Candid Moments on a First Date

An adult stories – Candid Moments on a First Date by JimBob44,JimBob44 This story has been posted to Literotica.Com with the full knowledge of the original author, JimBob44. No part or whole of this story may be reprinted in any other format or on any other web site without the express written consent of the original author.

Author’s Note: Any and all persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age.

Disclaimers: This story has been edited by myself, utilizing Microsoft Spell-Check. You have been forewarned; expect to find mistakes.

Just a flash story.


Isabella Underhill pasted a smile on her pretty face as she brought the Double bacon cheeseburger and the South of the Border, no guacamole spread to the table. The two men assumed, just because her light brown belly was exposed by the half shirt and her hip bones and buttocks were visible in the low rider khaki shorts that she was somehow available.

“It’s the fucking uniform,” she muttered. “Look around; all the girls are wearing it.”

“And here we go,” she said cheerfully, bending and placing the double bacon cheeseburger in front of sleazy old guy number one.

“And a south of the border, no guacamole spread,” she said, placing the burger in front of sleazy old guy number two. “Anyething else? Need a refill on them drinks?”

“How ’bout your phone number?” Sleazy old Guy one said, leering at her belly button piercing.

The small gold heart silhouette twirled and danced with each movement of Isabella’s sleek tanned legs.

“No thank you,” Isabella responded with the same words she used on every man, and a few women that had made this same request.

Lyndon Brown looked over as the attractive waitress bent slightly to place the plates in front of the two businessmen at the table to his right. Her light brown buttocks peeked out of the very short khaki shorts. Her thick black hair was done in a French braid, dangling down to graze her luscious butt-cheeks when she stood, when she walked from table to table.

From his vantage point, Lyndon could see that the girl was not wearing a bra under her stark white half shirt. Her breasts dangled, cone shaped as she moved to set the plates down. Each breast was capped with a dark brown areole with thick nipples.


“Thanks for coming to get me, Sweetheart,” Isabella smiled as she worked her hair out of her thick French braid.

“My pleasure; can’t have my baby walking home,” Lyndon smiled, resting his hand on her smooth, muscled thigh. “Rough day?”

“God! All them nasty ass mother fuckers! Think just ’cause I’m dressed like this I’m just ready to fuck them right then and there, right on the table,” Isabella snapped.

“Yeah,” Lyndon said, not really knowing what else to say.

“God, why you listen to this shit?” Isabella teased, changing his Country station to a Rap station playing out of Baton Rouge.

“So, am I taking you home? Or to my place,” Lyndon asked, not bothering to change the radio station to his music.

“Your place,” Isabella smiled.

“Hungry?” Lyndon asked, already knowing the answer.

“Starved!” Isabella enthused, beautiful head bobbing as music thudded out of the car’s speakers. “You kneed get a sub-woofer for this, hear?”

In his small but clean Venice apartment, Lyndon quickly made a chicken fried rice for her. Some leftover rice, a few pieces of fried chicken left over from their romantic picnic at Mouton Park, diced carrots, small peas and a few cloves of garlic went into a cast iron skillet. Lyndon whisked an egg and rapidly stirred and scraped the food around in the sizzling hot skillet.

“Would take me forever do all that,” Isabella praised as she ate ravenously. “I can use your shower?”

“I can get your back?” Lyndon offered.

“Yeah, I’m going need your help,” Isabella smiled as she washed down her meal with a swig from her Corn Terlings beer.

As she bent to adjust the shower lever, Lyndon stepped up behind her. His hands went up underneath her half shirt, cupping her breasts. She moaned, rubbing her khaki covered rump against his erection as he twisted and pulled her fat nipples.

“God, I, I augh, love you,” Isabella panted as he played with her very sensitive nipples.

“Love you too,” Lyndon whispered, kissing her ear.

He could smell her sweat, could smell the hours and hours of onions and cooked meat and hot oil on her flesh, in her thick hair. He could taste the sweat on her skin as his lips brushed against her cheek.

“Oh, oh Lynnie,” she grunted as he pulled her breasts away from her slim torso.

The half shirt was dropped onto the hamper; he would wask them with the rest of his clothes tomorrow. Her khakis were dropped onto the shirt, leaving her fully nude.

“Uh, did someone forget her panties today?” Lyndon snickered, running his fingered over her baby smooth pubic mound.

“No, I, oh Lynnie!” Isabella panted, then squealed in orgasm as his fingers diddled her fat clitoris.

“No? Then where are they,” Lyndon asked, helping her into the steaming shower.

“I, ung, this guy, God, he, he, fifty bucks for my sweaty panties; God!” Isabella panted then squealed in a second orgasm.

If his arms had not been around her, Isabella would have fallen to the shower floor. But, his left hand toying with her breasts and his right hand plunging into her sweet pussy kept her upright.

They lathered her flesh; Lyndon had bought a special micro-suede glove for soaping his woman’s flesh. She cooed and giggled as he rubbed the fluffy glove over her hairless mound and through the deep groove between her buttocks.

They kissed hungrily as she rinsed her body clean.

“Now,” Lyndon said, turning her and bending her at the waist.

“I, oh, Lynnie, you, augh,” Isabella panted as she braced herself, hands on the shower wall.

Lyndon eased her thighs apart, marveling at the sight of her brown buttocks, slick with water. Kneeling, he used his hands to part her round hillocks of flesh. Her brown star was visible, and just underneath the star was her fat pubic mound. Her inner lips were plump, protruding from her slit.

“You, you nasty mother fucker, you nasty, nasty mother fucker,” Isabella groaned as Lyndon thrust his tongue into her sweet anus as far as he could push it. “Mother fucker, eat my ass, oh God you so nasty.”

After tasting her sweet, spicy anus, Lyndon got to his feet again. He poured an obscene amount of lubricant into his left hand and dredged his index and middle fingers through the thick liquid.

“God, I, I augh, I love it,” Isabella panted as Lyndon thrust his slimy fingers into her struggling rectum.

Twice more he coated his two fingers and pushed them into her rectum. He greased his ring finger as well and slathered the remaining liquid onto his painfully hard cock.

Pulling the three greasy fingers from her posterior, Lyndon Used his left hand to pull on her left buttock. His right hand held his five and a half inches of very thick meat as he pressed the head of his fat cock to her brown ring. He felt her shudder as the tip of his cock slowly pushed into her. But, she did not tell him to stop.

He pushed a little more forcefully and another fraction of an inch pushed into her. She let out a strangled breath, but still she did not tell him to stop.

The heat, the tightness was incredible as his cock slowly, steadily gained entry into her virgin ass. Lyndon could feel her rectal muscles struggling, squeezing as he paused for a moment.

“I, you, you all the way in?” Isabella grunted. “I, it, it feels like you up in my guts, I swear.”

“I’m ’bout half way,” Lyndon whispered, chancing a quick look down.

“HALF!” Isabella cried out. “There, there’s no way I can take all…”

Lyndon gave her clitoris a quick diddle and she shrieked in orgasm. Lyndon hoped his neighbor wasn’t home; she was a very cranky older woman that liked to complain.

“Go, go slow,” Isabella panted as Lyndon slowly pulled

Lyndon pushed into her again. He could feel her straining, trying to expel him from her bowels. He could also feel her legs and arms beginning to shake under the strain of holding herself in the position.

He took his hands from her hips and brought them to her dangling breasts. Her nipples were rock hard, slick with the shower still beating down on them. He grabbed her breasts and gave a firm squeeze, which elicited a groan from her.

He ground his teeth, trying to delay the inevitable climax that was churning in his balls. The heat, the tightness, the squeaks and grunts and groans as he fucked her tight ass were spurring him on.

“I, augh, God, God damn yes,” Isabella panted as Lyndon began to push forcefully into her still struggling bowels.

The slap-slap-slap of their wet flesh coming together was a vulgar rhythm of sex. Her panting and grunting punctuated the groans that were beginning in his throat, becoming louder and louder with each thrust.

“Hi! Ready to order?” Isabella chirped, shaking Lyndon out of his pleasant daydream.


Isabella Underhill pasted a smile on her pretty face as she brought the Double bacon cheeseburger and the South of the Border, no guacamole spread to the table. The two men assumed, just because her light brown belly was exposed by the half shirt and her hip bones and buttocks were visible in the low rider khaki shorts that she was somehow available.

“It’s the fucking uniform,” she muttered. “Look around; all the girls are wearing it.”

“And here we go,” she said cheerfully, bending and placing the double bacon cheeseburger in front of sleazy old guy number one.

“And a south of the border, no guacamole spread,” she said, placing the burger in front of sleazy old guy number two. “Anything else? Need a refill on them drinks?”

“How ’bout your phone number?” Sleazy old Guy one said, leering at her belly button piercing.

The small gold heart silhouette twirled and danced with each movement of Isabella’s sleek tanned legs.

“No thank you,” Isabella responded with the same words she used on every man, and a few women that had made this same request.

Thalia Lund looked over as the attractive waitress bent slightly to place the plates in front of the two businessmen at the table to her left. The waitress’s light brown buttocks peeked out of the very short khaki shorts. Her thick black hair was done in a French braid, dangling down to graze her luscious butt-cheeks when she stood, when she walked from table to table.

From her vantage point, Thalia could see that the girl was not wearing a bra under her stark white half shirt. Her breasts dangled, cone shaped as she moved to set the plates down. Each breast was capped with a dark brown areole with thick nipples.


“Uh, thank, thank you for coming pick me up,” Isabella murmured, adorable blush darkening her light brown features.

“It, it’s all right,” Thalia mumbled, a pink blush coloring her pale cheeks.

When she pulled the seatbelt across, the shoulder strap edged the left side of her half shirt up, exposing her cone shaped left breast.

“So, uh, where, where am I taking you?” Thalia asked, pulling around the rear of the building to the front.

“I uh, I, I don’t know, um…” Isabella whispered.

“I mean, home, or…” Thalia asked, resting her hand on the soft, muscled thigh of the beautiful girl.

“I, where, where do you live?” Isabella brazenly asked.

“Queen’s Court; just me and my daughter,” Thalia said. “My, my mom’s watching her right now.”

“Oh! A, you have a daughter? How old?” Isabella asked, becoming animated.

“Two, fixing to be three,” Thalia smiled, thinking of her blonde headed, blue eyed darling. “I enrolled her at the Wagon Wheel; Marit already knows her ABC’s and her colors…”

“Aw,” Isabella sighed.

Agnes Lund looked on with suspicion at the lightly tanned woman with long black hair. Fixing her daughter with a hard stare, Agnes asked what had happened to Leonard, Leon, Lenny, whatever his name was that had come to pick her up a few hours ago.

“He, he’s a very nice guy; I’ll probably see him again,” Thalia said, shooting a nervous glance at Isabella.

With another withering look at her daughter and her daughter’s dark skinned friend, Agnes left the apartment. In the long silence after Agnes had departed, Thalia and Isabella looked at one another, unsure of what to say or what to do.

“I, uh, you, you want something to drink?” Thalia asked. “I, I’ve got tea, apple juice, hey, can’t have a kid and not have apple juice, right?”

“I uh, no, no, I, I’m good,” Isabella croaked.

“You, uh, you as nervous as I am?” Thalia asked.

“A hundred times more,” Isabella agreed.

“I, I’ve never, I mean, you know, you’re standing there in the grocery store and the cashier’s soooo cute and…” Thalia murmured.

“I know! And you’re wondering how to say anything,” Isabella agreed.

“I, so, so what we do now?” Thalia asked.

“All I know is I stink,” Isabela admitted, releasing her long black hair from her French braid. “I been sweating my ass off all day; it is not air conditioned in that kitchen, you hear?”

“You uh, you want take a shower?” Thalia asked, even pointing toward her bathroom.

“Come get my back?” Isabella suggested, shaking her long hair.

Thalia looked at the girl’s sweet cone shaped titties when the girl bent to adjust the lever for the shower. The areolae were dark, crinkled tightly, whether from the cold air blowing on her or excitement. Her back was smooth and tanned, her sweet buttocks peeked out from her khaki shorts.

“Mm hmm,” Isabella groaned her approval as Thalia stepped up and reached under the half shirt to cup Isabella’s breasts.

“I, I like them pinched,” Thalia whispered as she tugged on Isabella’s hard nipples.

“I, augh, I do too,” Isabella grunted, rubbing her buttocks against Thalia’s thighs.

Thalia trailed her right hand down from Isabella’s sweet cone shaped breast to the snap of her Khaki shorts. She undid the snap then slowly worked the zipper down. She kissed Isabella’s ear as her left hand continued to pinch, tweak Isabella’s left nipple.

“Oh, did someone forget her panties?” Thalia giggled, finding Isabella’s soft curls under her fingertips.

“I uh, uh huh,” Isabella gave a guilty little giggle.

Thalia gave Isabella’s left cheek a soft kiss. She could smell the girl’s sweat, smell the odor of onions, cooked meat mingling with the girl’s sweat. Kissing the girl again, Thalia could taste the salt of Isabella’s sweat on her lips.

Stepping into the shower, Isabella twisted around and thrust her tongue into Thalia’s mouth. Thalia felt a momentary panic; she’d had the patty melt with caramelized onions. But if Isabella found the taste of onions repugnant, she did not react.

“Like them pinched?” Isabella asked, gripping Thalia’s rock hard nipples between thumb and forefinger.

“I, augh, I, God yes,” Thalia grunted as Isabella’s fingers tugged and twisted her pale pink nipples almost savagely.

Thalia was proud of her 32D breasts with half-dollar coin sized areolae and fat nipples. She guessed that Isabella sported 28C breasts with delicious areolae and nipples almost the size of a half-dollar coin. As they kissed, the needle spray of a very hot shower beat down on them. Thalia ran her hands up and down the girl’s smooth back and finally cupped Isabella’s round buttocks.

Breaking the kiss, Thalia pushed Isabella’s back against the vinyl wall of the shower/tub enclosure. She then bent and took Isabella’s left nipple into her mouth.

“Oh, oh, you, you going bite them? You need bite them,” Isabella groaned, cradling Thalia’s wet head in her arms.

Thalia did bite and chew on Isabella’s hard nipple. Isabella squealed in climax as Thalia tortured Isabella’s left nipple.

“I, AUGH! God, God damn, augh,” Isabella groaned and shuddered in climax as Thalia treated her right nipple as cruelly as she had treated the left nipple.

Squatting down on the floor of the tub, Thalia reached Isabella’s fragrant pussy. Isabella cocked her right leg up, placing it on the outer rim of the bub. This opened her pretty little pussy for Thalia’s tongue and fingers. Isabella’s inner lips were a bright coral pink in color and her fat clitoris was readily visible, waiting for Thalia’s tongue.

Thalia thrust two fingers into Isabella’s wet sex as she flickered her tongue over Isabella’s nub. Looking up, Thalia saw that Isabella had her dark eyes closed and her sweet mouth open in a silent ‘O.’ She had both hands tugging fervently at her own nipples, stretching her titties obscenely away from her torso.

Thalia licked and sucked the girl’s fragrant pussy to orgasm. Isabella nearly toppled over from the force of her orgasm.

“Whoa, girl!” Thalia giggled, standing and pressing Isabella against the wall of the shower.

The two girls kissed, each trying to be more forceful than her partner.

Then, Thalia twisted Isabella around until the girl was facing the corner.

“I, don’t, don’t ask me why, but I just got to…” Thalia husked into Isabella’s ear as the fingers of her right hand toyed with Isabella’s tightly clenched rosebud.

“You, augh, you going, you going eat my ass?” Isabella demanded.

“Yeah,” Thalia agreed.

“I, augh, I love, I love having my ass eaten,” Isabella admitted, thrusting her sweet ass against Thalia’s probing fingers.

“Good thing; beautiful ass like that? Needs to be eaten,” Thalia stated as she again squatted down in the tub.

Isabella cocked her left leg up and placed her left foot on the tub’s rim. Thalia used her fingers to pry Isabella’s buttocks open. Isabella’s brown star winked at her and Thalia stuck her tongue out.

“Hi! Ready to order?” Isabella chirped, breaking Thalia out of her very pleasant daydream.


After his South of the Border, complete with tangy guacamole spread and her patty melt, Thalia and Lyndon went to the indoor archery range on the campus of the University of Louisiana at DeGarde. When Lyndon stepped up behind Thalia to show her how to hold the bow, how to notch the arrow, she gave a not so subtle thrust with her buttocks.

When she’d fallen for Grant Ungelle’s line of BS, love, commitment, family, Thalia Rachel Lund had been a somewhat skinny, gawky teenager. Now, at twenty years old, after her pregnancy with Marit Gabrielle Lund, her breasts had grown, and, fortunately, so had her backside.

“I, um, then you pull…” Lyndon tried to say as Thalia leaned heavily against him.

She’d been attracted to the young man when he stood behind them in line at the Burns & Burns Grocers grocery store. Marit had somehow taken a shine to the handsome man and was singing a nursery rhyme she’d learned at Wagon Wheel Day Care and the young man was fully engaged with the toddler.

“And then what happened when the little lamb followed Mary to school?” Lyndon asked.

When Thalia turned to empty the grocery buggy’s contents onto the conveyer belt, Lyndon had looked at the blonde beauty and froze. Thalia looked at the stricken man’s face and wondered if she had something on her face.

“I, uh, um, wow. I, you wouldn’t…” Lyndon stammered and Thalia saw his eyes flicker down to her left hand. “See, there’s this new restaurant? Sassies? My older brother says it is some of the best burgers out there, then…”

Most young men were very interested in a buxom blonde with waist length white-blonde hair and ice blue eyes. Then upon seeing that Thalia a mommy with a little girl, these young men very quickly lost interest. But the handsome young man had seen that she was a mommy, with a little girl but had paid her no mind as he was intent on her daughter. Now, looking at her, he seemed to be tongue-tied, in a very cute way.

“I’d love to,” Thalia smiled, pulling her cell phone out of her purse.

Now, smelling his clean soap smell, with just a hint of sweat, feeling his strong arms around her, feeling his warm breath in her right ear as he tried to teach her the art of archery, Thalia reacted very strongly. And, as she rubbed her blue jean clad buttocks against what felt like a nice package, Thalia smiled contentedly.

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