Cat Fight 8 (Assassins) by pars001

“No sir, though that would be fantastic it isn’t that simple.” Mikos said quietly.

Confused a moment Bill looked at Roth, “alright just what in the hell am I missing here?”

“I believe what Colonel Mikos is trying to express, is that since he is an officer, he can’t take her as a mate. Is that about it Mikos?” Roth asked.

“Yes sir,” Mikos answered. “She is enlisted; since I wish to take her as a mate I cannot promote her. I knew that the general doesn’t usually take care of these things. I was waiting ’til I could ask you sir.”

“What in the hell kind of shit are you two talking about?” Bill asked confused now.

“It is simple rules of the military sir. An enlisted cannot nor will not engage in becoming a mate with an officer.” Roth explained.

“That’s the biggest load of crap I’ve ever heard.” Bill told both of them.

Roth sighed how could he explain it to a non military mind? “Sir it has always been this way. It has been said that at one time this was allowed a very, very long time ago. The distraction proved to be far too much pressure on the both of them. It even became so detrimental that huge numbers of officers were lost in a short time as were their mates. This rule was instated to deter that.”

“So what? You want me to make her an officer? Why didn’t you say that in the first damn place! God! This going around the long way is tiring.” Looking at both of the males before him Bill warned. “This had better be the last time. You got something to say or ask then just do it! I’ve not the time for games!”

A huge smile lit up Mikos face when Bill finished his last statement. Then he stood back when Roth gave him a look.

“Sir making her an officer is all fine and well but is she ready?” Roth asked a concerned look on his face. “You know sir you could make her the lowest officer ’til you felt she was ready for higher command responsibilities.”

Bill thought a moment then nodded toward Roth, “just what is the lowest rank of officer?” Bill asked unable to think of a rank lower than second lieutenant.

“That sir would be a Warrant Officer. It is usually reserved for higher ranking enlisted that are made officers not unlike you are making her one.” Roth said a look of relief coming to his face.

“Alright, make her this warrant officer, and then you can take her as a mate. That is if she accepts you. I know for a fact that her and your clan hasn’t mated in almost a gallant.” Bill said as he eyed Mikos for his reaction.

“Thank you sir, I am confident that she will. I have much to offer her and her clan. I don’t foresee a problem.” Mikos replied.

Both Roth and Bill shook their heads, god! They had both forgotten the confidence and stupidity of youth! “I really hope that she sees it your way Mikos I really do. Rejection is something I don’t think you have had very often.”

Mikos could only stare at both of the males as they all made their way to central. Snapping out his com Bill called ahead. Bill was even more surprised when he saw it was Theta that answered.

“Hello sir. We have been awaiting the all clear.” She stated, Bill could see that she looked tired almost as tired as Mikos did. They both had obviously been putting in a lot of totons to secure central.

“You have the all clear for now. We will be returning within a few moments. I am appreciative of all the work that you and the Colonel have been doing.” Bill told her trying to gauge her reaction through her tired expression.

“Oh good! Finally he can do far more than he was able to. Thank you sir, with him as a Colonel now things should get only better here.” Theta told him.

“I’m glad that you feel that way I also feel that he and you are both doing all that needs to be done to secure command. I am glad that I have personnel such as you two, warrant officer Theta. Keep up the good work!” Bill finished as they had entered command and was now in the room with her.

Turning, her mouth hanging open what happened next caught her even more off guard. Mikos walked up to her and took her paw, “Theta Panadon, I claim you as my second mate, to bond our clans together.”

Theta tried to speak but nothing was coming out. She was an officer? Mikos was claiming her? It was too much! Turning to Bill she started to thank him but only managed to get out, “Sir I than…” The strain of working as long as she had, and the lack of sleep and now all of this hit her at once. Then the world was spinning as she felt Mikos arms go around her as everything went black.


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