Beach House Clean Up by TruthwithaTwist,TruthwithaTwist

This is my entry into the Nude Day Story Contest 2022. I always like to reinforce that like my author name says, all of the stories I tell here have a basis in truth and are always based on actual events from my life. That being said, I do like to add some twists & embellishments to keep them interesting for the readers.

Please remember, authors & our stories thrive on ratings. We get better with feedback, so PLEASE leave your comments on our stories. I also love when people guess in the comments what parts are “Truth” and what I added for “Twists”

This story has waves of exposition, story and sex, so be prepared for some repeated build-ups before any action.

Everyone in the story is 18 years of age or older.


I was in my late 20s and my girlfriend at the time, Jessica, and I were driving out to her family’s house at the beach. Jess was a professional dancer (jazz & tap, not pole, you perverts!) who had toured with a few big names during her career. By the time I met her, she had transitioned to teaching kids at a local dance school.

Jess was of Greek heritage and had raven black hair that was cut at her shoulders and beautiful olive skin. She was solidly built with broad shoulders, a full set of breasts and a dancer’s muscular ass and legs. She couldn’t be described as skinny as her boobs and ass were gave her a great set of curves. The great thing about Jess was that while she had amazing curves, she was still incredibly flexible. During my time with her, I probably tried more creative sexual positions than with anyone else. Jess’ ability to move her legs in virtually direction made sex possible in virtually every position and location.

Jess’ family had owned the beach house for years and when everyone was younger, the entire family would spend every Summer there. She told stories of growing up at the house from June-September and different cousins, relatives and friends stopping by and staying for weekends and vacations. In recent years, as everyone had gotten older and many moved away, Jess convinced her family to also use the house as a Summer rental to generate some additional income for her parents. Her mother had recently suffered some medical issues and Jess thought the extra income wouldn’t hurt, either. Her father was originally against the idea, but eventually relented the previous Summer.

Her family still reserved three key times: Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Labor day weeks. For those weeks, it was more “like old times” with multiple people showing up to enjoy food, beach, sun and drinks. They would use the house for any unbooked times during the Summer.

The year I’m talking about, there was nobody renting the house the last week of June, so Jess and I decided to drive up before the rest of the family came up for the 4th of July week. We left early Thursday afternoon, which would get us to the house by 3pm. The rest of the family was waiting until Saturday morning to head up and avoid Friday traffic.

As we pulled up to the house, it was just as Jess had described it. The house was located down a sandy, beachy road where there were other houses spaced out and separated by paths and sand dunes. It was a small, two-story home with a large deck on the oceanside that extended on to some of the dunes and beach grass. Beyond that, it was about 300 yards to the water, itself. The top floor of the house was all windows, that gave a 360 degree view of the area from the different rooms up there. There was also a small balcony with some chairs that overlooked the larger deck below. The house was covered in faded, wooden shingles and white trim that gave it a very simple, traditional, beachy look.

As we stretched our legs, Jess suggested we open the house up to get some fresh air flowing, then throw on our suits and jump in the ocean before we went grocery shopping. I grabbed our bags as Jess fumbled with the keys to the door. As soon as she had the door unlocked, it swung open and we were both hit by a wave of hot air that pummeled us with a rank, putrid smell. Jess cursed as I attempted to control my gag reflex from the odor of rotting seafood coming out in the wave of hot, humid air.

“Jay….oh my… g….”

Jess’ voice was cut off as I heard her start to sob immediately as she stepped inside the kitchen door. I took a deep breath and slid by her to walk inside myself. It was quickly obvious that whoever had rented the place the prior weekend had left it a mess. The sink was piled with dirty dishes and there were empty cans and bottles spread all over the counter. Trash, including lobster shells and half-eaten fish was piled in the corner, flowing out of kitchen garbage can. We did our best to cover our noses and started walking through the house where we realized the rest of the house wasn’t much better. While no real damage was done, the house was a shambles. Every room had empty cans and bottles, pillows, blankets and sheets strewn everywhere. There were empty pizza boxes and takeout containers. Pillows and cushions had been removed from the couches and were strewn about the floor. The bedrooms and bathrooms were equally messy and the whole house smelled of rotted food and stale booze.

We made our way out to the front deck where we found more empties, cushions everywhere, plus the remnants of cigars, cigarettes and joints left everywhere. The grill had rotting partially cooked burgers still sitting in the sun. The fact that even the seagulls hadn’t taken the food showed just how rancid it was.

Jess and I sat on the wooden steps on the beach side getting fresh air back into our lungs as she started making phone calls. The first was to the cleaning company that usually came in after renters had left. I picked up from the one side of the conversation I could hear, that the company didn’t have a cleaning scheduled until the following Monday. There was frustration on both sides but it was clear it was just a miscommunication. The person also apologized, but because of the season, they had nobody available sooner.

Jessica’s next call was even less pleasant, as she called the renter who had departed a few days earlier. It turned out that the renter was not completely honest with the booking. She let her college-aged son and a bunch of his friends, male and female, use the beach house. When she tried to claim that her son and his friends, “would never leave a place like that” Jenn lost her mind, quoting the contract, damage fees, and a small claims suit against the renter.

When she finally hung up, she slumped against my shoulder and started crying.

“Jay…what am I going to do? The entire family is coming up and it’s the first time everyone will be here since my mother got sick. My father is going to flip when he sees that place and rub it in that renting it was a stupid idea.”

She buried her face in her hands and kept sobbing for a few more minutes. I waited for Jess let it all out and when she started to calm down, I spoke for pretty much the first time in half an hour.

“Babe, nobody’s going to be here for almost two days. I know it looks like hell, but if we get rid of all the trash, air the place out, use a ton of bleach, toss all the food, wash all the sheets and towels, then put everything back together…we should be fine.”

“Is that it?” Jess sniffled. “We also told the family we’d go to Costco and stock up for the week, remember?”

“Well perfect!” I joked. “I figure we’re gonna have so much time left over, that’ll help us fill it up!”

At that point, we decided we had to come up with a plan. The priority was getting rid of all the rotting food and airing the place out. Nature was working against us as it was a hot, humid day with not much breeze. Of course, the place had no air conditioning as it usually benefitted from strong sea breezes. We decided that Jess would take the car to Walmart about 20 minutes away and get all the cleaning, laundry and sanitizing materials we would need. Meanwhile, I would stay at the house, open up every door and window, and get rid of as much trash as possible.

Jessica left and I started opening up all the shades and windows in the house. As I had noticed earlier, with everything open the house had stunning views of the ocean, beach and dunes. From the top floor, you could see some of the neighboring houses and decks as well as people down on the beach. People were walking between the houses on makeshift boardwalks to get to the beach.

The other thing I noticed was that on the upper floor while the smell wasn’t at bad, it was sweltering up there. My shirt was already sticking to my body and the lack of breeze was offering no relief. Given the gross tasks ahead of me, I grabbed my bag and stripped out of my shorts and sneakers and put on a pair of swim trunks with flip flops. I left my shirt in the pile and decided that since I was at a beach, I could go shirtless to attempt to stay as cool as possible. Plus, I figured if I got any gross trash or food on me, the less I had on, the easier it would be to clean off in the ocean when I was done.

I went back downstairs and decided to tackle the worst room first — the kitchen. The open windows hadn’t helped much, and the smell of rotting food, trash and seafood seemed to be getting worse. I found some large black trash bags and got to work. After about 15 minutes, I filled two huge bags with just the food from the kitchen that had overflowed the small trash can as well as containers, cans, and empties on the counters and sink. I tested their strength a few times and even though they were heavy, it felt like they would hold. Jess told me there was a dumpster down the end of the road that the houses all shared. Even if she hadn’t taken my car, I still wouldn’t have wanted to put the gross bags in my trunk, so I got a good grip and started to walk down the sandy road with a bag in each hand.

I shuffled down the street, with the sun beating down on me. I had to keep adjusting my grip to relieve some of the strain in my arms and shoulders while also wiping my hands on my shorts to get the sweat off. The smell was already permeating the bags and I felt my gag reflex kicking in again. I eventually found the path to the left that Jess mentioned and started walking toward the dumpster. I walked for a few minutes wondering where the hell the dumpster was, when I turned a corner and found myself standing in the driveway of another house. It was similar to Jess’ house, but larger with a big deck that wrapped around the entire home. I knew it was the house right next door which meant I had somehow turned and doubled back wasting my time and energy.

Realizing I had made a mistake, I dropped the bags for second and uttered a loud, “Fuck”. Instantly, I heard a male voice yell from above.

“Hey! What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I looked up toward the source and I saw a man in a pair of swim trunks, white robe, Yankees cap and slippers coming around the corner of the deck. He was an older guy, probably in his late 50s, with a greying mustache, solidly built, kind of like a short but solid bulldog.

“Sorry. I was looking for the dumpster” I replied, picking up the bags again.

“Well, it’s not here. Get off my property with that shit before I kick your ass.”

Turning back toward him I said, “Dude. I took a wrong turn. Calm the fuck down. I’m leaving. I said ‘sorry’ already.”

“Fuck you, you little shit! I saw you fucks all week looking at my wife’s tits, whistling at her, sneaking around the house, making all that noise calling her a MILF. Be glad I only called the police and didn’t come over myself!”

The guy was now taking a few steps down from his deck and all I could think was ‘Fuck. Now I’m gonna have to fight some old guy?’

Before he got more than two steps closer, I heard a woman’s voice come from the corner of the deck, “Milt? Who are you yelling at?”

When she came around the corner, I knew I was looking at the MILF he had mentioned. She was in her late 40’s with an amazing surgically-enhanced body. She was wearing a bright blue bikini that was barely containing her sizeable tits. The bottoms were cut high on her hips and she was perched on a pair of high-heel wedges. She had salon-produced red hair that was covered by a floppy beach hat. She had a deep golden tan that showed how much time she spent in the sun. Although twenty years older than me, she was hotter than most of the girls I had ever been with.

“I’m yelling at one of the fucks that has been making all that noise over the dunes. He’s trying to dump their trash over here in our yard.”

“Holy fuck!” I finally exploded. “I told you I took a wrong fucking turn. I’m not one of those clowns. I’m dating the Karvokolas daughter, Jessica , and I’m trying to clean up the shithole those guys left behind. I’m just looking for the fucking dumpster not trying to check out your wife!”

I saw the guy’s anger increase even more at the way I spoken to him, clearly not hearing what I actually said. I thought the situation was about to get even worse when his wife took off her sunglasses and pulled on his shoulder, “Milt! Why do you have to start shit? He’s older than those little shits and knows Mike and Donna’s daughter!”

To me, she added, “Are you dating Jessica or Jordan?”

“Jessica.” I said again. “My names, Jason, by the way. I’m sorry for yelling. I’m just hot and pissy. The renters left a ton of trash rotting in the house that Jess & I are trying to clean up so her parents don’t flip. She told me where the dumpster was but I got lost. Sorry, again.”

“It was a mistake. Please stop apologizing. I’m Kim. This is my husband, Milt. The dumpster is further up the road.”

“Hey, I’m sorry kid.” Milt said, finally calming down. “I didn’t mean to go off on you, but those kids at the house were out of control. It was bad enough the noise they were making drinking and smoking and whatever else at Mike’s place, but when they started creeping over here, I had enough and called the cops.”

“That sucks.” I said. My arms were starting to hurt from hold on to the bags, so I added, “I’m sorry, but would you mind if I put these bags down for a second? My arms are killing me already.”

“You poor thing” Kim said. “Put those down and come up and grab a cold drink.”

“Thanks ma’am. But I need to keep working.”

“Ma’am? Call me ‘Kim’. At least take a bottle of water with you.” Kim turned and walked away and I watched her shapely ass move under her beach coverup. Milt came down to the driveway.

“Yeah, sorry again. Look, we’re a quiet little area and we’ve never had a problem with renters before. But those fucking kids, all they did was drink, smoke, and make noise. We saw them doing everything from our room because it looks over your way and we were watching them fuck in the house, on the deck, everywhere. I mean, I didn’t care about that, even.” Milt sort of winked at me with that comment before continuing,

“But then I guess a couple of them saw Kimmy sunbathing on the deck. Next thing I know, they are making comments about her body and what they wanted to do to her. The other night, we caught a couple of them down in the dunes, trying to watch her undress through our bedroom window. That’s when I called the cops. It must have worked because they left early the next morning.”

“Yeah, you must have scared them, because they didn’t clean anything up behind them.”

“Ah, fuck kid. I’m sorry. There a lot of trash?”

“Yup. I’m betting this is the first of a lot of trips I’m gonna be making to the dumpster today.”

“Here comes Kimmy with that water. I’ll be right back.”

As Kim came down the stairs with my bottle of water, Milt disappeared around the other corner of the house.

“Here sweetie” she said handing me the water.

Not that I was defending the idiots who destroyed Jess’ place, but I understood why they were checking Kim out. She had let her cover-up fall open as she walked over so I got an even better look at her body. Like I said, she had a set of big fake boobs that were barely contained by her metallic blue bikini top. Her entire body was covered with a deep, dark tan that vibed with the red tresses flowing out from under her floppy sun hat. Her bikini was pretty small and I didn’t see any obvious tan lines. She had aerobics-toned legs that were perched on a pair of high-heel wedged sandals that led up to her bikini bottom that was cut high up on her hips. Her lips were plump with filler and her skin was showing some of the effects of sun and time. I hoped that my thin bathing suit would hide my slightly stirring erection as I had no way to cover it up otherwise.

As I popped open the cold water and took a sip, Kim continued, “Sorry again about Milt. But those kids really pissed him off. Between the noise all night, the loud music, and then them trying to sneak peeks into our place, he just lost it.”

“What were they doing?”

“Well, I noticed that whenever I was sunbathing on our deck, groups of two or three of them would keep walking by on the dunes trying hard to look like they weren’t looking. I just figured they were horny teens and tried to ignore them. But the more they drank, the worse they got. I would hear them catcalling and whistling and making remarks about me being a ‘MILF’ or saying I needed a couple of young studs to come visit, that sort of thing.”

“Stupid kids” I replied.

“It got worse when they figured out that from the top floor of your place, you can see our upper floor which is our bedroom. We keep it all open to get the sea breeze coming through. I noticed one night as I was getting dressed that I saw something shiny on their deck. I’m pretty sure two of the little creeps were looking through binoculars at me.”

“Wow. Seriously? Is that when Milt called the cops?” I asked.

“Nope. It was the last night they were here. Sunday? They were out on both decks, drinking, smoking and partying. At about two in the morning, they ramped it up even louder. Milt went over to our window to see what the hell was going on. He looked over and saw a couple of guys having sex with a girl outside. I won’t go into detail, but they were high-fiving and acting like basic assholes.

What set Milt off was we could hear them saying things like, ‘let’s go get that MILF and do her next’ and ‘we can make her fat fuck husband watch us.’ Just dumb shit they probably heard in a porno once. But that was it, Milt was going to go over and confront them with a nine-iron, but we called the police instead. It’s a small community and they know us, so they sent over two cruisers. Not sure what happened, but the cops left around 3:30 and they were all gone the next day. We never even saw them pack up.”

Kim and I kept talking about the mess that was left behind and Jess I trying to clean it all up before the family arrived. I was also working very hard not to stare at her tits that now had a fine film of sweat forming on them. I looked up when I saw Milt coming around the corner with a wheelbarrow, shovel and large trash can.

“Here, pal. Sorry about the misunderstanding. No offense, but I’m too old help clean all that shit up, but this might make it easier. I threw some of our lawn bags in there, too.”

“Wow. Thanks, sir. I appreciate this so much. I’ll clean it all off and bring it back when I’m done.”

“No hurry. And seriously, if you and Jess want to, feel free to swing by for a cold drink tonight, too. We’re always out on the deck — just yell as you come over to let us know you’re on your way.”

After that, I used the wheelbarrow to bring the trash to the dumpster and kept cleaning up the house. I was able to get the first load of dirty dishes into the dishwasher and two more bags of trash packed up by the time Jess returned to the house. We unloaded the cleaning supplies she had purchased and went back into the kitchen.

“Fuck” she said. “It still stinks in here and its fucking hotter than hell.”

“Unfortunately, I think I’m losing sensitivity to the smells at this point.” I replied. “But, yeah, I had to go shirtless because my shirt was soaked after a few minutes.”

“You sure you weren’t just trying to show off your abs and muscles to the beachcombers?” Jess joked. “Anyway, let me get changed and I’ll start helping.”

A few minutes later, I heard Jess coming back down the stairs saying, “Wow, Jay, you got a ton of the trash out of here. Thank you SO much for doing all this.”

I was about to respond when she came around the corner and I saw what she had changed into. Jess was wearing a pair of tight yellow booty shorts that were cut like old gym shorts. They were gripping her muscular thighs and toned ass. On top, she had put on a bikini top that was barely containing her tits. Her long hair was back in a ponytail giving more exposure and attention to her chest. Her stomach was toned and exposed down to the top of her shorts that were tight on her hips.

“Fuck me.” I moaned as I felt my cock harden at the sight of Jess. “Now I’m really pissed at the dickheads that left the place like this. I can think of much better things to be doing right now, looking at you.”

Jess smiled and popped her ass out toward me a bit, “I thought you might like my cleaning outfit. Let’s get to work so we do have some time together before everyone else gets here.”

We decided that since was already late in the day, for that night, we would make our priorities the kitchen and the upstairs bedroom so we would have a place to sleep. I had cleared both decks of most of the trash, so they just needed to be hosed off a bit to clear any remnants. I got all the trash out of the master bedroom and swept up the floor so Jess could make the bed and clean it properly later. When I walked by the driveway to Milt & Kim’s place, I did glance up to see if I could catch a glimpse of Kim again but had no luck with that.

When I got back from another trash run, Jess was hard at work in the kitchen, scrubbing the floors with some sort of bleach mixture and for the first time, a different smell started to fill the house. I paused to watch her for a minute, with her ass pushed out and her tits jiggling with every movement of the mop. My bathing suit struggled to contain my growing erection for the second time since Jess had returned. As much I wanted to come up behind her and bend her over the nearby kitchen table, I was still covered in trash and other substances that were less than appealing.

We did some laundry and put more dishes in the dishwasher. Jess started mopping and cleaning the master bedroom while I got some soap, sprayed it all over the downstairs deck and started to hose it off. After working more, I noticed the sun was getting lower in the sky and the heat was breaking just a bit. Combined with the soap and the cool water from the hose, I was finally able to cool off and clean myself up a bit.

Just as I finished the deck, Jess had finished putting away more dishes in the kitchen. We decided that she would finish the bedroom while I gave the top deck a quick washdown. Then, I could do a food and beer run so we could relax for a bit that night.

I had just started to pour some soap on the deck when I heard Jessica yell from inside. “Motherfuckers! That’s fucking disgusting! Moth-er-fuck-ing Douche-bag-moth-er-fuck-ers!!!!”

I went in to see her standing over the master bed, with some of the sheets rolled back. I could see that wrapped up in the sheets were a pair of women’s panties but also two used, dried condoms sticking to the sheets. I chuckled in a “what the fuck” response as I couldn’t even be angry anmore. Jess, however, was not done with her angry ranting.

“What kind of disgusting motherfucker leaves old condoms in a bed to rot? And some little whore didn’t realize she didn’t have her thong on anymore? Fucking pigs.”

Even though we were both dirty and sweaty, I wrapped my arms around Jess and brought my bare chest in contact with her bare back. She was still fuming, but I felt her relax a bit.

“I’m just so embarrassed, Jay. Renting this place was my idea and I’m so embarrassed I let this happen.”

“Babe. This isn’t your fault and don’t worry. We’ll get this place cleaned up in time. I promise. But for now let me get these sheets off and into the trash. Worse comes to worst, we’ll grab an extra set at Costco to replace these.”

Jess started to clean and disinfect the bedroom while I went out to the deck. Standing on the smaller deck on the second floor, I saw that it did have an amazing view of the length of the beach. From there, I was able to see some of the other houses on the beach with various people on their decks. Turning to my right, I realized what a clear view there was of Milt & Kim’s place. Even though we were a couple of hundred yards apart, I could see all of their outdoor deck which was now empty. The deck also gave me a clear view into the windows of their bedroom which was similarly placed to ours. With the Summer sun falling, I couldn’t see much except for the reflection for bright sunlight in the windows.

I took in the view for a few minutes before I got to work on the deck. I followed my same pattern, soaping the furniture, then rinsing it off, followed by the deck to get all the random cigarette butts and bottle caps off. (Apologies to all the environmentalists out there. This was a while back and truthfully, not my priority at the time. Getting things cleaned off was.)

As I was finishing up, Jess came out and I turned off the hose asking, “What’s up?”

“If you’re almost done, would you do a pizza and beer run for us? I’ll give you a grocery list, too, so we have some stuff here. I figure this bedroom will take me about an hour. So, if you do that, by the time you get back we can just sit outside and chill for the night. Ironically, the bathroom is the one room that isn’t in bad shape. I’ll give it a quick clean and probably try to grab a quick shower, too.”

“Sounds good. I’ll rinse off out here and then get changed and head out.” I noticed that Jess’ bangs were sticking to her forehead and her chest was covered in rivulets of sweat. Her ponytail was a mess as the heat, labor and humidity were having an effect on her. Before she walked back into the house, I called out, “Hey Jess?”

As she turned, I blasted her shorts with a stream of water from the hose.

“Jay! What the fuck!” she screamed.

I soaked her with the cool water from her shoulders to her legs, while she writhed and moved to try and avoid the stream. When I finally stopped spraying her, she was dripping from head to toe. More importantly, her minimal clothes were now stuck to her body. The cool water had hit her hot skin and now her nipples were pointed and pushing against the fabric of her top. Looking lower, I saw that her yellow shorts had turned translucent, and I could now clearly see the dark triangle of hair between her legs.

“Sorry” I said. “But it feels good doesn’t it?”

“Fuck you. Yes. But I’m soaked and have to go back inside.”

“Just come here for a second” I replied. “Cool off and I’ll grab you a clean towel.”

Jess came over and I wrapped my arms around her cool, wet body. She nuzzled into me as we just stood for a few seconds.

“The view is awesome up here” I said as I turned her so her back was pressed against me. I was leaning against the deck’s railing which allowed Jess to lean her body against me. I moved one hand up and started to caress the bottom of her right breast. I was cupping it and slowly working my thumb over her covered nipple. Jess responded by grinding into my crotch with her ass. I brought my other hand up and started working on both of her tits.

“Jay, we have work to do…” she said breathily.

“Consider this a little break.” I moved one hand down her wet stomach and into the waistband of her shorts. My dick started to grow and pressed into the cleft of her asscheeks.

“Oh, Jay” Jess moaned as I worked my hand down toward her slit. The angle was awkward but I was just able to get two fingers into her pussy while my palm rubbed against her clit. I could feel Jess gyrating a bit as she got wetter, trying to get me better access. My cock was rock hard and pressed against her ass while I tried to get her off with my hand.

“We should go inside. People can see us up here.” Jess said between breaths.

“Nope. I’m getting you off right here, right now. Who cares who sees us?” Although it was later in the day, there were still people out on the beach. If anyone had looked up, they would have seen us, but nobody would have been close enough to determine what was actually going on.

With her frustration building, Jess gave up the argument and used her dancers’ flexibility to lift her right leg up and stretch it over the back of a nearby lounge chair. She just managed to rest her toes on the cushion, but it was enough to open herself up to me. I took my hand out of her waistband which brought out a gasp from Jess. Before she could say anything, I went back into her pussy, this time from the leg of her shorts. The new angle allowed me to plunge two fingers in much further, while my thumb danced on her clit. My other arm was still wrapped around her, with a firm grasp on her tit supporting her against me. I got the fabric of her bikini to the side so I was now fondling her bare breast as well as her pussy. The water I had sprayed her with was already drying but her nipple was staying erect between my fingers. I alternated cupping and stroking her breast with squeezing and pinching her nipple.

Jessica’s pussy was opening up to my fingers even more as she got wetter. I felt her clit emerge from it’s protective hood and used her own natural lubricant to start making circles with my thumb. My other hand was more aggressively pinching and pulling on her nipples as I knew she loved it when her tits were handled roughly during sex.

Jessica had stopped speaking and was only emitting a series of breaths and moans each time I plunged my fingers into her. She was using her incredible muscle control to buck her hips against my hand trying to get herself off. Jess was building to an orgasm on the open deck with her legs spread wide and both her tits now out of her top, moving and bouncing as she did. I found myself staring up at Kim & Milt’s house realizing they would be able to see everything if they wanted to. I wondered if I was going to be the next victim of Milt’s venom for behaving like that on the open deck. My thoughts were then interrupted by Jess’ climax.

She grabbed my wrist with her hand, planting my fingers deep in her pussy. I felt a small gush of fluids as she came on my hand, trying hard to keep her balance. As she bucked and moaned, I held on tight so she wouldn’t fall. She yelled out, “Oh fuck. Fuck, I’m coming!” loud enough that people on the distant beach could have heard her. As her orgasm subsided, she brought her leg down and attempted to get her breath back to normal.

After a minute or two, she squirmed her way out of my grasp. Her shorts were askew and still semi-transparent. Her tits were exposed with her bikini pulled below them. If her hair was disheveled before, she was a mess now. My hand was soaked from her orgasm and you could just detect the scent of her arousal in the Summer air.

“Fuck” she started. “Now I’m all horny. And by the looks of it, you are too.” Jess reached down and gripped my cock through my bathing suit. “Too bad, we have cleaning to do and dinner to order.”

With that, she released me and sauntered back into the house with her tits out and her ass wiggling in my direction. My cock was painfully swollen as I realized the flaw in my plan. Regardless, I decided I would finish up the deck and start my dinner journey. As I turned to pick up the discarded hose, I saw a couple on the nearby path looking as if I had just caught THEM doing something wrong. As we made eye contact, the guy just gave me a thumbs up while his wife grabbed his arm and led him away.

By the time Jess & I settled in with a pizza, salad and some beers, the sun had gone down. We were on the lower deck, with some lights on, country music playing and our stomachs full of carbs. We could hear people still on the beach, and the glow from the different houses in the distance. It was a perfect Summer night out, still warm, but the heat had at least broken a bit. There was a bit of a breeze that made the night even better

Our house was in better shape, but we still had a bunch to do the following day. We had mostly gotten the kitchen cleaned up and it now smelled of bleach, fresh air and the air fresheners Jess had picked up. All the windows of the house were still open as we continued to air it out as best we could. While I was gone, Jessica lit scented candles through the entire house to try to eliminate some of the odors. She had come with a plan for the next day that involved doing all the sheets and laundry, sweeping and vacuuming all the floors and finally cleaning up the other bedrooms in the house.

We were both laying in a lounge chair, with Jess cuddled up next to me, with one leg thrown over me. We were both quietly resting when Jess started talking.

“So,” Jess asked. “What did you think of Milt and Kim?”

“At first, I thought he was going to fight me because he thought I was one of the kids that wrecked this place. Fortunately, I got him calmed down and he seemed cool.”

“And her?”

“Uh……she seemed nice.” Jess gave me a playful smack at my attempt to avoid her question.

“Bullshit. She’s a MILF and you know it.”

“I mean, she’s ok…” SMACK

“You’re a liar. She’s crazy hot. Even I find myself checking out out her tits and ass when she struts around. The crazy part is, everyone thinks she’s some trophy wife. Really, though, they’ve been married forever and both super nice.”

“So, have they always been your neighbors up here?”

“Yup. Since I was a kid. The renters must have been real assholes, though, for Milt to get THAT upset with them.”


“Let’s just say that Kim has never been shy. My brother and all his friends always used to try to catch a look at her when they were younger. Then, when they were older, they all swore that she would lay out on her deck topless or nude.”


“Yup. And I remember once my father slipped at dinner and got a smack from my mother when he mentioned that they could see from their bedroom into Milt & Kim’s at night.”

“That’s ironic, because Milt mentioned that they were able to watch the renters fucking everywhere. On both decks, in the bedroom, everywhere. It wasn’t until they started to say nasty things about Kim that he got really upset about the whole thing.”

Jess shifted in the chaise so she was looking up at me. “You don’t think they were purposely watching do you?”

“I don’t really know, but she definitely isn’t shy. And like I said, Milt wasn’t offended that the kids were fucking in the open, just about the noise and comments.”

“Holy shit” Jess said. “You don’t think they saw us this afternoon do you?”

“Uhhhhh” I started. “I mean maybe. The thing is here, pretty much every deck and window can be seen from somewhere. Technically, if it’s dark out and our lights are on, we can be seen from other houses, the beach, even the access paths and the dunes.”

Jess looked like she had just been told Santa Claus was real. The realization of years of being in the house, on the decks, in various stages of undress and beachwear hit her all at once.

“Holy shit. All the times I’ve left the windows open and grabbed a shower at night…all the times I’ve gotten changed…even the times I’ve been…..holy shit.”

I started laughing at her uncomfortable realization that she had potentially been flashing the entire beach for years. I was still chuckling as I asked, “Didn’t you ever notice you could see into the other houses, too?”

“I mean, I guess so. I remember sometimes we could see Kim walking around topless in her bedroom or even on her deck. But I swear, I never put two and two together that we could be seen, too.”

“So…to answer your question, it’s entirely possible that someone saw you having an orgasm on the deck earlier today. They could probably even catch glimpses of you in your ‘cleaning outfit’ all day.”

Jess settled back into the chaise, obviously thinking about this new revelation. It wasn’t long, though, before she took one hand and started rubbing my cock through my shorts. It reacted as expected, swelling at her touch. I turned my head and found her mouth open and waiting. We started to make out, our tongues exploring each other’s mouth. My hand found Jess’ covered breast, and she continued rubbing my cock. We broke apart for a second while Jess squirmed out from under me and straddled me on the chaise.

We were making out like teenagers, sloppily kissing each other and grinding our thinly-covered pelvises. Jess was grinding herself against my dick, using me to rub against her pussy and clit. I could feel her breath quickening as she tried to ride me to a climax. I had a solid grip on her ass and was trying to work my hands under her shorts to get access to her pussy. We both continued our kissing and grinding, but neither of us could push over the edge.

“For fuck’s sake” Jess muttered. “Get those off.” She stood up and took off her shorts and thong while I wriggled out of my bathing suit. No sooner had I settled back into the chaise, Jess was straddling me again and sliding herself down on to me. The dry humping had obviously gotten her worked up, because I slid inside her with virtually no resistance. My cockhead easily slid between her lubricated lips and my shaft filled her canal up in one motion.

I always loved when Jess rode me, her dancers’ control and muscles made for one of the greatest fucks ever. On the chaise, in the open Summer night, Jess was pumping her hips up and down on my cock. She would work it so her pussy and lips slid all the way to the top of my shaft until only the head was still inside her, then plunge back down enveloping me completely. I would watch them spread wide then close in again as she slid down on me. My hands were again on her ass, but this time I was able to get a better grip on her bare skin. The muscles in her ass were flexing with each movement as she pumped up and down on me. I had a grip on both her ass cheeks and was spreading them wide, exposing her asshole to the Summer air. I used that same grip to drive her even harder on to my cock.

Jess’ long dark hair was down over her face, as she rode me but I could see that she was bitinig her lower lip in that sexy way women do. It was still warm out, despite the breeze, and I could feel the sweat building up on both of us. I reached up and was able to grab a handful of Jess’ hair in one hand and pull her head back. She loved when we got a little rough during sex and I felt her moan as I pulled harder on her hair. She increased the tempo of her movements and shifted herself slightly so that she was rubbing her clit against me as she rode. I could see her tits bouncing slightly under her tshirt and lines of sweat beginning to form. Her juices were absolutely flowing at that point and I could feel my own orgasm building. If I wanted her to come first, I had to work quickly.

Jess was panting as she rode me and I could see her tits bouncing under her tshirt. She shifted her legs so that she was now sitting up, with her feet planted on either side of me on the chaise. She gripped the back of the lounger for balance and started bouncing up and down on my cock.

“Jess…that feels amazing. Fuck me, baby. That feels so good.” I moaned.

As Jessica rode me, I took my right hand and gave her a solid SMACK on her ass cheek. Jess screamed into the night air when I made contact.

“Again, Jay! Slap my ass again!” The sound of my hand slapping her skin rang out again as I felt Jess’ orgasm start. She let out a series of grunts as she ground her pussy against me. I could feel her inner muscles gripping my cock with every convulsion. That feeling sent me over the edge as well, and I exploded into her pussy. Wave after wave shot into her and she grunted with each one, achieving an orgasm of her own. She was so powerfully riding me that my cum was already getting forced out of her, dripping down to my crotch.

Eventually, her motions slowed and she shifted again. Then, Jess slumped against me, as my cock kept pulsating inside of her. I still had a solid grip on her sweaty ass cheeks as our combined juices leaked out of her.

I heard Jess mutter, “Do you think they watched us?”

I looked up toward the dark windows of Kim & Milt’s place and couldn’t see any movement. But from the angle, if they had looked down over the past few minutes, they definitely would have been able to see our little performance.

“This is turning you on, isn’t it? Thinking about people seeing us and watching us?”

“I never thought about it before, but yeah, when I started to think about people watching us, or hearing us, or even seeing me clean today, my pussy started to get nice and wet.”

“Yeah, I figured that out pretty quick, babe.”

“Plus, this wasn’t how I thought our first day was gonna go, so I had to wait a lot longer to fuck you than I planned.” Jess started to shift off of me, leaking my cum as she moved. “But I’m exhausted and we still have a ton to do tomorrow. You cool if I head up to bed?”

I told Jess I would clean up our stuff from dinner, turn off the lights, and head up in a few minutes. Jess grabbed her shorts and walked bare ass across the deck and into the house. I pulled my shorts back on and started to clean up our cups and dishes. Just as I started to stand up, I saw the lights on the upper floor of Kim & Milt’s place turn on. Through the darkness, I could see their silhouettes against the window, seemingly looking the direction of our deck. I turned off the lights and thought about just how much they had seen.



The problem with sleeping with all the windows and blinds open to keep the cool night breeze blowing through the house was that the early Summer sun streamed into the bedroom at what seemed like an awfully early hour. It worked out for the best because Jess and I still had a lot to do to get the house in order. Even though we had gotten the kitchen and decks clean, there was still a lot of trash to be picked up. Plus, we still had to wash every floor, do tons of laundry, and clean most of the surfaces in the place.

The day was going to heat up quickly, so I went with the same plan as the day before, no shirt and just a bathing suit to clean. I had just thrown in some toast and made some coffee when Jess came down the stairs. She was covered only by thin nightshirt with the motto “Life’s a Beach” in big bold letters on the front. She gave me a tongue-filled kiss and I was able to grab a solid handful of her bare ass cheeks.

“So” I asked as we separated, “What’s the plan for today?”

“Let’s do this — let’s finish down here first, then upstairs. If you can get the last of the crap out of the two bedrooms downstairs, I’ll strip the beds and start cleaning them. You can mop and wash the floors. Then, we’ll do the same upstairs. Hopefully, we can finish up early enough to to relax and swim at the beach for a bit.”

I agreed with Jess’ plan and after we ate some breakfast on the deck, she went up to get changed while I went into the first of the two bedrooms downstairs. At this point, I wasn’t even surprised with what I found. Beer cans, some liquor bottles, cigarette and joint remnants scattered about. The bed was a mess and there was sand all over the floor. That was going to be the pisser of the day — how much sand and dirt had to be swept and cleaned and washed. At least with trash, I’d gotten the hang of packing it up and getting it to the dumpster. These tasks were just going to be a long slog of a day.

I had started gathering up the latest bag of trash when I heard Jess come back down the stairs, and when she came around the corner, my ability to work stopped dead. She again had her hair pulled back in a big ponytail, but today she was wearing just her flip flops and bikini bottoms … and nothing else. The tan lines on her olive-toned tits were exposed for me (and anyone else) to see. When she turned, I could see that her bottoms were a g-string style that was nothing more than a piece of lace going up the crack of her ass and the front barely covered her trimmed pubes. Her ass had similar tan lines that showed she usually wore a more conservative bathing suit than what she had on now.

“Babe” I said. “That’s not your cleaning outfit is it?”

“Yup!” she said jovially. “I bought this especially for our ‘alone time’ up here which is now officially fucked. So, I figure it’s going to be a thousand degrees in here today, and you’re only wearing your bottoms, so I thought I’d do the same. Plus, I got so turned on yesterday thinking of people being able to see us on the deck… it’ll almost be a like a game.”

“A game how?”

“Well, depending where I am in the house or which windows I’m near, anyone from you, to Kim and Milt, to people on the beach, to people walking on the dunes will be able to sneak peeks. So, the game will be to see JUST how horny and wet I get as the day goes on.”

With that, Jess gave me a kiss on the cheek and went into the second bedroom to start stripping down the linens. I kept sweeping up dirt and sand with a suddenly more restrictive pair of swimming trunks. As it got later in the morning, we could hear people on the path to the beach and nearby dunes heading out to claim their spots for the day. I noticed that to Jess’ point, we were both very exposed to people outside of the house. Both decks were completely open, which was why Jess seemed to be avoiding them for the most part.

What was more surprising was that from the dunes and the beach path, it was fairly easy for pedestrians to look into any of the bedroom windows — both upstairs and downstairs. Because the room I was cleaning was further down the path than the one Jess was in, I was able to hear the comments of those passers-by who caught a glimpse of the heavily exposed dancer in the room down the hall. They ranged from excited to offended to confused.

“Dude. Did you see that chick? She was walking around topless.”

“That’s disgusting. She should pull her shades if she’s going to walk around her house like that.”

“Did you want to turn around and take another look at her tits, honey?”

“Let me know if you need any help in there!”

I wondered if Jess was hearing the comments and how it was affecting her “How horny” game she was playing. I had the bed stripped and the floor swept when Jess called out to me from the other room. I went down the short hallway to find her holding her hand out to me, with a plastic baggie in it.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“Take a look.”

Taking the baggie from her hand, I found out that the group had left some of their stash behind in their haste to leave. Not surprisingly, there was a decent bundle of weed and rolling papers in the baggie. What caught me a little off-guard though was the smaller baggie of white powder that was also in there.

“Do you think that’s cocaine?” Jess asked.

Although I wasn’t entirely sure, it seemed to make sense given where we found it, so I replied, “I’m thinking yeah.”

“What should we do?”

“Well, I think we save the weed for tonight. That’ll be a nice treat after cleaning today and we can save what we brought for later. The coke? We have a few options. We can flush it, we can try it, or we can go on a street corner and try to sell it.” The last I added as a joke.

“Have you ever done coke?” Jess asked turning the packet over in her hands.

“A few times at bars and when I worked out West. Not my drug of choice, but it’s fun sometimes. You?”

“Yeah. With Susannah and Robyn at a party once.” She paused, “Should we try it? I mean, we’re just cleaning all day, right? Do you think it’s safe?”

“I’m on board. Based on all the bottles, cans and food we’ve been cleaning up, these morons had money. I’m betting they brought quality shit with them, too.” I replied. “So, I’ll do a little bump just to give us a boost – on one condition.”

“What?” she asked.

“Lay down on the bed.”

Jess did I instructed, laying down on the bare mattress. Her breasts naturally fell slightly to the sides under their own weight.

“Now, hold your tits together.”

I opened the baggie and put a small amount of the cocaine on each of Jess’ tits. I made a little pile on each nipple which puckered and rose to attention. I sealed the baggie and inhaled the substance with each nostril. I then licked up any remnants and felt Jessica’s nipples stiffen in mouth. I kept licking and sucking for longer than it took to get the last of the powder off of her.

“I’ve always wanted to do that. I feel like a cool gangster in a movie. Your turn, now. How do you want to snort it?”

“Give me the bag.” Jess ordered.

Jess used the fingernail of her pinkie to take a couple of scoops of the drug and inhaled them quickly. As she sealed up the bag, she smiled and asked, “You were hoping I was going to do it off your dick, weren’t you?”


“Let’s see how we feel with this and we can always do another bump later if we want.” Jess was rubbing her hand on my cock through my shorts as she spoke. I thought about laying her back down on the bed and taking an early break when she pulled away saying, “Ok, champ. Let’s get back to work and wait for that stuff to kick in.”

It was mere minutes when I felt the stimulant kick in. In the past, I had usually been drinking so the drug balanced me out a bit just giving me a boost of late party engery. At ten I the morning, with nothing to counteract it, it was like I had injected caffeine into my system. I was super alert and energetic and felt like I could clean the rest of the place in a matter of minutes. My senses were in hyperdrive so I was also acutely aware of the Summer heat that was permeating the house as well as every sound coming from outside.

When I grabbed the vacuum to finish cleaning the floor of the room, it sounded like a rocket taking off in my head. I was ultra-sensitive to every movement and vibration of the device. All of this had another effect, as well — I was ultra-horny and my dick was rock hard. I remembered a post-concert party with a past girlfriend where we had done a bit of coke and ended up fucking on the floor of her friend’s room while everyone else was just outside the door drinking and partying.

With a mission in mind and logical thought long gone, I left the room and walked down the short hallway to where Jess was, dropping my bathing suit in the hall as I walked. Rational thought had gone out the window and I had every intention of fucking my girlfriend right then and there.

When I got to the other room, Jess had made more progress cleaning and was bent over the dresser, cleaning it with a cloth. She turned her head to see me enter the room with a raging hard-on leading the way. Her whole body shuddered as she pushed her ass out toward me and uttered a breathy, “Oh, yes, Jay. Fuck me.”

With what I thought was lightning speed, I crossed the small room to Jess. I slid her g-string aside and plunged into her pussy in one stroke. The cocaine must have had a similar effect on Jess because she was soaked and ready for my entry. Again, I was aware of every sight, sound and smell around us.

First and foremost was the rhythmic slapping of my pelvis on her ass as I roughly slammed into her. I could hear her grunting with every stroke and the slight banging the dresser was making against the wall. I grabbed Jess’ hips and got better leverage allowing me to fuck her even harder. Her head was turned and her face and tits were both pressed against the top of the dresser as her hands fought to find a grip on anything to give herself some sort of balance.

Unable to control any of the motions, Jess just continued to claw at the dresser top as she moaned loud enough for anyone nearby to hear. The sounds of our actions would have normally drowned out any other noise, but I felt like Superman, now able to hear the waves from the distant ocean, the banging of nearby doors and even the voices of people nearby greeting each other with a cheery “Hello!”

I managed to focus back on Jess and I, though. I was mesmerized as I watched my cock sliding in and out of Jess’ soaked pussy. I was transfixed watching my head and shaft disappear between her lips only to re-emerge covered in more of her juices. I watched every ripple of her ass as I slammed into her again and again. With the way she was bent over, I could see Jess’ asshole seemingly winking at me as we fucked. In my altered state, it was as if it was calling out to me for attention of its own. I brought my hand back and gave a Jess a harder-than-usual smack on her ass which made her cry out even louder.

“Unnngggh” Jessica moaned as I smacked her ass cheeks leaving red marks with each one. Jess was wetter than I had ever felt her, her pussy just flooding my cock ramming in and out of her.

“Come on you fucker” Jess yelled. “Fuck me like you mean it.” I knew Jess would talk dirty when she got into it, but this was beyond her usual scope. The cocaine had brought out something new in her. I. used every bit of my coke-fueled energy to follow her instructions, slamming into her as hard as I could. Her ass cheeks and muscles were driving forward with every pump but she wanted more.

“Fuck me like a little coke whore, Jason. You already did coke off my tits, now fuck me like a whore.”

Sweat was pouring off me and I needed to come. Looking again at her puckering asshole, I licked the thumb on my hand and brought it between her cheeks. I gathered some of her leaking juices and slid it into her exposed asshole. Jess reacted like someone had sent an electric shock through her entire body. Her body seized and she lifted slightly off the dresser, an animalistic scream leaving her lungs. The muscles of her pussy clamped down on my dick as I pumped her pussy with my cock and her ass with my thumb. Jessica’s hips were slamming against the top of the dresser and her two wholes spasmed and contracted each time. I felt my own balls constrict and I exploded inside her. Cum shot from my dick and I imagined it filling her entirely.

Sweat was pouring off my bare chest and Jess was similarly coated in perspiration. As we gasped for breath in our lungs, I was acutely aware of the streaks of warm sunlight on Jess’s back and the sounds of doors closing and people walking on the nearby path. The fact that there was no way people DIDN’T hear us was exciting enough and I silently wondered if anyone had been able to catch a glimpse of us. Normally, I would have felt my dick softening after that much activity, but maybe because of the cocaine, I was staying hard inside Jess. She was still laying face down as I started slight movements again.

Just as I was about to regain my grip on Jess’ hips for a second round, I heard a female voice ring out “Hello!” from the kitchen door. I almost fell over as I worked to disengage from Jess as she half stood, half fell off the top of the dresser. My first thought was that one of her family members had arrived early and it was about to become a very awkward reunion. Remembering I had dropped my shorts in the hallway, I made an ill-advised effort to retrieve them before I could be seen.

Just as I reached them, I looked down the hall at the kitchen to see Kim from next door staring back at me. I have to believe that it was the drugs that kept me from panicking and instead making me laugh heartily.

“Fuck….Kim” I laughed. “I’m sorry…uh…..fuck….hahahaha…is Milt here too? Fuck. Milt’s gonna fucking kill me.”

I stumbled into the other room and managed to pull the shorts over my engorged member, but it was still prominently poking through the fabric and now leaving a dark circle where it was still leaking cum.

As I re-emerged, I was still laughing and got a good look at Kim. She was wearing a coral bikini with a coverup over it. She must have just come in from the sun as her cheeks and chest were a bright shade of red. Before I could say anything else, Jess came in from the other room. She had tried to clean herself up, but she was still topless and her hair was matted to her face. Her bikini bottom was still askew showing a hint of her pubic hair and there was obvious cum coating her inner thighs. Here eyes were wide and her pupils were dialated from the coke and sex. It was at that moment that I learned while I found everything very funny, Jess’ system reacted very differently to the drugs. She was paranoid and borderline hysterical and started talking faster than humanly possible as her chest started heaving as she sobbed.


Kim took a few steps toward Jess and wrapped her up in her arms. At this point my dick had to be thinking, “Seriously dude? First Cocaine? Now your half-naked girlfriend who is dripping your cum is getting hugged by the MILF next door? Who probably just heard you fucking? You gotta do something here!”

Instead of listening to my dick, I stood still and watched as Kim just stroked Jess’ hair and worked to calm her down.

“Don’t worry, Jess. It’s no big deal. Calm down.” She spoke in an almost motherly tone. “I’m not telling anyone anything. I shouldn’t have come in without knocking, so really, this is all my fault. I just wanted you to know that Milt had to leave this morning and I want to invite you kids over for dinner tonight.”

Kim continued to calm Jess down, “Plus, when I was your age, I did the same sort of thing. But” she paused pulling Jess away a bit and glared at me “no more heavy shit like cocaine. That shit will fuck you up. Trust me, I know from experience.”

“Ipromise.Ipromise.Ipromise.Neveragain.ThankyousomuchKim.Thankyou.Thankyou.” Jess was still talking fast, but we could at least understand her now.

“Why don’t you two still come over around seven tonight and have dinner and some drinks. In the meantime, Jess, take a shower and use all this energy to keep cleaning up. And you” she said looking at me, “Maybe a cold shower would be a better idea.”

After Kim left, Jess ran to the bedroom, got the rest of the cocaine and flushed it down the toilet in a show of defiance. Taking Kim’s advice, we both got into different showers and cleaned ourselves up a bit. A quick use of some lotion and my right hand got my dick calmed down, too.

Jess was still nervous and emotional while we kept cleaning but we were still riding an energy high. I was still finding the whole thing funny and my mind kept going to thoughts of what our dinner with Kim might bring. With Milt away, would I finally have a shot at a threesome? With my girlfriend and a total MILF? For the next couple of hours we finished the cleaning and the cocaine wore off leaving us both feeling a rough mid-afternoon hangover.

Jess was definitely in rougher shape and she went to the upstairs bedroom and closed all the windows and blinds for the first time since we arrived. I went to the deck, put a towel over my face and laid out in one of the loungers in the shade. A few hours later, when I woke up the sun was lower in the sky and I saw it was about 5:30. I heard Jess in the kitchen and went in to check on her.

“You ok?” I asked.

“Yeah, I’m just so embarrassed and humiliated. The nap helped, but I don’t know how I’m going to face Kim ever again.”

“Babe. What’s done is done. Let’s go down to the ocean, cool off a bit and then go meet up with her. Now that we’re both feeling ‘normal’ we can talk to her about today.” Jess agreed with me and after a swim in the ocean, quick showers and a change of clothes we went over to Kim’s.

She had set up a table on the deck with a bottle of wine and had music playing inside. Kim was dressed in a low cut Summer dress that showed off her ample cleavage. It was longer in the back, but was cut in a “V” in the front, so it was higher and ended a bit lower than her crotch. She was wearing her same wedge heels and her hair was pulled back in a messy bun.

As we walked on to the deck, she gave us both a big hug and told us that Milt had to head home for a couple of days because of some work emergency. Kim offered me a beer and opened a bottle of wine for herself and Jess. We talked mostly about the mess we had been cleaning out and Kim told us more stories about the renters. Jess got emotional again, still taking the blame for what had happened with the renters. This led to both she and Kim getting emotional when they talked about Jess’ mother’s recent health battles and recovery.

After they had both cried a bit, Kim announced “It’s time to cheer up a bit. Let’s eat!” We followed her into the kitchen and helped her bring out salad, bread, roasted chicken and some sides. We sat down to eat and the conversation turned to me, my job and how Jess and I met. It was an easy, fun conversation and Kim was a gracious and generous hostess. The more I drank, the more I found myself trying to focus on Kim’s words rather than her body. Based on how her dress would shift and move, I was confident that she didn’t have any tan lines up top and did, in fact, sunbathe topless. I stared at her ass and didn’t see any panty lines, but couldn’t quite catch a glimpse up her dress to confirm my suspicions.

We cleaned up the table and moved over to the couch and chairs that were on the deck. Jess and I cuddled on one, while Kim sat in an oversized chair that allowed her to curl her legs under her. We were all still drinking and I starting to get a pleasant buzz.

“So” said Kim. “Let’s talk about the elephant in the room. If you don’t mind me asking, what were you thinking today doing coke and running around half naked in the house where anyone could see?”

“I’ll take the blame.” I replied. “The kids left behind some of their stash, weed and yeah, the cocaine. I’ve done it before and talked Jess into it. We let it get a little out of hand. Sorry again, Kim. We were just having fun.”

“I’m so sorry, Kim.” Jess jumped in. “Please, I’m begging you, please don’t tell my parents. With everything my mother has gone through, I don’t want to set her off on a week she just wants to relax. I’ll do anything for you. Please.”

Kim sat and sipped her wine as she seemed to contemplate the situation. Jess and I sat silently as she seemed to stare off at the ocean.

“I’ll tell you what.” She said breaking the silence. “Jason, go get the rest of the stash, Milt and I have been known to smoke here and there, so if you share with me tonight, I’ll keep your little secret.” I jumped up and ran to the house and back, bringing back the weed and papers. When I returned, Jess and Kim had refilled our glasses. I rolled a couple of joints, handed one to Kim and lit them both.

As we inhaled and drank, the effects of the weed started to hit us all. Despite all the shit they caused, the kids who stayed at the place had a decent quality of drugs! The stuff they left behind was potent and smooth. Very quickly, we were all relaxed and continued chatting.

The conversation got more familiar and casual with all of us giving more detail about past escapades we weren’t necessarily proud of. Jess told a story about a time when she left her last tour about auditioning as an exotic dancer in a nearby city. She was offered the job but had to decline at the last minute when her mother found out about her plans. I told some silly stories from my jobs in hotels with naked guests and catching people having sex in various places. My favorite ones always involved wedding parties where people were caught with someone OTHER than who they brought to the function.

Kim definitely acted younger than her age and jumped in with stories, too. She told us a story about her and Milt having sex in the beach house as it was being built. They had made a picnic lunch on a Summer night and ended up screwing on a blanket when there still weren’t any walls on the house. She had us both laughing when she got to the part of the story where Milt rolled over onto an exposed nail and it stabbed him in the buttock. She also talked about her plastic surgery and how this was her second set of implants. Jess asked questions about the surgery and Kim let her touch her covered tits to show her that they weren’t as hard as people thought they were.

Even without the weed, I would have reacted to my girlfriend squeezing another woman’s boobs, no matter how innocent it was. With the weed, I was sporting a solid hard-on under my shorts. As she talked, Kim had shifted in her seat causing her dress to ride up higher and I tried to covertly peek up her dress again.

Catching me in the act, Kim said, “Jason, I’m wearing a thong, so you can stop trying to peek up my skirt.” The smile and chuckle let me know she wasn’t offended but had noticed me.

Realizing I was busted, I apologized for what seemed like the millionth time, “I’m so sorry Kim. It’s the weed. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean…”

Kim cut me off with a short giggling fit, “Stop apologizing! Hell, I saw a lot more of you two today, so it would almost make us even.” I felt Jess crumble into my side in embarrassment again.

“Don’t worry. I told you I’d keep your little secret and I will. As a matter of fact, I’ll tell you one, too.” Kim leaned in closer as If someone would overhear us and continued. “I saw you both today. Not just in the hallway, but I saw you in the bedroom, too.”

Jess sat up and stared at Kim as she continued. “I came over to invite you guys tonight and heard the music playing. When I tried the kitchen door it was open. I called out ‘Hello’ but didn’t get a response, so I moved around the corner and saw you two. That’s not all.”

We were dumbfounded and were staring at Kim as she talked. My cock was growing even harder in my shorts just hearing her describe our activities from earlier that day.

“C’mere Jess” Kim mumbled “I’ll whisper my secret to you.” Jess slid over and sloppily leaned over so Kim could whisper in her ear. I couldn’t hear what she said, but I saw Jess blush and they both giggled more. After a minute of hushed conversation, Jessica returned to the couch with me and rested her hand on my thigh.

Kim excused herself to use the restroom and as soon as she was out of earshot, Jess sat back up and whispered in my ear. “She watched us, Jay. She said she saw you bending me over and banging me in the bedroom. But her big secret? She fingered herself in the kitchen while she watched us. She said she made herself come and then came home and masturbated alone again. She came so close to screaming out but she was afraid we would see her.”

At that moment a few things clicked into place from earlier. The sound of a door closing, her saying ‘Hello’, her cheeks and chest flushed. I thought it was the sun and the effects of the cocaine, when actually she had seen and watched us. I immediately started to reconsider the fact that there might be an opportunity presenting itself tonight.

“Babe.” I said, “That’s so hot. I wonder what would have happened if we had seen her too?”

I was interrupted as Kim came back out, “Well, I’m betting you told him, Jessica!”

“I..uh…” stumbled Jess.

“Don’t worry about it, honey! I knew you would. I might as well tell you that Milt and I saw you yesterday, too.”

Jess smacked me and exclaimed, “I told you they saw you make me come yesterday afternoon! You said they weren’t looking!”

“Afternoon? We weren’t home yesterday afternoon.” questioned Kim. “I’m talking about last night. Milt and I watched you on the deck from our bedroom. He found it so hot that I was describing you riding Jason while he did me from behind. Trust me, it’s the wine and weed talking, but I’m getting hot just thinking about it right now. In fact, I think we should call it a night, don’t you? Give you kids some time to enjoy yourselves.”

Finally! It was happening! I jumped at the opportunity that was unfolding in front of me.

“Uh, that sounds great Kim, I mean Jess and I have considered this sort of thing but I never thought…”. Her laughter cut me off cold.

“Oh, honey, you are so cute.” she said with almost a sad, patronizing tone. “You should see the look on your face. No. I mean you should go home so I can have some alone time with a little rabbit friend.” She saw me deflate a bit and walked over to give us both a big hug.

“Trust me, if I was into that sort of thing, I’d consider it right now. But the fact is, despite the fake tits, Botox, and all the rumors about me, I’ve never been unfaithful to Milt once. One thing that keeps us together is our honesty and faithfulness to each other. It’s the main thing that keeps me from becoming a future ex-Mrs. Dimitri.

But, I will tell you that when Milt is away, I get a little afraid of the dark, so I’ll probably leave the lights on for a while until I doze off. Just so you know.”

Jess and I took the hint, gave Kim a hug and raced back to our house.

“Holy shit, Jay, she wants us to watch her, doesn’t she?”

“Yeah, babe and I think we should return the favor.”


“Let’s leave the lights on, let her watch us again.”

“Sure. Fine. Whatever. I just need to get laid again. Weed always makes me horny and I want you now!”

We had made it to the stairs in the house and I was lifting Jess’ dress up over her head as she walked. She had on a tiny pink thong and no bra. I watched her ass and side boobs jiggle as she raced up the stairs. When we got to the bedroom, we looked over and saw that Kim had, indeed, turned on all the lights in her bedroom. She had moved a chair over to the window and was sitting facing us. She was still wearing her dress and looked like she had a phone up to her ear.

“Look Babe” I started. “I think she’s on the phone with Milt. Probably telling him what’s happening.” My cock was now rock hard and I was pressing against Jess’ barely-covered ass. I stripped off my shirt and moved my hands up to her tits and began caressing her soft globes.

“Jay? Are you sure? Should we do this?”

“Yeah, babe. It’s what we all want. We get to watch her while she watches us and tells Milt. It’s the fucking hottest thing ever.” I was gently pinching Jess’ nipples as I talked and I could feel them stiffening from my touch.

Jess pulled away, turned and pushed me backwards saying, “Well, then, let’s give them a show.”

In one motion, jess dropped to her knees and took my shorts and boxers with her. My cock sprung free and she swallowed it in one motion.

“Fuuuuuuuuck”, I moaned as her hot, wet mouth ran up and down the length of my dick. As she pressed her nose against my crotch, I could feel my cock touching the back of her throat. She pulled back and ran her tongue up and down the length, licking me like ice pop. She worked her way down, licking my shaft until she got to my balls.

“What’s she doing, Jay? Can you see her?”

Jessica took one of my balls in her mouth and sucked it in before moving to the other and doing the same. She was using a free hand to stroke me as she alternated taking my balls in her mouth licking and sucking. I looked across the way and saw that Kim had dropped her dress off her shoulders and was playing with one of her tits. She was still on the phone, but it looked like she was pulling on the nipples of each breast. I told Jess what was happening which seemed to inspire her more.

She plunged her mouth back on to my cock and wrapped one hand around my ass to pull me in more. Her spit was soaking my dick and dripping down her chin. I could hear her throat making a ‘glugging’ noise as she fucked me with her mouth and throat. I had one hand on the back of her head and looked down to see that she was tugging on her own nipple just as I described Kim was doing the same.

I tore my eyes away from Jess sucking my cock to look back across the way. Kim now had her dress hiked up to her waist and I couldn’t see the phone in her hand anymore. She was still tugging on her nipples to the point that I could see the skin pulling away from her silicone. Her other hand was now rubbing her pussy which was exposed by her spread legs.

“Jess, she’s touching herself now. She’s pulling on her tits and stroking her pussy for us.”

Jessica pulled off my cock with a “pop” and said, “I think it’s time we give her more of show, don’t you? Get the footrest from over there.”

I grabbed the small footrest from the corner of the room and brought it to Jessica. She placed it against the wall and placed one foot on it. Jessica reached back, grabbed my cock and slowly slid it inside her pussy. Once I was in, she lifted her other leg and balanced her toes on the window sill, leaning forward so her tits were pressed against the glass window. I grabbed Jessica’s hips and started slamming my cock into her.

“Jay…she’s fucking herself for us. She’s got a fucking vibrator and she’s fucking herself.”

I looked up and saw that Kim had a purple dildo and was now working it in and out of her pussy. Her mouth seemed to be open and she was staring directly at us as she worked herself over. Her dress was wrapped around her waist and I could see her ample tits bouncing as she fucked herself.

For the first time in my life, I was balls deep in my girlfriend but still had my attention split elsewhere. That being said, Jessica was making every effort to keep me focused on her.

“Don’t stop fucking me Jay. Don’t stop. Don’t fucking watch her. Look at me. Look at your cock sliding in and out of my hot little pussy. Watch my ass bouncing for you Jay. I want to feel you come so bad. I want you to fill me up.

I can see her for you. I’ll watch for you. She’s fucking herself hard now, Jay. I bet she wishes that was you up there with her instead of a piece of rubber.”

Hearing Jessica say that made my cock throb more as I slammed into her even harder.

“Ohhhhh..yeah…..that’s it. It that turning you on, Jason? Do you wish you were up there fucking her? Wish you had that cock buried deep in her pussy? You could bend her over and fuck her while I watch instead. Is that what you want?”

“No…I love fucking you.”

“Don’t lie, Jason.” Jessica pushed me back with one hand and walked to the bed, she laid down and spread her legs wide allowing me to slide in on top of her. I was now facing the window and coud still see Kim across the way, fucking herself with her dildo. Jess started moaning and talking as my dick split her lips and pushed back inside of her.

“I felt your cock when you heard she watched us today. Do you wish she had joined us? Do you wish she had walked in while you were fucking me? Watching your ass slam my pussy. What if she had taken off her top Jason and starting rubbing those big fake tits on your back while you fucked the shit out of me? Oh….that’s it….I can feel you getting close….”

Jessica was right, I could feel the cum starting to boil in me. Kim’s head was now rolled back and her eyes were closed as she seemed to be having an orgasm of her own across the way. Jess wrapped her muscular legs around me and pulled me in as deep as I could go in her pussy.

“Maybe she wanted more Jay. Maybe she wanted to walk into the room, spread her legs and touch herself in front of us while we watched her. Oh..that’s it…’re so close….

Maybe we should go back over there right now? Would you like that? You could lay me down on her bed just like this? She could watch you fuck me in her very bed. I’d let her, Jay. I’d let her watch you fuck me up close. I’d watch her push her fingers into her pussy while she watches you fuck me. Maybe as a ‘thank you’ for keeping our secret, I’d reach over, have her straddle my face and I’d lick her hot cunt while you fucked me.”

That did it. Hearing Jess’ language I finally exploded into her. My hips locked forward as her pussy muscles spasmed and milked the cum from me. I felt the hot fluid fill her up and swirl around my embedded dick. When she released me a bit, I started small strokes with my deflating dick, enjoying the feeling of our mixed cum leaking out from her. I removed my hands from her hips and saw that I had left a set of red fingerprints from where I had been gripping her.

I looked up and across the way toward Kim who had gotten up from her chair and moved to the window. The phone was back up to her ear and she was still topless with her dress bundled around her waist. As my cock dripped the last of its cum onto Jess’ pussy, I watched as Kim waved to us and blew us a kiss, before turning off her lights hiding her from our view.

Jessica and I cleaned ourselves up before climbing naked into bed together. As she drifted off, Jess said, “Go make sure the kitchen door is locked. We’ll have time for one last frolic in the morning before you go to Costco and I wash these sheets again.”

I padded naked to the kitchen, closed the door and returned to the bedroom before I turned off the bedside lamp enveloping us in darkness. Jess and I didn’t last long enough to return to the beach house together the following year. But now, decades later, every time I rent an Airbnb or VRBO at a beach, I think about that Summer: Cleaning up a house with a topless girlfriend, fucking where anyone could see, and the hot MILF next door.


Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed this year’s entry to the Nude Day contest! Remember, VOTE, COMMENT and GUESS what is Truth and what is the TWIST in the story!

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