Big City Quest Pt. 07

An adult stories – Big City Quest Pt. 07 by lickitysplitplus,lickitysplitplus 14

I return to my desk, replaying in my mind how terrific my plan played out, Pam leans over.

“How about lunch today?”

I look at her pleading eyes and I do want to get to know her better, reluctantly, with a frown, I share.

“I need to do some personal shopping.”

“Ok, can I tag along?” Batting her eyelashes.

“Maybe get a hot dog on route; a drive thru burger?” A mischievous smirk.

“Uh, ok, but I’m shopping at a sex shop, I need some personal toys.” I expect her to blush and bow out. Just the opposite she beamed with delight.

“Oh, in that case, I’m definitely with you.”

I text George requesting a car ready for noon.

Upon entering the limo, I light a slender joint and offer it to Pam,

“Mmmm, I haven’t had any of this for a while.” She toked like an addict, as she leaned back, I smile at her suspiciously; I’m not buying that.

“Hey, I intended we might share.” I laugh. She passes it back.

“So, how can you afford a limo, you make the same wage as me. Are you from some rich family?”

“A story for another time, suffice it to say I have a rich friend.” I pass the weed back to her.

“Pam, do you have any office confessions, are you involved in any sexual affairs?”

She looks at me warily.

“No, why do you ask?”

“So, Pam, can I trust you to be discreet?”

“Yes, I’d like us to be best friends.”

“I caught some sexual activity between co-workers; I have recordings of fornication in the office and recorded a couple more this morning.”

“Before I share anymore; are you and Bob loyal? No extra marital activity to confess.” I take the roach. She squirms, reluctant, obviously she has some secrets; but she divulges.

“Uh, we’re loyal, no secret affairs, but we’ve discussed swapping, swinging, to inject some added energy into our marriage. I’m ready, Bob’s still hesitant, concerned the guilt might tarnish our great relationship. We discussed it often, but we haven’t acted yet.”

“Good for you, who with?” I attach a clip to the tiny roach, and suck in fearing to burn my lips, set it in the ashtray.

“Yuina, is our current target, I’ve hinted at work, she hasn’t reciprocated with any interest.” She shifts in her seat, leans to me.

“Several of Bob’s coworkers would be willing, he’s told me about numerous gals he’s turned away; he’s probably the only pilot that turns them down. Bob doesn’t want to risk his job.”

She leans to me whispers softly.

“You, I’m really attracted to you. I told Bob about you when you arrived; he got excited, and we had great sex.” She smiles, lust filled eyes, rests her fingers on my knee.

“I would like that, Pam;” I cover her hand.

“I have intentions to seduce you, I’m very much open to threesomes.”

I move beside her, put my hand on the back of her neck and we make out until the car stops.

“Oh Bridgette, your soft wet lips feel so good, I’m very aroused.” Pam sighs barely able to speak.

“Me too.” The limo door opens.

I go directly to the BDSM area.

“Are you a Dom?” Pam asks quietly as if someone might hear.

“Not sure, I was introduced to BDSM Sunday, as a submissive, it was my best orgasm ever. I was aggressive this morning and it felt great, I think I might be I’m going to discipline Jessica tomorrow. I’ll let you know.”

“You frikkin serious, Jessica, that’s who you caught, wow; with who?”

“Yes, yesterday at noon, when I stayed at work, I recorded Bill fucking her in the executive restroom, this morning I took control of both of them, threatening to expose them.”

We meandered through the shop, Pam’s eyes were large, she was enthralled and hung on every word as I shared some salacious stories. I could tell she was very aroused.

I purchase several BDSM items, a leather Dom outfit, a strap-on, a couple dildoes and a set of vibrating eggs.

In the limo, on route back to the office.

“Jeezus Bridgette, you agreeing to a threesome, our necking, shopping at a sex store, fantasizing about you disciplining Jessica. I am so horny, I could burst, I’m on the verge of cumming, my panties are soaked.”

I move beside her, my left arm around her neck, my right runs up her thigh to feel her wet crotch.

“Wait Bridgette, I won’t cheat on Bob; trust me, I can’t believe I’m stopping you; I desperately want to, but please, not without Bob knowing; let me call him.” She calls. He answers.

“Bob, this is Bridgette,” Pam turns the phone to video me,

“We went shopping at a sex store. Bob I’m so horny, I could explode. Sweetheart she has agreed to join us for a threesome.”

I expose my breasts, hike up my skirt spread my legs, I grab Pam’s phone, put it on speaker.

“It’s lunchtime here Bob, see anything you’d like Pam to bring home for supper?” I use my fingers to open my wet pussy lips wide and bring the phone in for a close-up.

Bob’s voice.

“Go ahead my love,” Pam reaches over and pets my pussy; I’m still holding the phone for Bob to watch her fingers enter. I look at Bob and reply.

“Thank you sweety, see you after work. Pam has her mouth full. I blow him a kiss and turn the phone so he can see Pam’s face buried in my crotch.”

Pam and I have a feverish 69, fingering and sucking, she comes twice, I cum once in the short drive.

Back at the office she’s constantly smiling, giggling, floating around the office, everyone’s noticed her excited demeanor, and asking her why she is so happy.

She doesn’t reply; she just happily skips around the office.

Pam orders Thai from the office, for 5:30 delivery. I catch a ride with her to her house.

Bob’s mom agreed to keep their 3-year-old overnight.

Bob is home when we arrive.

“Bob’s a pilot, home most nights but twice a month has layover flights.” Pam says as we enter.

I’m pleasantly surprised when he stands to greet us.

6’1″, black hair, chiseled strong features, likely Greek. He is a hunk; he’s removed his uniform jacket but still wearing a tie.

“How was lunch?” Bob embraces Pam and kisses her intimately.

Pam leads me to the sofa.

“Oh my God, Bob, it was fantastic, Bridgette is delightfully delicious, I’m so excited, still so frikkin horny. Isn’t she gorgeous?”

“She sure is sexy, but I’m quite nervous, honestly Pam, I feel scared.”

He sits on the sofa, tugging his wife to sit sideways on his lap, his arms around her.

“Bob, maybe this will help.” I reach into my purse and produce a fatty.

“As a pilot can you partake?” I ask.

He nods. Pam replies.

“Uh, yes, but not before the day of flying.”

“I don’t fly tomorrow so it’s ok.”

Bob gets up and leaves, returning with an ashtray, 3 glasses and a bottle of white wine. He sits on the sofa and pours the wine; I move beside him and offer him the weed. I loosen his tie and giggling.

“I could use this to tie you up?” I nibble his ear, and my hand rubs his crotch.

“Thank-you both, for taking the initiative. I was so anxious all afternoon about this being awkward.”

The doorbell rings. Bob goes for the food; Pam gets dishes and utensils.

As they open the containers, I finish the marijuana. I can tell Bob is still apprehensive, willing, but scared enough he’ll not initiate anything.

I sit cross-legged on the floor, directly opposite them on the sofa; my pussy obviously exposed, as I’d intended, I hold my plate and eat.

I notice them staring at me, rarely looking at their plates. As I’m chewing, I put my fork on my plate and nonchalantly undo 2 buttons on my blouse.

I observe their interest; resume eating, a couple more mouthfuls, then I undo the remaining buttons. My cleavage and belly in full view, areoles still hiding; I again resume eating.

Next, I flip my blouse off my right shoulder, exposing a tit, I resume eating.

I lick my forefinger and rotate it seductively around my areole, flicking my nipple so it extends, teasing them.

I push the blouse from my other shoulder, bare breasted my blouse is hanging on my forearms. Both Bob and Pam are staring wide eyed, I make no eye contact, resume eating as if nothing unusual is happening.

I set my empty plate on the coffee table, shake my arms to drop my blouse, nonchalantly finish my wine.

I crawl, stealthily, like a cat stalking prey, to the center of the room, looking back over my shoulder at them, I rise. My hands glide up my hips, still higher up my sides, holding my tits, squeezing them, doing a slow, gyrating sexy striptease movement. My hands flip my hair forward, then my heads flips it back, my hands roam my body as I dance, twist and fondle.

I reach back, slowly, seductively, unzip my skirt. I can see pure, unadulterated lust in both their eyes. I take several minutes to get naked, dancing, swaying, teasing. I squat, knees wide, I start with my fingers on my knees, they rove along my inner thighs, to cover my vulva with my hand. My middle finger enters myself; I’m staring intently at Bob. Pulling, twisting, and pinching my nipples, licking my lips, biting my lower lip.

I crawl, mimicking a panther, back to the sofa, climb onto Pam’s lap, facing Bob. Right foot by his leg on the sofa knee against the sofa back; left foot on the floor.

I place Bob’s left hand on my tit, his right between my thighs. I place my pussy-soaked fingers in Bob’s mouth. A passionate, sultry gaze; I ask.


Bob sucks my fingers as I kiss Pam intimately.

He wiggles a finger along my wet pussy, pausing at the tiny nub at the apex, a simple, slow circle then the fingertip makes its way back, first knuckle deep, he moves the digit along my wet labia.

“Mmmm, that’s nice,” I cover his hand with mine to signal my approval, but not to interrupt his action.

“Bob your cock appears excited, that tent gives me several indecent ideas.” I run my fingernail the length of the tube.

“Should we free it? I think he’d like to come out and play.” I find the zipper pull and tug it up and down playfully.


Not getting a positive response from Bob, thinking this could be pressuring him; not wanting to proceed if he’s not ready I pause.

“Tell me, who initiated the conversation for threesomes; and maybe a why.” I reach for my wine, covering Bob’s fingers, keeping his fingers toying with my pussy. I slid my butt off Pam to sit on the sofa between them.

Pam speaks first.

“I was in a same sex relationship when I met Bob at a college party 7 years ago.” She finishes her wine and rubs Bob’s leg.

“My partner, Mary and I were on a sofa; she pointed out Bob, we giggled about him looking like such a strong confident hunk; standing alone with his beer, while all the loser frat boys around us are getting beer bong wasted.” Pam refills our wine glasses.

“Mary giggled ‘he’s so hot, he’s likely gay.’ I replied to her, ‘think he’d be honest if I ask him outright?’ Yes, he does look a lot like honest Abe Lincoln. We laughed aloud.”

Pam sips her wine, winks at Bob and continues.

“So, I go up to him and boldly say.” She nudges Bob, Bob taking the prompt, speaks.

“She blurted out, are you gay? I knew they had been talking about me; I chugged my beer, took her hand and crossed the room to where Mary sat, then I answered Pam so Mary could hear.

‘I’m not gay, but I think your girlfriend is too lesbian to find out.’

I sat on the couch next to Mary, put my arm around her, I challenged her.

‘Do lesbian lovers only participate in childish mind games, or can you handle orgasms from a real sex partner?’

Pam took over telling what transpired next.

“I got wet, this hunk just challenged us to have sex, I turned to Mary and raised my eyebrows; she knew I wanted to.” Pam continued.

“Mary, not to be intimidated, turned and kissed Bob, ‘think you can handle both of us?’

Bob once more took his turn telling the story and continued.

“I scoffed, telling Mary, you’ll be easy, this one might be a challenge, I might have to do her more than once; she’s the sexier one. I kissed Pam seductively as my hands roamed her bosom. Pam responded to my touch, our tongues dueled, I scooped her up; turned to Mary and said, we’re going to the bedroom to fuck, wanna join, or do lesbians only watch real fornication?”

Bob finished his wine, his fingers still delightfully playing so leisurely, gently, with my labia.

Pam continued the story.

“He carried me into the bedroom, tenderly, but confidently, undressed me and he was very good, he was intent on my pleasure, in a matter of a few minutes I was putty in his hands; likely an hour of foreplay. He was very virile, he fucked me for over 2 hours, in several positions.

I lost track, I came multiple times.

Bob then grabbed Mary who had been sitting in an overstuffed chair and tossed her on the bed beside me. As he undid her jeans, and climbed behind her, Mary jumped up and ran out.

Bob and I didn’t sleep that night. We went for a stroll then back to his dorm room. We’ve been loyal and happy since.”

“Over the years several stews have come on to him, but he refuses to cheat; Bob knows my Bi background, but our marriage is sacred, so I’ve abstained from same sex, until today, it has been 7 years.” She pauses, gives us both a contented smile, a sparkle in her eyes.

“We don’t want to create jealousy, or anxiety, any friction in our marriage, so for more than a year we’ve discussed options. We both agreed, I was to find a woman I wanted, we’d explore the possibility of a threesome, if either of us became unsettled, we’d remain monogamist.” She empties what little is left in the bottle.

“That’s an awesome story, now I understand your mixed emotions at noon Pam.”

“So, Bob, I know Pam’s interest, and it’s time to be honest with yourself; where’s your head at? What, do you anticipate will transpire here?”

“I’m gonna fetch another bottle.” Pam leaves.

“I know how she much she craves another woman, I want her to be happy, so her satisfaction is also mine, if a threesome is too much for me to handle mentally, I’m prepared to accept her having a lesbian friend.”

“Have you ever been in a threesome, or watched others have sex?” I finish my wine. Pam returns.

“No, only fantasized about it.”

“Would you like Pam or I take the lead, Bob?”

Bob answers.

“You; Pam’s not an aggressor I like what you’ve done so far, you are sexy, aggressive, yet shown so much empathy, I’m willing to proceed.”

I stand and extend a hand to Pam, she stands.

I embrace her, kissing her neck I whisper.

“Damn you’re one sexy girl, may I seduce you, while your hubby watches?” She nods.

I cradle her chin with my thumb, fingers on her cheek, I tip her head back and begin with a French kiss, pushing my tongue past her lips, exploring her mouth, drawing her tongue out so we’re open mouth kissing, tongue tips flicking, swirling. My hands squeeze her buns, I step back,

“Remove your dress.” She unzips and lets it fall to the floor.

“The bra.” She reaches back and unhooks it and tosses it to Bob with a playful giggle.

“You’re gorgeous Pam, you left your soaked panties in the limo, didn’t you?”

She smiles broadly, nodding, giggles.

“Yup, intentionally.”

“Pam, you are voluptuous, such a luscious body; so, enticing,” I gaze in admiration of her full chest,

“Beautiful boobs, I cradle her malleable mounds softly kissing the soft smooth flesh. My hands hold her hips as my tongue circles her very dark areoles, her nipples respond, extend, and harden. A sighing moan emits from her throat, she rolls her head. I see goosebumps appear on her arms and thighs. I use my lips like a goldfish, to tug her nipples. I turn her slightly, so her body is in full view in front of Bob.

Left hand massages an earlobe the right roves lower, barely touching the smooth skin lingering on her stomach. My fingers comb through, then gently tug her pubic hair; knowing the correct tension to not hurt but stimulate sensual sensations. Her hips respond with a roll; I push the back of my hand against her thigh, silently requesting she spread her feet. I make sure Bob can see, starting at her perineum slowly, only one fingertip parts her glistening labia, gliding up to wiggle on the engorged tiny protrusion above the slit. My forefinger circles the kernel several times. Pam’s moans are no longer singular but a steady murmur, a sequence of rising and falling melodical sighing sounds.

My mouth attaches to hers as my middle finger invades her wet inner lips, the nearest digits on either side, squeezing her fleshy flaps. She inhales deeply and gasps. My grip remains constant tugging her flaps as my hand travels methodically, slowly up and down. On the downward stroke, my middle finger curls in. On the upward tug, it comes out but wiggles on her clit, this action goes on for more than a couple minutes.

“We better sit, before your knees give out.” I assist her to the sofa.

“Scootch over to the other side Bob.”

I sit her between us; my right fingers never relinquish squishing her sensitive lips.

“Bob, I want you to help; I’ll take care of her bottom, you give special attention to those tremendous tits. Special attention for your special lady.”

I kneel on the floor, separate her knees, she slouches ahead, so her bum barely hangs on the edge. Bob has his mouth over one breast and his fingers kneading the other.

Knowing she earnestly craves a lesbian orgasm; I squeeze her clit between my thumbs, as if I was popping a zit, and tongue flick the blood engorged highly aroused sensitive little nub; a definite groan, I slide my thumbs down holding her dark edged lips open so only her bright pink smooth flesh is before me. I dove right in; hurriedly, animalistic I ravenously ate her succulent pussy, licking, sucking, devouring ever drop of that delectable feminine juice. Keenly focused to give her an ecstatic same sex orgasm; she’s already relinquished her first.

I slip 2 fingers in her hungry, gaping pussy; I easily locate her magic spot; my mouth sucking furiously on her clitoris. My tongue teases the tip of the bud. Her back arches, hips roll, her feet come up behind me, her butt muscles clinch as I touch her brown star, she quivers, some squeaky noises emit, as shivers overtake her body.

“OOOOOHHHhhhhhhh my gaaawwd Bob, ooooh yesssss.”

Her body stiffens and her hips gently humping in rhythm with me, those soon become erratic.

“OOOhhh thaaatsss aannooother, keep goooing pleeez.”

I increase my pressure and pace. Her hips wildly bucking, mashing against me.

“UUUNNNGGGHHhhh; ooohhh ffuuuuuukk, uuuhhhh hhhuuuuuuhhh. Unnghhh. Geeezzzuuss yyesss.”

I have a desire to continue; to take her even higher to experience more intense multiples; I consider anal rimming.

I consciously decide we’ll do that ‘another time,’ I slow and help her settle down. When her breathing returns to normal, I put my pussy-soaked mouth to hers. She wraps an arm around my neck, devours my tongue in passionate appreciation.

I whisper quietly in Bob’s ear.

“Bob, show her again how you took her away from a lesbian in college, recreate that for both of you. I’ll let myself out.”

Bob carries her to the bedroom. I get dressed and quietly exit their house and call an uber.

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