Being Jim Ch.6 Lessons of Life pt4 by Frodov

I edged a little further, maybe an inch or so into that feminine furnace as more of my mind slipped away. Releasing my hold on my cock I placed my hands, one each on each of Michelle’s knees. I wasn’t even halfway in yet and I could feel my balls churning. I had to keep myself from getting swept away, but holy crap this was hot! I bumped in a little more and Michelle clenched tightly around what was already inside. SHIIIIT!!! It felt like she was drawing me in in little pulsing waves. My nuts twitched again. I gasped. I had to get control of myself or this was going to be over before it even started I thought desperately. I pulled back, slowly, until just the very tip of my crown was still in contact with just the very edges of Michelle’s heated swollen inner lips. It’s like she was kissing me on the head, with fiery wet lips. Looking up I found Michelle’s eyes were now open. She looked at me, her mouth still agape and panting her brows knitted as she was trying to figure out what my game was now. She twitched her hips as if to sink my cock back inside but I held back, barely. I looked on, panting and remembering that I had made a promise, a vow really… a self imposed obligation to try to warn any girl I had the fortune to be with, about my weird and sometimes frightening affliction. My “aftershocks”… I shook my head to clear my thoughts and that caused Michelle to look puzzled.

“Chelle… I… I have to tell you something.” I gasped out between panting, my heart racing.

“What? Now? Can’t it wait?” She asked in disbelief.

“I… I kind of made… a promise… to try.” I said with an embarrassed grimace.

“Promise? What are you talking about?”

“Well… I kind of do this… this… thing. After sex…” I edged trying to put it into words that wouldn’t freak her out or make her decided to just stop this now and that would be it.

“Huh? What kind of ‘thing’? You’re not making any sense Jim.” Michelle said plaintively, her hands no longer grasping at the bedspread but turned up in supplication her elbows still planted on the bed.

“It’s just that, well… after sex I kind of… well… it looks like a seizure or something. It freaks girls out if I don’t warn them. I’m okay it’s just… weird…” I said hanging my head sheepishly and biting my lip. “I just don’t want to scare you or make you freak out.” I added with a sheepish grin.

“Arrrrrghhh! Jim… if you don’t put that damned cock in me and get started I’m going to freak the hell out alright! I’m going to pin your ass to this bed and climb all over you! You hear me?” She growled.

“Climb all over me?” I asked grinning and squinting my eyes. Michelle responded by grabbing at the bedspread and bucking her hips up into me again. “Oh Ho! It’s ON Missy!” I chuckled and thrust myself forward, almost my entire length, modest though it may be, buried it into those heated wanton walls. Michelle moaned and smiled, her eyes closing once more. I drew back slowly till the head was all that remained and then lunged again, this time I buried it to the hilt. Michelle’s flaming hot lips spread wide at the base of my cock as they tried to open wider to let more and more of me inside. I halted still deep inside and just ground my body against Michelle’s. Her clit was being rubbed by my skin. I rocked slowly from side to side twisting my hips grinding crotch to crotch. I finally began to withdraw, slowly, slowly… till once more only the head remained in touch. Once more I slammed all the way in to the hilt to grind hip to hip, groin to groin. Michelle grunted, then gasped. I repeated this three more times before I changed it up and did something a little different.

I shifted into a slow pump. Slow slow excruciatingly slow all the way in and all the way out. Oh my god it felt so good, at least for me anyway. I swear it felt like Michelle’s inner walls were clinging and grasping at me. It was apparent that this was not what Michelle wanted though as she lifted her legs up and wrapped them around my waist crossing her ankles behind my backside. She kicked and pulled with her legs and her heels prodded my ass to speed up. Thank god she didn’t have spurs on. Of course I sped up. Faster and faster but I knew from the tingling in my balls that going fast was going to make this a very short experience. So I had to break my stride and change it up again… But I knew that I could distract Michelle a little. I pushed hard and bottomed myself out, all in once more and I stopped there. I ground my hips causing my cock to swirl and roll slightly while deep inside. With my left hand I reached down and teased her clit that was still swollen and standing proud, poking out of her little fleshy hood. That pink little nub was like a live wire when I touched it with the tips of my fingers. Michelle’s legs stiffened and she pulled me into her with all her might. Her eyes rolled up in her head as she strained her neck and back arching like a gymnast. The strangled guttural sounds coming from her throat almost scared me until her hips fell into a frantic humping rhythm, twisting and grinding on my stiff lance. That was it for me… I knew this match was over, Michelle had won hands down, literally. Her hands were still grasping the bedspread as she ground and growled and pushed me right over the edge. My climax seemed to start in the vicinity of my toes, it was a fiery flowing sensation ripping up my legs and flooding into my balls before flashing like lightning up my spine and exploding simultaneously in the back of my skull and pulsing out through my spasming cock. Pulse after pulse after pulse. My eyes lost focus as the tunnel vision closed in, everything going dark as the light receded to just a tiny pin prick almost too small to see.

My next conscious thought was actually a sensation. It was Michelle’s hands prying my hands off the tops of her thighs. In the throes of my own climax I had put a death grip on her legs, squeezing with way too much pressure to be comfortable. As she pried my hands off her thighs I realized that my arms and hands were vibrating, trembling really, my whole body was actually. It was all I could do to lower myself to the bed to lay beside Michelle. I don’t even remember pulling out of her or moving her legs so that I could fall flat on my face with a groan. I felt Michelle’s right arm and even her right leg drape over me and snuggle close her right hand twirling her fingers in my sweat dampened hair as we both desperately tried to catch our breath.

“Oh my… god…” Michelle panted as her arms and legs still twitched.

“Yeah…” I half laughed in agreement and puffed a lock of Michelle’s hair out of my face as I half opened my left eye to look at her flushed sweaty face laying on my left arm. “Lady… you… are danger… ous…” I half whispered as I could feel the tell tale signs of my impending side show. My curse, the aftershock was building. I groaned.

“What?” Michelle asked.

“Hang on… it’s comi…” And then it hit me like a runaway train. All the fire and fury of the orgasm I had just experienced moments before came roaring back like some kind of bodily echo. My entire body seized up, tense and trembling like an over tightened spring. My breathing halted… then it exploded. My nerves jumping, every muscle in my body jumped and twitched… and then it was over, and I went limp. I drew a long long long deep breath and released it in a very long sighing exhale. My eyes were still tightly closed and I almost dreaded opening them to see the look that was on Michelle’s face. I imagined the worst, fear or horror… the least would be worry or concern. I realized that she was still twirling her fingers in my hair, soothing me. I felt her lips kissing my left arm. That… that’s different I thought. No one has ever reacted like that before… Opening my eyes hesitantly I found those big beautiful blue green gems with those fascinating little gold flecks… gazing into mine. I could feel my eyes watering. Oh my god! I had tears in my eyes. What the hell? It was those eyes… Michelle didn’t have to say a word, that look could twist my senses, bend my mind into a pretzel, make me forget everything else in the world… those eyes…

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