Carol's Anal Introduction by regina_allen55,regina_allen55

Rob Foster was a go getting executive in the company and had just taken over as head of the new administration with Consolidated Industries in Marryatville. He had studied each of his employees and sacked those who he saw as a liability within the company. My husband Bruce had mentioned him and had also long discussions about his own future in the company. I had married Bruce on the rebound and when our daughter was born I was unsure as to exactly the father was. .Bruce had accepted Emma as his own and I was grateful to him for that. It had been some time since we had been intimate and I know that Bruce was not exactly happy about that part of our life.

I had left my job as a sales executive to look after Emma until she was old enough for school. I could leave here with mum and that would give me most of the day to myself and the gym was one place I could get away too and relax as well as work on my figure. I stood 5’10 tall with black curly shoulder length hair. Even at 29 I was a trim 110lbs and my 36c 24 34 figure was tight from the amount of exercise I was doing. My best feature was my sparkling green eyes and of course my smile. I always dressed well and prided myself on my appearance. It was a Wednesday evening when Bruce arrived home and informed me that he had invited both the boss and his wife for dinner on Friday evening. I was told to plan the meal and have everything just perfect for them as he needed to make an impression to secure his job in the company and if who’s it might lead to a promotion. He also informed me that I was to dress in a particular way, so as to make sure I too made an impression on his boss. This seemed a little strange, however he was insistent and made it clear from the start that I would do as I am told.

“I want you to wear that short black dress you have.”

“You know the one you wore to the Parkers.”

“I have also selected some things you will wear under it and I want your hair up.”

I was just about to protest at his insistence on how to dress when he moved toward me.

“You will dress how I tell you.”

“And you will be the perfect wife on Friday evening.”

“I don’t care what you have to do to make sure the Fosters have an enjoyable evening.”

“Or you and Emma might be looking for somewhere else to live.”

I could tell from the look on his face that Bruce meant what he said and it worried me that he would use my daughter in such a way. My mother would look after Emma so I could concentrate on making sure that the evening ran smoothly. All that day I prepared the meal and the dinning setting was perfect. It was now 6 PM with the Fosters due at 7 when I headed for the shower. I loved the feel of the hot water over my body and it was soon relaxing me. I stepped out and dried myself,then grabbed the blow dryer and proceeded to dry my hair. Next came my makeup with some foundation,mascara,eyeliner and then just a hint of green eye shadow and last some peach lipstick. I walked back to the bedroom and took the package that Bruce had left for me. Taking the lingerie out of the bag I found a black lace ¼ cup bra and black lace thong,along with a pair of black lace top stay up stockings. He had selected a pair of black patient leather heels and of course my black dress. As I pulled it down and slipped my heels I caught a reflection of myself in the full length mirror and I have to admit I looked good. It was a little sluttish I thought but I didn’t want to upset Bruce and after all it was only for dinner.

It was just before 7 when Bruce arrived home and headed upstairs to take a shower. As he came down I was standing at the sink where he approached me from behind and his hands gripped my buttocks.

“Fuck you look good.”

His hands hitched the hem of my dress up around my waist and his fingers moved inside my panties. He was about to finger my slit when doorbell rang and Bruce left me and headed for the door to greet them. This gave me the opportunity to adjust myself and take a last look at the dinner. As I entered the room I noted that Rob Foster was not how I pictured him. He was older and a mature and distinguished looking man. His wife was slightly younger and very well dressed. He was 5’11 tall and was a little overweight with grayish hair and a moustache. Rob looked like he may have been in his 60’s and in his day would have been handsome man. Ann was dressed in a white suit with a short skirt and her red hair was long and curly to her shoulders. She was well endowed in the breast department and was a little plump with it. As I walked toward them his eyes met mine and from his expression I observed that he liked what he saw.

“Mr Foster this is my wife Carol,” Bruce informed them.

“Please Bruce call me Rob,”he gestured as his hand reached out to shake mine.

“My Bruce your wife is beautiful.”

“Well thank you Rob,” he replied.

I could see Rob Foster looking at my body and his eyes appeared to be undressing me. I pulled my hand free and moved toward his wife.

“Hello I’m Carol,” I said nervously.

“Nice to met you Carol.”

“I’m Ann,” came her reply.

We shook hands and as we did she squeezed my hand with a sort of warm welcome. I then broke the silence and asked them what they wanted to drink.

“Scotch for Rob and I honey.”

“And Mrs Foster will have Champagne.”

“Please Bruce call me Ann.”

I returned with the drinks and everyone and passed the tray around and as he took the last drink I saw him prepare to make a toast.

“Here is to an interesting evening,” Rob Foster toasted as he raised the glass to his mouth.

I pondered the background behind his toast, however I continued to the kitchen to check on the meal.

Bruce came out for more scotch and soon returned for another.

“Bruce honey I would take it a little easy,” I remarked.

He glared toward me and his eyes looked menacing.

“You just worry about making sure the Fosters have a good time ok?”

His look scared me and I felt uncomfortable as I had seen that look before and knew his temper could make my life a bit uncomfortable. He had as he called it disciplined me before and it was when I had seen that look. I didn’t want it to happen this evening so I just put it out of my mind. By the time dinner was served, both Rob and Bruce had consumed a good deal of scotch. Ann Foster also looked as if she was now comfortable in her surroundings after several champagnes. We sat down for dinner and there was the usual small talk until we reached the after dinner port and cigars

“Bruce you sure know how to entertain.”

“That was one fine meal.”

“Thank you Rob but I have to confess it was Carol who did everything.”

Rob Foster raised his glass toward me.

“Here is to Carol,” he toasted.

“Thank you,” I replied.

I sat down again and Rob Foster took another puff of his cigar.

“Carol I was telling Bruce before that money and power are great things.”

“You can get almost whatever you want if you have it.”

“Isn’t that right Bruce?”

“Yes Rob it is.”

“After all I have both,” he smirked.

“I was also telling Bruce here that I bet I could get you to let me look at what you have on underneath that dress for the right amount of money.”


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