Carl and June's Nude Challenge! by inafantasy,inafantasy

Just a short story meant to be a fun story of two people fulfilling their exhibitionist fantasies. All characters are over the age of 18 and are fictional as the story. Proofed and edited with the help of software. A few mistakes are likely. Enjoy!

I always had a desire to be in public without clothes. The problem always came up that I was a male, and getting caught naked is not as trivial as it might be for a woman. Let’s face it, a penis is not as attractive as a naked women’s breast. Our bodies are just not erotic to as many people, I don’t care what a woman looks like, she had breasts, they are power!

I had explored this desire by taking the opportunity to strip with some friends at a music festival before. But it turned out that so many did, that no one really reacted. I think X (ecstasy) has caused a return to the 60s as far as nudity at concerts goes. I also stripped with a friend once at a coed college party on a dare from a couple of girls, but we were promised a blow job later that I don’t remember getting.

It was not that out of the ordinary for someone my age to do things like that, and it did not fulfill my needs to be seen. I tried a nudist camp after college, but nude being the standard attire, and the age of most of the regulars made it not very fulfilling.

Then I met June, we hit it off right away as just friends and before I knew it, our sexual urges took over and we were naked and fucking almost every weekend. As time went on we realized and even discussed the fact that we both just wanted to be friends with benefits, and nothing more. We did not want to chance ruining a beautiful friendship by trying to force romance into the picture.

We found out eventually that we both shared a kink. Why it took so long to figure it out is a mystery now. The fact that we never wanted to fuck in bed with drapes pulled etc. should have been a clue. We always chose some other part of the house with some danger of being seen, usually in front of a window with only the sheers pulled, or completely open, but in low light.

Once we were naked and fucked, we usually ended up spending the rest of our visit to each other’s place nude. When one of us would stay over, we would get up the next morning naked and stay that way until it was time to leave. But all this still did not satisfy our kink, it was minus the risk factor like my other attempts.

June was a good-looking girl, petite with nice breasts and a good shape. I am pretty fit as well I guess, 6′ 2″, and I must not be too bad looking, or I would not have a totally hot fuck buddy like June. I rarely felt comfortable enough with anyone to share my kink in any detail, when I did, it seemed to turn them off. With June it was different, we were on a nature hike when I first mentioned it.

June’s answer to my question came when she stripped naked on a nature hike, on a trail that we had already passed some other hikers. She told me if I was being honest about my kink, there was a blow job in it, if there was a hot naked guy around to receive it that is. Well, it only took a minute to find one, and she gave me that blowjob, we were standing there naked when we finished, and saw a couple in the distance that had already passed by, and had to see us naked not far from the trail. It lived up to the thrill factor and caused us to stick around long enough for June to lean over a stump as I fucked her.

One day June said to me, “Carl, how did you feel when we were naked in a risky situation because we thought we might have been seen? Do you ever get the feeling that it would be more fun if it was a deliberate attempt to be seen by strangers?”

That one question did more for our relationship than I could have ever imagined. It opened us up to express what we really wanted to be able to do. We wanted to show ourselves when we were sure we would be seen by strangers, and not end up in jail. We decided to pursue this lifestyle as a team, that way one of us would have the others back. We pulled straws to see who would be first, and it was her.

June won, and that meant that I would have to set up her first exposure and rescue her if it went bad.

I racked my brain trying to think of a place to make an impression and not piss too many people off. We were rookies so I figured we needed to take baby steps and make our first attempt a more controlled situation. With both of us, we needed an adult crowd. With her, it would likely be all males. In my case well, that was going to be her problem to figure out, but I hoped for females. We had few rules other than the voyeurs had to be strangers to the one exhibiting their bodies au natural. We decided as well that if the situation allowed for it, we had the option of doing some type of sexual act in front of, or with someone we did not know.

Bars were out of the question, as it would have to be a seedy one, and then I would not feel that either of us would be safe.

I decided to ask a friend, he was the guy I stripped with one time at a drunken party, so I knew he would get it to some degree. I ask him if he could trust a few friends who would like to see something like this and could bring a friend or two they trust as well. I told him it would be a show that would not only be a hot woman naked, but she would likely provide some provocative views of her sex as well. He was interested, in fact, I think he would have liked to be more involved. So he and I got to work on a place to stage it that fit the bill.

We came up with a park, used very little, mostly as a place for people to walk their dogs. It had no real hours, it had a lit area and a stage that was poorly li, as its lighting was for security reasons only. The stage was probably once used as a bandstand but not in years.

I told June the plan and she was both excited and scared but the excitement was overruling the other feelings. I did not have a problem with showing her off, we were only friends with benefits and not possessive lovers. We had a strong bond of friendship from having the same kink. The time was set and all I had to do was get her there, watch and keep her safe.

We got there first and were in a small room with a broken door at the back of the stage area. She was going to be on at 9:30, as it just got dark, too late for dog walkers, but not so late to look too suspicious if a cop happened to be on patrol. There were no houses near, so no one to report anything we hoped. It was darker than I expected, and I retrieved an L.E.D. Lantern/Spot Light I had in my car in case of a breakdown to work as a substitute for a real spotlight.

The time came, and I escorted her to the stage from the rear, I took her robe, she looked so hot standing there naked waiting to go on. I expected at least a dozen strangers for her debut but did not know for sure or give her an estimate. She walked out and froze on the stage a moment. It was more like 2 dozen guys, but they appeared to be everyday type guys. My friend did a good job.

I don’t think she had a plan, it was not, or meant to be a show. The whole idea originally was to be naked and deliberately encounter a crowd. She calmed down as she walked back and forth a couple of times strutting her stuff to a welcoming crowd. She has a spectacular body, pretty much flawless even in good light. She knew that me getting guys to come to a park, strolling naked would not be enough for them.


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