Brown's Shoe Store Ch. 04 by Slickman,Slickman

“OK everyone under the blankets,” she said as she held up the edge.

Brad, and Tara were already under the blankets and moved back as Meagan, Mike, May and Jim joined them. The six bodies were pressed so tightly together and since it was so dark they did not know whose body was pressed up against them.

“Anybody know a song to sing?” May asked as she felt a male body pressed up against her backside. Her front was smashed up against the front of Meagan.

“We shouldn’t use up our energy,” Jim said across the mounds of young flesh between them. His hand was pressed down between one of the girls buttocks and he couldn’t, even if he wanted to, get it out. And arm was curled around his hip and was touching the front of his slacks which were starting to push outward.

Tara knew Mike’s father was in front of her when he spoke and knew it was his hard-on that was pressing against her wrist. She moved her arm a little to see if he would react but he remained quite and didn’t pull away. She smiled as her arm pulled back allowing her hand to glide over his hip and land on his bulge. Her fingers curled around it and she found out where Mike got his manhood from.

The frigid air was beating on the outside of the van and the temperature quickly dropped. May was shocked when she felt the hard penis pushing against her ass but didn’t say anything. It had been so long since she had sex that she didn’t want to spoil things. Besides it gave them something else to think about besides freezing to death in the van.

Meagan was sandwiched between Mike’s parents. His father’s hand was pressed down between her ass cheeks and her front was flat up against his mother. As she raised her hand to brush the hair from her face she touched May’s breast. Instead of pulling it away she left it there until she felt the hard nipple form under her palm. Her heart raced as she moved the tips of her fingers around the hard bumps and gently played with them.

Brad was pushed up against Tara’s ass as he tried to get closer and closer to the pile of bodies. He could hear the breathing getting louder and louder and knew he was missing out on the action. Besides his ass was sticking out from under the blanket and it was getting really cold back there.

May was lost in lust as a hard-on pressed forward and back against her ass while someone played with her nipple. Her fingers moved up the girl’s body in front of her until it stopped at the junction of her thighs. She smiled when she felt the girl’s legs open to let her fingers in. She pressed forward until she felt the indentation of the young pussy and moved her fingers up to where she imagined the girl’s clitoris to be.

The soft moans had turned into louder ones and the hands and fingers explored the pretzel shaped mound of flesh. They all were worried about what they were doing until May spoke up. “It’s OK. We have to keep warm.”

Suddenly all fear had gone and fingers were getting braver. Tara pulled down Jim’s zipper and reached in to pull out his long pulsating shaft.

Meagan unbuttoned May’s blouse and pushed her bra cup down until the long hard nipple appeared. May moaned when Meagan’s lips engulfed the tip and her tongue danced on the hard button.

Jim brought his hand up under Meagan’s ass and cupped her nice young cheeks. He strained more to move his hand up to the waistband in her jeans and then down underneath. He dove under her panties and down over her bare ass. He tried to go lower but the waistband was too tight. Suddenly the jeans opened and his fingers moved down to the hot junction below her crack.

May released Meagan’s jeans and pushed her fingers down under the girl’s panties. She had never touched another female’s vagina before and realized this might be her only chance. Her fingers moved through the small puff of fine hair and down into her slit. She quickly found out she was not a virgin as her finger moved deep inside.

Jim’s curled his wrist and waited for Meagan to open her thighs to allow him to her pussy. As her legs opened his fingers moved under to the bottom of her slit and then up. He froze when he discovered someone had already beaten him to it. He moved his fingers over the hand and touched some rings. They were his wife’s wedding rings and her fingers and she was finger-fucking his daughter. He pushed a finger in the tight channel and joined her.

“OH GOD!” Meagan moaned as the two hands probe and rubbed against her pussy. She knew the front fingers belong to May but was unsure about the back fingers until she heard Jim’s cry.

“Oh please don’t stop!” Jim moaned as Tara’s fingers stroked him harder and tighter in her small hand.

Mike was the only one still upset with what was going on. He knew it was his mother’s body in front of him as he dry humped her ass. The moans and cries from Meagan and his father made him jealous. He moved his hand around his mother’s hip and slowly down her leg to the bottom of her skirt. He waited to see if she would object but she didn’t. He smiled while his fingers made the slow journey up her hot thighs to the silky crotch between her tender thighs. He touched the dampness before pulling the elastic out enough to slide underneath and into her hot pussy folds. He quickly found her hard clit and rubbed.

Jim was the first one to climax from Tara’s touches. He grabbed her hand and pulled it away just as he shot his load onto the back of Meagan’s jeans. Meagan didn’t mind because she was the next one to cum.

“OH YES!” she screamed. Her teeth gently bit into May’s nipple.

Tara was next to climax and May close behind. Only Mike and Brad were left still panting. May tried to help her son by pushing her hips back against him but it was just not working. She knew she had to do it as her hand moved back behind her and unzipped his jeans. She fished for and caught his huge swordfish and marveled at its size as she jerked him off.

“Now!” Mike groaned as he filled her fist with his pleasure juices.

Tara’s hand was stroking Brad who was almost there when they heard someone tapping on the window. “No don’t stop,” Brad begged as Tara’s fingers froze.

Jim peeked out and saw two large beams of light shining through the side window. He pushed the blanket away as the door slid open and a pile of snow fell down onto his head. He brushed it away and smiled as a man’s face looked in the van.

“Are you all alive?” the man asked.

“Yes,” they all said at the same time as the blanket fell to the floor. Brad hid behind Tara as he tried to cram his hard-on back into his pants.

“Mike, is that you?” a woman’s voice asked from behind the man in the door.

“Yes,” he answered as he recognized her face. It was Mrs. Johnson. “Thank God you found us.”

“We were lucky because the van was almost covered. My husband saw the blue edge and stopped,” she said. “Come on, let’s get you all into the Jeep,” she said as she held out her hand to May. As May climbed out of the van Irene saw the white sticky substance on the back of her dark skirt.

“How in the world did you manage to keep warm?” she asked already knowing the answer.

“It was the blankets,” May lied as she walked through the high drift of snow.

The Jeep was big enough to cram all of the people in as well as their small overnight bags. “Lock it up and I’ll come back for the rest,” the man said.

As the Jeep four-wheeled up the snowy road they all introduced themselves to Irene and Tim Johnson. The vehicle pulled off the highway onto a narrow road that led up to a huge building.

“Is this a hotel?” Meagan asked as she looked out the window at the massive structure.

Irene laughed, “No this is our mountain home.”

“You must sell a whole lot of shoes,” Mike commented as they made their way up the large steps.

“Yes we do and with your help we will be selling a lot more,” Irene added.


The group was introduced to Irene’s son Jason who was 22 years old and Beth who had just turned 18 years old. They all huddled around the large fire in the den to get warm.

“Another hour and you guys would be popsicles.” Irene said as she stared at Mike’s crotch. Surely he couldn’t be that big she thought.

“Let’s go to your rooms and you can get a hot shower,” Tim said.

They followed the handsome man up the long staircase and into their rooms.

After they showed the last one to his room Irene and Tim moved downstairs.

“Do you think they will go for it?” Tim asked as he sat next to his wife on the huge sofa.

“I’m not sure,” she said. “Mike might be young but my first impression is that he is pretty smart.”

“If we can get him to sign the contract this weekend they probably won’t notice the clause.”

“Let’s play it by ear,” Irene said smiling. “We are going to be snowed in for a few days so let’s enjoy it.” Her mind was thinking how she could get Mike alone.


Beth had thought this was going to be another of those boring weekends where her parents entertained clients and that Jason and she would be the perfect kids. She had planned on being home alone with her boyfriend but her father would not allow her to stay alone. She thought that she would finally lose her cherry and had given up hope that it would be this weekend until she saw both Mark and Brad. If things worked out correctly she would get her wish.

Brad was standing in his bikini briefs when his bedroom door opened and the young Johnson daughter stood there smiling at him. “Oh I’m sorry,” she said, “I thought this was Meagan’s room.” Her eyes never left the hotdog shape under his tight underwear.

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