Bikini Barista Sleepover

An adult stories – Bikini Barista Sleepover by djrip,djrip “Just turn in there, honey,” said Tim’s wife Jackie. “That one’s fine.”

“Oh, uh… Really?”

“I need my latte, dammit!” She took a calming breath, and smiled placidly. “I haven’t seen anything else since we left. I need my coffee, Tim. I don’t care what they’re wearing.”

“Of course, dear,” he said, pulling into the drive-through for the bikini baristas’ coffee stand. The one he stopped by most mornings on the way to work. He took his own calming breath, surreptitiously. His stomach was in knots as he approached the window, looking straight ahead. “What would you like?”

Maybe it would be a different shift on the weekend, he thought hopefully, as Jackie ticked off the shots and foams she preferred on her fingers, bracelets clinking. Maybe it wouldn’t be the same girls he usually saw here.

“OMG, it’s Tim,” came a squeal from inside the booth. He winced, trying to sink lower in his seat. It was Cherry, leaning out the window with her usual big grin, and practically bouncing with excitement. She was wearing a pink mesh top, and her breasts wobbled and rippled beneath the thin, stretchy material as she moved, nipples quite apparent and making tents in the sheer fabric. “Hey, Dani, look, it’s Timmy.”

“Timmy!” Now Dani was pushing her way out of the window, too, her substantial tits pretty much completely exposed in the fishnet minidress she had on. Except for a small “x” of black tape over each of her nipples. “We didn’t expect you on a Saturday!”

Tim risked a sideways glance at his wife, who was gazing at him cooly, one eyebrow raised beneath her auburn curls. “Timmy?” she mouthed silently.


“Look what I’m wearing for you, Tim,” called Cherry, standing up higher so her hips and legs and, well, pretty much everything, came into view. She was in a pink thong that came down to a single string of pearls which lay across her vulva, covering her clit–sort of; it looked a little swollen beneath the white orbs–and sinking partially into the cleft between her smooth, moist looking pussy lips. The pearls glistened wetly as she moved her hips to show the outfit.

“It’s your favorite,” she added, turning around and bending over. She reached back and grabbed her ass cheeks, pulling them apart. Tim’s mouth was dry. He couldn’t help but lick his lips as she stretched her skin, making her labia separate so the pearls sank fully between them, and some disappeared entirely when her plump, bare lips came back together. The string of pearls transitioned to a strand of pink silk where it passed over her cute puckered asshole. She winked her third eye at him, wiggling her behind with a giggle.

Tim felt like he was trapped in slow motion, in the moment between a gun being fired and the bullet slamming home. There was nothing to be done at this point to mitigate the situation. He just stared at Cherry’s anal ring opening and closing as if it were breathing, and felt his cock begin to swell in his pants, and waited for the hammer to drop.

“Me too, Timmy, me too,” said Dani as she pushed her friend’s ass out of the way so she could stand up and show off her own choice of undergarment–another small strip of black tape like the ones over her nipples. Her dress did come down far enough to cover her pussy, if only barely, but it was made of fishnet with large holes. It did nothing to obscure the tape, cut to stop neatly just where her labia came together above her clit. He could actually see her sweet little bud pushing out, making a ridge in the shiny tape. A narrow landing strip of dark pubic hair ran down to end just before the tape began.

“I can not believe you,” said Jackie. Her voice sounded… odd. He didn’t turn to look at her, not with what the girls were getting up to in front of him. He was fully committed now anyway. So he just kept staring as Cherry playfully slapped at her friend’s ass in retaliation for the shove she’d been given.

“You’ve got to show him the best part,” she insisted, trying to turn the other girl around. “Bend over.”

“I know,” giggled Dani, “I’m doing it.”

She was nervously fiddling with the hem of her fishnet minidress as Cherry pushed down on her back. She let go, and Cherry reached to pull the dress up her friend’s hips, out of the way entirely, as Dani’s fingers sank into the flesh of her own adorable bottom, tugging. Tim could see now that the black tape she had stretched over the slit of her pussy stopped before it reached her ass. Instead, her rear hole was hidden behind a glittering red jewel, about the size of a quarter, its silver edges pushing against the insides of her full, round cheeks.

“Look, Tim, didn’t you say you’d like to see us wear one of these?” asked Cherry, reaching to stroke the buttplug with her fingertips, making it rotate in Dani’s ass. She tugged on it a little, not enough to pull it out, but she made Dani’s sphincter stretch around the plug, and the girl let out a low moan in response.

“Didn’t you say you’d like to see us play with one?” she went on, looking up at him. Her face was down low, by the plug she was fiddling with, so she saw into the passenger side of the car and suddenly looked a little surprised as she noticed Jackie sitting there.

“Oh my gosh, I’m sorry,” she said, leaning further out the window to get a better look. Her tits swung in their pink mesh hammocks as she shielded her eyes from the sun and draped her bare body over the little shelf. Tim was actually worried she might fall. The girl was nothing if not enthusiastic. “You must be Mrs. Timmy.”

Dani was bending low, too, supporting herself with one hand on the shelf and waving at Jackie with the other, her nearly naked breasts dangling freely with lines of fishnet indenting the pale flesh. “It’s Jackie,” she reminded her friend as she waved. “Hi Jackie! We’ve heard so much about you! I’m Dani.”

“Yeah, it feels like we know you already! I’m Cherry by the way.”

Tim groaned inwardly, dreading his wife’s reaction to all of this. He looked over, expecting some kind of rage or judgment, irritation or upset. Instead she was chewing lightly on her lower lip, looking pensive.

“It’s nice to finally meet you girls,” she said finally. “Timmy here has told me so much about you, too.” She emphasized the pet name the baristas were using, and gave him a look as the fib passed her lips. He swallowed nervously.

“We’re so glad Tim has such a cool wife,” said Cherry.

“Yeah,” said Dani. “A lot of guys’ wives wouldn’t like them coming to us for their coffee every morning.”

“And he’s so generous, too!” Cherry beamed at him. “Those tips make such a big difference for a couple of independent business women like us.”

“Oh yes, business.” Jackie nodded.

“Yes, we own and run the stand, you know.”

“We’re entrepreneurs,” added Dani. The dark pink of her areola was visible just past the edge of the tape covering one of her nipples, Tim noticed as she leaned out the window.

“Impressive,” mused Jackie. “So you’ve been giving back to the community, Tim? Supporting these young ladies with your… generous tips?”

“Um. Yes, dear, that’s actually a great way of looking at it.”

“I’m not sure we could have made it this far without him, honestly,” said Cherry.

“Every morning, just like clockwork,” said Dani, blowing dark bangs out of her eyes with a puff of air.

Tim chuckled nervously. “Well, I’m just doing my part for the local economy.”

Jackie tisked. “Tim, I can’t believe you’ve never invited these enterprising young women to do anything outside of work. Don’t you want to get to know them better? I’d like to get to know them better.”

“I mean, I… I didn’t think you’d…” He shook his head. “Or they’d…”

“Are you kidding?” asked Cherry. “We’d love to hang out.”

“Yeah, You guys are so cool!” chirped Dani with a bounce.

“Oh, uh, reall–”

“Of course they think you’re cool, honey.” Jackie put a hand on his thigh, close to where his erection was struggling with his pants. He tried not to breathe out too audibly as he felt himself throb and strain, so near her fingers.

“I’m sure they mostly meant you,” he managed, as casually as he could through gritted teeth. Jackie’s fingers were lightly squeezing his leg, making the material of his jeans move along his swollen shaft. She was almost touching the head of his cock through the denim.

“We think you both just look like you have it all together,” said Dani, “so professional and sophisticated.”

“Yeah, we hope to be just like you guys one day,” Cherry said, nodding, her tits bobbing along in their pink cradles.

“Well then, why don’t you two join us for dinner tonight?” Jackie asked. “When do you close up shop?”

“We can close anytime we want. It’s one of the perks of owning the place, you know.” Cherry grinned.

“Just let us know where to show up and we’ll grab an Uber,” added Dani.

“Uber! None of that. How about you ride with us? We can just go now.” Jackie did sound professional and sophisticated, Tim thought. She was having no trouble taking charge of this situation, anyway.

“Really?” Cherry squealed with a little jump.

“Of course really. Right after my coffee.”

The girls giggled and snapped into action. Tim relayed his wife’s order and they turned around to steam milk and pull shots of espresso, their cute asses jiggling as they operated the machinery. He gazed longingly at the red jewel glinting between Dani’s cheeks when she bent down to get something from a low cabinet. She was moving her hips to the beat of the music they had on and it was mesmerizing.

The girls both shrugged into gray hoodies before locking up the stand. They clambered into the back seat with Jackie’s drink and passed it to her between the seats. Jackie was turned around and talking to them as Tim started the car and pulled out. Soon all three women were chattering and laughing like they’d known each other forever. It made him a little nervous actually.

“Oh, that’s Tim alright,” his wife was saying, wiping tears of mirth from her eyes as Cherry moved her arms like a robot and Dani cracked up, kicking her bare legs adorably.

“Hey now,” he objected, navigating the city streets. “You liked my dancing well enough when I picked you up at that club the night we met.”

“Ooohh, he picked you up?”

“Please, Dani. I picked him up.”

That earned a round of squeals and high fives from the girls. Tim felt exhilarated, just being near these vibrant young women. It was hard to believe they were in his car, on their way back to his house. Hearing them and his wife talk about him like this made his heart beat faster and his palms sweat on the steering wheel.

“Here we are,” he said loudly, pulling into the driveway as Jackie told the baristas about the time he got seasick on a lake.

“So he threw up over the side of the boat, and I’ll be damned if I didn’t get the first bite of the day right after…”

“I said,” Tim said emphatically, “here we are.”

“Oh, of course. Come on, girls.”

Jackie stepped onto the sidewalk, heels clicking on the pavement, smoothing her skirt and adjusting her sweater as the baristas spilled out after her in a tangle of long legs and gray cotton hoodies. Tim turned off the car and escorted the three women to the door, unlocking and holding it open for them.

“Right this way. There you go.”

“Do you have somewhere I can put this away?” asked Dani, unzipping her jacket and shrugging it off to reveal her nearly naked body, criss-crossed by the black lines of her minidress.

“Sure, let me take those for you,” said Jackie, collecting the garment and turning to the closet as Cherry began to pull down her zipper as well. Tim tried not to stare overmuch, but the girls were spectacularly sexy in their outfits at any time, and now it was so much more up close and personal than ever before. It felt so different standing right beside them, here in his own house. Cherry was just a foot or two away, tugging her hoodie off to reveal bare shoulders, breasts cradled in sheer pink mesh, a slender waist and round hips. She handed off her jacket and turned toward him, bringing her string of pearls into view, snug between her pouty pussy lips which were completely uncovered.

“I’m up here,” she whispered with a sly smile.

“Of–of course,” he stammered, meeting her clear blue eyes. His heart was beating hard and his cock was crying out for release, straining against his pants. It was shaping up to be a long night.

“Should we take off our shoes?”

“Don’t worry, Tim will take care of those for you,” said Jackie, shoving Cherry’s hoodie into the closet. “Honey, be a dear and help the girls out of their shoes, would you?”

He looked at her with a start. She’d never asked him to remove her shoes or anyone else’s before, but her expression brooked no nonsense.

“Yes, of course,” he said, turning to the baristas, who peered back at him with bemused looks on their faces. He knelt down in front of the two girls, letting his eyes travel up their naked legs, to stare at pussies barely obscured by pearls or thin black tape from mere inches away. They giggled nervously and shifted their weight from leg to leg, which really let him see the delicate skin of those lovely vulvas stretch and flex with their movements.

Cherry put her foot forward first, and Tim took it in his hands, untying her shoelace. She wore pink sneakers with no socks. Her foot, her calf, felt weightless in his hands as he tugged the shoe over her heel. She wiggled her toes in his palm, gazing down at him with a grin, before shifting to let him get the other one.

“Me, too,” said Dani, extending a slim leg so he could remove the thin black sandal dangling from her foot. She laughed as he did it with the same deliberate, almost reverent, slowness as he’d used for Cherry’s laced kicks, running his fingertips over her arches and tickling her soles.

Tim looked up at his wife, moving closer to her on his knees. “Shall I take yours?” he asked. After a moment she nodded, watching as he stroked her ankle, and her calf, and lifted her foot, cradling her leg in one hand as he slipped off her pump with the other. He pressed in on her sole with a thumb and rubbed circles there as he set the first shoe aside. “Does that feel good?”

She nodded again, a small smile growing on her lips. “Always so thoughtful, honey,” she said as he continued to her other side. Her legs were smooth and shapely, bare to above her knees. He felt like kissing her thighs just below the hem of her skirt, but didn’t quite have the gumption to go that far in front of their guests. He didn’t want to make the girls feel awkward with too much PDA between him and his wife. He’d save it for later when they were alone.

“Alright, well.” Jackie padded barefoot past him, taking Dani’s hand and laying a few fingers on Cherry’s forearm. “Why don’t you two come help me in the kitchen while Tim finishes getting his shoes off.”

“That sounds fun,” chirped Cherry. Tim watched them walking off, the nearly naked baristas on either side of his elegant wife. Her hands rested familiarly on their sinuous backs. She glanced back at him as her fingertips reached the pink line of Cherry’s thong.

Tim shook his head. He got his shoes off and went into the kitchen to take out a few steaks. The ladies were bustling around as he laid the meat on a block and salted it.

“Excuse me,” said Dani sweetly as she squeezed by him, her bare skin brushing the backs of his legs. It was a good thing he was facing the counter, he thought, or his erection would have pressed into her. His gaze followed her down to the bottom cabinet, where she bent over and dug around for several seconds, the red jewel of her buttplug flashing in and out of view as she moved.

Jackie stationed Cherry at the sink, running water over some vegetables. She accidentally splashed herself a little, as the spray rebounded from the lettuce, and droplets of water sprinkled her body, beading on her tummy and dripping down to her pussy, moistening the pearls tucked in there.

“Ooh.” She shivered, tits and ass jiggling delightfully.

“Here we are,” said Dani, standing up with a pasta pot. She took it to the sink to be filled and Cherry aimed the faucet head for her, spritzing her with some of the water as well. “Aah, Cherry!”

“Sorry,” said the other girl, flicking water off her friend’s tits with her free hand while she continued to fill the pot.

“Close your mouth, honey,” whispered Jackie in Tim’s ear, swishing past with a couple of tomatoes.

He shut his jaw with a click of teeth. He seared the steaks as his wife sliced up ingredients for a salad and the baristas boiled noodles. It all almost felt normal. Like some friends over for dinner.

He caught sight of Cherry’s pearl-adorned pussy, and then her bare ass, as she carried the colander of drained noodles.


“Where’s the bathroom?” asked Dani. “I gotta pee.”

“I’ll show you,” Jackie said, leading her out.

Tim was left alone with Cherry, who was leaning back on a counter, watching him. Her pink mesh bikini top was nearly all the clothing she had on. His eyes traveled down her smooth curves, bare skin looking so tender and soft. They reached the pink line of her thong and followed it down to the v shape where it became a string of pearls that rested along the groove between her puffy pink labia.

“I like your house,” she said, smiling at him brightly.

“That’s great. You guys are welcome here anytime.”

She came closer, leaning her bare shoulder on his arm and watching as he cooked. He felt a surge of pre-cum seep down the length of his trapped and achingly swollen cock.

“How do you get it so juicy?” she asked, turning her face toward his. Her blue eyes and wavy blonde hair were all he could see.

“It’s, uh–” He looked down at her almost naked body casually brushing against his, feeling his erection pulse and twitch in his underwear, and took a shaky breath. “You’ve got to–”

“Can’t leave you two alone for five seconds,” said Jackie with a laugh as she came back in.

“Oh, I was just telling her–”

“I’m sure you were honey. Cherry dear, would you mind helping me carry these things out?”

“Of course!” the girl enthused, disengaging from Tim’s arm to grab the salad bowl.

Tim shook his head, not sure what was going on but deciding to just go with it. He transferred the steaks to a platter and followed them out, enjoying the view of the cute little dimples on either side of Cherry’s tailbone as she walked in front of him. Jackie led them past the dining room table and into the living room.

“The big table’s too full of junk,” she commented. “Set the food down here on the coffee table and help me move it.”

Tim grabbed his side carefully once the dishes were in place, and helped his wife as she swung the low table up against the sofa, clearing space on the floor in front of it.

“Room for all of us here now,” she said, surveying the area.

“It’s perfect,” said Cherry, plopping down cross-legged on the carpet so her pussy lips separated with a moist sound and her pearls sank deeply into the pink recess between them. She seemed to shiver. “Ooh, tickly.”

Jackie reclined by the table more modestly with her skirted legs together, her knees bent, feet resting on the carpet. Tim could see her feeling its texture with her toes. She looked up at him, patting the floor, so he settled down in front of her and Cherry, propping himself up with an arm.

“Here everyone is,” said Dani, coming back from the bathroom. She stepped into the living room, carefully avoiding the hands and legs on the carpet with her bare feet. Tim naturally looked up from those feet, to her long legs, and her hips and stomach, hatched with the threads of her fishnet dress.

“Oh, you’ve got a little bit of a wardrobe issue, I’m afraid,” said Jackie, looking at the girl’s pelvic area. Tim saw the problem, too. Her piece of black tape had perhaps been removed and replaced, and had now come loose from one labia, revealing some of her darker pink clitoral hood.

“Oh my goodness,” she fretted, looking down with concern. She peeled the tape about halfway off, exposing the cleft of her vulva. “It’s always harder to stick it back on the second time,” she explained, prodding at the skin with a finger, pulling and stretching her pussy lips. Tim was staring, his mouth dry, his cock throbbing painfully in its denim confinement. “You guys don’t have any electrical tape around here, do you?”

“I don’t think we do,” said Jackie, pondering briefly.

“Eh. It’ll be fine.” The girl shrugged, tugging the tape tight and laying it along her vulva as well as she could before smoothing the fishnet back down over her hips. She sat down beside Cherry, feet tucked underneath her. “So this is where we’re eating? I love it!”

“Well there’s one rule,” said Jackie, handing out forks. “No one’s allowed to feed themselves.”

“Ooh, fun,” said Cherry.

Jackie passed the one steak knife to Tim. “And you be sure to keep the slices coming.”

“Yes dear.” He got started right away, and gave the first one to her, placing it delicately on her tongue with his fork. She made a soft sound and closed her eyes as she chewed.

“I want a bite, too,” said Cherry with a little bounce. Tim glanced at Jackie. She was just watching, a smile playing around the corners of her mouth.

“Coming right up,” he said, stabbing a nice piece with the same fork he’d just used to feed his wife. Cherry leaned forward, making her already impressive rack swing out even more pleasingly. He touched the dripping morsel to her bottom lip at first, accidentally, and a little grease ran down her chin. “Oops,” he murmured. She just kept her mouth open for him, her blue eyes resting steadily on his as he laid the bit of steak onto her tongue.

“Mmmm…” Cherry closed her lips over the fork as he slid it from her mouth, and tilted her head back as if overwhelmed. “It’s so good,” she whispered.

“What about you?” asked Dani, scooting in closer. The way she was sitting, the hem of her minidress rode up on her thighs, high enough to reveal her pussy with its black tape even if the dress hadn’t been made of see-through fishnet. Tim loved looking at her, especially where her lovely legs joined her body, with enticing creases and folds of smooth white skin fully on display. Even her opening was exposed, as her tape had worked loose again, and was hanging part-way off of the front of her vulva, dangling by her thighs and leaving most of her slit uncovered. He didn’t see any reason to make her uncomfortable by mentioning it.

“Someone has to feed you, Timmy,” she went on, smiling at him as she collected a bite on her fork. She brushed his hair from his forehead as she brought the food up to his mouth. “Say ahh.”

“Ahh,” he complied, feeling his erection straining to reach her through his clothing as she leaned in so close her tits pressed on his chest. It felt like a steady stream of pre-cum was slowly flowing down his swollen length and slickening his underwear.

“I don’t want to use this fork,” she breathed, almost in his ear. She pulled the slice from the tines and used her fingers to place it in his mouth instead, lingering there until his lips closed upon her and he gently sucked the juices from her fingertips.

“Good idea,” said Jackie, feeding Cherry a slice of tomato by hand. “We don’t really need the silverware, do we?”

“Hey, what are these,” asked Dani curiously, pulling a package she’d found from the shelf under the coffee table.

“Oh, remember that gag gift, honey?” asked his wife. “Edible body paints?”

Tim remembered. It hadn’t really been a gag gift; he’d thought it would be a fun and sexy thing to do together when he got them for her last birthday. He just hadn’t had the nerve to suggest actually using them, after she reacted like they were meant as a joke.

“Oh fun!” squealed Cherry, coming to look. “Can we open them?”

“Sure, why not?” Jackie shrugged. “Might as well get some use out of them, right Tim?”

Dani chewed an olive Cherry put in her mouth as she worked on the packaging. Tim sat closer to his wife. “We could have used them,” he said softly, as the girls got the paints open and pulled out a few tubes of different colors. “I didn’t get the feeling you wanted to?”

“I don’t know,” she chuckled. She looked like she was truly thinking about it, watching Cherry squirt a little green onto her finger and touch it tentatively to Dani’s arm. “I don’t think they’re really my thing.”

“I get it. I should have asked you first.”

“That would have ruined the surprise, though,” she said, watching Dani put some red dots down Cherry’s abdomen. Both baristas were giggling as they applied additional streaks to one another with their fingers. “It was a present after all.”

Cherry put her fists on her naked hips, looking frustrated. She was decorated with hearts and stars all over her chest and stomach, but Dani only had a few lines on her arms and shoulders. “I need more canvas,” she complained, pouting.

“Here, how about this?” Dani used her clean hand to push her dress down, off her tits with the black tape covering her obviously hard nipples, all the way down to her waist. She was on her knees on the carpet, and from moving around like that the bottom hem had already ridden most of the way up her ass, and in the front it sat well above her pussy with the bit of tape clinging precariously to one labia. Now her dress was kind of like a fishnet belt, bunched up and sitting low on her hips.

“That’s perfect! I’ll just push this up, too.” Cherry hefted her own top up over her breasts, letting first one and then both of them fall heavily free of the mesh garment. Now the girls were almost completely naked, Cherry in her tiny pearl thong, with her tits out and her pink top shoved up above them, and Dani down to nothing but the tape on her nipples and the fishnet encircling her hips. They spread paint on their fingertips and got close, lightly drawing lines over chests and down hips and thighs as they squirmed and giggled.

“I did like them, you know,” said Jackie quietly. “The paints. I’m glad you got them for me.” She chewed her bottom lip for a moment. “I think you should play with them, too.”

“What was that?” he asked cautiously.

“I know you wanted to. Now’s your chance.”

“Ooh, yeah, Tim! Come paint with us!” encouraged Cherry.

“I don’t know…”

“Come on, it’s fun,” said Dani, looking up from her friend’s nipple, which she was carefully coloring blue with little circular motions of her finger around the hardening nub.

“Go on, honey. I want to see you do it, too. Can you take off your shirt for the girls?”

Tim’s heart was beating fast in his chest. He nodded. “Sure, okay.” He started unbuttoning it, feeling nervous and exhilarated as the cool air moved over his chest.

“I’ll just hold it for you.” Jackie pulled the shirt off his shoulders and down his arms as he shrugged out of it.

“Here are some paints,” said Dani, sidling up to him. He felt a grin growing on his face, as she and Cherry got close on either side of him, their mostly bare bodies adorned with color, while his wife finished slipping his shirt off of him. He felt incredible. “How about this pink?”

“Yeah, let me have some of that one,” he said, looking her over. Her unencumbered breasts with their black x’s squeezed together between her arms and then hung free with a soft bounce as she opened the tube of paint and raised it to his extended fingers. The tape on her pussy had dropped off entirely at some point. But her anal jewelry was still there, glinting between her full, soft bottom cheeks. It had been coming into view from time to time as she moved around, crawling on the carpet to reach different parts of her friend, or squirming as Cherry painted her.

“What are you going to draw on us?” she asked, looking up at him as she squeezed out some paint.

“I’ll start with something impressionistic, I think,” he said, bringing his fingertips to her sternum. He could hardly believe he was touching her like this, so intimately. Slowly. With his wife watching over his shoulder. He heard her breathing close behind him. The cool paint made Dani gasp as he spread it down, between her tits, down her stomach until he dipped into her navel and she gave a little shiver.

“What should I do on you, Tim?” asked Cherry, coming up behind him. He felt her cold, wet fingers lightly touch down on his shoulders.

“Anything you want, sweetie,” he said, reaching up now to draw a pink outline around the tape on one of Dani’s nipples. He felt his wife’s breath on his ear picking up speed as his finger pushed into the girl’s soft breast, dimpling her skin. The tape was pushed outward in the middle by the hardening bumps underneath, and her breathing was getting quicker too. He glanced at Cherry coming up on his other side. “I’m all yours.”

Cherry was drawing on his shoulders as Jackie gave him some more paint and he leaned down to look below where Dani’s dress was scrunched up around her hips. Her rosy pussy was bare. It still looked a little sticky from the tape. There were flecks of adhesive along one of her otherwise smooth labia. He reached toward it, slowly, wondering if he should touch her there. It felt so wrong to him. His heart was thumping as his fingers got closer.

“Is this okay?” he asked, meeting her dark eyes, waiting for her breathless nod before his fingertips landed wetly on one side of her thin landing strip, applying a pink stripe downward. He’d just go to the tops of her pussy lips on each side of her trimmed bush, he thought, feeling the tiny prickles where she was shaved. That wouldn’t be too bad.

“Oh my god,” she whispered, trembling a little, as he skipped past her actual opening and went on to draw up and down the insides of her thighs with delicate swipes of glistening finger paint. He heard Jackie take a rough breath behind him.

“Honey, it looks like Dani only colored one of Cherry’s nipples,” she said in his ear, voice a little husky. “Can you do the other one for her?”

“Oh, here it is,” said Cherry with a bounce, holding up her unpainted breast with both hands, getting a little bit of color on the underside from her fingers.

“Of course, if you both insist.” He touched the tip of Cherry’s naked nipple, feeling it grow firmer against his fingertips as he smeared the cold wet paint around it, and the bumpy texture of her large areola as he circled outward. Now she had one pink nipple and one blue, both proudly erect atop her big squishy tits.

“I think I can get to you better if you lay down here, between us,” she said, grinning up at him. Dani nodded and patted the carpet beside her.

“Lay down so the girls can reach you easier, honey,” agreed his wife.

Tim allowed the three of them to lightly guide him down as he settled onto the floor. They loomed above him as he lay on his back looking up at the ceiling. And at the undersides of the baristas’ breasts swaying above him. He felt like he was on a roller coaster, at the top of a steep drop. His erection was shifting upward in his pants, angling across his thigh. He had much less control over it in this position and could tell it was bulging out visibly. The women looking down at him didn’t seem to notice. They were selecting colors and squeezing dollops of paint onto their fingers as his wife knelt behind his head, scratching lightly at his shoulders with her nails.

“Let’s start with his arms,” said Dani. The girls leaned over him, running their fingers down his biceps and forearms, smiling and giggling at the streaks they were leaving. He felt like he might pass out. Tingles sparked over his skin in the wake of their touch.

“I call dibs on his belly button,” said Cherry, resting a hand on his bare hip as she hovered over his stomach. She was biting her lip as she studied his abdomen and absentmindedly caressed his abs, accidentally smearing him with some paint. “Oops,” she said, bringing her hand over to make a yellow circle centered on his navel, tickling him there with her cool slippery fingers.

“Hold still, Tim,” admonished his wife as he twitched. “The girls are trying to work.”

He tried to relax as the baristas’ fingers danced across his chest and stomach, and their bodies moved above him, their bare tits dangling pendulously, nipples brushing along his skin at times, and their soft asses swinging in and out of view. Dani’s jeweled buttplug glinted between her pale round cheeks as she turned to face his legs. He felt his cock strain upward against his clothes and release a surge of warm fluid at the thought of her seeing the obvious bulge he was making.

“I’m running out of space here,” she complained, drawing red squiggles near his waistband.

“You could take off his pants,” suggested Jackie.

“That’s a great idea,” Cherry said, reaching out to deftly open the button above his fly.

Tim looked up at his wife questioningly. “Lift up your hips, baby,” she whispered. “The girls want to draw on your legs.”

He gave a faint nod as Cherry pulled on his zipper, her fingers passing softly over the bulge in his underwear. She and Dani both worked their hands into the top, to his surprise slipping under both jeans and briefs, and tugged everything he still had on down his now naked thighs, past his ankles and off his feet. He was completely exposed to all three women, the cool empty air that swirled around his bare legs and throbbing erection suddenly all the cover he had. His penis twitched and lifted itself up off his skin for a second. It was sticky and shiny with the pre-cum it had been leaking all evening.

“Let’s just lay this up here,” Jackie said, leaning over him to arrange his cock on his stomach with one gentle hand, pointing it straight up so the swollen, glistening head rested on his navel. The yellow circle Cherry had painted there hung behind it like a halo. His wife curled her fingers under his balls for a second, placing them more comfortably atop his thighs, before she gave his aching erection a pat and he gasped. “There you go. Out of their way.”

Tim’s heart was thumping in his chest now as the girls made cool lines of paint down his hips and thighs, while his wife loomed over him, watching his naked cock twitch and leak clear liquid from its engorged head. Both of the baristas were facing his legs now, leaning over him on their hands and knees with their asses toward him.

“Look at that pretty jewel she has in her asshole, sweetie,” Jackie whispered, drawing her nails lightly up his shaft. He took shallow breaths as his cock jumped at her touch. “And Cherry has those pearls, giving her pussy a wedgie. That’s all she has on down there, Tim. Can you believe it? I think her pearls look kind of wet, don’t you? How could she have gotten them so wet? I didn’t see her spill anything.”

He gave a shuddering gasp. He looked at Dani’s large white globes quivering around her red buttplug and her sticky naked pussy as she tickled the insides of his thighs with her fingertips. He watched Cherry’s vulva, with clearly aroused deep pink inner lips peeking out around her string of pearls like petals blooming open. His cock was hovering above his navel, now, as hard as he had ever been. His wife lifted it up, holding the sticky head loosely with her fingers.

“Look, you could do a barber pole,” she said to the girls, scooting down closer to his hip, pointing him straight up at the ceiling.

“What a fun idea!” Cherry giggled. The baristas refocused their attention onto Tim’s middle area, where his wife was displaying his erection like a trophy in her hands. She stroked him from his balls, up along his urethra, all the way to the dripping crown of his cock, with a single slow swipe of her nails. He moaned softly.

“I’ll do the red,” said Dani. She leaned down to look very closely at him as she brought her red fingertip to the base of his cock. Tim could feel the girl’s warm breath on his balls as she touched his hard shaft, and began to circle around it, the tip of her tongue sticking out of the corner of her mouth in concentration.

Cherry got some white paint and knelt beside him. “I’ll just do his whole ballsack white,” she commented, taking his balls in her paint-covered fingers and carefully coating every part of his scrotum. His cock lurched in his wife’s hands and a fresh stream of pre-cum dribbled out, cloudy now and with a thicker consistency, as the girl kneaded his testicles, softly and thoroughly.

“Ooohh fuuck…” he groaned, twisting under the sensory assault of the six hands moving around on his naked body.

“Stay still, honey,” said Jackie. “They’re trying to draw.”

Tim panted with effort, forcing himself to lie motionless on the carpet as the two young women maneuvered their bare bodies around him. They were circling his penis with a pair of spiraling lines of cool wet paint, one white, one red, starting from the base of his shaft and rising, excruciatingly slowly, up toward the purple head of his tingling cock.

“You’re in my way,” said Cherry, elbowing her mostly naked friend in the ribs. Dani scooted away with a grunt, swinging her ass toward Tim’s head so she could keep circling her fingers around his swollen shaft, her hips shifting this way and that as she moved her knees. He could see the ruby plug stretching her little hole perfectly, and her vulva peaking into view between her thighs, the pink opening looking very moist. In fact he could study her most intimate anatomy at his leisure, lying there beneath her. She swung a leg over his chest as she kept trying to rotate around his throbbing erection, and her musky feminine scent filled the air above his face as her pussy lips parted mere inches away from him. It would be so easy to lift his head and lick her. His tongue made an almost involuntary slurping movement in his partially open mouth as he trembled on the floor.

“Honey.” It was Jackie. She was squirting paint on his fingers. “Here, take some of this yellow. You can do a circle around her jewel there, you see? It’ll look good with the red.”

He stared at her in shock.

“Come on, before she moves.”

Tim brought his hand up to the beautiful bottom hovering above him, rippling with the movements of the muscles beneath her creamy white skin as Dani shifted and adjusted, working on her spiral around his penis. He touched her with two fingers, feeling her soft ass cheek, and made a circle about an inch outside her buttplug. The line–and with it his fingers–dipped deeply into her crack above the jewel, and then circled around on the other cheek, until he arrived at the furrowed region below the plug. He carefully continued his circle of cool paint onto her left labia, going back and forth over it a few times because she was slick with secretions there. She seemed to shiver a little as he crossed over the gap and landed on her other pussy lip, making it move and stretch as he drew on it. His cock felt like it was going to explode.

“You need to fill in that area inside the circle,” said Jackie, giving him another smudge of yellow. “So it looks like a flower.”

“Yes… dear,” he managed to get out, eyes rolling back at all the sensations he was feeling. He needed to focus. On Dani’s ass, and on her glistening wet pussy. He brought his fingers up to coat the insides of her ass cheeks around the plug. She let out a low groan as he used his other hand to pull the jewel outward, just enough to slip his fingertips in there and paint around her stretched anal ring. He could feel her sphincter quiver and twitch at the pressure of his touch.

“Oh my god… this is… this is smearing a lot,” said Dani, her legs shaking as Tim continued to spread the paint downward, doing his best to cover her slippery pussy lips and shiny perineum, using his other hand to move her buttplug this way and that, though it kept spinning around in her asshole and slipping from his fingers, making her pant and grunt.

“Yeah. I think it’s all this pre-cum that keeps dripping down over everything,” said Cherry, looking at her fingers with strands of clear fluid stretching between them.

“Maybe I can wipe some up with my hands,” said Jackie, scooping cloudy liquid from around the head of Tim’s cock with her fingers and rubbing it into her palms. “There’s so much, honey,” she breathed, eyes wide. She took the hem of her sweater and dabbed at the top of his hard cock, making him twitch and gasp.

“More just keeps coming,” said Dani, a note of awe in her voice. She was redrawing the top of her red spiral, right around the ridge of his cockhead. Her fingertip sliding over him felt amazing, and he could see her drippy pussy flexing with the contractions of her inner muscles as she worked on him. Was she as turned on as he was? It was all he could do not to thrust his hips up and down in sheer desperation. “I’m dripping with pre-cum,” she added.

“Oh, just don’t worry about it I guess,” said Jackie, holding him steady and pointed upward with her thumb and fingers wrapped around the base of his erection.

“Top’s gotta match the bottom,” chirped Cherry, spreading her white paint over the head of his cock, careless of the ever thicker flows of seminal fluid seeping from the tip and dribbling onto her fingers. He was buzzing from root to crown, as all three women moved their hands over his erection. He felt his balls drawing up tighter.

“Wait,” his wife said sharply. “Hands off for a minute, girls.”

They pulled back, looking startled, and then giggled. “Oh, I see,” said Cherry, eyes on his rock-hard cock lurching in the air and oozing copiously.

“Let’s let him calm down for a second,” said Dani with an amused smirk, sitting up next to him, her naked thigh brushing lightly against his side. She stroked her hand idly down his ribs and abs as he squirmed. “Wouldn’t want him to ruin our artwork–any more than he already is, I mean.”

“You guys are all so messy,” said Jackie with a laugh. Tim hadn’t heard her laugh so much in ages. She seemed to be having a great time. The girls looked down at themselves and at him, and agreed with nods and giggles. “Go take a shower! And get this husband of mine cleaned up in there, would you?”

The baristas hopped up, naked breasts rebounding, bare thighs flexing. They each took one of his hands and hauled him to his feet with amused smiles. “Up and at ’em,” mumbled Cherry, her fingers curled with his, and her other hand sliding higher up on his arm. Tim’s cock was standing tall, hard as an iron rod, and spiraled in red and white paint. It wobbled from side to side as he got up, and smacked into the girls’ hips and stomachs a couple of times, sending jolts of lightning through his groin.

“I don’t want to see any paint on him when you guys get out,” admonished Jackie, wagging her finger at them.

“Yes ma’am,” said Dani, running her hand down Tim’s back and lightly resting her palm on his butt as they started to walk. He looked back at Jackie as they headed down the hall and she had her arms crossed with one hand up, nibbling on her thumb thoughtfully.

Cherry’s free hand found its way onto his chest and was migrating downward, toward his abs, when he got to the master bedroom. The bathroom in there was better than the guest one in the hall, and had a walk-in shower. He loved the feel of the girls’ hands moving on his body but it felt so wrong. He was worried about Jackie; she seemed fine with what had happened so far but was she really? Or would she get upset if some line was crossed? He didn’t want to risk pushing things. He’d just wash up in the shower with the baristas and then they could all get dressed. Maybe get them a couple of his t-shirts to put on.

“Right in here guys,” he said as he led the mostly naked young women through the room he shared with his wife, by the bed he slept and made love to her in. His cock seemed to get even harder somehow, rising higher for seconds at a time before dropping back with a bounce as they went into the master bath.

“Look at this bathroom,” gushed Cherry. “It’s so nice and big.”

“That’s what she said,” Dani snickered, grabbing her bunched up minidress and pushing it past her round ass, red buttplug flashing as she bent over and stretched the fishnet around her hips to let it fall down her long legs and sit in a pile at her bare feet. Now she was truly naked, except for paint of course, and the black tape stuck on her nipples, which really only made her seem more exposed.

“Oh yeah,” Cherry giggled, looking at Tim’s bobbing erection. A long thin string of pre-cum hung down from his tip, dangling in front of his thighs. “That too.”

“Alright, girls,” he said. “Let’s just get cleaned up, okay?”

“Of course, Timmy.” She gathered up her pink mesh bikini top and shimmied it off her shoulders, her tits hanging free and swinging like punching bags as she got her arms up over her head and tossed it on the floor with Dani’s dress. “I’ll just keep these on,” she murmured, almost to herself, tugging at her string of pearls, making them slide through her slit. She rubbed her pussy in a slow circle with her fingers, rolling the pearls over her sticky clit, breathing heavily. “It’s just a little bit of string.”

“Here’s the water,” Tim heard Dani say inside the tiled shower, voice echoing. The shower turned on. “Ah, cold,” she cried, dancing back out, her painted body glistening with fresh droplets. She bumped into Tim and he caught her, hands landing on the curve of her lower back and just under a soft breast in front. Her jiggly bottom pressed in on his cock and he quickly let go of her.

“Ah, it’s getting warm now,” he said, as steam began to rise from the falling water.

The three of them crowded inside and Tim got the clear curtain closed, at least partly. He was a little distracted. It was comfortable for him and his wife in this shower, but fairly tight with both of the girls in there. Their naked bodies pushed up against his as they maneuvered under the hot water, knocking his rigid cock this way and that with their hips and asses. Blonde and brunette hair was slicked down in wet tangles over both their shoulders, and rivulets cascaded off their tits and tummies and made multi-colored streams of paint run down their curvy thighs.

“You should help Dani with the tape she still has on,” Cherry suggested, sliding around him to make room. He felt her hard nipples dragging over his skin, and pushing into his back as her hands moved up and down his sides from behind.

“Yeah,” agreed Dani, smiling up at him, her face dewy with water as she got close in front, insinuating herself up against him, her stomach pressed to his. Tim’s hard, throbbing erection, slippery with an hour’s worth of seeping seminal fluids, slipped between the soft skin of her abdomen and his, warm and wet from the shower. She leaned her upper half back, hands on his shoulders for support, until her tits were far enough from his chest that he could look down and see the x’s of tape there.

“I mean, sure,” he said unsteadily, reaching up. His hands brushed her waist, her ribs, briefly on the way to the breasts lolling atop her chest. “It’s just a little tape,” he added, almost to himself, hefting one pale globe in his palm to bring the taped nipple up, and trying to close his fingertips on the edge of a piece, pinching her skin.

“Ooh,” she squeaked.

“Oops, sorry.”

“Don’t be. Do it again.”

She was watching his eyes, her chest heaving with quick breaths, as he continued to try and grasp the tape, his brow furrowing as his fingers worked on her flesh and clamped her nipples. He finally got a hold of the corners, peeling the tape away to expose dark pink areolas as large around as silver dollars and thick, puffy nipples that stretched with the tape as it was pulled off, and then stood out like bright red berries crowning large, perfectly round mounds of vanilla ice cream. He rubbed her wet tits with his hands, moving his thumbs over her sensitive nubs and trying to rinse away the pink paint he had drawn around the tape earlier. Her nipples felt hard in his palms, and his cock pressed firmly into her navel as she squirmed against him and Cherry ran her hands over the both of them from where she was pressed against his back.

“This stuff’s not really coming off that well,” she said by Tim’s ear. She was scrubbing at his butt and thighs. Then she knelt down and brought her face to the area, opening her mouth and licking the paint off Tim’s hip with a long, slow swipe of her tongue. He felt his erection lurch between him and Dani in response to the sensation.

“Wait, I’m not sure that’s a good idea…” he stammered.

“Why not? It’s edible.”

“That’s not what I mea–” he started, the words trailing off into more of a moan as Dani leaned in, her lips landing on some paint near his collarbone, and she began to lick there.

“She’s right, this works better,” the barista commented between long, soft slurps on his shoulder and neck. Her body was sliding against his where they were pressed together, and he couldn’t help but to subtly thrust his hips, pushing into her receptive flesh with his straining hardness.

“Oh fuck,” he whispered. “We need to stop this.”

“Your wife told us to clean you up,” Dani said sternly.

“Yeah,” said Cherry, rotating Tim’s body with her hands on his hips from where she was kneeling down by his legs, so he was pushed back against the tiled wall. “We’re the ones who will be in trouble if you go out there with paint still on you.” She went after the streaks lining his inner thighs, pressing her warm tongue to his skin and moving it over him slowly and thoroughly. He shivered as she got close to his cock and balls, still painted red and white, and wondered how much trouble he’d be in if Jackie knew how the girls were going about the task.

“There’s a lot of paint right there,” Dani commented, stroking along the top of Tim’s hard shaft with her finger. His cock bounced up as she reached the end. “I’d better get down there with you.”

“That’d be a big help,” Cherry said, making room as her friend settled beside her, both girls on their knees and running their hands up and down Tim’s legs as the shower cascaded over them all. The baristas’ sparkling wet faces were on either side of his erection, their eyes wide as they looked back and forth from it to each other. “We’ve got a lot of area to cover here.”

“I’ll get started on this part,” said Dani, coming in to press her tongue to the side of his shaft and drag it slowly upward.

“Oh my gooddd…” he groaned, at the rough and almost burning sensation of the girl’s oral ministrations on his tingling erection.

“Okay, well that leaves this for me, then,” said Cherry, dipping lower. Her parted lips fell upon Tim’s balls, and she suckled him into the heat of her mouth, tugging on one testicle in a way that made him jerk and shudder. He felt her scrape her tongue over him, and reposition, and do it again. She kept at it, getting the paint from every part of his scrotum with methodical thoroughness. He spread his legs to give her better access and panted, trying not to cum, as Dani licked up and down his urethra.

“Fuc–” Tim gasped, clutching helplessly at the girl’s heads and shoulders. “Oh my g–”

“There’s so much here on the head of your cock, Tim,” mumbled Dani, her lips pressed to his shaft and moving against him moistly as she spoke. She was drooling colored spit all over him as she worked her way up to the crown of his erection and, meeting his gaze with her dark eyes, took him into her mouth. His heart was beating out of his chest as she sank down onto him, more and more of his aching length disappearing inside her. Her eyes closed as she focused on the feel of him filling her mouth and reaching the entrance to her throat. She swallowed, massaging his cockhead with her inner muscles, as her tongue slithered along his underside and her cheeks hollowed out with suction. At the same time Cherry slurped a fresh testicle in between her drippy lips and he felt the pull deep in his abdomen as she sucked on it.

“Let me have a turn on there,” said Cherry, eyeing Tim’s swollen cock. “Timmy needs to clean up the paint he put on your tits.”

“That’s right, he does,” agreed Dani, rising up, her wet naked body sliding along Tim’s. Cherry made her way from his balls up toward his seeping cockhead and then began feasting upon his length, making “mmm” sounds that vibrated his shaft in her mouth as she slobbered and gulped on him messily. Red and white saliva streamed down her neck and rinsed over her tits as she gagged herself on him.

Tim gasped, his fingers tightening in her hair, as Dani put her arms around his shoulders and presented her breasts for him to clean. He stroked her back and her ass with his free hand, finding her buttplug under the cascading water and playing with it, pulling and twisting it in her asshole, as he began to lick and suck on her tits all over and all around the big puffy red nipples where he’d painted her earlier.

It was at that moment, Tim’s mouth hungrily working over one of Dani’s knockers while he groped and squeezed her plugged ass and vigorously fucked Cherry’s face with a hand on the back of her head, corded with the tension of his grip on her, when the curtain slid open and Jackie peeked in. Tim froze, his jaw dropping.

“What’s going on in here?” asked his wife sweetly.

“I can explain, honey,” said Tim in a panic, his cock still lodged deeply in Cherry’s throat. The girl was making glug glug sounds around him as she bobbed on his shaft, slobbering so much the slurry of paint and spit was running down his balls and pooling on the tiles around his feet and her knees. “It’s not what it looks like.”

“It looks like the girls are cleaning you like I asked them to,” Jackie said, leaning into the shower and taking a bottle from the ledge. “I know the paint is water resistant, but did you guys even try using soap?” She tisked and popped the bottle’s top, turning it over and drizzling some of the creamy body wash over Tim’s chest, and then his stomach and his cock as Cherry backed up and allowed his shaft to emerge from between her lips, his swollen cockhead finally coming to rest on the chin of her upturned, grinning face.

“No,” admitted Dani. “We just thought licking the paint off would be easiest, since that’s what it was made for.”

“It does look like it worked pretty well,” Jackie agreed. “But let’s finish up this way.”

Cherry brought both hands up and closed them around Tim’s erection, sliding them up and down as the soap foamed out between her fingers. He let out a moan, legs feeling weak, and looked at his wife watching what Cherry was doing. He put an arm around Dani’s shoulders and felt his balls simmering in Cherry’s palm.

“Oh god…” he moaned.

“Honey, I can’t believe you haven’t helped Dani with her buttplug yet. I’m sure she’d like to take it out and give her little asshole a rest, wouldn’t you dear?”

“I really would.” The girl nodded, biting her lower lip and blinking as water ran down her face. Tim gulped, fighting off a building orgasm as Cherry’s sudsy fingers moved over his drooling cockhead. It felt like trying to hold back the tide.

“Okay, Dani.” He was soapy all over. He slid himself over her, and ran his hands down her body, in front and back, to get her slippery. He didn’t want to rush this. She needed to relax to let the toy pass easily. Breathing through his teeth, as Cherry fondled his balls and the underside of his cock, he spread soap over Dani’s stomach and down her abs to the tuft of her landing strip, and the slick folds of her vulva. At the same time he rubbed her ass and slipped his fingers between her cheeks, working up a lather. He rubbed her from both sides, making her squirm and moan and hang on his body with her arms around his neck, and his fingertips found the plug. He tugged experimentally, and she let out a low groan as her sphincter stretched. Tim rubbed her foamy landing strip, and her wet pussy lips, and slipped into her cleft and stroked the swelling nub there, to help her let go. He twisted the plug, and massaged her anal ring.

“Oh fuck Tim,” she gasped, clinging to him and trembling, as he slowly pulled, steadily stretching her. Her breath came hard and fast. He felt her vaginal canal contract and spasm around his fingers as the plug’s widest part breached her, and then the toy slipped out onto his palm. He rolled it in his soapy grip and the running water, and with his other hand he rubbed the girl’s tender rosebud in slow, gentle circles as she caught her breath and leaned on him.

“Fuck,” said Jackie quietly. Tim glanced at her and noticed her skirt was gone. She still had her sweater on, which reached to the tops of her thighs. “Here, I’ll put it with her things,” she said, a bit breathlessly, reaching out. Tim dropped the toy in her hand, mind reeling, and she held it up and spent a moment just looking at it.

“I’ll just… take these to the wash for you, girls.” Tim wondered if his wife was wearing panties, as she turned and bent to collect the baristas’ clothes from the floor, but the sweater didn’t rise up high enough for him to tell. “Cherry, don’t forget to get some of that soap on yourself. It’s all on Tim now.”

“Okay Jackie.” Cherry thought for a second, looking down at Tim’s foamy erection, and then pushed her chest forward and rubbed herself over his cock and his soapy stomach, gathering her tits up in her arms and smothering his swollen shaft with them and battering it about until he was panting.

“I think–I think that’s good, girls,” he said, trying to extricate himself from their naked bodies. “The paint’s all cleaned up.”

Dani dropped down beside Cherry as Tim watched his wife slip out of the bathroom with the baristas’ flimsy garments. “I want to help Cherry down here,” Dani said, blinking up at him. She rubbed her friend’s soapy tits and pinched her foamy nipples. Cherry giggled and the two of them started kissing and fondling each other’s breasts.

“Alright, alright, let’s get rinsed off,” he mumbled, trying to get his erection out from between the two girls before he lost control and got them all messy again. He managed to reach the rack outside the shower. “Come on, here are some towels.”

The baristas dried off, rubbing each other’s bodies with terry cloth and then going for Tim. His skin tingled where they dried him, and he felt warm and flushed all over. His cock was still standing up and swaying side to side. He felt like a teenager sneaking around as they made their naked way into the bedroom. Naked except for the pearls parting Cherry’s labia. That seemed more naked than nothing at all, as far as Tim was concerned, imagining those slippery orbs sliding between her lips, and rolling over her clit, as she walked and moved.

“Let’s get on the bed, Tim,” suggested Cherry, tugging on his arm.

“Come up here with us,” encouraged Dani as she lay back on the king size mattress, bringing her feet up. Her legs were spread wide open with her knees bent, and she brushed her fingertips over her pussy lips, idly strumming her labia as she stared at Tim. “We want to play with you.”

Cherry dropped one hand to take hold of his cock as well as his arm, and pulled him onto the bed, blankets bunching under his knees. “I’m so turned on, Tim,” she cooed.

“God, me too,” breathed Dani. “The body painting…”

“The shower…”

Both of them were running their hands over their bodies as they spoke, squeezing their own tits, circling their vulvas. Cherry tugged on her pearls as her fingers caressed her pussy lips, making them nudge her swollen nub. Tim gulped as the girls sidled up to him on both sides.

“Are you turned on, too, Tim?” asked Dani, touching his penis. She had her answer right there. She rested her hand on it, pushing down, and it remained pointing upward. She curled her fingers around his thick shaft. “Would you like to give me a kiss? Just a small one.”

A small kiss couldn’t be that bad, he thought, looking into her plaintive eyes and nodding. His heart was beating so hard. He hadn’t made out with anyone but his wife since before they were married. She leaned in, playing with his cock, and Tim felt Cherry’s fingertips dancing down his chest and arm as his lips met Dani’s. Her body was pressed to him, her nipples pushing into his chest. Her tongue slithered into his mouth and moved with his own, softly and slowly, while she fondled his leaking erection and Cherry started to lick his neck and kiss his collarbone.

“You said little kisses were okay,” she murmured in his ear, suckling on his earlobe.

He let out a long groan as his cock pulsed in Dani’s hand. His balls had been on a low boil for over an hour and pre-cum dribbled from his cockhead continuously, smearing around the girl’s belly button and drizzling over her fingers.

“We’re not painting, now,” whispered Dani in a break in their kissing.

“Or cleaning,” mumbled Cherry into his neck.

“I’m touching your cock–” she paused and squeezed, “because I want it inside me.”

“I want to fuck you so badly, Tim” said Cherry, caressing his balls and groping his ass.

“Oh fuck,” he gasped. “I don’t know… I just…”

“What is it, Timmy?” asked Dani, placing kisses on his throat and humming softly.

“What about Jackie…”

“Don’t worry,” said Cherry, her hand joining Dani’s on his tingling shaft. “She’s all the way out there.”

“And we’re right here, with you.”

Cherry came around front and Dani made room. Her pillowy tits squished against Tim’s chest as she leaned in for a kiss, her lips warm and moist upon his. “Could you touch my pussy? Just a little?” She bit her lip and blinked at him. “Please?”

“Alright, Cherry. I’ll touch your pussy.”

He couldn’t deny her that much. He reached between her legs, moving up until he felt her sticky lips, and the slippery pearls. He didn’t bother trying to move them aside; they didn’t stop him from reaching anything he wanted to reach. He just let them roll along his fingers, and slide over her inflamed clit as he tugged them this way and that, running his fingers along her opening, and thumbing her cleft, and sinking more deeply inside her. She felt like molten silk. Her steamy juices were running over everything.

There was a movement at the door. “Hi guys,” came Jackie’s voice. “Whatcha doing in here? You’re hanging out in the bed, huh?”

“Come up and play with us, Jackie,” said Dani, reaching out to take her hand and pulling her onto the bed.

“Okay. Are you guys kissing?”

“Um, yeah, we’ve been kissing a little.” Tim smiled sheepishly at his wife, still moving his fingers around Cherry’s vulva. He shifted to make it more visible. “And some other stuff.”

Jackie grinned. “I see.” She crawled over the comforter, still wearing just her snug sweater that barely reached past her sexy ass, and settled onto her side, cuddling with Dani, who purred and ran a hand up her bare thigh. “Why don’t you give her a little lick down there, honey?”

“You… want me to…”

“You always do it so well. I’m sure she’ll like it.”

“Oh yes, lick my pussy,” Cherry begged. “Please?”

“Go ahead,” said Jackie. She nibbled her lower lip. “I know how much you love doing it. I want you to make her cum, just like you do with me.”

Tim licked his lips and nodded. He felt his heart thumping in his neck. He took the girl in his arms, and peered into her blue eyes. He kissed her and stroked her body as he laid her down on the bed, and heard her whimper softly. “Make me cum, Tim. Make me cum like I’m your wife.”

“Okay sweetie,” he murmured into her slim neck, settling his weight onto her naked body, kissing his way toward her breasts as she squirmed and breathed faster underneath him. He reached her tits and slurped on her thick, hard nipples, first one and then the other, while groping and squeezing her soft melons. She squeaked as his teeth grazed her, and then groaned deeply as he applied some more pressure on her areola.

Jackie reached out to stroke one of Cherry’s legs as she raised them on either side of Tim’s hips, clamping on him. Tim moved further down, licking her navel. Her legs spread wide and he lay between them, while his wife helped to hold one of her knees up by her armpit and stroked her inner thigh. He got his hands under her bottom and groped her cheeks, tilting her pelvis upward like a punch bowl he intended to drink his fill from. Her body was limp in his arms, her other leg flopping out to the side, as he kissed her inner thighs, and then licked her labia. She shuddered as his tongue nudged her pearls against her clit. The orbs were smooth and tasted of her tangy feminine essence. He let his tongue sweep over her whole vulva, getting her pussy wet all over. Her inner lips peaked out on either side of her pearls, slick and smooth along his tongue, and sharply sweet.

“Oh my,” he heard Dani whispering to his wife. “Look at them go.”

Jackie let out only a soft moan in reply and Tim sensed Dani sliding her hand higher up his wife’s thigh, reaching under her sweater. He closed his eyes, inhaling Cherry’s rich aroma, and delved into her with his tongue as deeply as he could, pushing easily past the pearls which spun against him and slipped over her clit. He licked up to her hard button and flicked the orbs back and forth across it with the tip of his tongue, making her gasp and jerk. The garment was really more of a wearable sex toy than any kind of impediment. Jackie held Cherry’s knee firmly, and Tim snaked an arm around her other thigh to press down on her hips and hold her steady as he sealed his lips over her vulva and suckled at her hood and her inner labia and her stiff red clit burning like a candle flame between her lips.

“Of fuuc–oh my g–”

She made a series of strangled half cries as he alternated between light stimulation and strong suction on her clit, and slow licks of her slick slit, and deep exploration of her hot canal. He tilted her further, tugging her thong aside, and added her puckered rosebud to the rotation, circling her anal ring and licking her hard from the crack of her ass, over her shiny stretched perineum, and up her dripping slit. Then he slid a finger inside her, slowly, feeling her clench and spasm. He traced around the edges of her opening, and slipped further in. She was bucking in his arms as he added a second digit, and stroked her while dining on her snatch.

“I’m cum–I’m fuc–I’m fuckin–” she gasped between ragged breaths as her body convulsed at his touch.

He took his time, drawing out her pleasurable agony with slow strokes that sent her over a series of mini orgasmic speed bumps, on her way to a larger climax. He forgot to wonder what Jackie was thinking, or doing with Dani; last he’d glimpsed they were making out and Dani’s arm was under his wife’s sweater to the elbow. He began to piston his fingers in and out of Cherry’s pussy with increasing speed while rapidly licking and slurping on her clit. His other hand shot up to clutch one of her tits, twisting a fat nipple between thumb and fingers, and her newly freed leg swung to clamp tightly on his head as her hips bucked and she squealed loudly, releasing a fine spray of clear liquid over Tim’s mouth and chin.

“Oh god,” she panted, slowly letting her legs fall to the side as he continued to lightly lick her. “Oh fuck.”

Tim’s cock was harder than he’d ever felt it before. He rose up, laying it heavily on her sloppy wet pussy lips, feeling them part around his girth. Her pearls rolled along his urethra as he slid himself up and down her slick mess of a vulva, and she quivered and trembled. His wife caught his eye as he backed up enough to line up his thick cockhead with Cherry’s slit, nudging it over her clit and making her twitch. Jackie licked her lips and watched him intently as he pushed, unmindful of the pearls in the way. They found their own way to one side as he slowly spread the girl’s labia and sank into her opening.

“Now he’s fucking her,” Dani said in Jackie’s ear, her hand moving under the sweater as Jackie squirmed and cooed.

Tim watched Cherry’s inner lips grip his shaft as he pulled out, and thumbed her clit as he plunged back in, making her yelp. He increased his tempo, gradually, until he was slapping her ass with his balls and filling the room with the sounds of wet flesh smacking together.

“Oh my fucking god,” she cried out, squeezing his hips with her thighs.

He lowered himself down, lying on her naked body, still moving in and out of her, but slower now as his chest pressed against her tits and his stomach rested on hers. She crossed her ankles around his back, and he just enjoyed the feel of dragging his full throbbing length through her snug sheath, letting his tingling orgasm build. His balls were boiling. His skin felt feverish. He and Cherry were both covered in sweat, sliding over each other. She was squealing and moaning but those sounds were muffled when he settled his mouth firmly onto hers, kissing her deeply as he made himself at home in her pussy.

There was a sharp sensation as Jackie’s nails ran down his spine, and over his butt, and up his back. He turned his head to see her flushed face right beside him. Her lips were parted as she breathed hard, and her eyes seemed only partially in focus, with Dani touching her down below. She looked beautiful. He shifted over, Cherry’s groans suddenly louder as he broke off from kissing her, and took his wife’s lips in his own. She closed her eyes and kissed him back. They made out, tongues moving together, as his cock slid inside the grunting girl beneath him. It was all too much. He felt his balls pull in and his load surge up his urethra. He buried himself into Cherry with a great thrust and unloaded spurt after spurt deep inside her, filling the girl’s pussy with hot gushes of thick semen while making out with his loving wife.

“Did you cum in her pussy, baby?” Jackie asked softly, big eyes on his. “Did you fill her up?”

“Oh fuck,” he panted, catching his breath, resting his cheek on Cherry’s heaving breast. “Yes.”

“That’s so fucking hot.” She ran her hand over him as his erection gradually shrank down, still inside of Cherry’s warm body. The girl was gulping down air, still coming back to her senses. He slipped out of her with a flow of warm juices and rolled onto his back between the three women, his spent cock flopping wetly on his thigh.

“So…” said Dani, sitting up to lean over closer, and nudging Jackie with her naked shoulder. “Now it’s our turn.”

Tim’s eyes widened. His wife looked at Dani, bemused. “But, he came already. He’s not twenty anymore, honey.”

“Oh, don’t worry. We’ll get another one out of him.” The brunette swayed her hips as she got up on her knees, and Tim’s eyes were drawn to the lovely little trimmed landing strip above her pristine vulva, her pink lips just barely parted by the swollen clit peeking out. “I know we can.”

Jackie sat up, starting to smile. “Okay, Dani. What should we do?”

“First let’s get this sweater off you,” said the girl, taking the hem and lifting it up Jackie’s hips. Tim saw she had been without panties under there this whole time. Her pussy was so familiar, so beautiful, and filled him with a surge of renewed desire. She had a tuft of reddish hair above smoothly shaved lips that were already swollen with arousal and slightly parted, revealing a wisp of damp inner labia.

Dani’s hands brushed his wife’s body as she raised the sweater, touching her sides, and her breasts that swayed and jiggled with her jerky movements. Her nipples were dark pink and stood out as hard as Tim had ever seen them. She lifted her arms and Dani pulled the sweater over her head.

“Now come with me. Down here. That’s right.”

Dani guided Jackie toward Tim’s limp penis. It was shiny from Cherry’s pussy, and a little drizzle of cum had run down from his opening to pool on his thigh. The women were both completely naked now, and their tits hung over his legs, nipples dragging on his skin, breasts brushing his balls, as they settled down.

“Let’s just play with his cock.”

The barista ran her fingers over him. She lifted his penis and licked the tip, pulling away with a strand of clear fluid connecting her to him. His wife took that opportunity to dip in and intercept the thin string with her tongue, giggling. The women smiled at each other, and started to kiss on either side of his soft cockhead, their lips moving warmly around him.

Dani paused the kiss, and took him into her mouth. She sucked him all the way down, moving his penis around with her tongue and making ‘mmm’ sounds that vibrated into his core, with her lips sealed tightly around the base of his shaft. He stiffened a bit as she lifted off him, slowly, allowing him to fall from her lips with a pop.

“Let me give that a try,” said Jackie, her hair feathery upon his skin as she loomed over him. She slurped him in, working down his length slowly. He felt himself growing in the heat of his wife’s mouth, getting thicker and firmer. Then Dani’s warm lips closed upon his balls, her tongue nudging them back to a low simmer. He was starting to push into Jackie’s throat.

“Mmmm,” she moaned around him, as Dani sucked on one testicle and then another, making Tim gasp and shiver. Jackie slowly lifted herself off his cock, exposing a now hard and thick shaft and a swollen head shiny with spit. The two of them licked up either side of his length, and began to slurp on his cockhead together. He was quickly throbbing and swollen once more as they softly made out around his erection, sliding their lips up and down him until his hips started to buck.

“I think he’s ready,” said Dani, scooting over. “Come here.”

“Me?” Jackie seemed surprised.

“You first,” she said with a grin. “I’ve got another plan for me.”

The girl helped Jackie straddle Tim’s hips, and held his erection up as she settled down onto him. She slid the head of his cock up and down along the cleft of his wife’s wetly parted pussy lips, getting her red bush wet with her own juices and rubbing his seeping opening over the sodden patch before pushing him lower, to sink into her clutching heat. She lowered herself in fits and starts, easing her lips around his girth, until she was sitting all the way down in his lap, fully impaled.

“Oh god, honey,” she sighed, beginning to rock back and forth, making him groan.

“That’s it, Jackie,” encouraged Dani, swinging a leg across Tim’s chest, with her hands on his stomach. “That’s it.” She sank down over him, lying along his body, and began to lick at his wife’s clit and her tightly stretched labia, with results he could feel immediately as Jackie’s insides came to life with quivering constrictions while she slid up and down his fat shaft.

“Oh–Oh f–fuc–” she babbled, eyes closing and head rolling back.

Tim grunted and bucked his hips, bouncing his wife on his lap and making her tits jiggle like pudding as he stirred her insides and Dani bathed her pussy in saliva. The barista wriggled her lithe body atop his, and her vulva hovered above his face, her folds shiny with the clear fluid slowly flowing from her vagina. He extended his tongue and parted her lips, tasting her warm nectar.

“Ooh,” she yipped with a jerk. He brought his arms over her waist and dug his fingers into the supple flesh of her ass cheeks, licking into her more deeply. “Ooohh,” she sighed, settling down, and rolling her hips against him.

Jackie pulled herself up almost to the end of his cock, and then pushed back down, groaning softly, her tight canal rippling along his length with involuntary contractions while Dani’s pussy quivered around his tongue. He pulled her cheeks apart until her perineum was stretched like a rubber band and her crinkled balloon knot was winking and clenching at the air.

“Ahhh,” she groaned, as he touched her there with his tongue, pressing into her warmly. Her opening was ready to give way after holding a buttplug all day, and admitted him easily. He felt her sphincter squeezing his tongue in fluttery pulses as it slithered into her.

“Oh fuck,” cried Jackie, her pussy suddenly gushing over her husband’s straining cock. Her whole body shook and she nearly tumbled off Tim’s lap. Cherry stirred, sitting up to hold Jackie steady.

“You’re not done yet,” she whispered in the woman’s ear, rubbing Jackie’s belly as Tim’s cock worked inside her and Dani licked her inflamed nub out from underneath its slick hood. She whimpered and shook her head, twitching as Cherry grabbed her petite tits and pinched her swollen nipples.

At that moment Dani looked up, and crawled forward, until her face met Jackie’s. “But you are done with him,” she said, before beginning to kiss her with her shiny lips. She kept moving forward until Jackie was laid out on her back, and Dani was on top of her. Tim’s cock popped free of his wife’s pussy and then Dani backed up until she was able to begin licking and slurping at the freshly fucked hole in front of her face.

“Aaahg,” Jackie cried, her pelvis lurching as Dani found her clit and Cherry kissed her neck and chest.

The barista’s ass was in the air in front of Tim, swaying as she ate out his wife’s pussy. She paused for a second to glance back at him, as if to say ‘what are you waiting for?’ and he took her soft flesh in his hands, coming forward to lay his glistening cock between her cheeks, already wet with spit and her own juices. He leaned forward, pushing into her with his hips, and she wiggled against him, dragging her pussy over his shaft.

“Oh shit Dani,” he sighed, one hand hard on her lower back. He reached down and took himself by the root, directing the head of his cock toward its target. She gave a muffled cry into Jackie’s vulva as he parted her lips and drove forward, slowly, widening her sheath. She was vibrating beneath him, shuddering even as she licked and suckled at his wife’s clit.

He pulled out a little, only to push back in, further. His thumb rubbed her puckered anus and, slippery with all the juices there, slipped into her easily. He withdrew his thumb as his shaft sank more deeply into her moist channel, and then plunged the thick digit back in as he dragged his swollen cockhead nearly out of her, stretching her opening before seizing her hips and beginning to fuck her in earnest, pistoning into her with abandon. Her ass reverberated with the impacts of his thighs, shaking the bed and bouncing her face away from Jackie’s pussy enough that her cries broke loose.

“Aah f–aoh my g–unnghh–” she grunted in broken fragments as she was pummeled.

“Fuuucckk…” he groaned, feeling his balls roiling as the girl’s insides rolled over him hotly, massaging his throbbing erection. He was on the edge. His cock hummed like a power line as it slid between Dani’s engorged labia and her body shook like a leaf in his hands.

“Fuck her pussy, baby,” his wife cried out as she tossed her head back and spasmed, her knees coming up around Dani’s head.

Tim saw her hand had found its way between Cherry’s legs as well, as that barista played with her nipples and suckled at her earlobe. The girl was making little yelps as Jackie’s fingers rolled over her pearls.

“Fuck her pussy and cum in her!” Jackie squealed.

A surge of what felt like magma gushed up through Tim’s pelvis. A river seemed to flow from his balls as he bottomed out in Dani’s vagina and let her insides milk his cock as he came, wondering idly if she was on birth control. Or if Cherry was, for that matter. The thought made his balls lurch and his cock strain. After a couple of heavy pulses he eased out to let a thick rope fall across her ass, dribbling down over her gaped rosebud like he was glazing a donut. Another spurt spilled down her back, trickling along the channel of her spine toward her heaving shoulders.


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Cherry quickly came forward with a grin. “I want some,” she declared, starting to lick up the glistening trail of semen. That seemed to galvanize some possessive instinct in his wife, who roused herself to lean forward over Dani’s shoulders and join in with the other girl, slurping up clumpy gobbets of Tim’s cum, both of them smacking their lips and making little ‘mmm’ sounds low in their throats.

They worked their way toward him, on either side of Dani’s body, and finally arrived to clean up his softening penis with their accommodating mouths.

“Oh god, sweetie,” Tim whispered to his wife as she looked up at him with a shiny smile.

The four of them arranged themselves into the blankets and squeezed in close, cuddling and snuggling, their naked bodies becoming a tangled knot in the warm bed as they whispered soft words and slowly drifted into an exhausted slumber.

Sun was streaming over the bed when Tim’s eyes opened later. Legs and arms were wrapped around him and his soft cock was pressed beneath a sweaty thigh. He looked around for Jackie, but it was just the baristas there. He felt a flash of fresh worry, but then a movement caught his attention at the door as the girls began to stir beside him, blinking their eyes and sitting up so the blankets fell from their breasts and the bright morning sun splashed over their bare skin.

Jackie walked in bearing a tray of cups and a full french press. Her hair had been brushed but she was still beautifully, completely nude, like a marble sculpture. Tim got the feeling she didn’t intend to change that anytime soon.

“Coffee, anyone?” she asked with a smile.


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