Bella Finds a New Tenant to Enslave by oliver57,oliver57

Bella thought Chris was going to be a different experience, with his small body and boyish features. It surprised her how much the thought of strapping down that thin boy with thick black leather straps, and a collar excited her. She imagined striking the smooth clear skin of his buttocks and back, reddening him all over. His apparent virginal innocence was bringing out an aggressive, predatory lust that surprised even her.

His Subjugation and Enslavement

Chris moved his things in that weekend and Bella wasted little time in implementing her agenda. During the first week Bella lavished attention on Chris, complimenting his appearance and the neatness of the room. When they met, mostly at mealtime, Bella wore increasingly provocative outfits designed to attract the attention of a young, lusting male. By Wednesday, Chris could help but maturbate to an image of Bella before going to sleep, an act he repeated Thursday and Friday. In his eyes, she was quite sexy and he had always had a thing for older women.

Another week went by this way. By the end of the second Saturday as Bella’s tenant, Chris was preparing to sit down to dinner at sharp. Bella’s attire was designed to appeal to a 19-year old male. She figured that if she didn’t get a reaction, the boy was asexual or gay. She wore skin-tight black pants, with calf-high black boots, and a leopard skin print silk shirt.

It had the desired effect. She noticed Chris looking at her repeatedly with a hunger in his eyes, a hunger she recognized all too well. In the course of making dinner and clearing up, Bella made sure to touch Chris periodically, seemingly innocently, but in ways that would start his young blood boiling. A couple of times Bella even managed to brush her very ample bosom against Chris’s back or arm, once even on his cheek when he was bent over the sink a bit and she was ostensibly reaching for something in the cabinet above him. Her height advantage had provided that great opportunity.

That night, Chris could not get his mind off the sexy image of his Amazonian landlady. He masturbated twice to her imagined naked form before going to bed.

At Sunday breakfast, Bella repeated much of the same behavior, except wearing a black silk nightgown, with a plush white bathrobe, which was doing only a poor job of hiding her cleavage. By dinner, Bella felt certain she could push Chris over the edge. He was already nearly putty in her hands. He had walked into her trap and now she prepared to close it once and for all.

Bella dressed in the same outfit again, as the previous day. She noted that Chris continued to eye her, even though he thought she was not noticing. She complimented how he looked that night and how neat he had made his room again. It seemed like idle chatter, but Bella knew young men loved to hear themselves praised, for any reason.

Finally, as she was about to serve the food, she asked Chris to get a box of crackers from a spot in a cabinet she knew was a bit too high for him. Sure enough, as he strained to reach it, she walked up behind him saying, “oh, it’s all right, I’ll get it,” essentially trapping Chris between her ripe frame and the counter. Chris turned as she was upon him and for a moment they stared at each other, she looking down at his face and he up at hers. He had a “deer in the headlights” look about him.

After holding his gaze for about 10 seconds, she bent down and kissed Chris deeply on the mouth. As the kiss lingered, she put an arm around his and pressed on his back and used her other hand to grab gently a fistful of his hair. Chris responded positively by slowly putting his hands on Bella’s ribs.

After a long moment in this position, Bella broke the kiss gently pulling his head back by the handful of hair she had, smiled at Chris, who grinned shyly back, and then pushed his head forward again for another kiss, and then another. She pressed her entire body against his, pinning him in place, and felt the raging lust in his groin.

Finally, she asked: “how hungry are you?”

Mouth dry, he gasped, “very, but not for food.” And with that, Bella undid the buttons on her shirt, letting her braless chest come into full view.

His eyes widening, Chris wanted this so badly. He couldnt believe his luck. But he felt he needed to confess, “Bella, I, uh, I never…”

Just as she suspected.

“Shush. All the better. We’ll do things my way and you won’t have any bad habits I will have to undo.” Bella was overjoyed but did not show it.

Chris visibly relaxed. Bella gently, but quite firmly guided his head to her breasts.

“First, rub your lips against them….now lick with the tip of your tongue…first one, then the other,” Bella instructed but she was moving Chris’s head when she wanted him to move. “Now begin to suck on them in full.” And right there in the kitchen Chris took the first step down the path that would enslave him to Bella’s desires.

At the moment, Chris did foresee his future as one of sexual slavery. in retrospect, however, Chris would realize that it was then and there that Bella trapped him.

After quite some time performing this worship of Bella’s magnificent breasts–at her carefully controlled direction–Chris’s cock raged harder and larger tgan at any time in his life! Bella could feel it. She wanted it. Finally, she pulled back, separating his hungry lips from her released. She could see the lust coursing through him! Wonderful, she thought.

Bella took Chris’s hand and drew him up to her bedroom. The mastersuite may have been on the first floor, but Bella had redone her own room combining two into one. It was bigger than Chris’s room and had a king-sized four poster bed on it.

“Take off your clothes, Christopher, I want you naked before me.” If lust alone wasn’t sufficient to make Chris willing to do whatever Bella wanted, the authority with which she used his full name was. Faster than she thought possible, he had stripped, while Bella had remained clothed, albeit with her shirt fully open. She chuckled at his enthusiasm!

Chris had of course a raging erection, sticking out in full view. “Nice,” she observed. “Understand, however, that we do this on my terms, in my way, I always lead.” It was an understatement, as Chris would learn very soon.

“I understand, I’ll do anything you want,” Chris blurted, though it was his lust talking more than anything else.

“Yes, you will, Christopher. Now come here and take off my boots and pants for me,” she said as she undid her blouse. Underneath were nylons and garters, with her ever so slightly trimmed pussy now fully exposed.

“I like to play games, Chris, sex games. I won’t hurt you,” she lied, “but we’ll both find them highly erotic. Come, lay down on my lap.” Bella sat down on the bed.

Chris looked confused for a second and then realized what she had said. She planned to spank him. He thought quickly if not that clearly. “Uh, okay,” figuring that if he could take a spanking from his mother as child, he certainly could take one now, especially in the light of the promised reward.

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