Becca XXX – Hard Time Ch. 07 by Naughtybecca,Naughtybecca

Author’s note: – This is a follow on to the previous chapter of Becca XXX Hard Time. Please read it before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Hard Time. Ch 07.

I’d learned a long time ago that when you’ve got something frightening or difficult to do, there’s no point in delaying it.

The human mind only dwells on the negative outcomes of difficult tasks, which sends you into a vicious spiral of even more worry and stress. Preparation is fine, but sometimes you just have to throw caution to the wind and go for it.

I was well trained in negotiation and martial arts and, as I left the rest of my new gang in Melody’s cell, I had no fear of what was to come.

Melody and Naomi had both offered to come with me, but I’d talked them out of it. Turning up mob-handed outside The Crow’s cell would only provoke the situation and, for now, that was what I was trying to avoid.

I had no weapons on me other than the ones I was born with. Almost every part of the human body can be used to inflict harm on another person if you knew how to. Fists, elbows, knees, feet and even your forehead can be used to take an opponent down in the blink of an eye, but I hoped that it wouldn’t come to that.

The wing seemed to fall silent as I walked along the first-floor landing with purpose towards The Sisterhood’s inner sanctum. People were going about their business, but moved out of the way and stopped talking as I passed them. Some nodded at me and some looked away. It was as though they all knew what was coming.

The whole of Bronzefield knew what I’d done to The Crow’s goons and they knew not to stand in my way. I was a one-woman wrecking machine and if I took out more of The Sisterhood or even their leader, the rest of the prison would sleep easier at night.

I spotted the Crow’s lookouts early on. There were two skinny girls standing on either side of the upper walkway who looked like crack whores. They were painfully thin, with eyes that were sunk into their skulls. Their only interest was where their next fix was coming from and The Crow must have been keeping them supplied in return for sentry duty. They certainly weren’t fighters, but they’d been chosen to warn the rest of her gang if anyone approached their area of the prison.

As I got closer, one of them spotted me, but looked away and tapped something metallic on the railings.

Ting – ting.

I passed her unchallenged and noticed that she had a silver coin in her hand. The tapping noise echoed down towards a group of four larger women standing outside what I assumed to be The Crow’s cell.

On hearing the warning, all four of them formed up on the landing as I continued my approach. I kept an eye on my periphery without actually looking at anyone, but I could see everyone around me. Some onlookers moved away and went into their cells, some actually ran past me in the opposite direction with their heads down.

They all knew what was coming and they didn’t want to get caught in the crossfire.

I breathed slowly and deeply, trying to fight my body’s natural reactions. The fight or flight response is built into all of us and dates back to the caveman era. It’s there to fill our blood with adrenaline ready to either run for our life or fight for it. The problem with adrenaline is that it can make you freeze. The brain can’t cope with a huge increase in the chemical and it gets stuck with the decision of running or staying still. Instead, it does nothing.

My yogic breathing and centring of my body kept me calm on the outside, but ready to unleash hell on the inside. I was like a coiled spring, full of potential energy waiting to be released if it was triggered.

I brought both hands up and patted the air in front of me as I got within eight feet of the girls and then I stopped.

Eight feet was my optimum fighting distance in a situation like this. I was too far away for any of them to strike at me without making a double movement. That would give me long enough to read the attack and counter it as it came in.

“I don’t want any trouble,” I said calmly. “I just want to talk to The Crow.”

I glanced behind me to make sure my exit wasn’t blocked and that no one had snuck up behind me. The whole landing had cleared, but there were still a few faces peering out from behind doorframes to watch it all unfold.

“She doesn’t accept visitors,” snapped a girl with a head the size of a pumpkin.

“Tell her Becca’s here to see her. I’m sure she’ll make an exception,” I said.

“We know who you are, bitch. You’ve got a lot of nerve showing up here, I’ll give you that,” said her friend who had the physique of a Russian shot-putter.

“Thank you,” I smiled. “Can you let her know I’m here to talk.”

“She doesn’t want to talk to you. You’re marked for death in this prison. Whoever takes you out is going to be well rewarded, believe me,” said Pumpkin-head.

I let out a long sigh of disappointment and dropped my hands to my sides. The sigh wasn’t just for effect. The long in-breath and out-breath calmed me down and helped me to relax, but it ran deeper than that. Martial arts isn’t about brawling and using muscle power. It’s about being relaxed and using inner energy rather than brute strength.

Just the simple act of throwing a punch only required an initial twitch of the hips and glutes to send the fist on its trajectory. It remains relaxed during its flight and then the whole body tenses as it makes impact. That’s what made it so deadly. It wasn’t the fist that did the damage, it was the energy wave it threw off. I always likened it to a heart beat. The technique went from a flat line, to its maximum peak and back to a flat line in the blink of an eye. As you returned to the relaxed position, it made you ready for the next opponent before the first one had even hit the floor.

“Do you really want to do this?” I asked.

“Do you?” replied Pumpkin-head.

“I’m here, aren’t I?”

“Not for long,” piped up another girl from behind who had blue hair.

“The last time I fought any of you fuckwits, there were six of you. Now there’s only four. I can see that maths isn’t your strong point, but do you really think you’re going to stop me getting into that cell?” I nodded at the door behind them.

“We’re The Crow’s personal protection team,” said Shot-putter. “You won’t get past us.”

“You couldn’t protect yourself from pregnancy,” I laughed. “Not that anyone would ever want to fuck you, you fucking rhino.”

I watched her face screw up in anger and she tightened her fists. These girls were as stupid as the last ones I’d fought. I wasn’t going to get anywhere by talking to them so I’d have to resort to plan B as usual. Naomi would be very disappointed, but I had a job to do.

“You won’t be laughing when I’m fisting your corpse,” she sneered.

“Awwww, is that the only way you can get any sex – by fucking dead bodies?” I made a pouty face at her.

The fourth girl at the back was unusually quiet. The Crow’s crew were usually full of bravado and bullshit which was meant to intimidate any would be aggressor. This girl was slim and athletic and nice looking for a change. Her eyes were very pretty and she wasn’t rising to any of my insults.

Pumpkin head, Shot-putter and Blue-hair had been picked by The Crow due to their size and demeanour. They were intimidating to look at, but that’s as far as it went. Pretty-eyes was the real deal and was by far my biggest threat at that moment. I’d have to be careful with her.

I quickly glanced back to check I wasn’t going to be attacked from the rear.

It was still clear.

Everything was now to my advantage. I’d planned it this way as I’d approached. The landing was narrow which meant they could only attack me one at a time; two at the most. They were practically lined up in front of me like four punch bags waiting to be dropped one by one.

Pumpkin-head would have to go first. She was so wide that the others wouldn’t be able to attack me until she was out of the way. She’d be slow due to her size, which meant I had speed and aggression on my side.

“I’ll ask you one more time and then you’ll be off to the infirmary,” I said. “Can you please waddle your big fat ass over to the door and tell The Crow that I’m here to speak to her.”

“Fuck you, bitch. You’re dead,” shouted Pumpkin-head, a split second before she attacked.

She stepped forwards with her right foot to make up the distance between us. At the same time, she pulled her right fist back like a baseball player about to swing for a home run. It was so blindingly obvious what she was doing that I had all the time in the world to execute my counter attack.

As her fist started it’s long swing towards me, I side stepped forwards with my right foot and punched her in the throat with my right hand as hard as I could. My body locked on contact and my first two knuckles projected into the target by about two inches. The Japanese name for my punch was Kazami Zuki or jabbing punch, but it was far more than a jab. It had my whole body weight behind it plus my enemy’s forward momentum as she came towards me. That doubled the kinetic energy of the impact. Her head rocked back as though her neck had been broken.

Thwack. Snap.

I felt my technique finish and I then pulled my arm back and stepped away to where I’d come from as though nothing had happened. It took a second or two for her body to catch up with her brain and realise that she’d been knocked out from my devastating strike, but it eventually caught up. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell to the floor like a fallen tree in slow motion.


One down, three to go.

“Are we carrying on?” I asked with a smug grin on my face. “Or do you all want to end up like her?”

Shot-putter screamed like a banshee and lurched towards me. She had to cover more distance than Pumpkin-head because she had been standing behind her. She also had to step over her unconscious friend who was now lying on the landing between us.

I watched her like a hawk and stood stock still until I saw my opening. Having an opponent who doesn’t move when you attack them is very disconcerting and it gave me the upper hand. In her head she was thinking ‘why hasn’t she moved? She’s too slow. I’m going to win’. Unfortunately for her, it had given her false confidence and as her right foot was about to touch the floor on my side of the body, I kicked out with my left and swept her leg sideways from under her.

Her weight had already shifted to the foot that was about to touch the ground and she toppled sideways unable to stop herself from falling over. Her arms flailed about trying to keep herself upright as her face headed towards the railings. It was futile; she was going to bang her face on them no matter what she did. I just helped her on the way. I grabbed the back of her head and forced it downwards onto the metal bar with a gut-wrenching crunch. The horizontal bar smashed into her top lip and the noise was so loud that it echoed off the walls of A wing like someone ringing a dinner bell.

Crunch. Clang.

Blood and teeth splattered onto the metal walkway and she landed in a heap on top of her fat-headed friend. She was out of it.

I heard an onlooker take a sharp intake of breath followed by an ‘oooooooh’ of shock and then the silence returned.

Two down, two to go.

“I could do this all day long,” I smirked.

Blue-hair was next in the firing line and she appeared to have a bit more about her. She was several feet back from the two bodies so she waited for me to come to her. I could tell that she was going to wait until I was stepping over the bodies before she attacked me. She was a fast learner, but I wasn’t going to allow it to happen.

“Come on cunt face,” she spat, beckoning me in. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”

“There’s no need for name calling,” I replied calmly. “Let’s try and be civil.”

“Fuck you… come on, you slag. You’re going down.”

I started my way towards her and began to step over her passed-out comrades. Unlike her friend, I kept my left hand on the railing to steady myself. As my left leg got three-quarters of the way towards her, she ran forwards ready to attack me while I was apparently off balance. Unfortunately for her, I hadn’t transferred my body weight to that leg yet; it was still three inches off the floor. As soon as she was close enough, I pulled my left foot back and jumped up in the air with my right. I supported my weight on the hand rail and kicked her straight in the face before she could react.

Slap. Crunch.

I landed on her side of the bodies, but I was closer than I wanted to be. My kick had stunned her, but she wasn’t out of it yet. She shook her head to clear her vision and that was all the time I needed to finish her off. I was too close for an effective punch so I snapped my elbow under her chin in an upwards direction and drove up off my back leg. The force of the blow lifted her off of her feet by a couple of inches and she flew backwards towards the wall.

Smash – snap – flop.

She was unconscious before she hit the wall and her body scraped down the grey paintwork like a wet rag.

Three down. One to go.

I focused my full attention on Pretty-eyes. She was standing motionless in front of me like a statue. If that wasn’t worrying enough, her face gave nothing away; it was like stone.

“I guess it’s just you and me now,” I stated the obvious. “Why don’t you be a dear and move aside? It doesn’t have to be like this. I’d hate to mess up that pretty face of yours, you’re absolutely gorgeous.”

I wasn’t being sarcastic for a change. She really was a stunner. She had short blonde hair and huge green eyes. It was obvious that she stayed in shape and anyone who was that nice looking without any scars or marks on them, must have been a good fighter.

She responded by stepping back into a fighting stance. Her feet were shoulder width apart, with her right leg back and her hips and shoulders at forty-five-degrees to me. She brought her hands up in front of her with her left hand open and her right hand making a fist. That told me that she was right-handed. It was a classic martial arts ready-stance and I knew from her ice-cold persona that she knew what she was doing. She stared out at me with dead eyes as she sized me up, looking at nothing, but seeing everything with her thousand-yard stare. I just shrugged and dropped into a similar stance and stared back at her. My heart beat slowed and my whole body relaxed.

I was ready.

We were now locked in a stalemate until one of us made a move. Japanese Samurai warriors used to sit opposite their enemy for hours until one of them attacked the other. Then, as they drew their swords, one would die and one would be victorious. They had had to enter a state of mind known as Mushin or no mind. The battle of the minds was equally as important as the physical one which they were about to undertake. Each warrior had entered the battle to win or lose without any thought of winning or losing.

Only through years of hard training could this be achieved. Fear never entered into my thoughts. In fact, nothing did. I was either going to react to her attack or she was going to react to mine. After that it was just down to who was the better, more determined fighter.

That was going to be me.

I was never one for prolonging a stand off. I was trained to finish a fight as quickly and effortlessly as possible. We had some distance to cover, so a front snapping kick was the most obvious attack. I was about to make my move but Pretty-eyes got there a fraction of a second before me.

She snapped her back leg towards me and I moved to the side in order to avoid and block her kick. Unfortunately, her front kick was just a ploy to draw me in and she changed it at the last minute into a round-house to my face.

She was fast – too fast for me – and the ball of her foot connected hard with my temple. I saw starbursts, but managed to stay on my feet as she followed it up with a punch to my chest. My instincts kicked in and I blocked her punch downwards, pulling her towards me. As she lined me up with her left, I punched out with my right arm like a piston, aiming just below her earlobe.

She read my counter early and grabbed my wrist with both hands, twisting and pulling my arm upwards into an arm lock. My body bent forwards at the waist to prevent my elbow from snapping as she shifted position. A move like that was usually followed up with a strike to the back of the neck. If she managed to do that, I’d be out of the game.

As she twisted my arm up into the air, I dropped onto one knee, flowing with her movement and spinning my free elbow around in a wide arc behind me. My low body weight caused her head to drop lower and she ploughed into the tip of my elbow.


It hit her hard in the ear and she reeled backwards, losing her grip on my arm. I got to my feet and went after her while she was momentarily stunned. Anger filled her eyes as though she’d never been hit before. Her ego was now clouding her judgment.

I faked a punch to her face, jumped up in the air and wrapped my arm around her neck. I landed behind her and dragged her backwards on top of me. My arm tightened around her throat and I started to choke her out, using my other arm for leverage.

She was agile and athletic and had a strong will not to lose. Maybe she was thinking of The Crow’s big reward or maybe it was just down to loyalty. Either way, she didn’t give up.

She wrapped her arms around the back of my head and dragged my head towards her chest. At the same time, she snapped her knee up towards my face. I hadn’t seen it coming and she was so fast that it crashed into the side of my cheek.


I could taste blood in my mouth, feeling the inside of my cheek make contact with my teeth, cutting into the soft flesh. I kept hold of her, squeezing harder and using my dominant body weight to roll her over. I didn’t want a repeat performance which I knew was coming. She was now face down on the metal walkway with my knee pushing into her back and my arm choking the life out of her.

She wriggled, thrashed and lashed out trying to scratch at my eyes and face, but I kept my head well out of the way and waited for her to stop fighting. Her face was going red and she was gasping for air. She was about to pass out when I heard a shout from behind me.


I turned my head to see The Crow standing in her cell doorway with her arms held up in the air in surrender.

“Let her go,” she said more quietly. “I’ll listen to what you’ve got to say.”

I was in a vulnerable position lying on top of her body guard. The Crow could have easily stabbed me or kicked me in the head, but she’d chosen to talk. I found that surprising but I wasn’t taking any chances. I released my choke hold on Pretty-eyes and got to my feet before she changed her mind.

“This could have all been avoided if your bitches had been more welcoming,” I glanced over at the three unconscious bodies on the floor. “You should have just come out to see me.”

Pretty-eyes was coughing her lungs up trying to get some oxygen back into her body. She rolled over onto her back with her large green eyes almost popping out of her head. Spit and dribble oozed from her lips as her body tried to recover.

“Are you ok?” The Crow asked her, ignoring me completely.

Pretty-eyes nodded, but still didn’t speak. I wondered if she was mute.

I was about to say something else when Davis and Edwards arrived on the walkway. They had their batons drawn and were approaching cautiously. They’d certainly taken their time in responding to the fight even though it had lasted less than two minutes.

The Crow turned her attention towards them and shook her head. To my amazement, the two screws stopped in their tracks and put their batons back into their belts. I suddenly realised how much power this girl had over people in the prison. She was untouchable in Bronzfield; even some of the screws did as she said.

“In here,” she gestured to me, nodding her head into her cell. “Let’s talk.”

“After you,” I replied, waving for her to go first.

There was no way I was going to turn my back on this psycho bitch. She turned and went back into her cell and I followed her in, leaving the screws to tidy up the mess I’d created. The Crow was wearing her prison T-shirt and trousers, but no shoes or socks. I noticed that even her feet were tattooed with ornate black ink.

Her cell was a sight to behold. Arrow had been right about it being like a teenager’s bedroom. She had a large flat screen TV on the wall and a games console similar to Arrow’s. The cell was single-occupancy and only had one bed instead of a bunk. The walls were painted white instead of grey and the floor was carpeted with a black rug. The walls were covered in posters of muscular men with their shirts off and beautiful naked women in suggestive poses. She obviously swung both ways, but I already knew that.

I stayed near the doorway keeping my eye out to make sure I wasn’t going to be jumped from behind. More of her goons could have been on the way and I wasn’t taking any chances. The Crow walked over to her table and picked up two plastic cups.

“Drink?” she asked.

“I’m good,” I replied.

“Suit yourself.”

Her table was full of plastic bottles full of clear liquid. Each bottle had a letter written on the side. I assumed that V, T and G were vodka, tequila and gin. She poured herself some V like it was some sort of ritual to keep me waiting.

I took my time to study her tattooed face as she turned towards me. Her brown eyes shone like diamonds from behind her dark eye makeup. Her left eye had two tear drops tattooed under it in black ink. There were two swirly, floral tattoos just in front of each ear and the one on the right extended up above her eyebrow and onto her forehead. Her septum was pierced and so was her bottom lip. She wore black lipstick and I could see the head of her crow tattoo projecting up from her T-shirt and onto her neck. Her skin was olive-brown and her jet-black hair hung in wet ringlets.

She was breathtakingly beautiful despite her gothic, menacing appearance. Her nipples were hard under her shirt and it was obvious that her tiny tits were braless.

“So, what do you want to talk to me about?” she said, taking a sip and eyeing me over the rim of the cup.

Her tone was clear, confident and concise. She wasn’t phased by what had just happened to her team on the landing. She was as cool as ice.

“I’m here to clear Naomi’s debt,” I said, equally as confidently.

“Well, aren’t you the Little-miss-fix-it,” she smirked. “Why would you do that?”

“Because I want something from you in return.”

“Good luck with that. Nothing in life is free, especially in prison.”

“I’m sure we can come up with something that is beneficial to both of us,” I shrugged. “What’s your price?”

“My price for what? You haven’t told me what you want from me yet.”

She was staring out at me, sizing me up, trying to figure out what made me tick and what my weaknesses were.

I glanced around her room in search of the Wi-Fi dongle. I found it sitting on the desk with its lights flashing randomly. It was about the size of a cigarette packet and was plugged into a power outlet.

“I need internet access,” I replied, nodding at the small device that could aid my escape.

She took a sharp intake of breath like trades people do when the price is going to be high.

“That’s very expensive,” she said, narrowing her eyes at me. “What do you want it for?”

“Does it matter?”

“Of course. If I’m going to let you use it, I need to know that it won’t come back on me. I have a reputation to uphold and a relationship with the governor to consider.”

“That’s some relationship you’ve got. Maybe you should choose a better role model,” I scoffed.

“He has his uses. I do his dirty work in here and he turns a blind eye to my contraband smuggling operation. It’s like a symbiotic relationship.”

“You’re doing his dirty work in more ways than one,” I snapped. “You’re nothing more than his little rape puppet.”

“And so are you and Melody,” she laughed. “We are all in the same boat. The difference is, I won’t be in here forever. He’s taking days off of my sentence every week. They’ll soon add up to years and then I’ll be free.”

“Whatever. Are you willing to trade or not?” I didn’t have time for her bullshit.

“It depends what you’re offering in return. A few of my people are missing in action thanks to you. I need replacements. Naomi owes me her service already and now you will too.”

“What sort of service?”

“I have a shipment coming into the prison tomorrow and I need someone to smuggle the contraband in. It’s visiting day and I can’t keep my loyal clients waiting any longer. I want Naomi to go to the visitor’s room, meet with my girl on the outside and smuggle the goods into the prison,” she said it like it was nothing.

“I’ll do it instead of her,” I replied. “She made a stupid mistake, but I’m here to rectify it. How does it work?”

The Crow sat on the bed and shuffled up until her back was leaning against the wall. She crossed her legs and patted the bed next to her.

“Take a seat,” she motioned.

I took her up on her offer but stayed on the edge of the bed. I didn’t want to get too close to this unpredictable woman and I needed to guard the door.

“One of my girls is bringing drugs into the visitor’s room tomorrow. She’ll have them hidden of course. I’ll need you to meet with her and take the drugs while no one’s looking.”

“How will she get them through the security check?” I asked already knowing the answer.

“They’ll be several small packages made waterproof by wrapping them in condoms,” she explained, unflinching and constantly staring at me. “Each one is about the size of a small plum and they’ll be stuffed inside her pussy.”

It was the most obvious way for a woman to hide things. I’d done the same thing with diamonds a few years ago on my first assignment.

“And you want me to take them from her and stuff them inside me?” I asked.

She nodded and smiled.

“Your cunt’s nice and stretchy. I’m sure it can handle the payload,” she smiled.

“How many wraps are there?”

“Eight. It’ll be a tight squeeze, but I know you like being stretched out. Your performance at the orgy didn’t go unnoticed, you dirty little slut.”

She was putting extra emphasis on the swear words as though she wanted them to sound dirtier. If I didn’t know otherwise, I’d say she was coming on to me or just teasing me for fun. I decided to ignore it and carry on with the mission brief.

“What about searches? Surely they’ll do a cavity search on me before I come back onto the wing?”

“It’s always a risk, but I think you’ll be ok. It’s your first time in here, so they shouldn’t suspect you.”

“Ok. I’ll do it. When do I get to use the dongle?” I asked.

“You don’t. That’s just to clear Naomi’s debt. You’ll have to do something else for me if you want to borrow my dongle.”

She took another sip of vodka as though she didn’t have a care in the world. I already knew that she’d want more, but it was always worth a try.

“What have you got in mind?” I quizzed, feeling a sense of dread wash over me.

“It’s simple. I want you to fuck me,” she said with an emotionless look on her face.

Her answer took me by surprise. I’d been expecting her to ask me to kill someone in the prison or work for her as a body guard. I was lost for words for a second.

“You want me to what?” I spluttered.

“I want you to fuck me. I know you want to. You’re attracted to me, I can tell. I saw the way you were looking at me in the basement. You couldn’t stop staring at me, you horny bitch.”

“I was checking out your tats,” I pointed out.

“My tats or my tits?”

“Tattoos. They’re really quite something.”

“You’re lucky to have seen them all,” she replied. “Most people who have witnessed my naked artwork, ended up dead.”


“I like to kill my prey after mating with them. It’s just a little fetish of mine. Don’t worry, I only kill men.”

“You tried to kill me the other night,” I pointed out. “I’m not a man.”

“No. You’re all woman, Becca. And what a sexy woman you are. You’re so like me in so many ways.”

“I’m not a murdering psychopath,” I sneered. “I’m nothing like you.”

“And yet here you are in Bronze for murder.”

She had a point.

“That’s different,” I replied. “I don’t have to explain myself to you, but I killed someone to save someone else.”

“How heroic of you. So, you think it’s ok to murder someone if they’re a bad person?”

“I believe in karma.”

“So, we are alike then.”

“I doubt it. You’re in here for multiple murders and arson. Are you trying to tell me that all the people you’ve killed were bad?”

“Absolutely. They were the worst. They were no better than the men in the basement who raped us the other night. Do you think men like that should be allowed to get away with such crimes?” she raised her eyebrows at me.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Everyone in Bronzefield thought The Crow was a nutcase, but if I was reading this right, she was very much like me. Had she really only ever killed rapists?

“Absolutely not,” I replied. “They deserve to die. No one should treat women like that.”

A silence fell on the room like a dark shroud. The Crow stared at me, unmoving, waiting for me to ask her another question. I didn’t want to give her the satisfaction. I only knew that she’d tried to choke me to death during a fit of passion and that she’d threatened to kill me afterwards. I couldn’t trust her as far as I could throw her, but she was intriguing me.

“Agreed. That’s why I burned my victims alive,” she said, breaking the silence. “Every. Last. Fucking. One of them. That’s why I’m in here. I sought out rapists and brought them to justice. I did what the police refused to do. Men like that deserve to die painfully in a ball of flames. Fire gives me retribution and burns away my sins.”

“Jesus Christ. You really are fucking crazy,” I replied, feeling a little sickened by what she’d said.

I was all for killing bad people, but setting them on fire was a bit much even for me. The problem was that deep down inside me, I had a new found respect for this woman. We weren’t so different after all.

“You killed someone to save another life. I kill rapists to stop them from raping other women. How I do it is up to me, but I’m making the world a better place just like you.”

I’d killed more bad people then I cared to count and a lot of them had been rapists. Her methods were slow and brutal as opposed to mine being quick and clinical.

“How did you know they were rapists?”

“Because I allowed them to rape me,” she began to explain. “I used to find these men on dating apps. After making them think that I was a vulnerable easy target, I’d meet up with them. I could usually tell from their emails and texts what sort of a person they were going to be. I also did my research into them to see if they had past convictions for sex offences. Once they got me alone, I’d make sure they knew I didn’t want sex and then I’d wait for the inevitable forced intercourse. Once they’d dumped their load into me, I’d have my fun.”

“You sound like a model citizen,” I joked sarcastically.

“That’s what the judge said,” she snorted. “Apparently, I was the criminal in all this rather than those sick fuckers forcing themselves onto women. There’s just no justice in the world anymore.”

“If you say so,” I replied, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of agreeing with her.

“Do you know why I have a crow tattoo?” she asked, changing the subject.

“Because you like birds?”

“No. It’s because of what the crow signifies and represents. Crows are carrion birds who feed off of the dead. After I was raped for the first time at eighteen, men like that were dead to me. They were no more than bags of meat lying by the roadside waiting to feed the crows. The first man who raped me died in agony as I reaped my revenge upon him. He was never going to hurt anyone like that again. That’s when I decided to go on my crusade. I had found my true calling in life and I decided to get my tattoo. I changed into The Crow after that to feed off of the dead. Seeing them burn to death feeds my soul just as much as roadkill feeds a real crow. It’s very cleansing.”

She shuffled off of the bed and walked over to the door. She pushed it closed and turned back to face me. I suddenly felt isolated and trapped, being alone with her blocking my only exit. This sexy bitch was like Jekyll and Hyde. One minute she was trying to fuck me and the next she was trying to kill me. My heart fluttered at the thought of either scenario.

Without saying a word, she pulled her T-shirt over her head and dropped her trousers to her ankles. She then stepped forwards completely naked and stood at the foot of the bed. I could understand why she wasn’t wearing a bra; she didn’t need one, but I had no idea why she didn’t have any knickers on.

The masterpiece of living ink stood before me like a museum piece. I couldn’t help but let out a small involuntary gasp of delight at her amazing body.

“Now you can see my tattoos in private without a room full of perverts distracting us,” she said, holding her hands by her sides.

“Am I supposed to be impressed?” I swooned, feeling my pussy swell in my underwear.

“Aroused would be better than impressed,” she said. “You were so fucking wet the other night after all of that cock. I loved watching you perform.”

She moved closer. Her small breasts were perfectly framed by the huge crow on her chest. The wings looked like they were supporting them like a mystical being. Her nipples were dark and hard and would drive any man wild with desire. Her taught abs gave way to her tuft of pubic hair above her meaty pussy. I could see her lips hanging down between her legs from a few feet away.

“I know I make you wet,” she said. “I can practically smell it from here.”

She was right – I was soaked.

My cunt was leaking like a tap, but I was still unsure of her intentions. She may have been lulling me into a false sense of security, ready to snap my neck when my guard was down.

My thoughts turned to what had been said since I’d arrived to try and assess the danger level. We had some sort of agreement about me smuggling drugs into the prison for her, so I doubted that she’d kill me. If she wanted me dead, she’d wait until I’d held up my part of the bargain.

“Did you see it from the back?” she asked, turning around so she was facing the wall. “It’s just as impressive.”

She stuck her ass out towards me and held her arms out to the sides like a crucifix. Her toned back had the reverse side of the crow which matched the front. It showed the back of the crow’s head and it’s spread wings as seen from behind. The tail feathers stopped just above her pert ass cheeks which defied gravity.

She had definitely been doing her squats despite what Naomi and I had said about her.

“Count the tail feathers,” she said over her shoulder.

I quickly totted them up and counted fifteen. Each one was slightly different as though they’d been added after the main piece.

“Fifteen,” I said.

“That’s how many men I’ve killed. I add to it each time I kill one of their kind.”

She slowly bent forwards, reaching back with both hands and spreading her ass cheeks like a parting sea. Her anus and undercarriage came into view and I saw her butthole for the first time.

It had been dark the last time we’d fucked, but the lighting in the cell showed me every detail of her crevice. Her anus was tattooed with a black, five-pointed star which I imagined must have been excruciating when she’d had it done.

“Fucking hell. Didn’t that hurt?” I cooed, moving in for a closer look.

“Like a mother fucker,” she replied. “Do you like it?”

“You’re a work of art, but why have you done this to yourself?”

“To show my dedication to the cause,” she replied.

I looked lower at her hanging inner labia which were pierced and slick with her wetness. Her pink clit poked out, unable to hide within its hood due to the ring she had through it. The tattooed garter belts around the top of her thighs accentuated their shape and sexuality and I knew I wasn’t going to be able to resist her for much longer.

“Tell me you’re not wet now, you slut,” she said, turning back around and cupping her breasts. “You’ve practically sniffed my ass like a dog. I know you love it.”

“If we fuck, you’re going to give me that dongle,” I replied, defiantly. “You can either keep up your end of the deal peacefully or I’ll take it by force if you betray me.”

“Promises promises,” she laughed. “You’ll get the dongle once the smuggling’s done tomorrow. You have my word.”

Her word didn’t count for much, but after seeing her bent over offering herself to me, I knew my inner slut was about to take over regardless of the mission. Slut Becca was always there to protect me from harm and I loved her for it.

“Take your shirt off,” she ordered. “Let’s play fair.”

I glanced at the door, wondering about privacy, but The Crow must have read my thoughts.

“Don’t worry, we won’t be disturbed,” she smiled. “Shirt. Off.”

I remained seated and slipped my T-shirt over my head. I made sure that my ample breasts got caught up in the fabric so that they’d drop and bounce as they were released. The Crow wasn’t the only one who knew how to seduce someone.

Boing. Boing.

They dropped one by one under their own weight and came to rest as I threw my shirt onto the floor. I’d deliberately not worn a bra, but I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why. Somehow, my subconscious had decided it was a good idea and it had been right.

“You fucking dirty bitch,” she gasped. “You’re a brave girl walking around A wing with no bra on. This place is full of weirdos who’d love to make you their bitch.”

“Like you, you mean?”

“I think we both know that that’s not the case. Take your trousers off.”

She nodded down at my prison greys and I shuffled out of them after kicking my shoes and socks off.

I sat in front of her on the bed and slowly spread my legs seductively. Her eyes were all over me like a rash taking in every inch of my sensual being.

“Are they natural?” she nodded at my tits.

“Of course. You’ve felt them, you know they’re real.”

“Mmmm, I’m jealous,” she said with a straight face. “I wasn’t blessed in the tit department, but I make up for it by having a tight fuck hole.”

“I know, I’ve felt it,” I smirked.

I was still unsure as to whether this was a trap or not, but the sexual tension between us was only making me more horny by the second.

“That’s why the governor likes fucking me so much. It takes him back to his days as a headmaster when he used to fuck virgin college girls to punish them.”

“I know, he told me.”

“Shuffle back and lie on the bed,” she ordered.

I paused for a second and then did a she instructed. I didn’t want to seem too willing, but I wanted this woman’s body pressed against mine. I wanted to taste her skin and feel her heart beating against my naked breasts. The danger of what was about to happen made it far more erotic than fucking a normal sane person. At any moment she could change her mind and do me harm, but it only enhanced the sexual electricity and anticipation between us.

I moved up the bed and laid down with my head on her pillow. Her bed was softer than mine and her duvet set definitely wasn’t prison regulation. I doubted that the local government would be paying for white satin sheets.

I had a brief flashback to my training with Lexa back at The Facility. She always made me feel submissive and The Crow was doing the same thing to me right now. Being a sex slave was part of my job if the scenario required it and this afternoon was a prime example. I’d let this girl do whatever she wanted to me if it meant I was accomplishing my objectives. The fact that it was enjoyable to be fucking away the afternoon only made my job even better.

She climbed onto the bed on her knees, in an upright position. Her tattooed crow dominated my eye-line as she towered above me. Painfully slowly she wiggled her knees either side of me and began to move up towards my head. I heard her metal pussy piercings rattling together as she approached with her undercarriage glistening above me.

“You’re going to eat me out and then fuck both my holes until I cum,” she demanded. “I’m in charge here. Do you understand?”

I didn’t have a lot of choice if I wanted the dongle so I just nodded.

“Say it,” she ordered.

“I’m going to eat you out and then fuck both of your holes until you cum,” I repeated.

“Good girl.”

She stopped moving once her cunt was above my face. I could see tiny droplets of her arousal hanging from her lips as her pussy sat ten inches above me. Her labia rings glinted in the light and she looked down across her flat chest into my eyes.

“Can you see how turned on you’ve made me?” she asked in a menacing tone. “I’m fucking dripping because of you, you horny bitch.”

“I can see it,” I replied. “Sit on my face and let me taste you.”

“Breathe me in first. Smell me. Tell me that you want me.”

I craned my neck upwards to gain a few inches and breathed in deeply. Her pussy scent was feint but womanly and whole. Arousal, pee and sweat filled my nostrils and I felt my clit twitch in anticipation inside my wet knickers.

“You smell delicious. I want to taste it so bad. Sit down and make me lick your slit,” I pleaded. “Smother me with your cunt.”

She smiled at me knowing that I’d submitted to her will and slowly sank down onto my eager face.

Her scent got stronger by the second and I lifted my head off of the pillow to get to the prize as quickly as possible. The fact that we were in a prison cell faded into insignificance as her moist fuck lips finally made contact with my mouth.

She was juicy, wet, slimy and salty. She pushed her whole body weight down through her pussy and onto my lips and tongue.

“Taste me. Lick me,” she panted.

I didn’t need telling, I needed to fuck this girl like my life depended on it. Maybe it did. Her lips spread outwards and I sampled her essence straight from the source. Men may well have gotten off sniffing women’s panties, but there was nothing quite like the real thing.

Her hips started to rock back and forth as though she was cantering a horse. She knew what she liked and she wasn’t shy about expressing it.

“Suck my clit,” she moaned. “Bite it.”

This girl seemed to like having pain inflicted upon her. I remembered back to the rape room when she’d made me bite her nipples. Pain definitely got her going. I looked up and noticed that she was pinching her nipples hard and pulling them away from her body as I began to suck her clitoris.

The gristle between my lips was hard and engorged as I licked it and then wrapped my lips over her metal piercing, sucking it into my mouth.

“Harder. Suck harder,” she demanded.

Her clit ring rattled against my teeth as I started to bite down. My chin was soaked in her nectar as it dribbled from her gash and dripped down my neck.

“Mmmm, that’s it… bite me,” she murmured.

I rolled her sex bean between my teeth, sliding my jaw left and right. She responded by letting go of her nipples and sliding both hands between her legs. I felt her index fingers slip between my lips and hers, in search of her labia piercings. She hooked her fingers into them and used them to spread herself open. I felt her skin go taut as she stretched her lips wide to expose her pink valley even more.

“Mmmmm,” she purred.

I could see the holes of her pierced pussy lips getting larger as she continued to pull them sideways. She pulled them so tight that it looked like the skin of a pink drum, stretched to tearing point.

I licked at her prawn-like clit and then took it back between my teeth. I clamped my teeth around it once more and increased the pressure to gauge her reaction. She pushed down to encourage me to bite harder.

She sucked air in through her teeth, taking the pain. I gently pulled on her love to stretch it away from her body, using the tip of my tongue to stimulate the tip of her clit between my teeth.

She suddenly got wetter. A whole lot wetter in fact and I felt her legs tremble either side of my head.

“Yes… just like that… punish that cunt…” she panted. “Make it hurt.”

Just as I thought I was about to rip her clit off, she let go of her lips which sprang back into position like two elastic bands.


Droplets of her girl goo splashed over my cheeks and she groaned with pleasure.

“It hurts so fucking good,” she cooed. “Chew on my lips. Eat that pussy.”

She shuffled up my face, leaking her squid like juices all over my nose. I used my tongue to lap at her left labia, pulling it between my lips by her ring. Love honey poured into my mouth from above as gravity worked its magic. My teeth sank into her lips as I increased the tension in my jaw muscles.

“Fuck,” she gasped, flinching above me as I sank my teeth in harder.

I knew it was hurting her, but she was loving every second of it. I pulled her lip away from her body and then released it so that it sprang back with a beautiful jiggle.


Her other lady flap looked just as appetising, glazed in her vaginal secretions, so I sucked it in enjoying her womanly flavour.

“Yes… bite it… make it fucking hurt,” she moaned. “Use the hatred you have for me to inflict pain on my pussy.”

I obeyed and bit down even harder.

“Harder,” she snapped. “Make me fucking bleed. Punish that dirty cunt.”

I clamp my jaw shut and felt my bottom incisors pierce her skin as though I was eating a raw steak. She flinched above me as the taste of warm blood hit my taste buds.

“Fuck yeah,” she moaned. “Finally, a woman who doesn’t mind inflicting pain. Hate that cunt… punish it.”

Although The Crow seemed insane, inflicting pain on her most sensitive areas was turning me on like never before. My nipples were like bullets and my knickers were wet through. I knew I was leaking onto her bed sheets and I could feel my ass cheeks getting wet. The taste of her blood seemed to drive me wild and I sucked her other pussy lip into my mouth and bit it just as hard. The metallic taste of blood filled my mouth and I felt the tacky warmth of it against my skin.

“That’s it, you rape whore… you like hurting me, don’t you? I know you’re creaming those panties up… dirty Becca.”

She certainly had a way with words. She’d give me a run for my money in the dirty talk department. I released her lips once more and she rose up, pulling her pubic mound up and looking between her legs at the damage I’d done to her.

Each of her love lips had my teeth marks in them and they looked swollen and painful. Blood dripped from her meaty flaps and splashed onto my nose and cheeks.

“Look what you’ve done to me,” she said. “You’ve made me fucking bleed. Do you feel proud of yourself?”

“You’re fucking crazy,” I said. “I like rough sex, but pain isn’t one of my fetishes.”

“Pain makes you feel alive,” she said closing her eyes and rubbing blood all over her clit inches from my face. “It redeems the soul.”

More blood-laced love honey splattered down onto my face. I must have looked like I’d gotten a nose bleed by now. I licked my lips as she slowly opened her eyes and stared down at me again.

“You need to fuck my nasty cunt and asshole. I need punishing properly,” she stated, climbing off of me. “Foreplay is over.”

Her idea of foreplay was my idea of hell, but if it got the job done, who was I to say otherwise. I’d already thought that she was into self harming due to all of her tattoos, especially the one on her anus. My thoughts had been confirmed after she’d sat on my face and made me hurt her. She was revelling in the pain.

She climbed off the bed and went to her locker next to the table. As she bent over to retrieve something from it, I gazed between her legs from behind. Blood trickled down the inside of her thighs and her pussy looked bloody and swollen. It looked like she was on her period even though I knew she wasn’t.

Guilt washed over me which felt strange. This woman had threatened to kill me and I’d inflicted pain on her. I should be feeling happy about my revenge, but the opposite was true. The Crow’s life before Bronze must have been filled with scenes I couldn’t possibly imagine. I’d been raped many times, but I’d never watched a man burn to death. That took a special kind of mindset bordering on insanity and that’s why this woman turned me on so much.

I could now understand why the men in the basement liked raping us. I understood the thrill of fucking a dangerous woman, but that didn’t make it right. I knew where my boundaries lay and I was being pushed way past them. Sex should be enjoyable, not painful.

The Crow found what she was looking for and stood back up with an item in each hand. Her left hand contained a leather strap-on harness and her right contained a huge dildo. It wasn’t a normal dildo – it consisted of a large realistic cock about ten inches long with another eight inch narrower one underneath it. It was designed to penetrate both fuck holes simultaneously and I can’t say I was surprised by it.

If she wanted hurting, this was an ideal way to do it.

“Put this on,” she ordered, throwing the harness at me. “You’re going to fuck my dirty cock holes.”

I slid off the bed and caught sight of my face in the mirror. I looked like a vampire who’d just sucked on the blood of their virgin victim. My nose, mouth and chin were crimson red and shiny with her bodily fluids. I made no attempt to wipe it off. It looked oddly erotic as though I’d gone down on her during her monthly cycle.

The harness was already the right size and I slipped it on in seconds after kicking off my sodden underwear.

“It’s not your first time with one of those, is it?” she laughed.

“Or one of those,” I replied, nodding at the huge double cock in her hand.

She came towards me, bashing the rubber phallus into her palm like a policeman’s baton. I thought she was going to pass it to me, but she stopped short and stared at me again.

“You look so sexy covered in blood,” she swooned. “But I think you need some more.”

She dipped her fingers between her legs and swirled them around her red lips until they were coated in her blood. She then extended her arm and began to draw on my chest with her special paint.

I looked down and watched her use four fingers to paint two sweeping arcs above each of my breasts. Her gaze never left mine as she replenished her paint and wiped it down my cleavage. She finished the design using her index finger to paint six lines in an upside-down fan shape above my pubic mound and a bird’s head on my neck.

I knew what she’d drawn without seeing it in the mirror, but I looked anyway as she stepped aside.

“Now you’re like me,” she said. “Only with blood.”

My reflection showed a crudely drawn crow with red wings, body, head and tail feathers. It matched hers, but it looked like it had been drawn by a child using poster paint.

As I turned back to face her, she grabbed my chin with her bloody hand and squeezed my cheeks, leaving more marks on my face. She moved in quickly and planted her lips on mine, forcing her tongue between my lips and licking the inside of my mouth.

I responded as though I was in some sort of trance and unable to stop myself. My tongue circled hers and I reached around to her ass and pulled her closer. Our breasts mashed together, mine dominating hers due to their overwhelming size.

We went into a frenzy of kissing and licking, blood rubbing off of my face and onto hers.

“My blood is the taste of hell,” she said, sucking her cunt juice and blood from my lips. “Yours will be too.”

I didn’t like the sound of that, but I let her carry on with her domination of me. I needed that dongle in order to complete my mission, so a few hours with my enemy wasn’t going to kill me – I hoped.

She pushed me hard back towards the bed. The back of my thighs hit the mattress and I fell backwards on to the duvet. I put my hands out to stop myself and immediately stained the sheets red from my palms as they made contact. Her inner life source shone up off the white sheets as she got closer with the huge dildo in her hand.

My harness had a small metal post fixed to the front of it so that different attachments could be clipped onto it. The Crow positioned the double cock onto the post and pushed down with an audible click.


“Hate fuck me,” she ordered. “Make me fucking bleed.”

Before I could say anything, she got onto the bed and positioned herself on all fours. Her head pushed into the pillows adding more blood stains to the sheets and she reached back with both hands. I watched her shapely ass spread open and she presented herself to me like a lioness waiting to be bred.

“Don’t hold back,” she said. “You’ve got to fuck me hard to make me cum. It’s the only way. I need to feel like I’m being hate-raped.”

Her thighs were soaked in red liquid by now. As more blood rushed to her vulva in readiness for sex, it poured out of her and soaked the bed. This was going to be one of the weirdest fucks I’d ever had, but somehow I was turned on like never before.

She looked like some sort of sacrificial virgin about to be slaughtered in the name of some weird religious cult. I shuffled up behind her and gripped the double cock with both hands. The star tattoo on her anus was stretched wide by her hands and she was twitching it at me to entice me in.

“Wink – wink, bitch. Fuck that starfish,” she moaned. “Drill my holes.”

The thinner, shorter cock was on top of the wider, longer one. It made sense to stick the ten-incher up her snatch so I pushed forwards until both prosthetic bellends made contact with their targets. I paused, but The Crow had run out of patience. I knew the sort of desire that she was going through. She needed fucking and she needed fucking right now; she couldn’t wait.

Her hips pushed back towards me and she impaled herself onto both cocks simultaneously.

“Aaahhhhh,” she groaned, in pleasure and pain. “That’s what I’m talking about.”

I thought about checking if she was ok, but there didn’t seem much point. Her reaction said it all so I just grabbed her hips with both hands and started to ram my cocks in and out of her.

Blood coated the shaft in her pussy after the first thrust, staining the skin-coloured dick with streaks of red. It felt like I was breaking in a virgin as she started to pant in obvious pain. I remembered my first anal experience and how painful it was during the initial penetration. It had been strangely arousing to mix pleasure with pain, but The Crow seemed to crave it. Maybe it was the only way she could get herself off.

Last time I’d fucked her, we’d clamped each others heads between our legs and had tried to choke each other to death. Although it wasn’t as painful, it had heightened the sexual release. Biting down on someone’s piss lips until they bled was taking it to new extremes.

I’d heard of people with a blood fetish, but until now I’d never experienced it. Seeing the sheets stained red with sticky hand prints and the state of her cunt and thighs drove me on like throwing a switch.

“Take my cocks, you filthy prison skank,” I spat. “I’m going to make you fucking scream.”

“That’s more like it. You’ve got a beast inside you Becca. Let it take over,” she panted.

Her head pushed into the pillows and she arched her back, sticking her perfect ass into the air even more. I watched her sphincter push in until the star was almost invisible on the in-stroke. It then miraculously reappeared as I pulled out. The elasticity of the human fuck holes never ceased to amaze me.

“You dirty little bitch,” I spat. “I’m going to rape your holes until you can’t sit down.”

“Yes… oh fuck yes… hurt me.”

In and out. In and out.

Slap – slap – slap.

My thighs pounded against her butt cheeks like a naughty school girl being spanked. The sound echoed off the cell walls. With each thrust her ass jiggled like a jelly, sending shock waves up her spine. I spat on her anus to keep it lubricated even though it was covered in her girl juice. It had leaked down from her pussy while she’d been on my face, but it still needed topping up.

In and out. In and out.

Slap – slap – slap.

I pounded her like a stallion fucking a field full of fillies. My assault was unrelenting as sweat started to run down my back and forehead from exertion. It was heavy work to fuck this bitch so hard, despite her rocking back and forth to aid my penetration.

“You love it… don’t you. You love me ripping you a new asshole… you dirty little cunt,” I hissed. “You crave it… you need it… you’re nothing more than rape meat.”

“Yes… oh yes… make it hurt… punish my holes,” she cried.

In and out. In and out.

Slap – slap – slap.

Her pussy dripped blood all over the sheets as I loosened my grip on her hips. She needed one more thing to trigger her climax and I knew what she craved. I reached around and found her rock-hard clit sticking out from its hood by a quarter of an inch. I took it between my thumb and finger and squeezed hard.

She flinched and I felt her legs go weak. Her orgasm was about to erupt out of her like a bomb going off; I could feel it within her. My hips thrust back and forth, targeting the very depths of her pussy and ass like the unrelenting pistons of a two-cylinder engine. I worked my magic on her sex bud as though I was wanking off a tiny cock, squeezing it as hard as I could.

She squealed in pain and I felt her belly suck in as she collapsed forwards to try and escape. I wasn’t letting up. I wanted to hurt this bitch and I wanted her to cum all over the bed sheets in a sloppy, bloody mess. I kept her clamped onto my cocks and carried on pounding her holes until she finally came.

“FUUUCCCKKKKK,” she squealed like a stuck pig.

Her voice echoed all around the cell and out onto A wing. The whole prison must have heard her cries, wondering if they were from pleasure or pain. I wondered myself.

I yanked her clit away from her body as though I was trying to rip it off. She screamed even louder and gushed her girl piss all over the sheets. She was squirting in time with my thrusts and it was so forceful I could hear it leaving her pee hole.

Squirrrtttt. Shwishhhh.

Squirrrtttt. Shwishhhh.

My hand was sprayed in female ejaculate and I felt her whole body tremble like a passing freight train. I rocked her world and she bit down onto her pillow to stifle her screams of ecstasy.

In and out. In and out.

Slap – slap – slap.

“Take it… take it all… you fucking slut… bleed for me… feel me raping your cunt and ass.”

“Oh… ugh… ah… fuck… oh.”

Squirrrtttt. Shwishhhh.

Squirrrtttt. Shwishhhh.

Her girly spurts started to diminish, washing more blood onto the sheets and all over my legs. I gave her one last hard, deep thrust and then collapsed on top of her exhausted, tattooed body.

I could feel her heart pounding along with my own. The room smelt of pure sex mixed with the tang of blood. Silence returned and all I could hear was our heavy breathing.

Sweat was pouring off of me and our bodies were caked in red sticky fluid. If anyone had walked in at that moment, they’d think that we’d murdered each other. The sheets were crumpled and were awash with wet, sticky redness. It looked like a massacre had taken place.

I lay there on top of her feeling her heart rate slowly returning to normal. She felt hot and sweaty as I pinned her to the bed with my body weight.

After several minutes, she shrugged me off of her and I rolled onto the bed on my back. My double dildo left her over-used holes with a sloppy popping sound and we lay next to each other staring up at the ceiling.

“I guess you owe me a dongle,” I said, as though this whole thing had meant nothing to me.

In fact, the opposite was true. Although she was still a psycho bitch in my mind, I had more than warmed to her.

“I owe you a good fucking, more like,” she corrected me. “Give me a minute.”

I was suddenly filled with worry. I’d just inflicted unspeakable pain onto this girl and I wondered if she wanted to reciprocate. If her past history was anything to go by, she’d want to return the favour in more ways than one.

“It’s fine,” I said. “I’ll do the smuggling run tomorrow, you give me the dongle and then we’re quits.”

“I say when we’re quits,” she replied, staring at the ceiling. “This is about what I want, not what you want.”

“And what do you want?” I asked, fearing the answer. “I’ve fucked you like you asked.”

“You certainly did, but I need to fuck you. We’re not done yet.”

I hadn’t cum yet or even received any sexual contact from her since I’d arrived. It had all been about her pleasure, or pain, or whatever this was for her. If she really was anything like me, she’d get as much pleasure from giving someone an orgasm as she did from receiving one.

“Remove the strap on,” she ordered, rolling up onto her elbow and looking down at me.

I quickly unclipped the harness and took the strap-on off. The shaft was smeared in her blood and vaginal juices and they were starting to dry already.

The blood tattoo she’d given was smudged and wet due to the sweat that was still leaking from my pores.

As soon as the harness was gone, The Crow rolled on top of me and placed her knees either side of my hips. She knelt upright with her pussy leaking onto my pubic bone. Gravity helped her love honey drip down on to me, mixing with the blood from her still engorged labia.

“You’re a work of art, Becca,” she gazed down at the crow she’d drawn on me. “Why is it that beautiful creatures such as you and I end up in a place like this.”

“We’re just lucky, I guess,” I joked nervously, wondering what was coming next.

Without warning she dropped down and began to practically suck my face off. Her lips encapsulated mine and she sucked hard. I submitted to her advances and pushed my tongue into her warm tacky mouth.

Blood and cunt cream washed between us as she sucked it off of my face and swirled it around in our mouths. It was such an erotic feeling to be acting like a couple of vampires, sharing a tasty treat. It felt wrong, but felt right.

Her blood-laced saliva washed onto my lips and dribbled out of my mouth and down my chin. She got messy with it, spitting and slobbering all over me. As it ran down towards my ear, she followed it like a dog, licking it up as she went.

My heart rate was through the roof and I was breathing heavily with her weight on top of me. She was beyond passionate and I felt her hands drop down and take mine in hers. We locked fingers and she pushed my arms above my head and pinned them to the bed.

I felt vulnerable and under her spell, wondering if she was about to do something truly evil to my willing body.

“Are you scared of me?” she whispered menacingly in to my ear.

“Should I be?” I asked.

“Maybe, but not today. I need you alive for now, remember?”

Her tongue sucked at my ear lobe and she took it gently between her lips. I rolled my head to the side to allow her access to my neck, but she didn’t take it. I could feel her laboured breathing in my ear as her teeth grazed my soft ear lobe.

It felt incredible. It felt dangerous and I knew what she was about to do before it even happened. I could have stopped her, but somehow I wanted her to bite me. I longed to feel her teeth sinking into my flesh as I had done to her.

She bit harder.

I flinched as her jaw muscles contracted and her incisors cut through my outer layers of skin and into the capillaries below.

I let out a guttural gasp of pure ecstasy and closed my eyes as she sucked the blood from my ear lobe. The pain was only marginal, but it was what this represented that made it so exciting.

She was feasting on my very life source. I knew that if she wanted to, she could sink her teeth into my neck and kill me in seconds. Her teeth were only inches away from my carotid artery, but she just kept sucking my ear lobe like a baby calf at its mother’s teat.

“Mmmmm,” she slurped. “You taste good.”

Her voice sounded like she was gargling. She surfaced from my neck and sat up straight above me. Her perfect breasts pointed upwards and she threw her head back towards the ceiling. Very slowly, she opened her mouth and let the blood dribble out of the sides as she pushed it out with her tongue.

I was surprised how much of it there was. It ran down her cheeks in two tiny rivers. Gravity pulled it lower and it dripped down her neck and onto her breasts.

She looked sexy as hell, reaching up and spreading the red liquid all over her tits as it flowed lower across her tattooed belly.

My ear felt sore, but my pussy felt incredible. I needed her inside me. I yearned for her to touch me and make me cum and I didn’t care how she did it.

Suddenly it was as though she felt my desire. Her eyes snapped open and she stared down at me like a blood-raged demon. Her hands left her own breasts and clamped down hard onto mine. Her sharp nails clawed at my soft skin, spreading blood all over me. At the same time, she shuffled backwards towards my feet and draped her head lower like a stretching cat.

Blood spilled from her lips and her tongue flicked out to wipe it all over my pubic mound.

“Mmmmmm,” I whimpered. “Eat me.”

I craned my neck to see her head going lower as I parted my legs for her. Her knees pushed inside mine to prevent me from closing them again. My aching cunt was exposed to her like a foaming crevice, full of juice and desire.

She glanced up at me one last time, smiling through her blood-coated teeth. She was covered in the stuff from her nose to her pussy, as was I.

“It’s feeding time,” she said, in a sinister tone.

Her head dropped back down and I heard her sniffing my essence straight from the source. Her hands continued to grab and pull at my heaving breasts, pinching my nipples hard and pulling them away from my body with her tacky fingertips.

“Jesus… fuck… lick me… taste me…” I panted.

I felt her soft lips nuzzling into the very heart of my womanhood and she began to suck and lick my labia. The small concrete cell filled with her wet sucking noises and I willed her to slide her fingers inside me. I had an aching deep within me which needed to be satisfied. The un-scratchable itch was getting more unbearable by the second.

My hands gripped the red stained bed sheets as I felt her teeth graze over my clit. I didn’t know what was coming next and it filled my head with fear and anticipation. This crazy murderous bitch could have bitten my clit off or ripped off my labia if she felt like it and somehow, on a new level of consciousness, I wanted her to.

She devoured my meaty pussy, sucking my long lips into her mouth hard and swallowing down my womanly flavour as it poured out of me. Her tongue flicked at my throbbing sex bean and abused it like a boxer’s speed ball. It felt so erect that it must have looked like a tiny penis sticking out from behind its hood.

My nipples tingled as she rolled them in her fingers. Her tongue dropped lower, sucking and pulling at my lips until she got to my fuck tunnel.

“Fucking hell, you juicy, horny little slag,” she murmured. “Hurting me has turned you on like a virgin on prom night.”

“Yes… oh yes… finger me,” I pleaded. “Stretch that dirty cunt out.”

Her tongue licked my perineum and then pushed its way inside my tight slit. The unmistakable feeling of my approaching orgasm began to build inside me. I felt hot and sticky and my breathing was deep and heavy. I needed the release of a monumental climax and I knew it was close.

Pull – tug – tweak.

Her hands clawed at my blood-coated breasts.

Suck – lick – poke.

She was like an oral genius between my legs.

“You like the violence of it, don’t you? You like violent sex. You like hurting people and being hurt in return,” she stated.

“Keep going… tongue fuck my cunt,” I pleaded, ignoring her questions.

“That’s why you liked the basement so much. Women like us are rare, Becca. We enjoy being raped. Admit it,” she continued in between licks.

She was right and there was no point in denying it. She sensed the inner slut within me and she was trying to draw it out. She preyed on dominant men and she wanted to enjoy devouring a dominant woman. She knew I was tough, both mentally and physically and that I’d fight her to the death if I had too.

That turned her on.

I felt her sharp finger nails dig into my fleshy lady mounds and I flinched.

“Admit it,” she said. “You want me to hurt you.”

Her nails dragged down my torso and across my abs like the claws of the bird she portrayed. I arched my back and let go of the sheets, moving my hands onto my sticky red tits and squeezing them hard. I tweaked my own nipples and willed her to slide her fingers into me.

Her claws dragged down my thighs, leaving a bloody trail like a child’s finger painting. I felt her mouth move higher and her lips engulfed my throbbing sex bean once more.

“Admit it,” she said again, sounding more annoyed.

“Yes… I like it… I want it…” I panted.

I closed my eyes and waited for her fingers to enter my body. They dropped between my outer lips and the inside of my thighs, inching ever closer to my dripping gash. She wasn’t gentle and kept the pressure on her nails almost tearing the delicate skin.

I flinched again and she laughed at my timid reaction.

“Say it,” she ordered. “Tell me what you want.”

I didn’t want to admit it, but I knew what she was talking about. Her fingers teased my hole as I looked down to see her wild eyes staring up at me like a tiger about to pounce. She bared her teeth at me which were still red with blood. I couldn’t hold back anymore. I wanted her to do it. I needed her to hurt me in order to bring my climax to an end. It was the only way.

“Bite it,” I gasped, closing my eyes and pulling at my nipples. “Bite my clit.”

She snapped her teeth at me like a rabid dog and slid three fingers inside me. At the same time, she kept her teeth bared and took hold of my clit between them.

Her eyes looked like two wild fires as she started to clamp her jaw closed. Her fingers stretched me open as she added a fourth digit to my aching cunt.

I knew I was about to cum at the hands of this insane lunatic, but I didn’t care.

“Harder… bite it,” I begged.

A sharp shock of pain shot through the most sensitive part of my body and I felt like I’d been tasered. My whole body went rigid and my back arched. I took a deep breath and held it, waiting for my orgasm to explode out of me. The tip of her tongue lashed over my clit as she kept it clamped between her teeth.

The fear of what she could do to me at that very point drove me even higher and I finally came in an eruption that shook my very soul.

“Aaaarrggghhhhhh,” I gasped, expelling the air from my lungs.

She tugged at my sex bud as though it was a dog’s chew-toy while she rammed her fingers in and out of my swollen fuck hole.

Bite – pull – chew.

In and out. In and out. In and out.

My legs shook and I tried to close them, but she pushed her knees out and held me in place. The mixture of pain and pleasure was completely overwhelming and all I could do was squeeze my tits hard and take whatever she gave me.

“Yes… eat it… bite it… fuck… oh… ah… ugh.”

My squirt juice sprayed all over her face and chin, washing off the blood which dripped onto the white sheets.

Sqqquiirtttt. Sqqqqqquuiiirrrt.

“Oh… ugh… Jesus… it hurts so fucking good.”

I heard her muffled laugh as she continued her unrelenting assault. The danger, the pain, the orgasmic bliss of my final release. It all crashed down around me. I writhed and squirmed like an eel on the bed, feeling the walls close in around me. I was going to black out in the most erotic way possible and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I was under The Crow’s complete control – she owned me.

With one final hard bite, she finally let go of me and pulled her sodden fingers out of my over-fucked slit. My legs flopped to the side and I lay back on the bed, completely exhausted both physically and mentally. I was gasping for breath to fill my burning lungs with much needed oxygen. I felt limp like a wet lettuce, but completely and utterly satisfied.

I kept my eyes closed for some time while I recovered. The weight on the bed shifted and I knew she was lying down next to me. As I returned to the land of the living, I felt grateful that she hadn’t inflicted too much pain onto me. She’d pushed me well past my sexual boundaries, but she knew when to stop. That surprised me and told me that she wasn’t as mentally disturbed as she made out. Even The Crow had limits.

She broke the silence first.

“You might only be in here on remand for murder, but you’re as guilty as I am,” she said.

I opened my eyes, but kept them focussed on the ceiling.

“What makes you say that?” I replied.

“It’s like I keep telling you; you’re just like me.”

“I don’t burn people alive.”

“Killing is killing. It doesn’t matter how you do it; the end result is the same. I’m guessing you’ve killed more people than you’re letting on. I’ve looked at your case file and that was a clinical kill. It wasn’t your first time.”

“I’m not even going to ask how you got access to my file. I don’t care. This is merely a business transaction. I’m not interested in your bullshit psycho-analysis,” I sneered.

“I’m not analysing you. I’m just stating the facts. I’ve fucked a lot of women in Bronzefield as well as other prisons and no one has ever felt so comfortable with what I just made you do as you have. This is normal for you,” she replied. “You didn’t hesitate for a second. Not with beating up my body guards, not with being raped in the basement and not with drawing blood from my pussy when I requested it. That says a lot about you.”

Her voice was back to her robotic monotone that she used to intimidate people. She was phishing for information about me just like Naomi, Arrow and Melody had. I needed to get out of here before she backed me into a corner.

“Whatever,” I replied, sitting up on the bed and hanging my feet over the side. “Are we done here?”

“I think we both are,” she said, sitting next to me.

The bed behind us was soaked in blood and girl piss. We were both caked in the stuff as though we’d been in a knife fight or something.

“I need to clean up,” I stated. “Have you got a wash cloth I can use?”

“No,” she replied. “Not until you tell me who you really are.”

I gave her a defiant sideways glance. Did she know something about me or was she just bullshitting me? There was no way of knowing so I just shrugged and stood up.

“You need medicating,” I sneered. “You’re as paranoid as they come. Get help.”

I found my knickers on the floor and pulled them back on. They were damp and cold against my blood-stained pussy which made me shiver as they made contact.

“There’s no helping people like us, Becca. You know that,” she gave me a knowing look.

I ignored her and pulled my trousers back up. My sticky hands left red finger marks on everything that they touched. My shirt was next, followed by my shoes. I didn’t bother with my socks. Instead, I walked over to the sink and ran them under the tap. I then used them to try and clean my hands and face as best I could. All it seemed to do was smear it around my skin, but it would have to do for now.

The Crow had gotten to me in more ways than one. She’d awoken my inner slut and turned me into some sort of blood-crazed demon in order to satisfy my violent lust for another woman. Hurting people to get the job done was part of my profession, but this didn’t sit well with me. I’d enjoyed it too much.

I turned to face her one last time as she sat on the edge of her bed. Her mouth and chin were wet with my squirt juice and it had washed some of the blood away, but not all of it. If anything, it had only made her look even more sinister. Her chest was wet from where the blood had been diluted by my forceful ejaculation. It had left patterns all over her tits and belly and down onto her thighs where it had run.

It added to her black tattoos and accentuated them with the stark contrast of crimson red and deep black. Her eye makeup had run down her face and she looked like hell on earth. It was a terrifying image to be left with and one that I knew would give me nightmares in the years to come. My flashbacks in solitary confinement had told me to confront my demons, but this experience was one I wanted to forget.

I’d have to lock it away in a box just like I’d been trained to, in order to move on with my mission. I snapped out of my trance and decided to summarise the last hour or so before I left.

“Our deal’s been made,” I said. “Naomi’s debt will be cleared tomorrow when I do your bidding for you. Once I’ve smuggled the drugs in, she’s off the hook. Do you understand?”

I kept eye contact with her to hammer my point home. She may have been in charge during our fuck fest, but I was running the show now.

“That was the deal,” she nodded.

“Good. That brings me to my next point. We’ve just fucked… or whatever this was,” I glanced behind her at the bed, looking at the aftermath of our apparent blood-fuelled massacre. “When I bring you the drugs, I expect you to hand me the Wi-Fi dongle and tell me the login details. Is that clear?”

“You have my word,” she smiled at me like a lunatic.

“I’m glad we have an understanding,” I snapped. “There’s just one last thing.”

“I’m all ears,” she said sarcastically, pointing to her ears with both hands before dropping them back down.

“If you go back on our deal, you’ll be covered in blood for real,” I hissed, jabbing a finger at her. “I’ll cut your fucking throat.”

“Likewise,” she replied, unflinching. “Visiting’s at ten. The screws will point you in the right direction of your guest. Her name’s Paula and she’ll be wearing a red top. Take the packages off of her and bring them to me. Don’t be fucking late.”

We stared at each other for what felt like at least thirty seconds, before I got bored and let her win.

“See you tomorrow,” I replied.

I turned and left the room as she shouted her reply.

“I’m looking forward to it already,” she cried, wanting to have the last word.

I stepped out onto the walkway and checked left and right. The wing was still quiet, but people were venturing back out of the cells now that the fighting was over. The four bodies had miraculously vanished and I guessed that they were in the infirmary with the rest of The Crow’s injured crew.

The further away from her cell that I got, the more relaxed I felt. I let out a long sigh of relief feeling thankful that it had gone the way that it had. In a way I knew I’d end up fighting my way in to get to The Crow, but I’d never imagined that it would have gone the way that it had after that.

I felt ashamed of myself for letting my guard down and for allowing my inner slut to take over in my hour of vulnerability. It could have gone a lot differently to how it had.

My fellow inmates gave me a wide birth as I made my way back to Arrow and Melody’s cell. I assumed that a prisoner leaving The Crow’s cell with blood all over her face, hands and clothes would be quite off putting to many. Whispered rumours were already flying around the wing about what had happened, but I let them assume the worse.

Melody, Naomi and Arrow were out on the walkway waiting for me as I rounded the corner. They looked elated at first, until they saw the state of me.

Naomi rushed to greet me as though she thought I was about to collapse. I felt as though I could, I was so spent. Sexual energy, fear and the exertion of fighting my way in had taken its toll on me.

“Are you ok?” she asked sounding overly concerned. “Are you hurt?”

“I’m fine, babe,” I smiled at her as she put her arm around my waist to guide me home. “Your debt is paid.”

“Let’s get you into the cell,” she said.

Melody and Arrow looked just as pleased and concerned to see me as Naomi did. They went into their cell and we followed them in.

“Fucking hell,” gasped Melody, looking at my blood-stained clothes and face. “What happened? Did you kill her?”

“No,” I smiled. “I fucked her.”

“You what?”

“It’s a long story, but peaceful means seem to have won the day,” I giggled.

“It didn’t look very peaceful when you took down her body guards,” said Naomi.

“I tried to reason with them, but they weren’t in a listening mood,” I shrugged.

“It was awesome to watch,” swooned Arrow. “Fucking awesome.”

“Shut up Arrow,” Naomi chastised her. “Don’t encourage her.”

I gave Arrow a wink of appreciation and she clapped her hands together like an excited child.

“We watched the whole thing. They barely touched you, so why are you covered in blood?” asked Melody.

“Let’s just say that The Crow has some weird sexual fetishes,” I smirked. “I’ve struck a deal with her. We’ll have the wifi dongle tomorrow once I’ve done her a favour.”

“What sort of favour?” Naomi quizzed tentatively.

“She wants me to meet someone during visiting time tomorrow. Once that’s done, we get the dongle.”

I explained what was going to happen and although the girls were against it, I told them it was the only way for us to get what we needed.

“But you’ll be part of The Sisterhood if you do that,” exclaimed Naomi. “She’ll own you for life.”

“There’s not many of The Sisterhood left,” I laughed. “Besides, once we have the dongle and we’ve formulated a plan, we’ll be out of here. It’s a one-off deal.”

“Does The Crow know that you want to escape?” asked Melody.

“No, but I think we’ll have to tell her. We might need her help.”

“Help with what?”

“I’ll explain once we get internet access. Arrow, make sure the console is ready to go tomorrow, we won’t have long.”

“I’m one step ahead of you,” she giggled, moving over to the desk with the games console on it.

She flicked a button on the controller and the screen burst into life showing an internet browser. The message on the screen said ‘Check network connection.’ Arrow held up a keyboard and smiled at me.

“It’s all ready to go,” she beamed. “I thought you’d have it with you when you came back.”

“I hoped so too, but I’ll have it tomorrow, I promise,” I beamed back.

We all fell silent as it began to sink in that this might actually have a chance of working. We all had thoughtful looks on our faces wondering if we could actually pull off an escape from the notorious Bronzefield Category A prison.

My mind was full of ideas and expectations, but none of it could come to fruition until we had that dongle.

The next twenty-four hours were going to be crucial. Smuggling drugs into the prison wasn’t exactly what I’d been hoping for, but if it got the job done, so be it.

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