An adult stories – Cassandra's Adventures Pt. 07 by Antarctica77,Antarctica77 Author’s note: Thanks to Roxy for her help and advice.
Thanks to Stubbypinhead for help with proofreading this.
Being at her own bachelorette party, partying and celebrating with her friends and living life a little, separate from everything she’d been doing lately, put some new thoughts in Cassandra’s head. It was after all her friends. From college, from before and from the olympics. All gathered to celebrate her marriage to Isaac. Her partner in all endeavors.
Except for one.
In the bedroom. The place where your significant other should be the exclusive partner, that was the one place Isaac was not, and had not been for weeks. Cass hadn’t fucked Isaac, her own fiancé, in a good while. And the times she had, it was with a condom. Nope. Instead, Neil had. Neil had filled her up so many times the last few weeks. In more ways than one. From shoving his fat cock in her, to giving her new feelings to explore and salivate over. And lately, new matters to contemplate. All of what Cass thought she had known before had been washed away. Thrust by thrust. Hosed down by Neil’s magnificent skill and size.
Neil wanted Cass to leave Isaac, and instead be Neil’s personal fuck toy permanently. The plain truth of it. Cass hadn’t contemplated it in the slightest, but the mere thought of doing something so vile to the person she loved made her insides burn with excitement. Her heart ached, but the rest of her body was drooling at doing something so preposterous. But that was just something in the heat of the moment. Even though Neil’s request came rolling through her mind over and over.
But hanging with Hannah and her girlfriend Laena, Alicia and Shirley, the gang and the rest… it had all helped put some god given space between Cass and the fantasy that wasn’t exactly a fantasy anymore. Rather a big, looming, almost frightening reality. How she hadn’t been living with her fiancé at all, but living with a big, fat, gross asshole instead. Dating him. Been his girlfriend. Taking load after load from him. And in a way that only a partner should.
And it was almost life’s own way of pointing this out right now. Cass found herself outside of Neil’s house. Not hers and Isaac’s. She had just been at her own bachelorette party, and taken an uber home, only it wasn’t any home. It was her and Neil’s. Her home the last few weeks had been mostly at Neil’s. Hell, she hadn’t even seen Isaac in forever. It had become such a habit to go to Neil’s place now. Cass hadn’t even realized what address she had set as her destination.
Cass took out her keys and unlocked the door. Yeah, she even got her own key now.
Inside, Neil sat in his recliner in the small living room as he usually did, watching TV. Betting on horses, like always. He looked over his shoulder as Cass kicked off her shoes.
“There you are? What the fuck took you so long?” Neil asked, coming out in the hallway in nothing but his boxer shorts. Bulge protruding, like always.
“I thought it was you earlier, sneaking around. Must’ve been some asshole teens fucking around in the bushes,” Neil chuckled.
“I guess I sort of ran into my own bachelorette party at home… at Isaac’s,” Cass explained, putting her jacket up on a hanger. She was lightly dressed, wearing just a party dress Hannah had shoved on her before they headed out.
“I have to head out back home tomorrow. They’re picking me up early to get my dress and make-up fixed for the reception. You know, for the wedding…” Cass asked.
Neil shook his head. Cass scanned down his body and saw that her black party dress draping her curves was having a desired effect on Neil. Even after weeks of daily fucking this man, her body did still needed him inside her. Cass’ body fluttered at the prospect of Neil’s cock fucking her in a matter of moments.
“But… I don’t have to go until tomorrow morning, probably, sooo…” she muttered, lightly chewing on her bottom lip.
Cass dropped to her knees, almost like an instinct. Not almost like an instinct. More like a habit. It had become one over the weeks. This was how they greeted each other most of their days. Anytime one of them came home for the day, Cass would drop to her knees and suck Neil off. Taste and salivate over his beautiful, raging cock. Always ready for her. Always tasting the best. Let him fill her mouth with an overflow of delicious, potent cum.
“Did you get the pill then?” Neil groaned, feeling Cass fishing out his erection and stuffing it into her throat. Neil leaned his head back and closed his eyes as Cass started to worship him.
“Mmmf,” was all Cass was able to say. She hadn’t. She knew she was screwed. And she knew there was a window after the wedding where she had to make sure Isaac came inside her as much as possible. There was hope still.
“Good girl,” Neil said, taking her sounds as confirmation that she had gotten the pill.
Slowly he started to buck his hips to meet Cass’ bobbing mouth. Slowly sawing more and more of his cock down her bulging throat until he was balls deep, his big testicles resting on her chin. Only then did he take hold of Cass’ head and thrust with deliberation. Not too hard, not too fast, but with intent. The wet sounds of Cass getting her throat filled filled the hallway. Drool and precum splurting around his girth as he thrust ahead. Soon enough, she was filled too. With warm sticky spunk trickling down her throat and into her belly. She could feel the heat slide down her pipe, and Neil’s swelling cock stretched her throat with each pulse. Neil maintained the tempo with great control, pushing his cum so good down her throat.
“Bachelorette, eh?” Neil groaned after.
He knew perfectly well how horny Cass was. She was always horny, but getting him off, sucking his huge cock dry only fueled the fire. What really turned her on the most, was that she had yet again gone home to their lair, instead of Isaac’s. Cass submissively on her knees before Neil gave her a window into what her future could be. Being on her knees, cleaning Neil’s cock after having given him his daily blowjob. Which she had already been doing for a while now, having lived with him for almost two weeks. Living with Neil, instead of the man she was set to marry within the next 24 hours.
“I thought we agreed that you were calling that shit off,” Neil said, helping Cass to her feet. He slapped her flawless ass and put a hand on her lower back to guide her to the bedroom.
“I never said I would. Don’t push it. It won’t end well,” Cass said, turning to face Neil.
Yet, as strong as she wanted to be, Neil turned her back around, bent her over their bed, threw her dress up and slid his monster sized cock into her. All the way. The bed squeaked loudly as Neil frantically fucked Cass. Giving her the raw power, the raw experience of how it was to come home after a night out to the house she shared with Neil. This was something Neil offered her, with his proposal. Always come home to a good dicking. At some point he slipped a thumb in her ass, making her squeal even more. Neil played her body like a fiddle.
“Who fucks you the best?! Who does this black ass belong to?!” Neil roared, slapping Cass ass with his free hand over and over.
“You, Neil! You! You own me! I’m yours! Neeeeil, you ooown meee!!!” Cass screamed out as she came for the first time.
“It feels so good. That big fucking cock. Jesus fuck!” she chanted through gritted teeth.
But Neil knew that once she got started, there was no stopping. Neil could make her purr endlessly. He also knew too well how she liked it. Which places to hit, to rub, to enter, and how to do it. Neil knew his way around her body more than anybody else.
With a disappointed groan, and a harrowing slurp from her pussy, Neil slid his fat cock out of her. Cass knew better than to think it was over, however. Cass rolled onto her back and pulled her legs up towards her big breasts, mushing them out. Neil hooked her legs on his shoulders and entered Cass with a satisfied moan from both of them. Even now, after all this time, Cass still felt so fucking tight. Yes, she did! Like a warm glove, squeezing the essence out of him. Neil proceeded for five minutes straight to give her an intense tumbling. Fucking her hard and deep, making her gush and squirt all over his cock and drip down on the bed. Her pleasured moans were soon filling their bedroom. His cock dominated her brain to such a level it was hard for her to focus on anything else. Just how good it felt getting hit like this.
Neil sweated and grunted, but Cass knew this beast of a man could go on for a while. And she loved it. Every second she salivated, knowing plenty more seconds were to come. She just loved getting fucked so well. Over and over. Loved the feelings Neil could make her feel. The emotional turmoil those feelings sent her was like poisonous fuel everytime they fucked.
Neil unfolded her legs and instead crawled fully up on top of her. They had fucked. Now it was time to make love. Cass’ favorite. To behave like a couple should. Deep, passionate motions. Their lips sealed to each other as Neil humped into her. This was what she loved the most. What made her feel the best. What made her feel… loved. Appreciated. Like this was what she had worked for and what she deserved. It was in the moment. Later, she knew it was just an imitation. That it was just an illusion.
They kept on like this for an eternity. Cass more or less wished it was. Forever. It would be so easy and so good to just lie under Neil and let him have her in any which way he wanted. Whenever. It wasn’t like there was something they hadn’t done before. All doors had been opened. Opened up and entered by Neil. Some of those doors had been entered solely by Neil. It was so delicious, a tempting proposal, to submit under Neil’s rule. Neil’s heavenly cock. Right now, that life was almost appealing. A must have. Just living to get fucked and bred by Neil. Claimed and owned, over and over.
Cass wore a heavenly expression as she looked up at Neil and he studied her face. His cock thrusting into her pussy somewhere beneath them, taking his time with her. Taking care of her. Caring for her, and her needs. She smiled at him, reached up and met his lips. Appreciating how good he treated her. Thanking him with a warm kiss. Exchanging moans as they brought each other so much pleasure.
After a good while Neil splashed his cum inside of her again. In the beginning, he had usually warned Cass. But as they had slept together more and more, he had just come whenever he felt like it. And to Neil’s way of thinking, he had obtained confirmation that she’d gotten the plan B pill, so it was safe for him. She’d just get another, right? Cass on the other hand was muffled, silenced by the pleasure and his lips. She knew it was way too dangerous for her to let him cum inside her, but she was powerless to stop it. Both physically and mentally. Her primal need was to have her insides plastered, despite her rational brain telling her otherwise. And her primal needs, in the heat of the moment, always won out. Thrust by thrust, that choice had been plucked out of Cass’ hands and thrown to the ether. It was only a miracle now that nothing would come from all the times Neil had shot her up.
Thinking all these thoughts in rapid succession made Cass’ eyes roll into her head and her limbs clamp even harder around Neil. Wrapping her legs around him even firmer. Clutching the sheets, as she came right along with him. Squeezing even more out of him, as he satisfyingly groaned into her mouth. The emotional and physical taboo was overwhelming her senses, sending her into a frenzy, even after he’d finished inside her.
And then reality came crashing down. Cass knew Neil fought a war, but in reality it was not even a battle. One which he wasn’t even close to winning, despite what he might think. It was good in the moment. And it felt close to the real thing, but it wasn’t. It wasn’t real. Hell, Cass doubted Neil felt anything towards her at all, other than she was the hottest piece of ass to have fucked him on a continuous basis.
Cass felt strings of their bodily fluids cling to her as Neil slowly withdrew his cock from her sopping pussy. But instead of getting off of her, Neil remained on top, sucking on her lips, kissing her and making out. Cuddling his nose into her neck before clamping down with his lip onto her skin. Making his way back to her mouth. Their tongues battled as Cass could feel Neil get ready for another round. It made her think about her actual partner. Isaac. Barely able to get it up the last few times, let alone get her off. Or get himself off, or go again so soon after. It almost made her chuckle, to think how much better Neil was at fucking, and that there was nothing Isaac could do about it. Nothing would ever make Isaac able to impose such feelings upon any woman the way that Neil could.
Neil angled his hips to enter her again. His cock head hovered at her entrance, but Neil ducked his hand down to guide it home. Not that his cock needed help finding its way to its rightful place. Neil was pretty much an expert on entering Cass in any given position. Yet, as she felt his hand touch her flesh and insert the tip, she tensed up in delicious agony. But for now, it was only the tip.
“Say it!” Neil groaned into her ear, dipping his tip into her again, teasing her viciously. “Say it!”
“Huh?!” was all that Cass was able to gasp.
“Say that you’ll call it off! Leave Isaac. Stay here and get fucked the way you deserve. This hot body, wasted on a limp dicked little faggot like him? Can’t get it up for a smoking hot black bitch like you? Leave that piece of shit. You belong to me!”
“Yes!” Cass squealed out. “I’m yours! But I’m, ugh, I’m not calling it off. He’s just, ooouh, stressed! He’ll, ugh, be fine! Now fuck me, for fucks sake!”
“Pff, I’ll show you!” Neil spat.
Neil shoved his whole cock inside her with a grunt, making her scream out in wild pleasure, as she finally got her release. And 30 minutes later, Neil bricked inside of her again. If she didn’t relent, he’d make sure she was tied to him no matter what. What would that loser say when Cass came to the wedding with something extra?
They passed out on top of each other, and fell asleep. And when they woke, Neil bred her once more. And again. Then she was able to get her bearings so she could make it to her own wedding in time.
To say I was hungover, would be the understatement of the year. The morning didn’t exactly get better as I saw the dozen missed calls from Cass. And twice the amount of unread messages. Andre, Cass’ brother, had picked me up for my bachelor party. First it was a day and a half fishing trip with some of the guys. Andre didn’t share Cass’ enthusiasm for the outdoors, but was game regardless. He even let me teach him the cleat hitch knot. Great day.
Then the day after, we wrapped up the fishing and headed to a local paintball area. That was great fun, until I realized at the end that the guys were allowed to pepper me while I ran through a field in nothing but my boxers. Not so great, but hey. I can take some pain. Then came the dreaded bachelor party. I dreaded it because I knew that strippers and lap dances, stupid stag games and whatever were part of it. But part of having Andre as my best man, he just took us to a club. Andre respected his sister, so no strippers and the other crap was rather tame, too. Though, I kinda knew that Cass was not having such a reservation with her… after party, after the bachelorette party. Not that I knew, Andre nabbed my phone immediately when he showed up.
Still. Despite the ‘calmness’ of my bachelor’s party, I got fucking hammered. The guys seemed to compensate for the lack of strippers by having their fun with me instead. Tequila abounded. It had been a night to remember. If only I could.
So it was only now that I was finally able to see the missed calls and the unread messages. I immediately shot up from the bed. Then I bolted to the bathroom. Only as I emptied my stomach did I realize I was at some sleazy motel. Apparently we had run into Plumber Dan, and he had a cousin who owned the place we had planned on staying at, so we got it for free. Through my convulsions, I heard knocking at the door and someone entered. In came Andre. Cass’ older brother. He was a bit older than us, athletic like Cass and all her family.
Andre saw the phone in my hand as he entered.
“Hell no!” he exclaimed, yanking it out of my grasp. I was too weak to fight back anyway.
“Cass… called… a lot,” I mumbled, still heaving.
I was dying to get to her. Cass had never done this. Leaving so many messages and so many missed calls. She knew where I was, according to Andre, so what was so urgent that she’d called that many times? God, I hope she’s alright.
“I’m sharing too much right now, but Hannah called. Cassie is fine. They picked her up earlier at yourses place,” Andre explained, tossing my phone on the bed, before opening a huge suitcase he had brought.
“Oh good… for a moment… I thought she…” I said, trailing off. What did I think? Images of Neil dicking my very soon to be wife rolled through my retina.
“Don’t worry, pal. She’s crazy for you. It’s normal around these weddings to be nervous. When you see her in that wedding dress, and she sees you waiting for her, we’ll know. We will all know,” Andre said, helping me to my feet, slapping my shoulder. “It’ll be all good! Now get your socks on, we need to get this tux on you and then force feed you some breakfast.”
Outside I was greeted by Plumber Dan, who apparently lived at this motel. He was kicking back by the pool, drinking a beer.
“AYO! There he is! The man himself!” he roared.
“You’re here, too?” I muttered, rubbing my head.
“Hey now, spirits of the night getting to the spirit of the day! Here, take a cold one. I need to head out anyway soon. Shitpipes clogged up at your offices. And hey, I also got some fucking trash I gotta take care of out near your buildin’ anyway, eh?” Plumber Dan said, tossing me a beer.
He dragged himself to his feet. Andre shrugged and headed over to the car to wait. Plumber Dan gave him a wave and an ‘AYO’ and headed over to me.
“Don’t worry, big guy,” Plumber Dan, patting my shoulders, holding his arms out straight while looking me over. Even licking his lips absentmindedly.
“Heh, just nerves. Big day. Hungover. You know how it is,” I said, starting to move towards Andre and his car.
“Drink that beer. It’ll set you straight. After today, nothin’s ever gonna bother you. Locked and sealed to that beautiful broad o’ yours. Got an ass, have to say. Take care, buddy,” Plumber Dan said with a wink.
And like that, he slumped into his red Mini Morris. The suspenders screamed in pain, but somehow endured Plumber Dan’s massive size.
“Cool guy,” Andre said with a smile, as I slammed the door shut.
“Drink that beer, maybe it’ll help,” Andre chuckled and drove us towards the church.
The rest of that morning was a mystery. We had an early reception, so it wasn’t long until the hour was there. I know I ate a light breakfast, and I know I was driven to the reception. But it wasn’t until I stood next to the priest that I started to become human again. As my hangover left, I looked down the aisle.
Cass looked at the clock. It was ten minutes or so until Neil had said he’d be at the preparation room, where she was getting her dress and make up done. Hannah had helped her in getting the dress on and everything else, but Cass was worried sick she’d bump into Neil. What on earth would a man like him do at her wedding, heading towards her room?
She had a plan already for how to get Hannah out, and she felt like absolutely shit for it. Manipulating her friend. But for her secret to remain safe, it was something she’d have to do, and then make it up to Hannah some time. Her plan was to rip the stockings and then Hannah had to go all the way back to their house to get a new one, which was forty five minutes away. Cass had deliberately not brought the extras for this purpose…
God… what had Cass become…
“Shit! I ripped the thing!” Cass exclaimed.
“What? You what?” Hannah said, moving to inspect where Cass was gesturing.
“The stocking! And in the fucking knee. Damn it! I tried to put it on the wrong way…” Cass cursed. Hannah’s eyes went wide. “It’s cool, we have extras, right?”
Hannah met Cass’ eyes, and saw the pain on her face. “Right?”
“I think I forgot them,” Cass muttered, her insides lathered with guilt.
Hannah, that ever resourceful girl, grabbed the Camry keys and headed out without another word.
Ten minutes later
“Say no!” Neil roared, sweatpants around his ankles, stained t-shirt rolled over his belly and his big monster thrusting inside of Cass.
Her wedding dress was bunched up on her back as Cass was bent over the vanity table. Neil had demanded to get some action before she made the walk, as it had been hours since he had been able to hit it. Five minutes after Hannah had run off, Neil had asked which room it was. Cass had promptly given him the room she was in, worried anyone would see him if she forced him into searching to find her. Fuck it, that was not why she him given him the number. Being bent over like she was now was the reason. And she has somehow orchestrated things so they had 30 minutes alone.
“No!” Cass squealed.
“Not now, you stupid bitch! Say it to him! To Isaac!” Neil said through gritted teeth. “I’ll fill you up, send you on your, ugh, on your fucking way, and then you’ll walk down to that piece of shit and say no! I’m not asking! I’m telling you!”
“Ff-fuck off!” Cass moaned, relishing Neil’s stimulation of her body and mind.
She loved the way he talked to her. Asking the impossible. Trying to steal her away moments before she was getting married. While fucking her, moments before she got married. She was hooked on Neil’s cock. Bent over her vanity now, getting the stuffing of a lifetime, Cass asked herself, was she really able to cut it off? Would she really be able to say no to Neil, after she said yes to Isaac? She’d made the promise that she would, but every time Neil was in the room he had her trembling with anticipation. Anticipation of how good he could make her feel.
Neil sensed her resistance so he switched tactics.
“So after, you gonna let me consummate? I’ll be waiting for you. I bet we’re fucking after the ceremony no matter what you say to that fucking donkey?”
“Sure, I’ll come and visit you after, but you better believe this is the last time you get any of this,” Cass said.
“OH SHIT!” Neil didn’t catch himself when Cass thrust back against him and squeezed.
Neil erupted inside of Cass. He desperately grabbed her hips and fucked cum into her as deeply and firmly as he could, looking down at her hot ass where they were connected, where he was obscenely stretching her out. Cass came right along with him. Feeling him swell up and explode was one of her favorites. And doing it in her wedding dress was such an extra caveat. She couldn’t decide whether she wanted Neil to stain it or not. In the end, Neil took a fold of her dress and wiped his cock clean with their juices. Making Cass want another round.
“I’ll give it to ya after, but only if you promise you’ll say no,” Neil said with a smirk, reading her mind. “I’ll cum in your mouth, even. I know you like the taste. I’d even let you marry that fool if I knew you’d kiss him with my jizz on your breath. Come to think about it. Maybe you being a cheating wife is a much better prospect? What do you say? Wanna get married then sneak off to our lair and fuck to the end of times?”
They were both still breathing quite heavily from just fucking. Yet the two of them were more than willing for another risky round. Cass knew she should get ready. But for now, it was probably okay to enjoy this little moment. It was their last time together, right?
Neil was staring at her with bloodshot, beady eyes. His pupils were as cold and dark as his intentions. He was admiring her soft skin and curvy body. His hands caressed her sides and he slid those beefy hands down, pushing her legs further apart. She was still leaning against the vanity table, but he moved her legs so her knees climbed on top of it. Cass then felt him slide up between them, getting comfortable in the position he was taking. She closed her eyes, feeling him behind her. His fingers stroked her outer lips, massaging her sex with his thumb
“You look beautiful, you know,” Neil whispered. It was a rare compliment, and it felt clumsy. Cass nodded, but she knew he was just trying to get inside her head with romantic gestures. Neil had no such feelings, Cass was sure of it. She was a body for him to enjoy, and a dumpster to unload in. Nothing more.
“Mmmm, I love the way your tits move while I fuck you. Your lolling mouth too. I bet you can make any man cum with those brown lips, eh? You really are a nasty bitch. I love it,” Neil hummed. And that was the confirmation she needed. Yeah, he could be sweet for a second. But his clumsiness in nice compliments came from the lack of genuineness. It was just words that felt awkward for a person like Neil.
Cass smiled though. Neil was talking dirty to her, and she loved it. It felt good. Neil made her feel so filthy.
“How does it feel knowing you’re getting married soon? I mean, unless you say ‘no’, of course,” Neil asked.
“I don’t know, Neil, it feels weird,” Cass said genuinely. It was weird to get married, just after getting fucked by someone else.
“You sure? It doesn’t feel good?” Neil pressed.
“I… I guess so. Of course. I love Isaac with everything I have. More than ever, I think,” Cass admitted.
“I mean,” Neil pressed, as if Cass hadn’t said anything. “I know it must feel good. Feel good to act like cum slut just before getting married? Maybe I’ll fuck some nut in your mouth after I’ve fucked your ass? Then after the wedding I’ll fuck you again and again. Ass, mouth, pussy. Knock you up even, even if preggo chicks are fucking gross. What do you say?”
“Yeah, I… I don’t know…” Cass responded. She was still bent over, it would be easy to go for one more round of fucking. And was Neil finally offering her anal again? He hadn’t fucked her ass since he took her anal virginity. That had been a while ago.
“Why not?” Neil asked, a smile creeping across his face. A smile that Cass could tell meant he was getting ready to take control of her. Cass braced herself, knowing she had no choice but to let him.
“Because it’s gross. Being a slut like that. You think I enjoy being hooked on your machine-like fucking? To lose control so I don’t even recognise myself anymore? I feel that if I don’t do a hard cut and slash… it makes me feel like I can’t keep my promises I’m committing to Isaac,” Cass explained, in a moment of serenity.
“Oh, come the fuck on! You know, I don’t give a shit about that,” Neil chuckled. “We both know you’re going to cheat on him anyway. That’s what marriage is for, isn’t it? The wife fucking around while the husband sits at home clueless?”
Cass shoved back from the vanity and stood up. “Neil, I’m sorry, but I am not going to be a cheating wife!” Cass hissed, trying to not make a lot of noise, alerting those outside. “And you will not make fun of me like that! Nor my marriage! I’m not doing this whole marriage for the sake of fucking you! I want to be able to look at myself in the mirror and not regret my choices! I want to be happy, Neil. I can’t do this! This is wrong, and no longer in a fun way. I don’t want to do this anymore!”
Cass was upset, but she looked more angry than about to cry, honestly. Neil looked perplexed. He thought he had much more of a hold on Cass than he did. But it was obvious that he didn’t. He took a step back. Then his sly smile returned.
“Sure. That’s what you say now. Just wait until you dump that son of a bitch. You really gonna say yes to that fool? The man who sent you into my arms? I can give you so much more than that idiot can. Who fucks you the best? Who knows how to treat you right? Heh? Or how about when you visit me after the ceremony, after we’re round three into fucking, on our way to round four and five?! What about then? We’ll see what’s up then! Hah!” Neil said, turned on his heels and walked out, mumbling under his breath, “Stuck up, bitch.”
Cass turned away. She knew that what Neil said was objectively true. He was a better lover than Isaac, that was obvious. And she had been living for the taboo experiences with him for the last few months. Her mind was clouded and crowded by all the debaucherous, yet beautiful experiences she’d shared with Neil through this fantasy come to reality. There was just something about coming home to a man who really knew how to pin her down and fuck her silly, then make sweet gentle love to her just as well. She hated the reality of what a life with Neil offered her.
As I stood there waiting, I thought back on how Cass and I had spent our last months leading up to our wedding ceremony. To this crescendo. It had started so small, so innocently. Just photos and some stretching videos. We had come a long way from that. In many ways, the Cassandra that was on that fishing trip with me was not the same Cassandra that would walk down the aisle and marry me in just a few moments. Not that she had devolved. The opposite. Evolved. The things she did now were far beyond what she’d done this time last year. And Cass was so much more than sex. She was my soulmate. We were each other’s best friends, and we shared so many interests. We kept each other company and gave each other space. Truly, no one could read me like she did.
I looked over my shoulder at Andre. Her brother. Soon he would be my brother too. He gave me a nod. I looked down the aisle again. If I looked at the guests, I think I’d puke from the nerves and the last remnants of the hangover. Where was she? Cass was taking her time, it seemed. Or maybe I was just being impatient. I forced myself not to look at the clock. Nope. I knew she’d come down the aisle any minute. It was like waiting for the results of an oral exam. Harrowing, nerve wrecking and terrible.
I looked back at Andre. Now he was checking his clock. I looked at my parents. They didn’t check their watches, but they both looked towards the end of rows of chairs, looking for the bride. Several other guests as well. Hannah was off helping Cass, so I looked at Laena, Hannah’s girl. She gave me a shoulder shrug.
I gulped.
Had Cass really…
Had she…
The door of the church opened and behind it stood none other than Cassandra Rose. My angel. I swear I could cry from how beautiful she was in her wedding dress. She was so pretty. Maybe not seeing her for weeks had done me in, but I swear to God I could fly as I saw her. So full of pride as her father escorted her to stand beside me.
“There you are, loverboy!” Cass whispered to me.
It was like time stood still, as I looked at her cheeky smile, looking back up at me. Looking perfect. The perfect girl. Shining and smiling up at me as we shared the best day of our life. I didn’t even notice when the priest said ‘ahem’.
“What’s that?” I whispered.
“You need to answer,” the priest whispered back. Oh, right.
“I do!” I said out loud. Perhaps a bit louder than I wanted. There came a small chuckle from the rows behind me, but I got my point across.
“And Cassandra Rose, do you take Isaac Lewis for your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”
I looked over at Cass. I saw her mouth move, but I couldn’t hear it. Her beautiful lips moved as she spoke her answer. My head was pounding so loud it was deafening. My heart hurt in anticipation. I turned and looked at her. She was biting her lip as she looked at me expectantly. Boy, was she sexy when she did that. I bent down to kiss her, and she met me halfway. A cheer lit up behind us.
There was something about being celebrated by friends and family, colleagues and whoever else. It had awoken something in Cass. It made Cass sort of remember who she was. What she was. Who she had become just a few hours ago, when she said “I do”. Dancing, laughing and spending a day like this with her now freshly baked husband made her realize what was truly important in life. Sure, sex was good, but there was so much more to a relationship than just fucking.
The thought of a relationship built on nothing but fucking was such a shallow prospect to her. While sex with Isaac was not comparable to sex with Neil, Neil had taught her so much about herself. Not only had she acquired some skills she was dying to apply to her husband, but she also realized why she cherished Isaac so much. Isaac was in many ways her equal. They had so many common interests, the things they had experienced with each other. Cass’ marriage to Isaac held so much more than just pure fucking. It was built on how they felt about each other, and everything they had built since they started dating.
This day had put an exclamation mark on just that. And a period for something else.
It made what Cass was about to do so much more important. She was in an uber on her way to Neil’s. It was time to end it. One final act, and then it was over. Neil was no doubt trying to back her into a corner, but he’d just have to learn what that meant for him. This was it. End of the road. Cass had made up her mind, and there was no backing away from it. Stick to your guns, as they say.
“Stop here,” Cass said to the Uber driver. She wanted to walk the rest. It wasn’t far.
The driver pulled off to a parking lot. Cass jumped out, careful not to get any mud on the dress she’d gotten for the after party. It was not just any parking lot. Hers and Neils’. The one in front of Isaac’s office. Where she had given her first blowjob. Where she had gotten both her mouth and pussy fucked so many times.
She moved her glance towards the dark building, tracing up to where Isaac had his office on the third floor. Where it had all started. Neil had glanced at her, then gotten her number. Before she knew it, she was sucking him off on a whim whenever Cass and Isaac shared their lunch. And that fucking vacuum cleaner. Cass chuckled. As annoying as that piece of crap at been, it had deviously masked the sound of her getting fucked by Neil the first time. Cass felt her arousal grow a little, reminiscing. And back then they had even worn condoms! That’s right. They’d even had a rule about it, at one point! Boy, did they throw that one out the window. Or rather, she had. She had asked for it. Though the very first time without a condom, it hadn’t really been her fault.
Boy, did Cass and Neil share some memories. And true to her word, she couldn’t wait to share them with Isaac. The images, the videos. The things she’d learned. Isaac getting to fuck her ass finally. Well, Isaac wouldn’t be her first up there, but she would bet money that he wouldn’t complain.
Admittedly, it had gone dark for a bit. Sometimes a bit too far and perhaps some barriers that shouldn’t have been broken had gotten demolished, but standing on the opposite side of it, Cass couldn’t help but be a bit grateful for all the experiences she’d had.
Cass gave the office building a small smile and wave before turning to cross the road and head down to Neil’s place.
It was a five minute drive, but a fifteen minute walk. It wasn’t far. But the walk down gave her time to think about what she was about to do. She had slept with Neil so many times, but always as a girlfriend and a fiancée. Not as a wife. She was about to start her marriage by sleeping, and probably getting impregnated by another guy. Or at least they would try their damnedest, and that would probably be part of the equation.
Cass looked at the cars as she walked past them. She found herself looking forward to the honeymoon. Sure, she’d had some great adventures in the back of Neil’s SUV and her own Camry, but she also wanted Isaac so badly to knock her up in the back of the vintage Camaro they’d rented for their honeymoon. They had even made a cheesy mixtape to sing along to as they drove to the coast.
Cass found a red Mini Morris out in the street. She swore she had seen it before. She had no idea why, but she’d always wanted one, though in another color. Navy or blue. She tried to look inside the small car to see the interior. Maybe she’d ask Isaac if he would buy her one. Maybe a convertible. But alas, the windows were tinted and it was dark so she couldn’t really make out anything but the shape of empty leather seats. Cass shrugged.
Neil had parked in the street. He usually did, for whatever reason. She saw that he had the lights on. Probably waiting for her. Here she was. This was it. She would go in there for the last time.
Cass went up to the front door, opened it and entered.
After a bunch of cheering, salutes, dancing, drinking and tearful toasts, a party that was for the ages, Cass and I had retreated to the bridal suite. That is, I had. We had taken separate cars. I had taken a detour, and so had Cass. Cass to Neil’s place and me… I don’t know. First I asked him to drive around for a bit. I had asked the driver to drive down to campus, to the football field. No one was ever there this time of night. I just needed to touch the grass and sit in the stands. I knew what was next. I knew what was going to happen. I knew I had time to spend for myself. I knew I had to spend time for myself. Because my wife was getting fucked by a big dicked asshole who wanted to steal her away from me.
While I was sitting here, looking out on the field, Neil was plowing away at Cass. Giving her so much more than I ever could. Doing things to her that I had never gotten to do. I knew Neil was bigger and better than me, and there was little I could do about that. And I knew that was why Cass was always so eager to go to him. She had been her regular self the entire wedding celebration, but as it crept towards the end, I knew she had been anxious to get back to Neil. She had practically been living with him. I knew she had talked about how dangerous the game they were playing was. I wondered if I was seeing pieces of that danger now.
And now he had her in his clutches again. She was getting wifed up by a guy I shouldn’t even have to worry about. The guy Cass warned me was a danger to us. The guy who said he’d make her forget all about me. On my own wedding night, Cass was somewhere out there getting fucked by another guy.
She was my bride, but Neil had first rights. Cass had said he deserved it. It hurt, especially when I knew it wasn’t true, and Cass didn’t believe it either. She just said that to demean me. Still, time and time again Cass had made it obvious which man she preferred inside her. If not by her words and how she acted around me, then by what she did when she wasn’t around me. It turned me on, and it turned her on. But it still hurt. Thinking how Cass had more or less neglected the bulk of her duties preparing the wedding. How she had gotten told off at work. How I had been working double at work all the while Cass was out having the best sex she could imagine, with a guy we both knew the intentions of. She had never said it, but by how Neil made her stay over more and more and for longer periods of time, it was obvious.
I made my way back to the car and the driver got me to the hotel and in the end, I entered the bridal suite. Empty. Alone. I just hope Cass wasn’t reckless. God. The thought of raising Neil’s kids… It made me sick. Was that why she had been late to the reception? Was she getting fucked? Did she have to fix her makeup after Neil had bricked all over her face? And inside her? Had I tasted her freshly dick ridden lips at the aisle?
I felt a small tinge in my left arm. I tried to wave it off, but it spread to the center of my chest. It was like a knot. A tightness. I shook it off. I had to stop thinking these negative thoughts, despite how hard it was, being here in the bridal suite all alone.
I was pacing back and forth. The day had been the best day of my life. Truly. Nothing came close. I hadn’t seen Cass in so long, and there had been dark moments where I had doubted what we had, if Neil was currently winning. But as I held her on the dance floor, as I kissed her, I trusted us. Yet, now the walls were closing in. Now I was anxious again. Dread was washing through me as I took a seat on the king sized bed, resting my head in my hands.
Then it returned. The thoughts of how Cass had been dating Neil. Yeah, sure, that was fun and exciting, but she had taken it way too far. I had pushed this fantasy onto Cass. And I was starting to think that it was a mistake. A horrible mistake. Was them dating a step too far? Maybe Cass wasn’t coming back? Would she really do that? For Neil? Who knew what they had been planning when they lived together. Maybe this was another venomous ploy. Maybe she was now getting brutally sodomized with such skill she saw no need to come back to her husband? Was Neil actually stealing her away? Was Neil right now thrusting Cass away from me, whispering devious words, turning her on with even more debauchery? Was Neil so good that he’d claim Cass as his own, even on her wedding night?
Who knew what they had been planning while they’d been together? Was it truly all just a scheme? Just to add to the fantasy. Not fantasy. To add to their debauched, very real, behavior.
It felt like the walls were closing in even faster as I started to think I had been played as a pawn in their dirty games. It felt like my world was falling apart. The room was even spinning. I was sweating. My pulse was increasing and soon my heart was pounding in my chest.
I clenched my fists. I was drenched in cold sweats. The tightness in my chest returned. I tried to shake it off again. But my left arm felt numb and awfully heavy. I was hyperventilating as the numbness spread. Maybe… I should sit down. I felt my knees buckle, but everything faded to black before I hit the ground.
Fluorescent light. Who thought to put fluorescent light right above where your head would be? I squinted as I opened my eyes. So fucking bright. I moved my eyes away from the blaring whiteness. Where was I? My eyes still hurt, but as they adjusted to the room, I realized I was at a hospital. In a hospital bed.
“Ugh, what the fuck?” I muttered, shielding my eyes a bit.
I heard shuffling from somewhere to my left, and then I felt more tightness around my chest. Not like before. No, nothing like before. Way better. I looked down and saw the back of Cass’ head as she held me with a grip strength I had no idea she had.
“Wh-what happened?” I asked, wrapping my arm around her.
“Takotsubo cardiomyopathy,” a voice said from the doorway.
We looked over. There stood a tall, blonde, female doctor with pretty brown eyes… wait a minute I had seen her before. Right, she was the one who fixed me up when Plumber Dan fucked up my ribs during the charity game. It was Dr. Roxane Mallow.
“Or in layman’s terms, a fake heart attack,” she said, moving over to the bed and sitting on the foot end. “And you were pretty dehydrated. Very understandable, with weddings we drink, right? But keep it calm. How are you feeling? You okay?”
“Alright, considering. I’ve never even heard of that,” I answered, fighting hard trying to maintain eye contact.
“The more you know. You should be able to get back to… the wedding celebrations whenever you feel like it,” Roxane said, giving a small wink at that last part.
She then lifted off the bed, squeezed Cass shoulder with a small reassuring smile, and headed towards the door, inspecting her clipboard. “You had a fake heart attack, but before you leave, please stop by the reception. I will write you a prescription and leave it there for you,” the doc said, giving us a final nod and then disappeared out into the corridor.
“I was so worried, you have no idea!” Cass said with a trembling voice. “When I came to the suite… I found you on the ground. I swear to God, I have never been so afraid!”
“Come on, now, you heard the doc. It’s okay,” I said, trying to cheer my wife up. Wife. I could get used to that.
“No, it wasn’t?! I wouldn’t have been there! While you were having a heart attack, I’d be… I’d be…” Cass said, before breaking off into tears and shoving her face into my chest.
“Hey, now,” I said, holding her tightly. “I am not that old, and not that out of shape. Takes more to take me out! If anything, I feel better than I have in weeks. Truly. Almost like that quote on quote ‘heart attack’ was a burst of stress that shot out of my body. I’m beat, but my head is so much better, actually. I feel like I haven’t been thinking clearly for weeks, but now I am. I’ve entered some sort of tranquility.”
“Yeah?” Cass asked meekly, clearly wondering what ‘haven’t been thinking clearly for weeks, but now I am’ meant.
“No, no… Not like that… Though, maybe we should calm down the fantasy? Jesus, you have no idea how I was wailing in my own thoughts last night,” I said, chuckling awkwardly, still stroking her back.
“It’s over,” Cass said, determined.
“What?” I asked. Was she ending it just like that, or was there something else?
“The fantasy… the adventures. It’s over. It was a fantasy, then it became reality. It became too real. And now it’s over. I have made my mind up, and nothing can change it. I’ve ended it with Neil,” Cass said, staring coldly out into the ether.
“What? Really? He didn’t coerce you when you went over? He didn’t try to convince you? What happened?” I asked.
Cass rose up and went back to her chair and sat. She sighed, closing her eyes.
“I went over to his place… but I didn’t fuck him. I couldn’t do it. Not now that we’re married. I’m your wife. And I don’t want to be shared. Not anymore. It was hot and fun while it lasted, and it helped us unlock some parts of us I don’t think we would have discovered otherwise. But it was too dangerous. All the unprotected sex, the mixed emotions… how I more or less got addicted… It wasn’t fun anymore. The pleasure was there, boy was it there, but it can’t continue.”
“If you’ve made up your mind, I won’t push it. I know I am partly to blame… being sort of enabling it, at least well into the middle of it… maybe we both are. I pushed you too far when you gave me all the reasons and warnings not to. I should’ve been in your corner more, and not thinking about it with the wrong head. So I agree. No more. And honestly, I’m sort of over it myself. A moment, I thought you were leaving me, even. It was horrible. Yeah, you could say it got a bit too heavy.”
“Neil definitely tried,” Cass muttered.
“So what if he wants to hook up again,” I started, but Cass shot in.
“Nope. It’s over. There’s no going back. It was a clean…I mean… It’s done,” Cass said with a small tremble, but still with a solid amount of determination. “But now,” Cass started. “I know Dr. Mallow wanted you to relax… but… I need you to fucking breed me in the car so fucking bad. If you don’t pump one in me as soon as possible, I feel like I’mma burst.”
I looked at her perplexed. After everything, she was still her Isaac-hungry self.
“Sure, I’m always down for a tumbling,” I said, as if she had asked me to take out the trash.
Cass wasn’t hesitating for a moment. She guided me in a wheelchair out to her Camry. I moved to jump in the passenger seat, as Cass was in better shape to drive than I was, but she grabbed my hand.
“Wrong door,” Cass said, opening and holding the rear door for me. “Fuck off inside right now. I have been waiting for this for weeks. You married a slut, and I’ll slut all over your bare cock right now. Former slut, that is.”
“What if anyone sees or hears you?” I asked hesitantly.
“Yeah? How about you roll down the window?” Cass said in her sexiest voice, motioning towards the door. “Let everyone on this rooftop parking lot know what a slut your wife is!”
I eagerly jumped in, scooting to the far side so there was room for Cass too. Cass slammed the door behind her and backed me up against the other side. She stuck her hand out and locked the door behind me, then turned and locked hers.
“No escape. I’m not letting you out of here until you’ve fucked me nice and good,” Cass whispered in my ear, moving her hand to unbuckle my pants’ belt.
“Oh, no, I’m kidnapped,” I joked, but any further protest from me was sealed shut as Cass mushed her sexy lips on mine.
Cass fumbled with the belt, and shortly after the zipper. Though the zipping seemed to get stuck for a bit. I heard a tear, and felt air around my crotch. Cass had ripped my pants in her eagerness! Jesus, she was possessed. She moved her hands to cradle my head as she climbed on top of me. Without a single second thought, Cass sunk her bare pussy on my bare cock. I groaned into her mouth as she moaned right back. So warm. So tight. Still. She squeezed my cock as if her life depended on it.
“Reclaim me,” Cass moaned, starting to grind in my lap. She gripped me so good I knew I wasn’t going to last long. It had been a while since we fucked, let alone since I’d fucked her bare.
“Make me yours! Breed this black bitch!” Cass moaned in my ear, tingling me with her warm breath. “I forgot the window… no matter,” Cass whispered in my ear, more to herself than me.
“Listen to the mouth on you,” I said, slightly out of breath, followed by a hard slap across both her cheeks. Cass bit her bottom lip, as she felt how much I loved her hot athletic body.
I then moved my hands to feel those big juicy tits of hers. After a few moments, feeling her up wasn’t enough. I sucked one of her delicious nipples into my mouth, making her arch up and squeal out.
“Like that, please. Right there, right there! Now, don’t hold back, get to it. Breed me!” Cass moaned, looking back down at me. “I want your babies!”
And with that I couldn’t hold back anymore. I came straight into her depths, shuddering and convulsing under her. Cass shoved her face into my neck to muffle her own high pitched squeal, as she came right along with me.
“Jesus… Lord’s name in vein, but fucking hell. I needed that,” Cass muttered, looking seductively at me.
“I’ll clean you up, and then you’ll bend me up against the window here and fuck the shit out of me. We got the first one out the way, but I wanna make sure you punish me good and hard. I’ve been a bad girl, daddy!” Cass said. “I need you to make this bad girl good!”
And without a second thought she climbed off me, put her knees in the seat next to me and started to lick and kiss all over my shaft. I had almost forgotten how great Cass was at this. She had only done it a few times. But now she had become such an expert. Thanks to a certain fat asshole. Cass had really discovered her sexuality in her adventures with Neil. And now I reaped what we had sown.
It wasn’t long until Cass’ breath was dampening up the car window as I pressed her up against it, panting like no tomorrow as I made her orgasm yet again. I had better stamina now, having busted once already. Thank God she had parked remotely on the rooftop, else someone would for sure have heard us, despite her teasing me about leaving the windows open. It hadn’t even taken me a full minute until she was gushing around my girth. It was such an ego boost too. I still had it. I still had what it took.
“Wrong door,” Cass panted, regaining her breath. I looked at her quizzically, as she smiled coyly back at me. “You know what I mean.”
I looked down at her ass, almost in surreality. I had been waiting for so long, yearning for it. Cass’ ass. Finally, I dropped to my knees behind her and shoved my face in between her cheeks, pressing my tongue right into her asshole immediately.
“FUCK! God! I meant… Fuck my ass… but keep going! Shit!” Cass groaned as she pressed back against me.
I didn’t need to be asked twice. I filled my hands with her ass cheeks and mashed them around my face as I drowned myself in her backdoor. If there was a heaven, this was as close as I could get to it. Soon Cass’ breath lost its rhythm and her body started to buck as I made her cum just by eating her ass out. But I didn’t stop there. I continued eating her out like this for way too long, until Cass put a hand back against my forehead, pushing me off.
“I’m too sensitive. Please. Fuck me. Beat that pussy up and fill me up!” Cass demanded.
We fucked twice more times just in the car. Cass was insatiable. When we got to the bridal suite, it was still early in the morning. Technically we could’ve got down to the breakfast in time, but Cass wanted to stay in bed, and in the shower, on the carpet, bent over the nightstand and wherever instead. And when it came time to check out and start the drive to the coast, Cass dragged me to the restroom to suck me off. We were fucking like horny teenagers again.
It was safe to say, Cass was mine again. Like she always had been, and always would be.
So it was like Cass said. A clean cut. We never heard from Neil again. However Cass had convinced him, he had not visited or contacted us once. Oddly enough, we never heard from Plumber Dan either, despite his promise of a beer one day. I joked to Cass that maybe Plumber Dan decapitated Neil after all and then took off.
“Such nonsense,” Cass had muttered, looking out the window, as we were driving our vintage Camaro towards the coast.
“Yeah, anyway. Can’t wait to see you in a bathing suit everyday,” I said, babbling on and on about how great our honeymoon was going to be.
Cass was able to announce that she was pregnant soon after our honeymoon.. And just after we got back from the Bahamas, I got a decent sized bonus for all my hard work, despite having a wedding to plan and all. So we ventured out to find ourselves a bigger house. It was much needed, as Cass was expecting twin girls!
As Cass pulled the U-haul out of the driveway, I held back. I stood in our small driveway. I had made a small walk through the small suburban home. I’d had a good time here, but I wasn’t going to miss it. Too much in these walls. These walls were too close for comfort.
I picked up my phone and called Cass, even though she had just left.
“Hey, babe. Wanna grab a cheeseburger after this?” I asked.
“For sure, babe. Though, meat… erh… I don’t know,” Cass answered. I could almost hear her squirm.
“By the way, I just remembered. Did you ever get rid of those PVC barrels?”
The end.
Author’s note:
This is the end of the road. Some may not agree with the ending, but that’s alright. Thanks for reading Cassandra’s Adventure. New stories to come.
Huge thanks to the following people for their help in various parts of the series: Grandeman, Violett, Roxy and Stubbypinhead.