym. It was fun to experience the progress, and at the same time, the view was really rather motivating. Especially while going through a dry-spell, if you catch my drift.

“Good to see you!” Alex spouted, almost too loud.

Any day she wanted, she would be able to win a contest, a contest for naughtiest smile… And you never really knew just what it was about the smile, other than it lasted a second too long to be just a friendly smile, and in a man’s mind, that means something!

I remember one day, while we were talking about the weather, or some unimportant DJ on the radio, or whatever it was, she flashed one of those smiles, from under her brunette bangs, and I Still dream about that!

She would always somehow be just on the verge of being too close, in my personal bubble as you would say, but that was actually a treat.

“So, how are you?” She continued while my other thoughts flashed through my mind.

She knew about my surgery, and I knew about her recent pregnancy. She had a great, healthy, baby girl with her husband, Zach.

“I am quite ok” I answered laughingly, while trying to catch a glimpse of her body without getting caught.

“How about yourself? How about the little one? Growing I imagine?” I replied.

“Ella is doing great! Great enough to complain whenever I go to the gym, which is really my only way out of the house”, she laughed.

I knew that was a lie, because she had quite a few friends. One I met, a tall brunette that tried to loop me into a gardening project with her husband as it was too big for him to do by himself. She was pretty enough that I would have agreed to whatever gardening project it was if it wasn’t for the husband part.

“Are you just getting started, or about to leave?” Alex asked.

“Just got here, with big plans!” I grinned. Oh, if I could only share those plans! In my mind the gym would go up in smoke, and she would be the only one left, super helpless off course.

“Oh, too bad, I have to run, the babysitter could only stay for so long, so I have to hurry!” Alex proclaimed.

“But if you have no plans Saturday, my niece is coming over and we are planning a cookout. You will like her!” Alex said.

WTF? Went through my mind. And it must have shown on my face, as Alex continued: “She looks a lot like the girls here that you have been staring at.” she burst out, in a charming, but to me, that moment, very embarrassing giggle.

“What is that supposed to mean?” I blurted out.

“Brunette, chesty and My age” she almost yelled.

She was sporting her undeniably naughty smile again, throwing it at me almost. Actually, not almost, she virtually rubbed it into my face!

Alex was super cute, also brunette, with almost long hair, athletic, and with a pair of eyes that would turn an icicle into a puddle on the spot. Oh, and the bubble butt? That was a chapter of itself, especially in yoga pants!

While Alex wasn’t chesty, she would be noticed even by the biggest boob-man. Even in a picture, her body language made sure that your next dream would include her.

“See you Saturday?” she giggled, and I had no use answering, as she already knew.

I know I wasn’t physically drooling, but to Alex, she had seen it all, and concluded it with an irresistible and very girlish giggle.

I was a mess, right there from then on. I finished my workout, just barely, and was relieved to take a cold shower.

Saturday morning seemed to just drag on, for at least a few days. The afternoon finally showed up, but I felt like replacing the batteries in my clock to help it out.

Finally, it was time to leave. Drove over in no time, still too early, then realized I could have brought some kind of gift, or contribution. So, I drove off again and got a bottle of Prosecco and some pre-assembled plate of veggie treats.

As soon as I rung the bell, the door swung open. Alex stood there, naughty smile and all, in a somehow provocative pose, with her signature white lycra shirt but a pair of cutoff jeans instead of her yoga pants.

“Hi, glad you could make it! This is Kate, my niece.”

Kate was a stunner, a bit more meat on her bones than Alex, and wearing a bold blue tank top. Her boobs were almost spilling out of it, and her very dark brunette long hair didn’t do too much to help me behave. My eyes must have been working overtime, flashing up and down, trying to be reserved while being tested like this.

I barely managed to say: “Hi Kate, very nice to meet you!” before Alex interrupted me.

“I told you!” she said, while looking straight at Kate, “He likes your type!” she seemed almost triumphant, as if some other conversation had just been confirmed.

Kate just beamed, and didn’t say a word.

Zach never was a big talker, but spoke up. “Why don’t you put that prosecco on ice in the cooler, we will open that in a minute, and have a beer if you like.”

I was so out of my league, with his hot wife that I had been ogling at the gym for several months and his niece — or her niece, I couldn’t remember? — with her bold blue tank top, that I would have been glad to have a beer, or a glass of chocolate milk, or even pond water!

The girls paired off a bit, so Zach and I ended up talking about work, the weather, and some plans he had about the yard.

“How about that Prosecco?” Alex chimed in, her voice full of smiles.

Zack produced some glasses and I popped the cork with a loud pop.

With four of us, that bottle didn’t last long, but Zack was prepared and opened a second bottle with much less fanfare.

Two drinks later and a bunch of small talk into it — with plenty of looks, of which only Zach was able to proclaim he was behaving properly — Alex said, too loudly again, with a giggle in her voice: “I never noticed you two are the same height” pointing at Zack and me. “And the same color hair” which wasn’t entirely true as my grays had started to come in a while back. “And mostly the same build too!”

Kate giggled, maybe Prosecco induced, and challenged Alex. “I am not too sure they are that alike, even though they seem to be with their shirts on.” She emphasized the last part of her sentence.

“Show us you two, take your shirts off!” Alex yelled.

We were in their very private back yard, with a healthy manicured lawn and a bunch of dense shrubbery hiding the dog fence that separated their lot from their neighbors.

I was tempted, but Zach did not hesitate. His shirt was on the lawn chair before I could even hiccup.

“You too!” It was Kate this time to yell and show her enthusiasm.

“Stand closer to each other!” Alex commanded.

Side by side, I was definitely tanner, but physically, his younger physique definitely made up for me being in better shape.

As our shoulders almost touched, he grinned at me and said: “Alex loves this. Just look at her!”


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