Bite-Sized: One Big Step Ch. 06 by JadeOceanWrites

An adult stories – Bite-Sized: One Big Step Ch. 06 by JadeOceanWrites,JadeOceanWrites All characters are at least 18 years old. This is a non-canonical story related to the Family Morsel series.



I awoke nestled against Drew’s chest, feeling it rise and fall with his breathing. He was shirtless with an arm around me, and I filled my lungs with his scent. All my turbulent feelings weren’t helped by the fact that he smelled amazing. Had boys always smelled this good?

Then I came to my senses. Had to get out of here, because I had absolutely no intention of having a morning-after conversation with him. He’d pulled my clothes back on, and I carefully maneuvered myself out of his embrace. When I gingerly lifted the blanket to slip out of bed, I caught sight of his morning wood and froze. It was just standing there, throbbing every so often, and looking delectable. Maybe just one lick. What?! No! I had to get out before he woke up. I was just reaching for his doorknob before rethinking it and instead cutting through the bathroom to get to my bedroom. Wouldn’t do for our parents to see me do a walk of shame from his room, no matter how short.

I finally breathed a sigh of relief when I closed the bathroom door, my great escape successful. If he had wanted morning sex — well, not sex, but some sort of messing around — I would be trapped on his bed with a bad case of Stockholm syndrome. Thoughts of sex with Drew brought me back to that thought of his morning wood beckoning me toward it, the image flickering in the back of my mind like a projector slide. Did I want to have sex with him? The answer seemed to drift more toward the affirmative with each passing day. But then how would I even take that monster inside me? With our size difference, it’d split me in half. The pure brutality of it had me soaking through my leggings.

Focus. Still had to get ready for school.

After getting ready, I headed out to the kitchen and started cooking breakfast. Drew’s mom joined shortly after, looking stellar in just a classic white button-down and black pencil skirt. I should be so lucky to still look that good at her age.

“Good morning, Cherry,” she said cheerfully, beginning to assist me.

“Good morning, Coco,” I replied. Over the course of the week, she’d insisted I dropped the whole “Ms. Hammond” thing, which took some getting used to. Same thing with Drew and my dad.

“Sleep well?” she inquired, popping sliced bread into the toaster before pouring some orange juice. Juice, huh? Yeah, I made your son drink my juices last night.

“Yeah, just fine,” I forced out, blinking hard at the bacon and eggs. These were fresh panties, I couldn’t be soiling them this early in the morning.

Coco stood at the counter next to me and watched me cook, looking contemplative. “Is everything okay, Cherish? Sorry. Cherry. Sometimes I still forget.”

“Yeah sure why do you ask,” I stammered. Wow, Cherry, very believable.

“You seemed troubled last night when we were discussing college,” she continued. “Especially on the point that you and Drew wouldn’t be anywhere near each other. I had…” She chuckled a bit. “I’d thought you two couldn’t wait to go your separate ways. Has that changed? Have you grown closer?” When I didn’t answer, letting the bacon spit in protest as it began to overcook, she leaned a bit closer. “Have you developed feelings for my Drew?”

“What no that guy absolutely not,” I blurted. I swear I used to be better at lying. “That would be weird right so weird ’cause if you and dad work out then we’d be stepsiblings y’know?” I dared to make half a second of eye contact with her, and the gentle smile she gave me said I wasn’t fooling anybody. She took the pan from me and began plating the dry scrambled eggs and ultra crispy bacon I’d neglected.

“Not so weird,” she said kindly. “I know there’s some taboo toward stepsiblings, but if I’m being honest, I’d think the weirdness would only stem from growing up together. You and Drew are a different breed of stepsiblings.”

Oh God, she said ‘breed.’ Suddenly Drew was pumping my womb full of his delicious cum until I was round and full of his babies. I licked my lips, and luckily Coco didn’t seem to know what to make of it, likely attributing it to my shyness. Cherry, babies?! Are you fucking serious?! Blame the cavewoman DNA. Why couldn’t I just wanna have some fun, meaningless, high school sex like the rest of my friends? I was turning into some kind of pervert. I looked at my dry eggs and was slammed with yet another metaphor, and I almost groaned. I was eighteen. It wasn’t like I was pushing forty with no prospects of a sperm donor in sight. Why was Drew making me so weird?!

“Good morning, honey,” dad said as he came in, giving Coco a kiss on the cheek, then turning to me to do the same. “Good morning, princess.” We replied in kind, and were just sitting down when Drew came out and joined us, greeting everybody. He glanced at me before proceeding to avoid eye contact, which suited me just fine. I was already having a hell of a morning. “Good lord, princess, I’m sorry, but why are your eggs so dry today?”

Oh my God, my day could actually get worse. I felt the blush go straight to my head, and luckily Coco jumped in. Though, as it turned out, it wasn’t for my benefit. “You can’t just go around telling a girl her eggs are dry, Leon,” she admonished, frowning disapprovingly. Probably sensitive about her age and… Oh jeez, were they planning to have a kid together? I wasn’t ready to entertain that thought, so I immediately shut it down.

Aghast, dad immediately went into damage control. “No, no, that’s not what I meant! Your eggs are still nice and y– Uh, well, I mean–”

“Please tell me you’re not about to discuss my mom’s ova in front of me,” Drew muttered. “At breakfast, no less. I just woke up, it’s too early for this.”

Dad sputtered, at a total loss of how to recover the situation, until the three of us burst into laughter. He scratched his head sheepishly, and I was glad that the attention had finally been diverted away from me. Just in the first hour of being awake, everything had been such chaos, and–

And Drew winked at me and began gulping down juice, his throat pulsing with each mouthful he swallowed, loud and exaggerated and suggestive and fucking sexy–

“Cherish, your nose is bleeding,” Coco gasped.

I looked down at the two drops of crimson on the table. Oh wonderful, now he had my blood pressure spiking. I cupped a hand under my chin while pinching my nose with the other and excused myself, beating a hasty retreat to the bathroom to regroup properly.

“Like a fucking anime,” I muttered to myself as I cleaned up. Luckily the bleeding had stopped quickly.

“What’s like anime?” Drew asked from the door.

Scowling, I trotted over and beat a fist on his chest. “You’re an asshole. Don’t do that again,” I growled.

“Do what? I’m not allowed to have some OJ now?” His feigned innocence, paired with the fact that he already knew what I was talking about, made me seethe more.

“Not the morning after you… you…” I trailed off, feeling myself blush again.

“Yeah, but you liked it,” Drew replied with an annoying smirk. His smugness was off the charts.

“You want me to start talking about your mom’s eggs–”

“Alright, truce, truce, truce,” he chuckled, waving his hands in front of him to disperse the unsavory thoughts. “Now, you ready to head back out? We’re gonna be late.”

I walked over to him, tiptoeing and grabbing his collar to pull him down into a forceful kiss. It caught him by surprise, and I ended it before he had time to recover. Sneering, I muttered, “Piss drinker,” before walking out past him.

“It’s not piss, it’s squirt juice!” he protested, sounding genuinely indignant.

“Whatever you have to tell yourself,” I called back with a grin. With any luck, it would bother him all day.

We managed to stay civil afterwards, since we had to get to school, ergo be around other people, and they couldn’t know that we were practically pawing at each other already. Well, at least I think he was. I hope he was. My stomach churned at the thought that he just wasn’t that into me, but… well, you don’t drink from a girl you’re not into, right?

The twins were waiting for us outside, and Brie pulled me aside as usual with tempered zeal. “So, got any tea?”

No tea, just juice. Apparently there was a part of my mind that was no longer under my control, because quips like that just drifted into my head, making me blush. That made Brie lean in curiously, grinning with glee. “It’s not what you think,” I said quickly.

“Then what is it?” she teased.

I stared at the ground as we walked, nibbling on my lip. “Drew and I are going to different colleges on opposite sides of the country.”

She watched me, trying to gauge my feelings on the matter before finally asking, “And… is that a good or bad thing?” Being unable to answer her in three seconds was answer enough, and she sat back with another sigh. “Hm. So what are you gonna do about it?”

“What’s there to do? It’s not like we’re… serious about each other or anything. This is just gonna turn into a summer fling, and then we’ll go our separate ways, maybe have some occasional fun whenever we’re back for the holidays. It’s… not the end of everything. We might be able to… um, survive being apart.” Saying we’d survive sounded like we were together or something, and I didn’t know what to make of that notion.

“But in the meantime, he’s off at college surrounded by hot sorority girls–”

“He’s not like that!” I said firmly, and she raised her eyebrows with the shadow of a smirk on her lips. Wait, I was defending Drew? How did she do that? “He… He doesn’t play with feelings. Not like that.”

She nodded. “Cherry, can I say something? You sound… miserable.”

“I am,” I mumbled. “We, uh… We took a big step, I think, yesterday. And now I find out everything we started is gonna end so soon, and I just… He pushes my buttons, and I think it makes me tougher. He has all these weird ideas and random facts, and he’s so interesting. And he makes me feel… beautiful. He accepts… accepts my body, I think.”

“I tell you the same thing all the time!” Brie protested.

“It’s not the same. He’s the only guy who does it, y’know? You’re my best friend, so you have to, and you and I aren’t… It’s just not the same. You understand, right?”

She smiled beatifically, growing a faraway look. “Yeah. Yeah, I understand.” She couldn’t help but look back at the two boys walking behind us. Our two boys.

“You really love him, huh?” I wondered aloud, and she turned back to me as if caught, before fidgeting with her fingers.

“Um, I…” She swallowed and looked me in the eye. “Yeah.”

I smiled and took her hand. “I’m happy for you.”

“Thanks.” We beamed at each other before she continued. “And what about you? With Drew?”

The words didn’t seem nearly as difficult to get out as I thought they’d be. “…Yeah. I like him.”

“You came home earlier than I expected,” Drew remarked as he closed the front door. It just so happened that I was coming out to the kitchen, and I shrugged.

“Gotta cook dinner for tonight,” I replied, beginning to get the pots and bowls I needed.

“No you don’t,” he noted, dropping his schoolbag by the couch before plopping himself down and kicking his feet up. “Got a text from mom, they’re going on a date tonight, straight from work. So we’re on our own tonight.”

I looked at him, irked. “Why didn’t I get a text like that?”

“It was in DMs, not the family group chat,” he explained.

“Not in the group chat, dad didn’t text me himself, this is some bullshit,” I muttered as I put everything away. “So we have the house to ourselves? Wanna do pizza or something? Friday night at home while our folks are the ones out on a date kinda sucks.”

“I was thinking–” He cut off, and when I straightened up to look, I spotted him peering at me from over the couch back. When he saw me see him, he turned back and acted nonchalant. “I mean, I dunno how open to this idea you’ll be.”

“Spit it out, Stilts.” With everything stowed, I walked over to him, rounding the couch intending to sit down next to him.

“I was thinking we could go on a date too.”

I tripped and landed right on him, my face smacking into his chest as my arms pinwheeled uselessly. He was taken aback but chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. Resisting his embrace, I pushed up on his chest to look at him.

“You what?!” I demanded. He shrugged, giving me a playful smile as he gauged my reaction. “You mean like you and me? Tonight?”

“Yeah, that’s what ‘we’ means. And we are in the middle of discussing dinner plans, aren’t we?” Fucking smartass.

“I mean, like… Having dinner with mutual friends–”

“That wouldn’t be a date then, would it?”

“–or… or…”

“Of course, if you don’t want to–” he said casually.

“No, I want–!” Damnit, I just fell into his trap. He was grinning devilishly, and I sighed in frustration. “You just love how clever you are, don’t you?”

“I’m not that clever,” he argued. “You’re just too easy to play. It’s… It’s cute.”

“It’s only been one day, you can’t just say things like that,” I stammered shyly.

“Then what should I say instead?” His grin grew wider. He really needed to get taken down a peg. Hm…

“Say you’ll make a reservation at the place we’re eating,” I said, and that did seem to take him by surprise.

“Reservation? Can’t we just walk in?”

“You’re not seriously gonna make me get all dressed up just to make me wait for a table, are you?” I crooned softly. At the mention of me getting dressed up, his eyes went wide and he released his hold on me, allowing me to stand.

“Where, uh… Where should I make a reservation?”

“Wherever you’d take a girl on a first date,” I replied with a wink, and he swallowed and nodded. I headed to my room, perusing my closet for something jaw-dropping to wear. Unfortunately, I wasn’t some sex goddess, so nothing I had was the sizzling type. Although… he did seem to like when I was cute. Could leverage a bit of that. I picked out a blue slip dress that hugged my body enough to be tasteful. But then he’d be able to see just how flat my chest was. No, that wouldn’t do. He liked MILFs with big boobs, after all. Instead, I opted for a ring cutout dress that exposed the sides of my waist. It had better coverage of my chest, which allowed for some inserts. I stuffed my dress and went to the bathroom to check myself in the mirror. Alright, I’d just upgraded to a small B cup. That’d have to suffice. Time for makeup.

I was just applying concealer when he walked in, wearing a light navy button-down, unbuttoned over a white t-shirt and black jeans. I was definitely a bit bitter that guys could so easily look good, while we had to put so much work in just to look natural.

He was just moving to try to tame his hair when he noticed what I was doing. “What are you doing?” he asked.

“Covering up these freckles,” I muttered, dabbing at them with my sponge. I had a light smattering across my nose and cheeks, nothing crazy, but Lauren had drawn constellations on my face once so they had to go.

“What? Stop that. Wipe it off.”

“What? No. I just finished–”

Without asking, he pulled out one of my makeup wipes. Taking me by the back of the neck, he turned me toward him and started wiping off the concealer himself. I yelped and struggled against him, but he held me firm and soon all my makeup was on the wipe, which he promptly discarded.

Before I could start scolding him, he was already looking at my outfit critically. I barely had time to react when suddenly his fingers were digging into my dress, and I was too shocked to stop him. He fished out the inserts and tossed them onto the floor, then reexamined me and nodded with approval.

“What the hell are you doing?” I protested, injecting as much anger as I could while trying to suppress the quiver in my voice. “What is your problem?”

“My problem is you’re trying to be something you’re not,” he replied, not sounding apologetic at all.

“I thought we were gonna have a nice evening tonight. Why are you tearing me down like this?!”

“I’m not tear–”

“You’re being such a dick right now, manhandling me, exposing me, telling me I’m not good enough–” I was close to tears. How did everything suddenly go so wrong?

“I never said–”

“You just said–”

“I like you the way you are!” he shouted over me, and I stopped. We stared at each other in the wake of that declaration, either too shocked or too shy to say anything. Clearing his throat, he continued, “You’re right, I shouldn’t have done all that–”

“Major douche, kinda toxic,” I remarked.

“–so I’m sorry. Really. I just… It makes me angry that anybody made you feel like you needed any of that stuff, and I reacted. You don’t need to hide your freckles or stuff your bra or wear killer heels, because you’re beautiful, y’know, and–” He clamped his mouth shut and swallowed, staring at me anxiously.

After an eternity and a half passed with us staring into each other’s eyes like in a romantic movie, I finally collected enough words to form a coherent sentence. “You really think that?”

He gave me one of his lopsided grins. “I dunno how many times you’re gonna make me say it, but I’ll say it as many times as it takes. You’re beautiful, Cherry.”

I squirmed with delight and he smiled, then I picked up the inserts and set them on the counter. “Can I at least put some lipstick on? Or are you gonna wipe that off too?”

“Lipstick’s fine, knock yourself out. Oh, but…” He hesitated before continuing. “Can I make a small request?”


“I don’t like lipstick that’s red or darker. I feel like it makes girls look older.” He looked like he was bracing for my reaction, afraid he was overstepping his bounds.

“In my case, that’s the point,” I noted. He looked unconvinced, and I sighed. “Fine. Is pink okay?”

“Pink’s okay. Just not too matte.”

“God, you’re picky.”

“Yeah, sorry.”

I shook my head with a smirk and got started. If lipstick was all I was allowed to wear, I had to make it impressive. And I had just the thing. He watched me as I worked after doing his best to tame his hair, seemingly intrigued in the lengthy process. It was more time-consuming than simply applying lipstick like a normal person, but the results were worth it. Hopefully. I was glad I’d remembered everything in the video tutorial.

“What are you doing?” he finally asked, and I swore if he wiped this off again I was gonna lose it.

“Gradient lips,” I replied, putting on the finishing touches before turning to him. “I saw them in a K-drama and thought they looked really good, so I looked it up. It’s like a fade effect on your lips, with the innermost part of the lips having the strongest color. What do you think?”

Judging by the dumb expression on his face as he zoned out looking at my lips, I’d say he liked it. I parted my lips slightly and he swallowed, eyelids drooping until he was giving me bedroom eyes. He reached out with his hand, using his thumb to finger my bottom lip. My heart was thundering in my chest, my breaths shallow as I let the digit roam across my mouth. He did a single light back-and forth before parting my lips more forcefully. He was smudging the lipstick for sure, ruining my hard work, but I wasn’t about to interrupt him. He slipped his thumb in my mouth, and I closed around it to suck on it softly. His eyelids fluttered and he wet his lips before leaning down to wrap an arm around my waist, lifting me up to lock me in a kiss.

“Drew… You’re messing up… my lipstick…” I gasped, but he didn’t seem to care. He carried me into his room, gently lying me down on his bed before taking his place beside me and continuing to make out, cupping my bare waist.


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“Cherry…” he breathed, progressing to paw at my chest before slipping his hand under the fabric and playing with my nipple. I tugged at his t-shirt before following suit, running my hands on his hard chest as we kissed some more.

“We have… a reservation…” Thoughts of dinner fizzled out as he moved down to my neck, tenderly grazing my throat with his teeth and sending shivers through my body.

“Fuck the reservation.” His hand trailed along my body until it was sliding up my thigh and under the dress, making me moan when he made contact with my mound. I melted into him, panting as he began rubbing me. Desperately pulling my dress up, I parted my legs to give him better access. Even through the panties, he found my button and began circling it, making me yearn for him to finally press it and set me off. Damn, this boy could play.

When he finally touched my clit, I arched my back so hard that I almost sprang off the bed. I gave a tortured moan, and he growled his approval as he suckled on my neck, all the while rubbing my sopping slit. I wanted him inside me. His cock, his fingers, his tongue, his nose, anything. I grabbed his hand and used it to get myself off, running it back and forth over my most intimate parts, wishing he’d take me. Just hold me down and ram that beast inside and make me scream for him. His hand was getting soaked.

“Drew…” I slurred. “It’s gonna come out.”

“Let it go. Cum for me, baby.” His voice was so deep and raspy, I almost surrendered too early.

“I want you to drink it again,” I begged, and he quickly maneuvered my knees over his shoulders, his tongue extending to begin licking up all the nectar I’d already leaked. I peered down at him, his face between my legs, servicing me like a good boy where he belonged…

I buried my fingers in his hair and let go like he asked, relieving myself into his waiting mouth as I came. His eyes rolled a bit while he gulped my juices down, and his ecstasy only fueled my orgasm, making me buck against his face as I drained myself into him. My own eyes were crossing, and my body spasmed as the last trickle of juices left me. His tongue lapped at my pussy, coaxing just a few more drops out of me before I collapsed back down on the bed, utterly spent. But Drew had no intentions of letting me stop at just one orgasm, as he began sucking at my filthy hole as if begging for more. Still sensitive, I screamed euphorically as he began working on me anew.

We ended up ordering a pizza after all.


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